Father of Storms

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Father of Storms Page 20

by Dean Jones

  “I promised I would wait and welcome you home” the effort was clearly huge, and Seth placed his finger on her lips to stop her talking.

  “be still my love,” he said as tears welled in his eyes. He lifted her head into his arm and cradled her, “don’t waste what life you have left talking to me and instead listen,” she blinked, and a smile touched the perfect lips he had longed to kiss these past days.

  “You are mine, and not even death will separate us for I will follow where you lead.” She frowned and shook her head.

  “No,” she whispered, “you must wait.”

  Seth was confused but he smiled reassuringly, “wait for what my love?” he asked, “I have nothing here to hold me and once I have taken the lives of those who did this I will join you at Woden's table.” tears rolled down his face as he watched his wife slowly slip away.

  “No…” her voice faint he bent in closer to hear, “you must wait…promise me…” he nodded though he wasn’t sure what he was promising but, if it brought comfort to her then nothing else mattered.

  He kissed her lips and she smiled “I love you Seth…you made me so happy…” she breathed and then she was gone.

  The world stopped, and Seth looked down at the body of his wife in his arms and a sorrow he didn’t know could exist filled his heart and he pulled her close and wept uncontrollably into her hair. Outside a silence filled the air as though waiting for the coming storm.

  “Master?” a voice called from behind him and Seth looked up to see the Mara hovering at his front door.

  “What do you want?” he screamed, “can you not leave me to my grief?” The Mara looked at each other before moving closer to their master.

  “We know who is responsible, Master, we wanted you to know who took her from you.”

  Seth’s eyes blazed with rage “Who?” he demanded.

  “It was the one called Ripley, he organised the village into a mob and they attacked shortly after sunset. Your family fought to keep them from Meredith, but the numbers were too great, and they fell before Ripley entered your home and…took his desires.”

  The words fuelled his fire and he placed his dead wife’s head gently back down on their bed before standing to face the Mara.

  “I assume they now sleep soundly in their beds Mara?” he asked, and the Mara nodded.

  “Then take a message from me to their dreams…I am coming and not one soul in this village will survive my wrath!” The Mara grinned and disappeared as Seth collected up his belongings and left the house.

  He collected his parents and uncle from the garden and took them inside to lay beside Meredith.

  “Forgive me mother, but I cannot live knowing those who took my family walk this earth. I will leave none alive this night. The memory of what they have done will be recalled on their dying screams.”

  He kissed each of them in turn on their foreheads before leaving the house to fetch his horse. Looking back at his home the sorrow and rage brought new tears rolling down his cheeks. Steeling himself, he drew the energy from around him and sparks crackled as the clouds above him roiled before a deafening crack filled the air as a lightning bolt struck the house, setting it ablaze.

  Tugging the horse’s reigns, he headed off for the church and to confront Ripley and make him pay for his deeds.


  Ripley woke covered in sweat and screaming. He had been dreaming about Seth and saw the fires in his eyes as he was struck down and killed. Breathing deeply to calm himself he muttered a prayer asking for protection. He knew Seth would not come as the spell was surely broken but nonetheless it was prudent to reassure his spirit with words to request Gods protection.

  Not feeling tired he made his way to the jug at the foot of his bed and filled his goblet with wine standing at his window to look out over his village.

  He let his eyes wander over the rooftops of the multitude of single-storey dwellings around him and then brought his eyes to the direction of where Seth’s farm was and settled on the orange glow. He recoiled as he realised there were flames and dropped his cup in panic.

  “Good evening, Ripley.” Seth hissed. Ripley spun around to see the large man looming at his bedroom door.

  “I had hoped to find you sleeping peacefully but I think I know what has woken you and I reckon none in the village are having pleasant dreams this night.” He moved towards Ripley and drew his knife.

  “Seth, my child, what has come over you?” He stuttered, “why do you act so threateningly towards a man of God and an adviser of your King?” Desperation filled his voice for he knew exactly why Seth was there and the flames from his farm confirmed his fears… he knew.

  “You took my wife and my family from me and tonight is your last on this earth!” He said as he inched closer.

  Ripley pressed himself against the window and frantically tried to work out how he could escape this madman.

  “Peace Seth, I have done you a service, for your wife was a witch who had cursed you and led others to doubt your character,” he pleaded.

  “A witch you say?” Seth growled, “and what gave you that idea I wonder, is it because we do not entertain your God nor frequent your church?” He raised the point of his knife and pressed it to Ripley’s chest.

  “No, please, Seth let me explain…”

  He felt the point enter his skin and fear flooded his mind. “The King…. he told me it was her…I believed him…”

  Seth stopped, “The king, what has he to do with all this?”

  Ripley, pleased the blade had been lowered, saw an opportunity. “He sent a messenger to me, to tell me he personally vouched for your godliness and I should look to your wife for the source of evil in the village…it made sense, and I was instructed to do whatever I felt…was needed…” he trailed off and started to weep.

  Seth’s mind raced as he tried to understand the information. It made sense now he thought about it, the king didn’t want him to leave his service and with Meredith gone he would surely believe Seth would return with an eagerness to take out his wrath on any who he was pointed at. Beornred had told him the King mentioned his wife to the messenger, but he hadn’t put the pieces together properly.

  “How have I been so ignorant?” he asked himself aloud.

  “Don't worry child, forgiveness is but a prayer away.” Seth looked at the priest and snarled.

  “I do not seek forgiveness you fool, I only require vengeance and your life!” With that, he grabbed the robes of the priest and brought down the hilt of his knife across his head. Ripley dropped unconscious to the floor and Seth dragged him down the stairs and out of the house towards the churchyard.

  Seth knew the King was returning to Tamworth and calculated he was only an hour or so ride from his village. Determined he strapped the prone body of the priest to the tree beside the church and headed to intercept his King.

  After forty minutes ride, he could see the camp of the King in the valley below him. Seckington was only a mile or two to the south but as ever Aethelbald had chosen to pitch his camp and summon the leaders of the town rather than stay in the town itself.

  Slowly Seth rode into the camp, he dismounted a few feet from the King's tent and walked purposefully in to confront him. Inside Aethelbald was surrounded by local leaders, though the hour was late. Soldiers Seth had selected had replaced his lost bodyguard and they stood attentively at the rear. When he saw Seth, Aethelbald raised his arms and stood in greeting.

  “Seth, you have returned! I was concerned as you left without a word, I hope all is well?” Seth didn’t bow his head and only gritted his teeth as he continued to approach the King.

  “My wife, my parents, my uncle and my nephew have been murdered,” he said as he mounted the step beneath the King's chair

  Aethelbald tried to look shocked but Seth saw straight through the deception.

  “That’s terrible news Seth, I will order an investigation at once and assure you the perpetrator will be harshly dealt with.” he turned to one of
his advisers and gave a curt nod. The man ran out of the tent clearly with a purpose in mind.

  “Come, sit tell me what you know,” Aethelbald commanded.

  “No, I will not need a seat as I have things to attend to once I am done here,” Seth answered.

  Aethelbald looked confused but only for a second as he quickly understood the situation and stood from his seat.

  Seth looked to his brothers of the King’s guard and then to the leaders of the village. “I suggest you all leave as my King and I have something of great importance to discuss.” Seth’s eyes burned as he looked at each of the men gathered. They needed no further instruction and quickly bowed before rushing out of the tent.

  Once they had left Seth turned back to the bodyguards who had remained in their position and now levelled their spears in his direction. Seth shrugged and focused his attention on the King.

  “I know what you did you ungrateful piece of shit!” Seth growled.

  Aethelbald was taken aback and stumbled back onto his chair at the intensity of Seth’s gaze. Around him, his bodyguard gripped their spears though they hesitated as this was Seth and they were unsure of what to do.

  “You sent orders to your foul priest Ripley telling him he should murder my wife!” he drew his sword and pointed it at the King.

  “Now Seth, let’s not be hasty here, I did no such thing, you are mistaken…” he trailed off as he realised he could not talk his way out of this situation and that action was needed.

  “Don’t just stand there, deal with this traitor!” he commanded and the men around him looked at each other and moved towards Seth.

  “I am only here for him brothers. But do not doubt for a second that if you decide to come between me and my revenge I will not hesitate to kill you all!” He glared at each of the four men.

  “You seem to have cause for a grievance Seth?” The deep voice of one of the guards asked. Seth knew this to be the voice of Aaron and he nodded confirmation.

  “Then we will not stand in your way brother, all reigns must come to an end and without you, I fear we would surely be sacrificed to meet this coward’s ambitions.” Slowly they lowered their spears and backed away.

  “What? you traitorous dogs, I will have you executed…GUARDS!” the four men quickly went to the tent opening to block any from entering leaving Seth alone with his King.

  “I want you to know all in that village will be dead before the sun fills the sky, and your worthless life will be the first my sword will taste.” Terror filled Aethelbald’s eyes and he looked beyond Seth to the tent opening hoping rescue was mere moments away.

  “Wait, Seth, please…I was only….” Seth plunged his sword into the throat of Aethelbald cutting off the words he was about to say.

  The king's body slumped forward as he removed his blade and blood gushed onto the floor. Turning he spat on the dying man and headed back to his horse to return to his work in the village.


  When Ripley awoke, he found himself strapped to the tree beside the church. In front of him, he saw the villagers gathering all frightened and huddled together. In total, there were over two hundred men, women and children living in the shadow of his church and most were now standing together in front of his bound body.

  “Children,” he called, “do not fear, I can assure you God is watching, release me and he will not let any harm come to us this night.” He didn’t feel as confident in his words as he tried to make out, but the effect was instant, and men stood a little taller and began scanning the crowd before moving towards him.

  “We need to root out Seth and bring him to account for what he has done to me this night,” there was a bellow of laughter as more people joined the throng. Driving them was Seth who was now smiling as he entered the village square.

  “No man here, either individually or together with his fellows can bring me to account for anything…” he looked at some of the bolder members of the crowd and they wilted under his glare.

  “You have all accused me of involvement with devils, daemons and witches in the time my wife and I lived among you.” He cried, “and yet none of you questioned me when these gifts were used to help you or to provide healing for yourselves and your loved ones…”

  Seth reached the tree and faced the crowd.

  “I have lost my wife today, she was taken from me by you…” Seth was calm and measured in his words, though his anger burned like a furnace.

  “I am going to show you what it is you have all wondered about and you will die this night having satisfied your curiosity,” the air began to crackle and thicken. Women held their children close and men searched the skies and saw clouds begin to thicken in the early light of dawn.

  “I am a Spae worker…this means little to you who follow this new God, but in the old days, it was a person who could heal and carried with it the respect of the people they served. But you respect no-one and believe only what this bastard tied to the tree tells you!” Screams started as lightning bolts peppered the village with the booms of thunder ringing out as they struck their targets and fires sprung up all around them.

  “My gifts are varied and powerful. You will all get to see how my wrath will manifest itself!” Lights began to appear around the crowd and with a flick of his hand, they darted in and out of the people.

  “What are you doing, what devilry is this?” Ripley cried.

  Seth turned to regard the man tied to the tree, “they are learning you have killed the wrong person priest!” he drew his sword and turned back to face the crowd. “Now watch as I take your flock and put them to slaughter!”

  He rushed into the melee of people and swung his sword at men, women and children alike never pausing to consider who he hacked down.

  Ripley tried to close his eyes but the sheer horror of what he was witnessing forced him to keep them open. An inferno raged behind the falling bodies as Seth waded through them with lightning flashing and orbs of light catching individuals stopping them from running. Each one who was struck paused for just a second before Seth’s sword found them and ended their life.

  For what felt an eternity, Ripley watched as Seth slaughtered the entire village before returning to the tree covered in blood and bits of human flesh.

  “Now all that is left is your beloved church….and you.” Ripley watched as Seth reached up into the sky with his empty hand and brought it down swiftly as several bolts of lightning hit the church and it exploded into flames.

  “Nooo…my life’s work!” Ripley screamed, “you are the devil himself, I should’ve killed you when I had the chance!” He was boldened by his own anger at the sight of his church collapsing in flames

  “Perhaps you should’ve tried, priest,” Seth replied calmly before driving his knife into the man’s side and letting the blood run from the wound.

  “You will get to watch this place burn as you die, you should pray for a quick death as the pain of the flames will be excruciating!”

  Ripley’s eyes widened as the realisation dawned on him a split second before the tree set alight.

  Seth stared into the man’s eyes and nodded. He turned to survey the carnage and, satisfied, he walked away from the flaming ruins and headed up the hill to spend his final moments watching it all burn before joining Meredith.

  Find Them

  Corey stood looking out of his window over London and waited.

  The door to his office opened, letting in two of his agents who moved forward a few paces into the room. One of them coughed to get his attention and he rolled his eyes at the gesture.

  “You have taken your time gentlemen, I summoned you ten minutes ago, what has taken so long to attend to me?”

  They looked at each other warily before the taller of the two spoke.

  “We have been guarding the prisoner sir and had to wait for relief to come so we could leave. Our apologies it has taken longer than you expected” he bowed his head slightly to reinforce his apology.

  “So be it, though
I am unaccustomed to being left waiting, I will forgive it this once. I have a task I need you to undertake Agent Bradley,” he addressed the taller of the two who stood quickly to attention. Unconsciously he straightened his black suit jacket and checked his tie.

  “I have become aware of someone with an ability I desire and, if I am correct, she is someone I could use to achieve my goals with our guest.” Corey looked between the two-man before continuing.

  “My instinct tells me they are not far from the location where the incident took place. So, you should begin to search the hotels and guest houses in that area. Speak to my assistant, Sarah, who will provide you with access to the central reservations system. This will enable you to narrow down your search.” Both men looked at each other and Corey could tell they didn't understand. “You are looking for his wife and daughter, who will have checked in to a room shortly after 2 pm on Monday,” he let out a frustrated sighed and caught the attention of Sarah, who was waiting at the back of the room.

  “I must stress I really need the mother and daughter locating quickly and brought here unharmed, so you should use any means necessary to make this happen, do you understand?” Both men nodded. Sarah walked forward and stood beside Agent Bradley. She was dwarfed by the man, but Corey liked how she looked with her red hair touching her shoulders. The lines of her body were especially nice to look at. He had decided she should wear tight, short dresses to work so he could enjoy her curves better. She had, unsurprisingly, begun to do so the following day.

  “Sarah, my sweet thing, please make sure these gentlemen are taken care of and introduced to peter in I.T.” Sarah smiled and gave Corey a little wink as she took the arm of Bradley and guided him back out of the office with his colleague closely behind.

  Corey returned his attention to the window and looked out again at the city beneath him.

  Sarah brought Agent Bradley and his colleague to the lift and pressed the call button.

  “What’s your name then? She asked with her cockney drawl.


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