Human By Day, Zeta By Night

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Human By Day, Zeta By Night Page 25

by Judy Carroll

  “No, never been out of Queensland. But someday I’d love to travel to the four corners of Planet Earth and beyond,” I grinned. For just a fleeting second a strange expression passed across Kaz’s face. She leaned forward with a slight frown, and seemed to be peering through rather than at me.

  “What? What’s wrong?” I asked. “Have I got some chocolate on my nose?”

  “Umm, no, no!’ Kaz answered, looking a bit flustered. “No Ali, it’s nothing — just something I suddenly remembered. Hey, about that flamenco dancing you mentioned before, do you still do it? I’ve never met a flamenco dancer, but I love watching it. Can you play castanets?”

  “Oh, yes, I learned when I was very young. But no, I don’t dance any more now, at least not in public.”

  “Gee, that’s a shame! But what do you do for a living? Do you have kids? I used to work for the government, but I’m a full-time mom now, and proud of it.” she added.

  “Good for you, Kaz — if more were like you, the world’d be a better place I reckon. No, I don’t have children — in fact I’ve never married. Unofficially I keep house at the presbytery, cleaning up after that messy brother of mine whose whole purpose in life seems to be dropping things from one end of the house to the other, forgetting to pick them up and then swearing when he can’t find them. Would you believe he misplaced a whole set of Mass vestments a couple of weeks ago? Officially I teach Reiki and Tai Chi for a living.”

  Kaz’s eyes lit up with interest. “Hey, wow! You teach Tai Chi! I took up Yoga a year or so ago, but needed three days to untangle myself after every class, so in the end gave it up. Would you believe I once managed to get my big toe caught in my own ear? And another time I lost my balance trying to do a shoulder stand and landed on top of the instructor, breaking her left thumb in the process.

  “Say, Ali,” she went on brightly, “where do you hold your classes? I wouldn’t mind coming along and having a go. Hope they’re close by because I hate driving, being a bit short-sighted and all. You do things with swords in Tai Chi, don’t you? Do you use real ones? That’d be great fun!”

  “Well, um, actually Kaz, my classes are miles away — over on the other side of town, in fact, involving a horrendous drive along an eight-lane freeway.”

  Suddenly Kaz was leaning forward giving me that same strange look again, but now a quiver of profound amusement played around the corners of her mouth, and large, innocent-looking blue eyes turned momentarily into huge black ones, glinting with mischief: “Bullshit Alarca!” she telepathed at me. “You hate driving as much as I do.”

  My coffee cup clattered back into its saucer as I very nearly dropped it: “Ashka — it’s you! You sneaky devil! No wonder I felt I knew you from somewhere! When the hell did you recognize me? Why didn’t you say something earlier instead of letting me go on and on?”

  “Come on, Alarca;’ she chuckled, “that wouldn’t have been fun! And if a poor, lonely little gray space person can’t have their bit of innocent fun down here in human form, life wouldn’t be worth living. And oh, dear, the look on your face when I threatened to join your Tai Chi class after telling you how accident-prone I am! Oh ho, what havoc I could cause!

  “But honestly,” she went on, ‘I didn’t recognize you either until we both commented on how we felt we knew each other from somewhere — then you said something about ‘Planet Earth,’ which is a bit of an unusual turn of phrase down here. That’s when it suddenly fell into place and I remembered our discussion the other night up on the disc. And it’s just amazing how so-called coincidences work! I’d been thinking about this for a while, of trying to find your Earth human form, and then seemingly out of the blue we were forced to come up here to relocate in Queensland, and then we ‘just happened’ to find a suitable house in this area, so close to where you live as it turns out. I wonder who had a hand in it — my Teacher, Anarkis, or your Teacher, Maris.”

  “Ah, both of them for sure! After all,” I pointed out, “they are really all one anyway. It’s just that you link into one aspect, one facet, and I link in to another. But Ashka, it’s so good that we’ve found each other like this. Now that you mention it, I do recall our discussion the other night on trying to find each other, but my limited human brain wasn’t able to retain it. Maybe now with both of us getting together down here it’ll be easier. After all, as they say, two heads are better than one. But Ashka,” I went on, “are you certain you didn’t know all about this and plan it beforehand? Are you sure you didn’t knock those tins of baked beans over on purpose to get my attention so we’d connect?”

  “Oh, come on, Alarca — you know me! Course I didn’t! I was just walking along quietly, minding my own business, when they sort of jumped out in front of me. You know what it’s like, the way weird things happen to us down here. It must be something about our energy fields. That’s why we really need each other, for protection as well as for support.”

  “Absolutely, Ashka! I couldn’t agree more!”


  Chapter 28 Star Children

  “Oh, no!” came Paco’s heartfelt response when I told him of my encounter with the Earthly aspect of my friend Ashka. “You’re joking — please tell me you’re joking!”

  “Why, what do you mean? What’s the problem?”

  “Look, Ali Cat, you are my favorite, my one and only, my dearly beloved little sister, but ‘one and only’ is the key here. What I’m trying to say in as polite a way as possible is that one little gray space person around the place is enough! I can’t take two of you — it doesn’t even bear thinking about! Anyway, which one is Ashka? I know you’ve told me before, but truly, all you Greys do look exactly alike, and I know the name, but putting a distinctive face to it is beyond me.”

  “Honestly, Paco.” I gave him a withering look. “You are hopeless! Ashka was the one piloting the disc with me when it crashed. That’s why she hates driving too — the trauma has carried over for both of us from that past life. Mind you, now that she’s in a human body, her eyesight’s not real good, so that doesn’t help the situation.”

  Paco shook his head in puzzlement. “Now that’s really weird! How come we hear all about those so-called Star Children who’ve been born on Earth since the 1980s — the ones who are supposed to be carrying ET genetics in their makeup? They are said to have unusually high IQ levels and to possess abilities way beyond average humans, but you and Ashka, who are ETs here in human form, both have problems.

  “Now don’t get me wrong,” he put in quickly as I opened my mouth to protest, “I’m not saying you’re dumb exactly — in fact you’re quite smart when you choose to apply yourself, but you aren’t a genius by any means, and I doubt Ashka is either in her Earthling form. You are very intuitive, and certainly possess understanding beyond that of the average human, but at the same time, Ashka has physical problems with eyesight and you with hearing, so neither of you are ‘super’ humans by any stretch of the imagination. So what is all this about special abilities and genius IQ?”

  “You know what, Paco? That’s what I really like about you — you are so complimentary at times, but for a start, we aren’t quite what are known these days as Star Children. Star Children are a newly developed, upgraded generation born since the 1980s, who will form the basis of a more highly evolved human species which will inhabit this planet in the future. All Earth humans carry ET genetics in their physical makeup, otherwise they’d still be swinging through the trees by their tails, but the Star Children carry more, hence the special abilities that some of them are able to express on the physical, conscious level.”

  “But what about you and Ashka? Now I’m really confused. Aren’t you ETs? So why can’t you do all that stuff?”

  “Because we’re not in upgraded physical Earth human containers, that’s why. We were both born into the older-style Earth bodies. In other words, we simply don’t have the memory capacity built into our ‘hard-drive.’”

  “But surely with the technology your people have at their
disposal something could have been worked out to provide you with special abilities, especially since you were coming here to do a job.”

  “Well, maybe, but we chose not to.”

  “But why? Surely having miraculous abilities, or being a genius by Earth human standards would be an advantage.”

  “Come off it, Paco — you’ve got to be kidding! It was hard enough for ones like us as children. I wouldn’t have wanted to be any more ‘different.’ If you really want to know, we had three good reasons for choosing birth into ordinary, two-strand DNA human containers. Firstly, we wanted to experience first-hand what it’s like to be limited to such a physical, biological body. In this way we can understand more clearly where assistance is needed in the process of Earth human evolution.

  “Secondly, as I said on a purely personal level, both of us decided it would be just too hard to bring advanced ET abilities down into a physical, Earth human form. As Guardians, we have access to a very large amount of knowledge and vastly expanded consciousness, which would not be easy to express through the limited sensory system of an Earth body. The human emotions just wouldn’t cope.

  “To have to live with that level of conscious awareness 24 hours a day, seven days a week, on a level-one planet such as Earth would be almost impossible Also, as Guardians living down here in human form, we have to protect ourselves from the astral influences permeating such a planet, because they too are almost impossible for us to cope with. When we take up residence here it’s rather like a deep-sea diver having to encase themselves in a heavy suit for protection. It may cut them off from direct interaction with the subtleties of the environment, but they cannot survive without it.

  “The third and main reason is that we simply don’t want to draw attention to ourselves. We don’t want electrical appliances and light bulbs blowing around us all the time, or shop-security sensors going off every darned time we walk into the local supermarket. And we especially don’t want to become famous as ‘miracle workers’ or ‘incredible psychics or healers,’ or for people to know who and what we are, because this only causes problems in the end. Such personalities inevitably end up with a cult following and no privacy to get on with the job they’re here to do.

  “But, that’s my point — they have a following.”

  “Okay, maybe a few such people are necessary down here, because Earthlings always seem to need ‘miracles’ and ‘proof’ if they are to ever acknowledge any sort of reality beyond their own limited three-dimensional outlook, but really and truly, the last thing this planet needs is more cults, followings and religions, so ETs down here in human form displaying superhuman talents are the exception rather than the rule.

  “Most of us just want to live ordinary, everyday lives, doing our little bit here and there quietly behind the scenes. We want to get on with the job we’re here to do, part of which involves assisting the new generation, the so-called Star Children, to cope with life in the still-harsh environment that will persist on Earth until such time as the planet herself steps upward to the next evolutionary level.

  “This new Earth human species will be better adapted to the level-two frequency band that Earth is now moving in to, because more DNA is in the process of being activated, which means they can easily and consciously tap into fourth- and even fifth-dimensional awareness. In other words, they have an enhanced and expanded level of conscious awareness, hence in some cases extremely high IQ and seemingly special abilities.”

  “Hang on, what do you mean ‘in some cases’? Aren’t they all like that? From what I understand, that is what parents of potential Star Kids are advised to look out for — high IQ and special abilities.”

  “Yes, well, some of them have these qualities, but if that is all parents know to look for, then unfortunately quite a few will fall through the net, so to speak, and not receive the proper assistance, guidance and understanding that these special children need. These attributes are part of the picture, but they are not the main criteria that differentiate a Star Child from other human children.

  “The main thing that needs to be taken into consideration and looked out for is their nature, which is totally nonviolent. A true Star Child cannot stand violence in any shape or form, whether it is bullying at school or at home, or being exposed to violence through videos, movies, books or whatever. Because of their extreme sensitivity, they may actually have problems in the school environment and seem slow academically. It can also manifest as health issues such as auditory processing problems and difficulties in coping with life in general. Some end up going right into themselves, hiding away, being a ‘loner.’ Many of them dread the school lunch hour with the screaming, yelling ‘rough house’ behavior of other children around them.

  Paco looked thoughtful. “I think there are some of these ones at the high school. They are really struggling. I could try to make contact with them.”

  “Maybe you could channel them into some new interests. They’re often not into playing sports because of the roughness and competition, but anything to do with rhythm such as dance or music attracts them, as does nature, so they often have an unusual rapport with animals and plants. They have an inner wisdom that expresses itself through incredibly deep and knowing statements that they will sometimes come out with to the amazement of those around them, and they’re also into poetry. Star Children will not usually vent their anger and frustration with life by hitting or hurting somebody or by smashing a shop window with a brick — they will write poetry instead.

  “This is what Star Children are all about — extreme sensitivity, deep spirituality and total nonviolence. This new generation will put an end to the wars that have plagued this planet for so long, which in turn will allow further evolution to take place.”

  “So what you’re saying is that Earth humans cannot move up to the next evolutionary level until they cease fighting and begin living in peace and harmony with each other.”

  “Exactly! And until this happens it’s unlikely that any ET group will make open contact. It’s simply too dangerous. This is why we’re coming in the ‘back door,’ working on the subconscious level to help humans move past the deep-seated fear within their psyche which creates the need for war and conflict.”

  “Okay, that all makes sense, but what about ones like you and Ashka, who are down here in physical human form? Where do you fit in to all of this?”

  “Well, we’re a bit different from the Star Children in that we belong to a group of ET and interdimensional helpers known as Star Seeds who’ve been incarnating here on Earth in human form since the 1950s to help anchor the higher-frequency energy that is initiating the evolutionary process. The Star Children are an intrinsic part of this. Crop Circles also anchor this higher energy, as well as being a means of communication.

  “You could think of us as ‘Gardeners of the Earth’ since we are seeding, tending and nurturing this newly developed species of Earth human to ‘take root,’ as it were. We are here as guides, mentors, teachers, comforters and in some cases parents to them. Our first task here many, many millennia ago was to develop the species known as Homo sapiens; our next assignment resulted in Homo sapiens sapiens; now we are here to take Earth humans up to the next evolutionary level.

  Paco’s eyes widened in shock. “Are you saying you’ve been playing God?”

  “Oh no, Paco — only assisting God!” I hastily reassured him, “we had great plans all those years ago when we received the go-ahead from higher universal realms to start re-connecting once again with the Earth human species in order to assist them up another rung on the evolutionary ladder. We knew we had 70-odd years of Earth time in which to carry out our appointed mission before the planet was due to step up to the next dimensional frequency, so we weren’t too worried, but looking in retrospect, I realize now how näive we were.”

  “Why, how do you mean?” he frowned.

  “Well, we’d run a few reconnaissance missions over the years, especially during that big war that was going on in
the 1930s and ’40s, just to see what we were up against with the Controllers, and also with the military forces of course. After all, it’s the defense forces of a planet that have to be taken into consideration before open, physical contact is ever attempted, and we originally planned for that first contact to be physical.

  “Even fewer adult Earthlings had senses that could perceive much beyond the third dimension back then, so we knew we would have to adapt to the situation by presenting ourselves in physical containers if we were to make face-to-face contact with the authorities of this planet. We made a number of reconnaissance flights to check things out, with the intention of trying to make open contact once everything settled down after the war, but then more problems arose.”

  “Do you mean those foo fighters of World War II?” he was getting excited now seeing history told from the other side.

  “Yes and various other appearances at that time.”

  “What else held you back?”

  “A major difficulty was the so-called cold war that continued on Earth after the end of the World War II. This served to make those governments and defense forces involved extremely nervous about anything out of the ordinary that happened to appear in the skies above their respective countries, and our discs certainly fell into this category.

  “We had originally planned to begin with a friendly cultural exchange, as we have with many other humanoid species throughout the lower galactic levels of the universe. The problem with Earth humans is, although we’d been monitoring them for some time, we hadn’t fully realized how fearful and therefore how dangerous they can be to deal with, and how much influence the Controllers still have on this planet.


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