Human By Day, Zeta By Night

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Human By Day, Zeta By Night Page 34

by Judy Carroll

  “And were you given any specific advice to help him deal with his terrors?” Maddie wanted to know.

  “Yes, as a matter of fact, I was. One morning I woke with the idea of getting him to try to draw his dreams, or at least what he could remember of them, to enable him to more easily bring things up to the surface where I could help him deal with them. I also started encouraging him to talk to me about the dreams, and I made it clear that I considered what he was going through to be valid and important. I stopped trying to make him brush his experiences away as ‘nothing but silly dreams.’ When he was in the trance-state I would just keep talking quietly, reassuring him that I was there to help him through and that he was not alone. And always I reminded him to remember the love — and that the love would keep him safe.

  “One thing that I can’t stress enough, Maddie, is to always take your child’s word seriously. Whether what they’re experiencing really is ET contact or just a dream doesn’t matter. There are deeper messages there for both of you, and you must listen. By working quietly and calmly with Ben in this way, more and more often he was able to describe to me what was happening during the trance, and what aspect was frightening him. I would then suggest things for him to do to allay the fear and to make the situation less scary. I explained to him that when he’s in the dream state he has special, magical abilities and can easily change something scary into something funny or nice.

  “For example, if he sees a monster that frightens him, he can use his imagination to dress it up in a frilly pink party frock and wobbly high-heeled shoes. Or if he’s on the edge of a high cliff and feels he’s going to fall, he can magically grow wings and fly to safety. Also I keep reminding him to trust in himself, that love is his special, magical power, and love will conquer all.

  “Over time it’s become very clear to me that these ‘dreams’ are meant to give Ben a deeper understanding of himself, and it’s my role as his mother to help him do this, which in turn has empowered and connected me even more with myself. In fact I’ve come to realize that in many ways Ben is my teacher, here to make me look at my inner self.

  “And you know what, Maddie?” she went on, “This is precisely what ET contact and soul evolution is all about—self-empowerment through connecting back to the God within. When you fight against the contact experience, you are really fighting against your own connectedness. Just learning to let go and trust in the face of a force of such magnitude, mystery and power as ET contact is the key — it’s an ultimate act of surrender, faith and trust in the love of God and the intrinsic goodness of your own self. In return you receive so much in the way of personal growth.”

  “Well,” Maddie answered, “I must admit that Kate, and in fact none of us, has ever been actually hurt or threatened by these visitors, and all of you seem none the worst for your experiences. Actually, I sense an enormous strength in you. So what advice would you give to Kate when that being appears in her room? Should she just stay there, or what? What if she feels something touching her on the foot, as happened to my husband? Are you absolutely sure it won’t hurt her?”

  “What Kate needs to do,” I replied, “is try to stay calm and talk to the being, but not using physical speech, because he may not be able to hear that. She needs to talk to him with her mind, to ask him his name and why he’s there — in other words, to communicate. As for the visitors touching her on the foot, what they’re really doing is giving her healing, and to do this, they need to work on the energy system of the body, for which the feet are focal points. After all, this is how reflexology works, through the feet.

  “If Kate is just too scared to do this on her own, when her visitor returns next time and she runs to you for help, the pair of you should go back into her room. Maybe with you there beside her she’ll feel a little more confident to try to meet him halfway.

  “The other thing is, once all of you start relaxing and not fighting the contact, other things will calm down as well, such as the noises and electrical disturbances. These are often caused by the combination of your fears and emotions being externalized, plus the frustration of the visitors who are trying their hardest to get through to you and to get you to acknowledge them. Once you establish communication, things should settle down. This is why some people go through quite dramatic experiences during ET contact, while for others it all flows fairly smoothly and calmly. The key to the whole thing is communication. Kate must try to establish communication.”

  “Okay, then,” Maddie agreed, “it’s certainly worth a try, but I still don’t understand, why us? What makes us different? Why are we going through this and others are not?”

  “In actual fact,” I answered, “lots of people on Earth are going through this process at the moment, so you’re not alone by any means. The thing is,” I went on, “many aren’t consciously aware that it’s happening. Some are able to remember, others cannot. Everyone is a unique individual, so each contact experience is ‘tailored’ to the very personal soul needs of the individual involved.

  “As the psychologists tell us, we only use about 10% of our full brain capacity, so much is going on at deeper levels of our psyche of which we aren’t consciously aware, which is generally the case for many experiencers of ET contact. But those who are going through it are generally older souls who are preparing to move up to the next evolutionary level.”

  “But, Ali,” Maddie persisted, “this is what I still don’t understand: You talk about ‘older souls,’ but my daughter and Kaz’s son are only children. Why are they being frightened out of their wits by these experiences?”

  “Maddie,” I answered, “this is why it’s so important to understand reincarnation. Every person who’s undergoing ET contact, whether they’re in the physical body of a child or an adult, is, on the spiritual level, an older and more mature soul preparing to step up to a higher vibrational frequency. Of course, when we’re reborn into another physical life, we must come in as a newborn and grow through childhood, but this is only on the physical level. On the soul level, we may be very old and mature, and this is the level of our being that chooses contact.

  “The contact experience is a preparation we‘re going through voluntarily because our soul is ready and eager to evolve to higher levels,” I went on to explain. “Soul growth and evolution is not an easy process, because it involves cleansing, purging and refining self at very deep levels. It could be compared to the rough and harsh process an uncut diamond or other gem stone must be subjected to in order to polish and refine it to a state of brilliant and sparkling beauty. The Greys are the ‘professional gem-cutters and polishers’ of the universe, whose special job is to do this.

  “We simply cannot evolve to a higher vibrational frequency until we’ve managed to cleanse away all the dross, fear and excess baggage we’ve taken on board from the past. This all has to be purged from our psyche before we can step up to a higher frequency band. Once we’ve passed through the ‘cleansing fires of purgatory’ — our own fear barrier — we will then find heaven/love waiting for us on the other side.

  “A very large part of this cleansing process involves letting go of the fear and suspicion of anyone who is ‘different,’ and not a member of our own ‘herd,’ or ‘clan.’ We simply cannot evolve to higher levels until we can learn to accept unconditionally all other beings as part of Oneness — of God. This total acceptance and respect of others is what returning to Oneness is all about — in other words, being ‘at one’ with all life. And for goodness sake, so many people on Earth can’t even accept others of their own species who are different from themselves!

  “The healing process begins as soon as we can feel comfortable with the idea of reincarnation, because the key here is total acceptance of the fact that we’ve lived many different lives in other countries, born into many different nationalities, religions and cultures other than the one we are presently a part of. We have even lived on other worlds. It’s only then that we’re truly able to experience empathy, and to look at other
s who are different from ourselves through eyes of love, understanding and acceptance rather than through eyes of prejudice, or at least separateness. To acknowledge the concept of reincarnation really is an acknowledgement of Oneness.”

  Poor Maddie sat for a few moments looking rather stunned, trying hard to take all this in. Then she turned to Paco, almost as if she were reaching for a lifeline. “Father Lopez, what do you have to say about all this? I’ve always accepted the Church’s teachings without question, but what about this reincarnation? I’ve never really thought about it, but I do know it’s not part of Church doctrine. So what am I to believe? What do you believe? Is the Church right or wrong? Give me some guidance on all of this, please!”

  “Well, Maddie,” Paco replied thoughtfully, “as a priest I have to uphold Church doctrine, so, of course, I believe in all the traditional teachings, but at the same time, having had contact with the ET visitors over many years, I’ve learned many other things, and I have been given different sorts of teachings on subjects that never even came up during my seminary training. As to whether I believe in reincarnation or not, all I can say is, although the modern Church doesn’t acknowledge it as doctrine, I do believe it was accepted by early Christians, so Jesus himself may very well have taught it. Also, there are many millions of perfectly good, decent, spiritual people the world over who accept it as an intrinsic part of their belief system, so in actual fact there are more who do believe in it than there are ones who don’t.

  “However, to my way of thinking, and this is just my own personal opinion, what we choose to believe or not believe really isn’t the main issue here. What is important is how well we are living our present life, right now. For example, are we treating others as we would like to be treated ourselves? Are we honest enough with ourselves to look within and acknowledge the faults, then do our very best to correct them? Are we showing compassion, kindness, respect and tolerance towards all others regardless of their race, religion and culture or current predicament? Whether we come to these understandings through what we perceive as ‘past lives,’ or through some other way of thinking doesn’t really matter. The main thing is that we conduct our life in as spiritual and loving a way as we possibly can, and put this unconditional love into practice on a daily basis.

  “And really, Maddie,” he continued, “when you think about it, this is exactly what Kaz and Ali have been saying about the ET contact experience and how it’s designed to make us look deeply within self in order to bring our fears and insecurities to the surface so they can be dealt with. If you take those spiritual qualities like compassion, kindness, respect and acceptance, and look at the opposite side of the picture, you get coldness, cruelty, disrespect and rejection. Now these negative thought patterns all stem from fear and insecurity, so therefore, if that can be addressed, as the ET visitors are trying to help us do, then surely only good can come of it.

  “I’ve received some absolutely fascinating teachings from these visitors,” he went on to explain, “and it’s truly amazing how much they parallel many of the traditional teachings of Christianity. In fact I believe that my understanding of Christ’s teachings has only been enhanced and confirmed more deeply through my association with the ETs. Sure, our interpretation from the human point of view may be a little different, because we do tend to externalize things rather than looking within our own selves, but the basic concepts are the same.”

  “What do you mean, Father? This is something I need to know, because that’s the thing that really frightens me with this ‘contact.’ I’m absolutely terrified that they’re demons or devils or something horrible like that, and that they’re trying to possess my daughter. I mean to say, they have to either be sent from God or from the Devil, and I want to know which. I really need some guidance and reassurance on this point!”

  “Well, Maddie,” Paco answered, “I can assure you that the ET visitors are not devils or demons, and they’re not trying to possess anybody. Your view is typical of the polarity of our human concepts — we look at things as either good or bad, black or white. In all the associations I’ve had with them I’ve never seen any evidence of anything of that nature. Yes, they can be very frightening, and the experience of contact can seem unpleasant, but their underlying motives are totally positive, and what they’re doing is for our own good. After all, visiting a doctor or dentist can be downright unpleasant or sometimes terrifying, but we understand it. Once we understand something, it’s not as scary — no matter what it is.

  “A good example of the parallels between ET concepts and Church doctrine is what Ali was saying before in regard to the ET-encounter experience being like the Church’s teaching on purgatory. As I’m sure you know, to purge simply means to cleanse, and that is exactly what the seemingly negative aspect of ET contact is all about. And as the Church says, once our soul has passed through the cleansing fires of purgatory, which in ET contact is the experience of being brought up against and pushed through the fear barrier, we will find heaven — in other words love and oneness — on the other side. I know that we as humans do tend to think of heaven, hell and purgatory as being somewhere ‘out there’ that we’ll go to at the time of death, whereas the ETs tell us that they are actually states of being within our own self right now. I personally find no great contradictions here, and, in fact, I feel that the two viewpoints balance out quite well.

  “Ali,” he said, turning to me, “what did you say just the other day about the ETs’ interpretation of hell? That fits in here too, doesn’t it?”

  “Oh, yes, for sure! Taking the explanation of purgatory a bit further, as you know Maddie, according to Church doctrine purgatory is only a transient state of suffering that the soul passes through after death, which has the effect of cleansing or clearing away all sin so that the soul is purified enough to be able to enter heaven. Hell on the other hand is a more permanent state of suffering which, according to human interpretation, goes on for eternity.

  “Now I personally do not believe that any soul could be condemned to suffer for eternity. That just doesn’t make sense, because soul evolution is not a static process. But on the other hand, looking from the perspective of higher beings such as many of the ET cultures, life on a low-frequency planet like Earth is considered to be ‘hell,’ and yet many people here would give anything to stay alive forever, and take every available means to avoid death. So really, there are some who are happy to remain in ‘hell’ for eternity.

  “And to expand on that in the context of deeper interpretations, my feeling is that by choosing not to take part in the contact experience or refusing to look within to evolve, and as a result being stuck down here in the low-frequency energy of Earth for the duration of yet another evolutionary cycle of God knows how many millennia, would certainly be the equivalent to condemnation in hell for eternity.

  “Don’t get me wrong — I’m not saying that life here is all suffering, because for many of us it’s not. What I am saying is that having spent so much time with the Guardians, I’ve been able to experience an older and more evolved culture in operation. With them there’s total oneness, acceptance, understanding and unconditional love, whereas here there’s so much separation and divisiveness, and people can be so judgmental and focused on differences rather than on similarities.

  “All I know is that when my time comes I’ll be more than happy to move onwards and upwards to something better. I definitely would not want to spend eternity down here on Earth with all the ongoing wars and other negative, fear-oriented happenings. That just doesn’t bear thinking about!”

  “Here, here!” Kaz agreed. “You are not wrong there! But you know what the trick is down here to maintain your sanity? You have to always keep things simple and learn to appreciate the ‘magic moments,’ like taking time to look at a beautiful sunset, or sharing a nice meal with your family at the end of the day, or feeling a little child’s arms around your neck, giving you a big hug. And then there’s the comfort of a warm, soft, cuddly cat asl
eep on your lap, or the look of pure and total unconditional love in the eyes of your pet dog! I could go on and on — like being curled up in a comfortable chair with a good book and a whole block of chocolate all to yourself, or the aroma of freshly brewed coffee — ahhh! Speaking of which, would you like me to brew up another pot Maddie?”


  Chapter 36 Kids on Board

  Concentrating hard, I probed the interior of the disc with my mind, knowing my charge couldn’t be too far away. Being an interdimensional portal, the Mothership contains endless places into which a small boy bent on adventure can potentially disappear. However, in Ben’s case he couldn’t get into too much trouble as he’s not yet been fitted with the necessary implants to allow him much scope in the way of interdimensional travel.

  Kaz’s young son is my student, and has been right from the time he was old enough to be brought on board. Like Kaz and me, he’s a Guardian who has chosen birth into an Earth human container to provide assistance in the future for the new generation of Earth humans that our people are currently in the process of developing.

  Between major pollution, overpopulation, diseases such as AIDS and deadly new strains of influenza, as well as the continuing possibility of nuclear war, this species is now teetering on the very brink of destroying itself. Another stronger and more resilient upgrade has had to be developed, and quickly, if Earth humans are to remain viable. Kaz’s son Ben, like his mother and me, are ones who’ve chosen lives here in order to pave the way for this new generation on Earth. As a member of our own soul group, the Guardian Consciousness, he has volunteered to take on Earth human form to help out in the project. Many varied inter-planetary and interdimensional groups are taking part in this, and, in fact, it’s a joint effort on a truly universal scale.


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