Father of Storms

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Father of Storms Page 6

by Dean Jones

  Mae had been meeting him here, by the same old boulder, each day for the last ten years. At first, he enjoyed their talks and treated it all as a game he was playing with old mother Mae. As each year passed the conversations became more and more specific to the interactions between the elements and the living things on the earth. He now fully appreciated that their ‘talks’ were actually lessons and his initial playfulness was replaced, over time, with an avid desire to learn as much as he could.

  It wasn't long before he spotted Mae as she crested the brow of the hill, and he stepped away from the rock he was resting on and smiled in welcome as she reached him.

  It made her heart glad each morning when she saw Seth waiting for their lessons to begin, he was such an eager student and had been a delight to teach but she feared that it wouldn't be long before she had little else to teach him such was his gift at working with Spae.

  She smiled broadly as she recalled that she had decided on the very night of Seth’s birthing he should be taught the ways of the gods and told both his mother and father what she intended for their son.

  “You seem happier than usual this morning Mae, you had some good news?” Seth asked.

  “No, Seth, I was just remembering how this day may never have come about if your father had had his way,” she said.

  Seth looked puzzled, “what do you mean?” he asked.

  “Well your father was against the idea of you learning to work with Spae at first, as he didn’t want his first-born son to be mixed up with ‘women’s magic’ when he was destined to be a great warrior like him,” she laughed at the recollection. She deepened her voice and tried to imitate Garrett “He will go into battle with the same fearlessness as me, my brothers and our father before us had, to do that he needs to be shown how to fight and defend himself not play around with plants and animals…no offence Mae!” She laughed.

  “Each year there seemed to be more conflicts rising from the borders of Mercia and the King himself had ridden through your hamlet, collecting men on his way to another conflict. It seemed they were always more bandits and armies to push back out of our lands in those days, so his argument was justified, and I took no offence.”

  It had been on such a foray his father had killed his first man and he often told Seth of how he could still hear the cheers of his father and uncles when the Northumbrian was felled by his sword.

  “I listened carefully to your father’s objections,” Mae continued, “but what was interesting was that your mother had no such concerns and was, in fact, keen to promote and support my request. To be truthful, I believe this position had more to do with your mother’s love for you than for the respect she had for Spae or the help it provided for the community. I know your mother holds you very close to her heart and the thought of you going into battle was more of a concern than you being teased or spoken about unkindly due to your becoming a male Spae worker.” The old woman sighed with a weight of years, she was feeling every one of those years of late.

  “Unfortunately, her opinion began to alter as the days, weeks and months passed and your mother started to take notice of the other townsfolk when they spoke of her son…but that was to be expected.”

  “So, how did you manage to convince them, Mae?” Seth inquired.

  “Well, the discussions went through the night and by daybreak, your father had succumbed to my own arguments and the desires of his wife. It was agreed then that when you turned five years old we would begin to meet, and you would learn the craft of a Spae worker. It was also agreed these meetings would be a secret, as your father is a stubborn mule and was very clear that he was not going to allow his son to be tarnished with the shame of Spae, as you were going to be a man to be feared and respected throughout all Mercia and all of the kingdoms beyond.” Mae smiled ruefully as she turned and headed down the path towards the woods.

  Seth chuckled to himself trying to imagine the night when his father had lost an argument with two women as he watched Mae move off.

  Seth fell in step beside her as she made her way past his house, where his mother had made her way to the door to wave him off. Mae had been right about her and Seth could now see the disappointed look she gave as they made their way towards the woods and his next lesson in the art of Spae.

  “So, young Seth, what have you been doing since we last met up?” Mae started their conversations like this every day and Seth had learned quickly that Mae expected him to use and practice what he was shown when she was not with him.

  “I have been watching the wind dance with the leaves and noticing the effects my desires have on the music it dances to.” He rhymed off in a practised fashion.

  Mae looked approvingly at Seth and gave a satisfied grunt as they rounded the path to the tree line of the woods.

  There waiting for them in her usual spot was Ardeth, she was also learning the art of Spae and had been for longer than he’d been alive. He had heard her ask many times when she would be named full Spae, but each request was met with the same response from Mae, “you still have much to learn my child.”

  At first, he would smile as he didn’t much like Ardeth, but lately he had begun to wonder how long it took to complete the lessons as he didn’t want to be wandering around the forests when he should be fighting or raising a family.

  It had seemed to Seth that Ardeth was looking as old as Mae these days and yet he knew Mae was there for Ardeth’s birthing because she had told the story on many occasions these past years. It was common knowledge in the village and surrounding areas that Ardeth would take over from Mae when she finally grew tired of life and went to join Woden and sit at his table, but this wasn't looking like it would ever happen.

  Ardeth gave them her now customary smile and embraced Seth in a warm and welcoming hug, which always felt forced to him. Today she seemed more excited than usual.

  “Are we ready to proceed, Mae?” Ardeth asked as she turned to follow Mae and Seth into the woods.

  “We are, today will be the day for Seth to learn his most valuable lesson and we need to hurry today as there is a chill in the air and it looks like winter is coming early this year.” She looked up into the sky and gave a knowing nod, “so today is the last day we have to show him before the woods become too dangerous for one as inexperienced as he.”

  Seth didn’t practice in the winter months, he merely observed as Mae had told him the darkness and chill brought with it creatures that are filled with evil intents and could not be defended against unless you understood certain elements of Spae which took many years to Master.

  Ardeth nodded and tried to look serious, Seth, on the other hand, was quite excited by the prospect of learning something which sounded like it was going to be a great deal of fun.

  Seth had found all the lessons Mae and Ardeth had taught him over the years were fun in one way or another and he felt it was this attitude towards his learning that was helping him to pick up the skills quickly.

  The time it took to reach the clearing in the centre of the woods seemed to be much longer today and the trees themselves seemed to be telling them to turn back. Seth had learned to listen to the trees several summers ago, and even though he was yet to perfect the skill he could still make out the shapes of the words the trees were singing to them as the wandered past. He looked from Mae to Ardeth to see if they had heard what the woods were singing but if they had they weren’t paying it too much attention, so Seth carried on walking beside them and continued to listen and focus on the sounds of the trees.

  It had struck Seth early on in his lessons that everything on earth spoke in one way or another and most of those sang. The only things which didn’t sing were those too old to be bothered with the formality of it all and spoke in short and direct sentences. Rocks for instance (like the one he used each morning waiting for Mae) they had a way of themselves to give information in the fewest possible words. It had taken Seth by surprise when he had sat down on the rock, like he had each day since he was able to climb onto
it unaided, when it grumbled at his weight. It was several weeks until he had worked out what it was saying, and it forced an uncomfortable apology from Seth quickly followed by a respectful request to use it as a resting place whilst he awaited Mae.

  Mae had taught Seth that all things are alive in one form or another and it’s not the rock itself that lives because that would be stupid, it’s the energy inside it. It was this energy, Mae had explained, which makes up everything you see around you and this was the energy of Frigg, it was her essence and it was here for our use and homage.

  They continued on their way and eventually broke through the trees into a clearing. The clearing had always taken Seth’s breath away each time they entered. The feeling of strength and power contained in the amphitheatre before him was awe-inspiring and slightly intimidating.

  Mae and Ardeth headed for the centre of the clearing whilst Seth busied himself taking in the feeling and listening to the chorus of the trees which circled them.

  “Seth!” Mae’s shout brought Seth out of his reverie and back down to the ground where he stood open mouthed and transfixed.

  “Get over here, there’s no time to be gawping at the trees today, we need to get on before it’s too late!”

  Seth was slightly confused as he made his way to where Mae and Ardeth were standing, it had only been less than an hour since they had set off from his house and it can’t be much past breakfast so there was plenty of time for ‘gawping’ as far as he was concerned.

  “The winter is shortening the days and night is beginning to fall” Seth stared at Ardeth for he was sure she had gone mad.

  “Night falling Ardeth?” Seth asked sure he was catching her out in a mistake.

  “Yes Seth, Night. Look around you the sky is growing dark and we need to hurry so you can protect yourself from the coming night!”

  Seth looked up and his mouth dropped open again, she was right it was growing dark…how could that be they had only just set off. His puzzled look caught the attention of Mae who placed a hand onto his shoulder and guided him in between herself and Ardeth.

  “Time is very much like the wind Seth it moves and dances around us like the breeze you watched move to your desires this very morning, whilst you waited for my arrival.”

  Seth just stared blankly back at Mae who could clearly tell this concept needed more explanation for Seth to fully grasp what, exactly, had happened whilst they had walked the path from his house to the wood clearing in which they were now stood.

  Mae continued to explain herself patiently as was her way “you see, Seth, Ardeth and I have been asking time to dance to our tune whilst we walked, you may have noticed the walk felt a little longer than usual?” Seth thought then nodded as he had noticed it seemed to drag.

  “Excellent, that’s a good sign it shows you are very much ready for this lesson, but you need to give me you fullest attention, so you can understand what it is I will be telling you” she instructed.

  “I will continue this discussion, about time, on another day to explain this dance further so you may better understand my child, but the lessons you learn today are just as important, so it needs you to fully concentrate on what I will explain and what you can glean for yourself, do you understand?” Mae’s wise old voice had a soothing effect on Seth’s curiosity and he knew she was good for her promise to teach him more about the time dancing she had spoken of.

  He nodded his agreement and Mae indicated he should prepare himself, which he duly did. He took deep breaths and waited for the lesson to begin.

  Meeting the Mara

  Mae nodded to Ardeth who slowly lowered herself to the ground next to Seth and Mae followed suit leaving Seth stood between the two Spae women. He began to follow them to the ground but Ardeth grabbed his hand to get his attention and shook her head to let him know he was to remain as he was.

  He took another deep breath to clear his mind and looked at Mae for some guidance as to what he should do next.

  “Listen to the trees around you, what are they telling you?” she instructed.

  Seth gave Mae’s question some deep thought, as he had learned to do, then he listened to the chorus of sound around him. It was like a chattering crowd, with no one voice rising above the others but all saying different things.

  “I cannot tell Mae; they are all saying different things and seem to be excited by something?”

  Mae gave him a reassuring smile “listen again…is it excitement you hear in their song?”

  This question gave Seth a pause and he considered what he was hearing, then he took a deep breath as he’d been taught to enable him to focus clearly on the matter in hand and again began to listen to the trees circling them.

  Leave this place, the light is growing dim,

  And the night is closing in,

  The dark is coming soon,

  And it will take you to your doom.

  Seth’s heart skipped, and he took a sharp breath in but as soon as he did he felt Ardeth’s hand on his bringing him comfort in the knowledge he was not alone. He looked to where she sat and saw her smiling up at him with an air of satisfaction.

  “They sing a warning to me, Mae,” Seth looked over to where the old woman was sitting and found her nodding in agreement but not with her usual rewarding smile she gave him after he had answered one of her questions. This was a serious look and she held her tongue for a second letting the chorus pass.

  “Yes, they are wary of the coming darkness, but we have time still so pay them no mind. Now focus again on what they are telling you and reach out with your mind to the energies that are falling into the circle, don’t be afraid this requires all your courage as you need to know that there is something there, so you are fully prepared for when it arrives.” She saw the look of concern on Seth’s face, “don’t worry, child, we are here to give you protection, the circle we will create around you will let only those who are benevolent through.” She gave a little wink and Seth felt himself relax.

  Returning his attention to the trees, he then extended his mind to touch the growing energy which surrounded them. At first, nothing happened, and he felt only the trees and heard only their warnings, which were growing in volume and intensity. He put these to the back of his mind as he reached out further into the very heart of the darkening air.

  Seth suddenly found he was no longer aware of the ground under his feet and he slowly looked down to where Mae and Ardeth were sitting only to find they were no longer there. A panic came over him and he felt himself begin to fall but then he remembered his training and refocused his mind. Looking around he recognised that he was now in his ethereal state, meaning he was out of his physical body and in the spiritual realm. Knowing this made him feel excited as he had heard Mae and Ardeth talk many times about their own experiences here and he eagerly awaited contact with the spirits of the woodland.

  As he enjoyed the feeling of being connected to a higher energy he heard a voice from behind him.

  “Who is this that comes into our realm?” The sound grated inside his mind and sent a chill into his heart.

  “Is this another who wants to control the night and the darkness we see?” Seth heard the question but was unsure whether the voice required him to answer. He felt that if it was looking for a response from him, it would be disappointed as it was taking all his focus just to remain in this state and not fall back into his physical self.

  “Old woman got your tongue, young one?” There was a sniggering around him as he felt himself being pulled into the darkness.

  “She hasn’t taught you very well has she?” He felt a presence behind him and Seth fought the urge to twist his head towards it knowing he would struggle to recapture his focus.

  “We remember when she came to us, young one, she was scared just as you are now, but she didn’t have your courage and we had to hold her here to stop her escaping back to her body.” The voice circled Seth and he was growing tired from the effort of keeping himself in the meditative state he need
ed to hear the darkness talk.

  “So, what do we do with you now, Seth?” The chilling voice spat out his name and he felt it touch his mind, but he was growing accustomed to the feeling now and he began to relax. He knew Mae and Ardeth wouldn’t put him in a position where he would be in danger, so he felt he could accept that whatever was talking to him couldn’t do him any harm.

  He took in a calming breath and found his mind opening up and with it. Feeling more centred he opened his eyes to look at what was circling him.

  Fear gripped him as he saw the two shapes floating before him, both were cloaked, and their heads shaded by their hoods, only the glint of their eyes could be made out beneath them.

  They stopped moving and he could tell they were looking at him.

  “He looks at us…what a brave boy we have here!” The sound of rasping laughter came from both as they moved closer to Seth.

  “What of your mother Seth, what will she think when she hears where you’ve been tonight? And your father, we’re sure he would be horrified to know you are consorting with the like of us!” the second statement carried with it a hint of menace as they stopped inches from Seth’s face and yet he could still only make out the glint of their eyes.

  “Maybe, once we have had our fill of you, we should pay them a visit and show them we mean no harm?” Seth saw a flash of teeth beneath the hood and could make out the slightest of smiles.

  “Yes, we will go see them and maybe have a little fun, your mother is a fine woman and I’m sure she would like the attention maybe we could get her with child, I know she’s been praying for a few summers now!?”


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