Human By Day, Zeta By Night

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Human By Day, Zeta By Night Page 37

by Judy Carroll

  Finally a telepathic call from Garnibis brought us all back to the grassy bank where, along with a couple of the Naiads who’d decided to join us, we made ourselves comfortable to await her words of wisdom. Naiads are well known for their irrepressible sense of fun and penchant for restlessness and devilry, but such was the respect that everyone felt for Garnibis, even they sat quietly, waiting patiently for her to begin.

  “Now children, gather close to me and settle yourselves for a teaching on Soul. This is important for all to understand, because in the greater reality every single one of us is a soul — an intrinsic part of Oneness. It matters not what form we happen to be taking in any one lifespan — it may be Zeta, or it may be Earth human, Pleiadian, Sirian, or else it may be that of a Naiad,” here she paused to acknowledge the two water nymphs in our midst, “or any of the other sentient beings who inhabit the infinite planes and dimensions that are part of our universe. Remember, we are all one, and the unifying energy of Oneness is soul.

  “Sitting here on the bank of this little stream, watching it wending its way around the many various obstacles in its path like rocks and fallen branches, reminds me of a teaching I received when I was a little one just like yourselves. The progress made by a soul through its many incarnations is like the course of a mighty river in the journey from its source high in the mountains to its final merging with the waters of the ocean.

  “Sometimes its way is easy, through pleasant fields and cool forests, while at other times it is made difficult by rocks and boulders that interrupt the smoothness of its flow. In some places a dam may be built to block its progress, but eventually it will overflow or else break down the barrier and continue upon its journey unimpeded. Both soul and river must be adaptable, allowing their course to change sometimes — to make their way around obstacles and hindrances barring their path.

  “Just as a river contributes part of itself to the area through which it passes by watering and irrigating the otherwise barren fields along its banks, so a soul must also give of itself, not draining itself completely, but contributing its share of refreshment and nourishment to those around it. Like the river that travels for many miles through different towns and cities along its course from source to sea, a soul must travel through many different lives in various lands and cultures in its journey back to Oneness.

  “By looking at the river one can begin to understand the physical illusion of time — of past, present and future. A single drop of water in the river must be at a certain point at a specific time, just as part of the soul’s awareness places itself in a certain portion of time and space. But remember, that tiny drop of water is not the whole river — it is just a very small part of it. If you observe the river or the soul as a whole, which you must if you are to gain a full perception of reality, then you will see that it is in all places at once, always in the present, concerned with neither past nor future.

  “Like a river which can be polluted and made unclean by the area through which it passes, so a soul may be adversely affected and brought down by the environment surrounding it. On the other hand, as with the streams of clean, fresh water which continually feed and purify the river, a soul must open itself to receive the fresh and purifying streams of knowledge and wisdom which are all around, ready to be taken in, stored, and used for its growth and evolution.

  “At its first emerging from the Source, which is God, a soul may be likened to the tiny trickle of a pure mountain spring in its innocence and simplicity. As it progresses through lifetimes and cycles of learning upon many diverse levels of universal existence, it takes on more and more strength and substance, with layers of knowledge, experience and conscious awareness building up around and within it until it is strong and certain in its course, like a mighty river.

  “Through all of these varying life experiences and facets of learning it is moving ever onward, sometimes slowly, sometimes quickly, sometimes encountering obstacles in its path which, by slowing its progress, only serve to make it stronger. Other times it moves easily along with its way clear. On occasions, just like the changing course of a meandering river, it will seem to be going backwards, but in reality it is still progressing in its own way, in its own time, to eventually merge back into and become an intrinsic part of the Oneness of Divine Consciousness, just as a river merges into and becomes part of the great ocean.”

  As Garnibis finished speaking, the Naiads began wriggling around a bit, anxious to return to their own watery environment. In fact it was quite surprising that they’d managed to stay well behaved and quiet in one place for so long. I thought of the time several of them found their way through an interdimensional portal and onto the disc. After they’d left, Maris found pond weed strewn all around his office and a large puddle of water in the middle of the floor — at least he’d hoped it was water — with Naiads you never can tell.

  Once they realized that the session was over, they jumped to their feet in a wild and joyous burst of energy, spraying everyone around them with droplets of moisture from their flying manes of seaweed-like hair. With a respectful bow of acknowledgement to Garnibis, they raced each other back to the rock pool, plunging in headfirst, webbed feet propelling them swiftly to the far side, where they disappeared in a froth of bubbles and foam.

  “Wow!” said young Matthew, who was sitting next to me, “I wish I had green skin like that — and webbed feet.”

  “Go on then,” said another, “see if you can shape-shift.”

  And so the next half hour or so was spent with everybody trying their hardest to assume different shapes, with varying degrees of success. Most of them actually did quite well considering the subject of shape-shifting hadn’t as yet been covered in class. Among all the deer, wolves, cats and even a fluffy bunny rabbit, Matthew of course had to have his bit of fun. After managing to turn himself into a reasonably convincing frog, complete with green skin and webbed feet, he then proceeded to change himself into a large and tawny owl which, perched precariously above where we were sitting, threatened to deposit little “offerings” onto the tops of our unprotected heads — sweet boy!

  Just then we became aware of a figure emerging from within a misty, glowing white light which had gathered between the trees on the far side of the clearing. Everybody looked up simultaneously to behold the incredible sight of a unicorn. I for one had never had the privilege of seeing one of these wondrous creatures, and so I marveled at the sight of it. The pure white body with its lustrous mane and tail seemed to glow in the rays of sunlight filtering through the tree branches above, almost as if the creature were illuminated from within, and the silvery-colored horn protruding from the very center of its forehead gleamed with points of bright luminescence, as if encrusted with tiny crystals. Large, doelike eyes regarded us calmly, then with a toss of its elegant head it galloped back into the shadowy and mysterious depths of the forest, leaving a shimmer of sparkling mist in its wake.

  With eyes as wide as saucers, I turned to Ashka. “Wow! That was amazing! I didn’t know there were such creatures. What’s it doing here? In fact, where are we exactly? I’m sure I’ve never been here before.”

  Ashka put a sisterly arm around my shoulders. “Haven’t you ever been here?”

  “No, and I’m wondering why?”

  “Well, could be that you didn’t need to come here because you never lost your connection to nature, and your Romany background kept you connected to ‘magic.’”

  “That’s true. I guess ‘upstairs’ knows what we need.”

  “Come on, Alarca, let’s go for a little walk along the bank of the stream and I’ll explain. Working with the children as I do, I come here quite often with them. Garnibis won’t mind keeping them amused for a while on her own. She’s got all sorts of magic hidden away up her sleeve to keep them occupied and out of mischief, and, as you can see, they all adore her.

  “As you’ve probably guessed,” she went on, “this is just another of the many dimensions that we’re able to enter through the
portals on the big disc. It’s about as close to Fairyland as you’ll find in the universe, and it is a very special world of magic and enchantment created especially for children. The ones we bring here, both the Star Children and the hybrid children, have a special and important role to play in the future, and this place provides the necessary preparation for them in that it helps to nurture the spark of fantasy and imagination which we have carefully preserved in the Star Children, and which must be reintroduced and ignited in some of the others.

  “As you know, Alarca, many, many Earth humans are centered mainly in the sacral chakra, unable to evolve further because they cannot heal and balance the deeper issues related to this chakra. These issues deal with the ‘inner child’ and creativity in the sense of imagination and fantasy, which are such an important part of being a happy, balanced and well-evolved human. It is imbalance in this chakra that causes a person to become pompous, cynical, and egotistical, and to lose the purity and childlike innocence that enables one to ‘become again as a little child in order to enter the kingdom of heaven.’

  “It is this inner-child aspect of their being that is the key to their connectedness back to self and Oneness. This aspect allows them to believe in and accept the possibility of miracles and magic, and it is as important for balance and harmony in a human as the need for nurturing and love. Unfortunately, it is fast disappearing from Planet Earth as they have come to revere scientific facts over intuition, and so distrust, cynicism, and fear have spread.

  “If the Star Children are to restore balance and healing to Mother Earth, which is the purpose for which they are being developed, then this inner child part must be protected, nurtured and encouraged. The problem is that it is rapidly deteriorating in other Earth children, who are losing more and more of their childhood innocence and sense of wonder through the terrible things they are being exposed to at such an early age. Some of them are barely allowed to be children any more, which is a great tragedy.”

  “So this is like a Fairyland dimension where you bring them to encourage and nurture this aspect of their being?” I queried, eyes widening in wonder as more of the magical unicorns made a fleeting appearance among the trees, only to dissipate moments later into a swirling cloud of rainbow-colored mist.

  “Yes,” Ashka replied, “and you know, it’s unbelievable, but to some Earth humans such things as fantasy and imagination are considered a complete waste of time, to be stamped out as soon as possible and definitely not to be encouraged. This is so sad and is why many Earthlings are stressed, troubled and disconnected from themselves and the greater reality.”

  She reached out to take my hand. “Come on then, Sis — we’d better be getting back to get the munchkins home safely. I do worry a wee bit that Garnibis will lose one or two along the way. Some of the poor little things really don’t want to go back, and sometimes they try to hide from her, hoping to be left behind. The hybrid ones that live with us on the disc are okay — it’s the poor kids who must return to Earth who aren’t always happy about leaving here. We feel so sorry for them having to return to all that heaviness and negativity down there.”

  On our way back to join the others we tried to hurry, but with so many wonders to distract us in this magical place, it was almost impossible. Another unicorn, a little bolder, came right up to our path. Ashka plucked a handful of sweet, juicy grass to entice it over, and soon it was snuffling boldly into her hand with its velvet muzzle, flicking its tail, and stamping a back hoof in excitement. “Come on, Alarca, pick some grass and see if it’ll take it from you.”

  “Are you sure they don’t bite?” I tentatively inquired, well aware of the difficulties I’d had with Earth horses. Unlike my brother Paco, who had an almost magical way with them, they seemed to sense my off-planet energy and either ran off or greeted me with laid-back ears, bared teeth and viciously stamping hooves.

  “Nah, it’ll be all right. Unicorns and Guardians get on really well together. Look, bless him, he likes you! The unicorn had in fact come right up to me, but then proceeded to use my body as a convenient scratching post for its head, which would’ve been fine if it hadn’t been for the quite formidable-looking horn that on each up and down stroke was just missing my eyes. I tried to back away, but I found myself effectively trapped between an overly friendly unicorn and a large tree. “Ashka,” I cried, “don’t just stand there! Do something! Help!”

  Mouth quivering in a valiant attempt not to laugh, Ashka tried grabbing its tail to distract it, causing it to break wind in fright and take off at a full gallop through the trees. “Goodness me,” she said, looking quite bemused, “I didn’t think unicorns did such things — not in Fairyland anyway. Just goes to show, doesn’t it! Now if it’d blown some fairy dust out in the process, it’d be more in keeping with the surroundings — but then again, they do eat grass and other various herbaceous substances, so I guess….”

  “Ashka, are you going to stand there all night discussing the ins and outs of unicorns’ digestive systems, or are we going back to work?”

  “Oh, I don’t know,” she mused, “I think unicorns are far more interesting and entertaining than taking tissue samples from humans.”

  “Well it might be fine for you, but I snuck off duty to come here, and I still have five procedures to perform before morning, so I really need to get back.”

  “Oh, all right, if you insist. Come on, we can take a short-cut through that big old hollow tree over there. It’ll be a bit cobwebby and not half as nice as teleporting ourselves through the mist, but it will do the job. Off we go then! All aboard! Anchors aweigh! Or whatever it is you say when you’re boarding a ship — or a disc.”

  “Ashka, you’re acting even madder than usual. Are you sure you’re not a wee bit tipsy? Have you been sampling nectar or whatever it is they’re supposed to drink here in Fairyland?”

  “No no, truly I haven’t. It’s just the atmosphere up here. It can have an effect on you. It tends to make us Guardians act a bit tipsy and it causes uniforns to cart — whoops, I mean unicorns to…”

  “Yes, Ashka, I know what you mean — now let’s go!”


  Chapter 39 The Scheme of Things

  “Well, Maddie,” Paco began, as we settled ourselves for another session, “what’s been going on? Have things eased down at all since the other night when you called?”

  “Oh, God, Father Lopez, I’m really sorry I phoned you so late. I thought things were settling down, but that night I was so scared — it was just awful!”

  “It’s okay,” Paco reassured her. “That’s what I’m here for, but what happened exactly? You said something about them trying to take Kate’s soul. What makes you think that?”

  Maddie took a deep breath before answering, “Geoff and I were awakened around midnight by Katie screaming. She was nearly hysterical, and it took ages just to calm her down enough to get her to tell us what happened. I’m sorry, Ali, but there is no way I could’ve convinced her to try to communicate with them. She was absolutely petrified.”

  “But why?” I queried. “What did they do to cause so much terror?”

  Maddie looked around at the three of us before whispering in a tone of sheer horror, as if she were too scared to speak the words out loud, “They tried to take her soul! She woke up to see the usual one standing over her, then she felt a sort of sucking sensation in the area of her chest, but at the same time she felt pressure there as well, as if an essence was being drawn out of her body. She was shaking all over uncontrollably, and she could hear an awful roaring sound in her head while it was happening. At first she tried to scream, but she couldn’t, because her body was totally paralyzed, like what happened to you, Ali, but then, with much effort, she finally managed to pull herself back and scream. That’s when we ran in to her.”

  Paco looked to Kaz and me, obviously not quite sure how to reply, so I stepped in. “Maddie, honestly, nobody can steal anyone’s soul, really and truly. I do know what was going on with Kate, a
nd I can assure you that it wasn’t that.” Poor Maddie didn’t look convinced, so I continued, “Most ET encounter experiences take place in a realm known as the astral plane, which acts as a common meeting ground between the physical plane and other higher dimensions. All of these ‘planes’ that I talk about, physical, astral, etc, are simply bands of energy vibrating at different frequencies. Everything in the universe is energy — cosmic energy to be precise. Even the universe itself is energy — countless bands of energy vibrating at an infinite number of frequency levels that scientists of Earth call the electromagnetic scale.

  “This is what I meant last time we spoke, when I said that we are all multidimensional beings, because we too, as an intrinsic part of the universe, also vibrate on a number of different frequency bands. What we on Earth perceive as physical reality is really only a very small, extremely limited band of frequencies. The energy at Earth’s physical level actually vibrates quite slowly, so it manifests as physical matter, which includes our physical body, which could be compared to a block of solid ice.

  “Surrounding and permeating this physical reality band of slowely vibrating energy,” I went on, “is another band of frequencies vibrating at a slightly higher level. You could think of this as being our ice block that has now melted into water and is thus a liquid rather than solid. It’s the same substance but its nature has changed slightly because of its altered frequency level.


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