Ice: Part I

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Ice: Part I Page 11

by Penny Hawking

  Ice shook her head surprised with herself. It had come out so easily.

  “And of course, I’ll say anything to fuck you, but I like you too.” Peyton winked. “I like you a lot.” His hands dropped to grab her waist. “And now that I know Michael hasn’t done his job, I’m more than eager to make you cum.”

  Ice pushed him back, breathing heavily. She pressed herself further against the wall as she tried to focus.

  He quickly put his hands up. “Too much…” He whispered watching her reaction. “Too much, I’ll back down.” He took a couple steps back to give her space, watching her with a very interested gleam in his eyes. He smiled broadly without saying another word.

  Ice put her hand over her heart and straightened up. “I really should go back now.”

  He nodded at her still smiling.

  She took a hesitant step forward. “Why are you looking at me like that?”

  He shook his head, unable to wipe the smile from his face. “I’m just…. really into you.” He took a couple more steps back to give her space.

  “PEY-PEY!” Ice heard a little kid’s voice shriek from somewhere downstairs.

  She turned her head towards the door. Then looked back at Peyton puzzled

  Peyton groaned but she saw a smile tugging at the corner of his mouth. “The little rascals are here.”

  Ice was confused. “The little ra---”

  He jerked his head to the door. “Come meet them before you leave.” His eyes sparkled, “My little brother and sister.” He walked to her and grabbed her hand eagerly.

  “Little brother and sister?” He never told her he had siblings. Noticing that they were indeed holding hands, Ice didn’t comment on it but followed him out his bedroom and down a hallway.

  Ice heard laughing and running downstairs. She turned to Peyton, he smiled and shrugged and they both went downstairs.

  As soon as Peyton reached the bottom step, Ice saw a flash of something collide with Peyton’s legs.

  “PEY-PEY” The object screamed jubilantly as Peyton bent to lift it up.

  Peyton threw him in the air and the kid laughed ecstatically. He was a beautiful kid. He had blond hair, platinum blond hair, it almost looked white. Peyton caught him and the little boy kissed him on the mouth and wrapped his little arms around Peyton’s neck.

  Sensing her presence, the little boy looked up at Ice. She found herself looking into a pair of big beautiful icy blue eyes. Eyes just like Cheryl.

  The little boy smiled and turned from her to his brother. “Who’s that?” he asked shyly pointing behind Peyton.

  Peyton turned and smiled at Ice. “That’s my girl Ice…Ice this is my little brother Princeton.”

  Her eyes widened at him calling her his girl.

  Peyton put Princeton down. Princeton slowly walked towards her, his head down looking shy.

  “Nice to meet you Princeton.” Ice said bending down to be at his level. She stretched her hand out for him to shake it.

  Princeton beamed up at her, showing little white teeth. “You can call me Bam-Bam.” He said excitedly. Instead of shaking her hand, he threw his little arms around her neck and hugged her. Just as quickly, he darted away.

  Ice stood up in a state of shock. His hug was so warm. She tried to play it off. “Bam-Bam?” She asked looking up at Peyton with a smile on her face.

  He shrugged. “When he was a baby, he destroyed everything in sight. And he has the whole white looking hair thing too. It kinda stuck.”

  Ice smiled. “That’s so cute.”

  Peyton shrugged. “Come meet Priya. She’s way calmer than Bam-Bam.” Peyton said leading her to the living room.

  Ice followed Peyton as they approached the kitchen. Sitting at the bar was a little girl no older than 10 staring at them as soon as they walked in.

  “Brother.” She said as she stepped off the stool and headed towards Peyton. She reminded Ice of Cheryl. She was a miniature Cheryl with the blond hair down her back, her pretty blue eyes and her graceful way of walking. She kissed her brother on the lips and hugged him all the while her blue eyes watching Ice curiously.

  Ice smiled back at her politely. The little girl didn’t smile back, her blues eyes staring deep into her.

  “Priya, has started a new thing where she goes around calling mom, mother and Bam-bam and I brother. She thinks she’s cool.” Peyton shook his sister and smirked. “This is Ice, Priya.”

  Priya nodded, stepped forward and extended her arm to Ice.

  “Nice to meet you.” Ice said shaking her small hand.

  “Your name is Ice?” The little girl inquired letting go of Ice’s hand

  Ice nodded. “Yes.”

  The little girl raised an eyebrow.

  “It’s short for Iceria.” Ice explained.

  “I see.” She said softly. She turned and got back on her stool at the bar.

  Peyton watched their exchange with a smile on his face.

  “Way calmer then Bam-Bam.” He said.

  Ice looked up at Priya, to see the girl looking right back at her. This girl could definitely stare.

  “LOOK, LOOK WHAT I DREW!” Bam-Bam said yelling and running into the room excitedly holding a piece of paper. His first stop was his sister; he was practically jumping up and down as he watched her examine the picture.

  “It’s a very nice dog.” Priya said handing her brother back the paper calmly.

  “PEY-PEY!” He screamed, running to Peyton. Peyton looked at the paper and scrunched his face.

  “Hummm…” he seemed to be thinking.

  “IS IT GOOD ENOUGH TO GO ON YOUR WALL? IS IT! IS IT! IS IT!” Bam-Bam asked tugging on Peyton’s jeans.

  “Let’s see.” Peyton said putting the paper further away from him and squinting. He brought the paper to his nose and squinted again.

  Ice smiled. She looked at Priya and saw that Priya had a small smile on her face too.

  “PLEASE!” Bam-Bam exclaimed.

  Peyton paced a little. Bam-Bam looked as though he was going to burst from all the excitement.

  “We’ll I’ll be damned little guy, this has passed inspection.” Peyton said in mock surprise.

  Priya got off her stool and headed towards Peyton.

  “YES!” Bam-Bam screamed. He went on the ground and did a front handspring.

  Ice opened her mouth in shock.

  Peyton rolled his eyes. “He’s showing off for you.”

  Priya tapped her brother on the arm. “That’s a dollar.” She said stretching out her hand.

  Peyton looked at her hand and then realization sunk in.

  “Fuck.” He said.

  Priya opened her eyes wider. “That’s 6 dollars brother.”

  “You’re always trying to hustle somebody.” Peyton said as he reached in his back pocket and took out his wallet. He took out a five and a 1-dollar bill and handed it to his sister.

  She smiled, took the money and disappeared in the kitchen.

  Bam-Bam jumped and grabbed the drawing from Peyton’s hand. Looking in Ice’s direction, he smiled shyly. He slowly walked towards her.

  “Would you like to see my drawing?” He asked politely holding out the drawing but staring at the floor.

  Peyton’s mouth opened in disbelief.

  “I would love to.” Ice said taking the drawing. Her mouth opened in surprise. He was talented. It looked exactly like a Husky. It was beautiful.

  “Wow this is amazing Bam-Bam.” Ice said handing him the picture.

  He smiled at her shyly took the picture and put his hands behind his back, all the while looking up at her.

  Ice smiled.

  Peyton came and pushed Bam-Bam’s head. “Get out of here.” He said. “Stop trying to act cute.”

  Bam-Bam flashed Ice another smile and darted off to another part of the house.

  “So…yeah…that’s the Stone family.” Peyton said standing in front of her.

  She was overwhelmed. They were amazing; there was so much love and affection between
all of them. They all looked so happy and content together. They weren’t real. There was no way this family was a real family.

  “You guys really love each other.” Ice said softly. She touched her fingers as she compared it to her household silently.

  “Yeah until I wanna kill them.” He joked. He cocked his head and looked at Ice curiously. Her demeanor had changed.

  “You okay.” He asked touching her arm gently.

  Ice looked up and put a smile on her face. She looked around. “I love it, everything about this place, I love it. Your family…love it.”

  Peyton looked at her curiously. He looked as though he was going to ask her a question. “Good, you can have them. They drive me nuts.” He smiled.

  “The Peyton cursing jar is almost filled.” Priya said appearing in between them.

  Ice almost jumped back from fright. She hadn’t even heard her come back..

  “That’s because you’re always trying to fucking hustle me…aww shit…damn…PRIYA!” Peyton said exasperatedly.

  Priya stretched out her hand “That will be 5 for the first word, 2 for the second and 1 for the last.” She said matter-of-factly

  Peyton groaned as he took out his wallet.

  Ice smiled. She noticed Priya looking at her. When she looked back, this time Priya looked away.

  “I have to get bills from upstairs.” Peyton said

  “I can wait.” Priya said smiling.

  Peyton rolled his eyes. “I’ll be back.” He said making sure to push Priya as he left.

  Ice looked around. She was left alone, with the one family member she wasn’t sure liked her. Priya stared at her. Literally looked her up and down. Ice shifted slightly, feeling self-conscious under the gaze of this kid.

  “Are you my brother’s girlfriend?” Priya asked.

  “No, we’re just friends.” Ice replied

  The little girl looked as though she didn’t believe her.

  Ice shrugged.

  They stayed facing each other, silent for a little while.

  “Your dress is really pretty.” Ice said trying to break the silence.

  The girl looked down at her dress and looked at Ice and then down at Ice’ dress. She slowly reached out and touched the hem of Ice’s dress.

  “Yours is prettier.” She said softly. She looked up at Ice with a faint smile on her face

  “Here’s 13 dollars… now get the fuck out.” Peyton said turning his sister and gently nudging her towards the kitchen.

  “Brother you must really want me to get that piano.” She actually smiled and disappeared into the kitchen.

  Peyton turned and looked at Ice. “Who knew cursing could be so beneficial?” He asked.

  Ice shook her head and smiled. What was this family?

  “Ice honey are you staying for dinner?” she heard Cheryl ask as she entered the living room and headed towards the kitchen with Bam-Bam trailing right behind her.

  Ice looked at her wrist at the gold watch her mother had bought her. “No ma’am, I should really head home.”

  “You just got here.” Peyton said softly. “Stay for dinner.”

  Bam-Bam ran towards her. As though he just remembered, he was supposed to be shy around her he slowed down. He tugged on her dress and looked up at her with big blue beautiful eyes.

  “Today’s spaghetti day. Don’t you like spaghetti?” He asked.

  “Yes, I do…but I really can’t stay.” She said to Bam-Bam.

  Bam-Bam looked confused. He shrugged, smiled at her and ran to find his mom.

  Peyton didn’t say anything.

  “Sweetheart, we would love to have you stay. It’s not a problem. Do you need to call your parents?” Cheryl asked as she shuffled around the kitchen.

  Ice shook her head. “I would really love to stay, but Thursday nights we go out to eat Au Palais.” She said. “I’m actually supposed to be home right now.”

  Cheryl smiled at Ice sadly. “I dread that place Au Palais; it’s not really…my scene…as you young people would say.”

  Peyton groaned at his mom’s word choice. “Don’t ever say that again.”

  Ice smiled.

  “Well you’re welcome anytime dear; our house is always open.”

  “Thank you.” Ice said, and then turned to Peyton. “I should go.”

  Peyton shrugged. “I guess.” He didn’t look at her as he headed towards the door.

  Ice checked in her dress pocket to make sure she put her keys inside. It was there.

  She turned to the family by the bar and waved.

  “Bye beautiful.” Cheryl said waving back, and then disappearing to the kitchen.

  Priya didn’t answer, she simply looked at Ice.

  Bam-Bam ran towards her, hugged her legs, and then ran back to Priya’s side.

  Ice smiled and followed Peyton to the door.

  Peyton opened the door for her, and they walked out. Silently he walked her to her car.

  “Thanks.” She said turning around as she opened the driver’s door. “For introducing me to your family. They’re sweet.”

  Peyton nodded as he stared at her seriously. He put his hands in his pockets. “You know everything I said in my bedroom I meant it.” He brought his hand out, kissed his index and middle finger before placing them gently against Ice’s lips. “Bye my sweet, sweet virgin Ice.”

  He winked, dropped his hand and turned around without a backward glance. She watched him disappear into his house before she brought her hand up to touch her lips.

  This boy was going to be the end of her. She already knew it.

  Climbing Trees


  Ice opened her eyes. She didn’t need to look in the mirror to know that she had a big goofy grin plastered on her face. She rubbed her face and sat up in her bed. That was the best nap she’d ever taken. She put her arms up and stretched lazily.

  She loved him.

  Plain and simple.

  She, Iceria Aniyah Johnson was a complete fool for Peyton Stone. This was no longer just a crush on a handsome mysterious guy. No this was a bonafide, eye-opening, mouth-watering, gut-laughing, didn’t have to sensor herself, could act however she wanted type of love. This was something she never thought, she would be a part of.


  There were no rules. There were no restrains. There were no judgements.

  There was cursing and laughter and teasing and flirting and staring….

  Ice tilted her head. He hadn’t kissed her in the past two weeks.

  Not even once.

  The last time had been in his bedroom.

  She crossed her arms as the realization hit. Was it because he now knew she was a virgin? Her eyes widened. Had she put him off sexually?

  She touched her face and groaned. “What have I done?”

  She jumped when her phone vibrated loudly on her night stand.

  She lunged for it.

  “Hello?” Ice answered breathlessly after seeing the name.

  “Morning, my beautiful ray of Ice.”

  “Morning Peyton.” Ice said shyly smiling.

  “What are you doing?”

  Ice looked around. “Uummm lying in bed.”

  “Lying in bed huh?” He repeated. “Whatchu wearing?” He asked slyly.

  “Shut up.” Ice said grinning, as she lounged back comfortably on her bed.

  Peyton chuckled. “Hey, come here for breakfast.”

  “Now?” Ice asked running her hands down her sheets.

  “No in 50 years.” Peyton replied

  “I just got up.” Ice said rubbing her temple.

  “Its 8:30, why are you still in bed?”

  “It’s 8:30 on a Saturday.” Ice countered

  “Who cares, throw something on. Mom’s making pancakes, and she always makes enough to feed an army.” Peyton said.

  “I want to bu--”

  “No if ands or buts about it woman, come to the house.” Peyton said cutting her off.

  “I can’t.” Ice said
sadly even though she really wanted to go.


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