The Mistletoe Mistress

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The Mistletoe Mistress Page 6

by Maddison Michaels

  “All except the part about being my mistletoe mistress.” With very deliberate steps, he walked over to where she sat and braced both of his hands on either side of her chair. Slowly, he lowered his head until it was but an inch from her own.

  Holly gulped, a look of nervous anticipation replacing her confidence from a moment ago. “You didn’t like that part?” she whispered.

  “I don’t cheat to win a wager.”

  “Who said anything about cheating?” There was a breathlessness to her words that enticed him. “I’m more than happy to fulfill my end of the bargain.”

  “Excuse me?” Michael was at a sudden loss for words. Was she actually suggesting what he thought she was? “You actually intend to have a liaison with me?”

  “Yes, I do.” She brought a hand up to his face and gently stroked her fingers down his cheek. “I quite like the idea of being your mistletoe mistress.”

  “My mistletoe mistress?” Michael had to really listen to her words rather than think about her touch, which was sending thrills of delight through him.

  “Yes. I think the arrangement will be quite suitable for both of us.” There was a gleam of excitement in her gaze as she patted his cheek and then dropped her hand. “In fact, the possibilities of such a partnership are rather thrilling.”

  “They are?” Michael had to get his befuddled thoughts under control. He was losing control of the situation, and quickly. He sat back on the other chair facing her but putting some much-needed distance between him and her alluring scent.

  “Indeed. You have access to many events that I do not, but as your special friend I shall be able to accompany you to them, which will make my work a great deal easier.”

  His head was definitely now pounding. “Your work, picking safes?”

  Her brows drew together. “It’s a little bit more than that. I’m stopping blackmailers and helping women to feel safe.”

  “Let me see if I understand you correctly.” He paused and rubbed his temples, trying to get his thoughts in order. A darned hard thing to do in Holly’s presence. “You wish to be my mistress, my actual mistress, mind you, so that you can gain access to balls to further your work? Do I have that quite correct?”

  She smiled tremendously up at him. “You do. It is a satisfactory solution for both of us.”

  Michael rather doubted that, already imagining the inevitable trouble she would be certain to get herself caught up in, which he would invariably have to rescue her from. “Are you insane, woman?”

  A scowl replaced the smile from a moment ago. “Actually, I think it’s one of my more brilliant ideas.”

  “Only you would.”

  Holly stood and placed her hands on her hips, fire shining in her eyes. “Well, if you think it’s so stupid then perhaps I should go and see if either the Devil Duke or St. Giles is more amenable to my proposal!”

  His lips drew back in a snarl and he unfurled his frame to stand in front of her. “The hell you will!”

  “Watch me, Michael Drake.” Heat stained her cheeks as she poked him in the chest. “Just watch me!”

  “The devil I will.” He could literally feel a vein popping out in his neck. The woman was going to drive him insane. Absolutely insane. But as he stared down at her, both of them breathing heavily, suddenly his ire left him, swiftly replaced by a burning desire coursing through his blood. He wanted this woman, badly, and though he’d done all he could to resist her, his defenses were crumbling. “If you’re so bloody determined to be someone’s mistress, then you’ll be mine. End of story.” He desperately hoped Edward would forgive him, but what choice did he have when she was talking of being either Huntington’s or St. Giles’ mistress?

  Holly crossed her arms over chest, a mutinous expression on her face. “Perhaps, I’ve now changed my mind!”

  She looked so adorable standing there with her chin raised that all he wanted to do was sweep her into his arms and carry her up to his bed. And if she was set on this course of action, then the only way to fulfill his promise to her brother to protect her, was to agree to this damn proposal of hers. Even if guilt over Edward’s death and keeping the truth from Holly, would eat him up inside. The woman was stubborn enough to do as she threatened. Really, the only way to protect her was to agree to this mad proposal of hers. There was no other way.

  Now that his mind was made up, a sense of heady anticipation filled him. Holly was no longer a virgin that he had to protect from himself. She was a widow who had approached him. They could enjoy each other without limitations and as she said, provided they were indeed discreet, society wouldn’t bat an eyelid.

  And of course, when they decided to go their separate ways, he would ensure she was well taken care of for the rest of her life. She would never again want for anything. The promise he made to Edward would be amply fulfilled.

  He pushed aside the niggle of guilt that whispered along the forefront of his mind.

  If it wasn’t himself having an affair with her, it would be the Devil Duke, and surely Edward would prefer Michael over Huntington, who went through women like wine. Holly deserved better than that.

  The very idea was enough to firm his resolve.

  “You haven’t changed your mind though, have you?” he whispered, lowering his head down to her right ear. “Your body is all but begging me to touch you. To caress you. To seduce you. But I won’t, not unless you tell me to.”

  “You won’t?” She gulped, her eyes clouding over with passion.

  “Most definitely not.” He slowly started trailing kisses along the nape of her neck, down to her collarbone. She was so soft and smelt sweetly intoxicating. He breathed her scent in deeply, before he raised his head and stared straight into her eyes. “Are you going to be my mistletoe mistress, Holly?” God help them both.

  Chapter 7

  Michael was right. Holly did want to be seduced by him.

  Ever since he’d kissed her in Lord Pembrook’s study the idea had been mulling about in her head, gathering momentum like a locomotive. And she’d been unable to shake the idea, or the sensation of his lips upon hers. The man certainly knew how to kiss. And now he was most likely going to be kissing her, a lot, and in many other places aside from her lips. The thought made her blush.

  She probably was slightly insane for wanting to be his mistletoe mistress, but for her entire life she’d nearly always lived by the rules and comfortably within her limits.

  Though the past two years had pushed those boundaries to their edges, she’d never placed herself in a situation she couldn’t handle. And for once she wanted to take a risk. She wanted to know what it was like to fully experience being a woman, which as Michael’s mistletoe mistress she would.

  The very idea was both thrilling and daunting. Especially as he was under the impression she was an experienced widow. Perhaps she should tell him the truth? But if she did, he’d run a mile, which was the last thing she wanted. She needed him to get her into Pembrook’s country estate, and besides, she was very firmly on the shelf so there was no harm in her discovering what it was to feel passion for once. After all, what did it matter that she was a virgin? It was her body and her choice. And society believed her to be a widow, so there would be nothing untoward about her carrying on a dalliance with Michael, provided they were discreet.

  Certainly, he would be annoyed when he found out the truth. She knew that without a doubt. But, by then it would be too late and the deed would be done. For a moment guilt assailed her. Her inner voice was urging her to tell him, but she wasn’t going to. She couldn’t. Selfishly perhaps, she didn’t want to risk him sending her away.

  For so long Holly had always looked after everyone else, that it was time now for her to consider her own wants and needs. Time to be seduced by a man she was ridiculously attracted to.

  “You will fulfill your end of the bargain?” she asked him, trying to not be distracted as his lips began to feather kisses down the nape of her neck.

  His mouth paused against
the beating pulse at her throat. “Yes, I will take you to Lord Pembrook’s hunting party and to the other balls you need to go to,” his voice was a rough whisper against her skin, sending a searing white heat down to her toes.

  “Then I shall be your mistletoe mistress.”

  Before she could even gather her wits, he scooped her up into his arms and stalked from the room with her cradled against him.

  Oh, good gracious, this was really going to happen. Holly could literally feel her heart pounding against her chest, but she wasn’t at all scared. It was as if, for the first time, a deep sense of knowing filled her, nestled as she was in his arms. Being with him felt so right that no matter what happened after, it was almost like it was destined.

  A few moments later, after Michael had carried her up the silent staircase, he nudged open the door to what had to be his bedroom. There was a gigantic four-poster bed standing in the middle of the room, rather imposing with its thick sapphire colored, silk curtains tied back on each wooden post of the bed and a matching quilt lying on the mattress.

  The thought of how many women he’d brought here into this very room flitted across her mind; but she firmly pushed it to the side. She was not going to let her fear of what was about to happen plant any seeds of doubt in her head. By goodness, she was going to enjoy this night with Michael.

  He carried her across to the middle of the room and carefully deposited her on her feet. “Are you certain about this, Holly?” Michael asked, his fingers gently tilting up her chin until she was facing him. “I don’t want you to have any regrets.”

  There was such concern and honesty in his features, that instantly Holly felt at ease. This was Michael. Deep down she knew, had always known, that she was safe with him. If she was going to lose her virginity to anyone, it might as well be to a man well versed in the art of lovemaking as he was. “I’m absolutely certain.”

  And to show him how certain she was, she reached up on tiptoes and wound her arms around his neck. Then, before she could think better of it, she pressed her lips against his.

  There was a sizzle of energy between them.

  Michael groaned and reached his hands around to cup her buttocks, pulling her in tightly against him as his mouth devoured hers. She could still taste the whiskey on his lips, but she could also taste him and had never wanted to feast on anything more.

  Her gasp was smothered in his mouth, when she felt the length of him pressing against her belly. She’d never felt such a thing before. A sensation of wicked wantonness filled her as she reached her hand down and stroked him through the material of his trousers.

  He was as hard as marble and suddenly she wanted nothing more than to get rid of the material between her hand and his manhood. She wanted to feel him against her.

  With a boldness she hadn’t known she possessed, her fingers reached into the waistband of his pants.

  “Oh God, you’re driving me insane woman, do you know that?” Michael all but moaned as her fingertips pushed under the material and danced along the edge of his shaft.

  “I hope that’s a good thing, in this context?” Holly grew even more daring as his breathing began to quicken the more she stroked the length of him.

  “It is,” he said with a half groan, half laugh. “But where are my manners? It would be ungentlemanly for me to have you doing all of the work.”

  “It would?”

  “It certainly would.” He winked at her and gently grabbed her hand, removing it from his pants.

  “Oh.” She pouted.

  He chuckled and before she knew what he was about, his hands were expertly undoing the buttons of her cloak, before they moved onto the row of buttons along the back of her dress. Time felt frozen as he flicked each and every button open, slowly, one after another, parting her dress inch by agonizing inch.

  Her whole body felt like it was on fire. She wanted him to tear away the clothing covering her flesh from his touch. Almost as if reading her mind, he began to slide her gown down over her body. She went to assist, but he stilled her hands.

  “No need to rush,” he teased. “We have all night and I intend to make use of every single minute. To pleasure you over and over again.”

  She was rather distracted by the feel of his hands plastered over her chemise as he slowly inched the dress down over her crinoline. “You do?”

  “Oh, I certainly do,” he said, and there was such a wicked promise in his words that Holly felt a thrill all over. He pulled lose the strings of her crinoline and it joined her dress on the floor. Then he began to unlace the stays at the front of her corset.

  A grin flitted across her mouth. “Well please, do not let me stop you.”

  His smile joined her own as he flung the corset aside and scooped her up, before carrying her over to the bed. Deftly, he placed her onto the middle of it and quickly discarded his shirt, before laying down by her side.

  Holly was certain she’d never seen a finer specimen of a man, than Michael. Not that she’d ever seen another man without his shirt on, but Michael was all smooth planes of muscle and hardness. She wanted to do nothing more, right at that moment, than to run her hands through the dark hairs covering his chest and follow the small trail all the way down to the waist band of his trousers.

  “Goodness you’re beautiful,” she exclaimed.

  Michael laughed. “Aren’t I the one meant to be saying that to you?”

  “By all means, feel free to,” she responded. “But it’s true. You’re so deliciously masculine. All I want to do is touch you.”

  “Well, by all means…” He winked, using her own words back at her.

  Holly shrugged. Why not? She wanted to know what it felt like to be with him, so she might as well experience as much as she could. With eagerness, she reached her hands up and glided them across his broad chest. His skin was so smooth but there was such strength underneath that sent a deep throb of desire through her.

  He moaned as her hands started to go lower down his chest and brushed across his stomach. The sound filled her with confidence. Without second-guessing herself, she began to undo the buttons of his trousers. She pushed away the material and up sprung his shaft. It literally felt as if her eyes were bulging out of their sockets. She’d never seen such a thing before and it was glorious. Almost unable to help herself, she reached out until her fingers closed around his manhood. “Goodness, you feel so hard yet so smooth,” she exclaimed.

  It felt as if she was in a dream. A wickedly erotic dream that she didn’t want to wake up from. Experimenting, she began to slide her hand up and down his phallus. It pulsed in response.

  “That’s it, my darling,” Michael crooned to her. “Just like that.”

  He was growing harder with each and every stroke, and for a moment she became worried over how such a large thing was going to actually fit inside her. But she couldn’t say anything to Michael, otherwise he would know she was a virgin and would insist they stopped. And she couldn’t stop now. It was too delicious to stop.

  “If you keep doing that,” he said rather breathless. “I am not going to be able to prevent myself from spilling my seed.”

  “Oh.” That was interesting.

  Michael pulled her up toward him and flipped her over onto her back, swiftly pulling off her chemise, before he shimmied down to lay in between her thighs. He made quick work of removing her drawers and suddenly she was exposed to his gaze, which was feasting upon the sight of her nakedness. Holly thought she would have felt uncomfortable being naked in front of him, but the appreciation in his eyes filled her with such a sense of womanly confidence.

  When Michael lowered his head and began to kiss the junction between her thighs, Holly nearly jumped from the bed. Never, had she felt such a thrill of pleasure as she did with his tongue and lips caressing her womanhood. Goodness, who would have thought such a thing was ever possible?

  Unable to help herself, her hips started grinding up and down against his mouth as a pressure built deep inside of her. S
he clutched at the bedsheets by her side, gripping them tightly. Holly moaned aloud, unable to stop even if she tried.

  It felt like she was reaching a peak, but she didn’t know what was on the other side. She released the bedsheet and gripped his hair, almost urging him to suckle her more deeply, and then it was like a million stars burst all at once inside her as ripples of pleasure cascaded through her over and over again.

  And just as she thought it couldn’t get any better and thought it was over, he kept sucking on her, lapping up her juices until she started to orgasm again.

  Then before she knew it, his cock replaced his mouth as he swiftly pushed himself inside her.

  Her breath caught sharply in her throat. A searing pain tore through her as his shaft thrust through her maidenhead. Her inner passage felt like it was burning.

  Michael paused, his shaft buried fully inside of her, beads of sweat dotting his brow. “You’re a virgin?” There was such incredulity and a slight accusation in his voice as he tried to hold himself still above her.

  “Please don’t stop,” she begged him, slowly moving her hips against his as the pain gradually started to recede. Though she wasn’t experiencing the earth-shattering pleasure that his mouth had occasioned, having him inside of her, filling her completely, felt so right that she didn’t want it to end.

  “God,” he moaned, seemingly unable to stop himself from starting to pump his shaft in and out of her passage. He reached a hand down between them and his thumb started to rub against the little nub of her womanhood.

  The ripples of ecstasy started to build once again and her hips joined him thrust for thrust.

  His mouth took her own in his as his chest pressed against her breasts. And then Holly felt the pleasure burst within her as she moaned over and over, before Michael groaned and pumped his seed inside her, until they were both spent.

  They lay together, with Michael on top of her but slightly to her side, so as to not crush her, for what seemed like an age. She drifted off into a blissful sleep with the thought filling her mind that she was going to enjoy this particular part of their arrangement, greatly.


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