Ice: Part I

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Ice: Part I Page 16

by Penny Hawking

  “Yes I am.” Michael said happy to be the focus of attention. “After this semester, I have one more year as an undergraduate. I’ve already started working on some trial cases, and I’m pretty good....”

  Ice sighed softly. She was tempted to look at Peyton again, but she was too mad, and Maddie, Maddie of all people would go on a date with him. She refused to look at Maddie. She propped her elbows on the table unconsciously and looked everywhere but at the people seated at her table.

  “So, I won the mock case.” Michael said proudly.

  “Good for you.” Maddie said with a hint of sarcasm.

  “Ice sweetheart your elbows.” Michael said annoyed.

  Ice placed her hands in her lap.

  Peyton looked at her and then looked at Michael. Peyton leaned towards the table and propped his elbows up on the table. “So, tell us about college life, you know you being older and stuff. Is it all it’s cracked up to be?”

  Michael laughed. “Believe me, it’s all it’s cracked up to be.” He answered giving Peyton a knowing look. Peyton raised his eyebrow.

  “Pardon me, I have to go to the lady’s room.” Ice said abruptly standing up, and before anybody could say anything; she walked away, not noticing that Maddie had excused herself and followed her.

  Ice’s head was throbbing. She couldn’t take it anymore. She marched into the women room, at the same time that Maddie grabbed her arm.

  “What?” Ice snapped at her.

  Maddie smiled. “It’s not what you think.”

  “Whatever.” Ice said going to the sink and taking deep breaths. Her heart was hurting.

  “Wow, you must really like Peyton for you to be so worked up over a simple date.” Maddie said casually. “You’re usually so calm and collected Iceria.”

  Ice whirled around. “A simple date? A simple date! As my friend, you’re not even supposed to be thinking about much less go out on a date with him. How could you? What happened to “Oh don’t touch him his Ice’s?” Ice asked her angrily.

  “But he’s not yours right.” Maddie asked putting a hand on her hip.

  “What?” Ice asked

  “Well I mean, technically he’s free game right. I mean as far as I’m concerned, you two aren’t dating. I mean you have Michael. Michael is your boyfriend. Why would you need Peyton? As far as I see it. Peyton is single; I’m single, what’s the problem with two single people dating?” Maddie asked.

  That shut Ice up. Technically, she had no claim on Peyton.

  “I mean come on Ice; you’re over here acting like some jealous girlfriend, unless you’re not telling me something.” Maddie said crossing her arms.

  Ice stared at the floor. Her head was hurting, she couldn’t think. She closed her eyes, opened it and smiled weakly at Maddie. “You’re right; I have no claim on him. You two actually look really good together.” Ice said turning around and headed towards the door to exit.

  Maddie grabbed her and spun her around. “Are you serious? What the fuck Ice?” She said angrily. “Let’s cut the bullshit okay, are you gonna stand here and lie to my face that you don’t have feelings for Peyton. Are you gonna bullshit me that you’re not pissed as fuck to see him touching me?”

  Ice sighed and closed her eyes to stop her head from pounding.

  “I really never thought of you as the stupid one in the group…but I’m really reconsidering.” Maddie said smirking.


  Maddie giggled.

  “What’s so funny?” Ice asked coldly. “I don’t think anything’s funny.”

  “I’m sorry…I’m sorry.” Maddie said trying to stop from laughing. “God I wish Joanna was here, she would die.”

  Ice rolled her eyes. “Look if you’re gonna keep laughing at me---”

  “Yes, I’m gonna keep laughing at you.” Maddie said stopping. “Do you even know what we’re doing? What he’s doing?”

  Ice stared at her best friend in confusion.

  “Peyton Stone is obsessed with you. He’s jealous, fucking jealous as shit. He hates Michael. Plain and simple. He wanted to see what was so special about Michael that you stood him up. Who was this infamous boyfriend of yours that you won’t break up with? Therefore, he asked me out so he would have a reason to see you together. Stir up trouble. Pathetic? Yeah, but it’s cute.” Maddie giggled.

  “Oh my God.” Ice whispered.

  “Look, I’m gonna say this one time and one time only just because you’re my friend.” Maddie said putting her hands-on Ice’s shoulder and staring her straight in the eyes. “Peyton loves you and you obviously love him, so do everybody a favor and break-up with Michael. Get that asshole out of your life.”

  “That’s what I’m doing.” Ice replied putting her hands up.

  “Wait what?”

  “Yes…..I…. I’m going to break up with Michael tonight. I just…. the timing hasn’t been right yet.”

  Maddie’s mouth dropped open as realization set in. “Oh shit!” she laughed. “Oh my God, Joanna is going to be pissed that she’s not here.” She pointed to Ice. “You were planning all along to break up with Michael?”

  Ice nodded.

  “Iceria Aniyah Johnson is defying her mother’s wishes?”

  Ice exhaled loudly. She bit down on her bottom lip. “I know…. I’m nervous…I….”

  “This is amazing.” Maddie spoke up. “This is like…this is like the best thing ever. Better than Netflix.”

  “You’re really excited about this.” Ice whispered.

  “Because both of you guys are here for the same reason and you don’t know, and Peyton looks like he wants to wreak havoc and I’m just living!” Maddie threw her hands up in excitement.

  “Again, you’re really excited.” Ice chuckled.

  Maddie put her arm around her best friends’ shoulders. “How about we let Peyton take it from here. That way you’re not nervous and we get some entertainment.”

  Ice blinked rapidly. “What does he want to do?”

  The blond girl shrugged and grinned. “Let’s find out.”


  “I guess, there’s just no comparison, I’m the best all around.” Michael said.

  Peyton was itching to shut him up. He took another sip. He saw the girls walking back to the table. They were smiling.

  He watched as Ice sat back down and scooted her chair in. He winced in pain as she purposely kicked him in the shin. He looked at her and she smiled before turning her attention back to Michael.

  “Are you okay?” Michael asked touching Ice’s arm softly.

  “Much better actually.” Ice said smiling. She brought her cosmopolitan to her lips, looked at Peyton briefly, licked her bottom lip and took a sip.

  Peyton’s mouth almost dropped open. He brought his own margarita to his lips and drank slowly. He must have been staring too long because Maddie coughed quietly to get his attention. Peyton shifted his gaze to Maddie, to see that she had an amused look on her face.

  “Thanks for getting me another drink hun.” Maddie said her voice dripping with sweetness as she raised the cosmopolitan, he’d ordered for her while she’d gone to the bathroom.

  “No problem.” He smiled, his gaze turned back to Michael whose thumb was rubbing Ice’s hand.

  Ice was looking down at her plate.

  Peyton scooted his chair closer to Ice. “You look gorgeous tonight Iceria.”

  Ice lifted her eyes to him.

  “I mean you always look gorgeous.” He added smiling brightly.

  She blushed and tucked her hair behind her ear. “Thank you Peyton.”

  Maddie snorted.

  Ice reached and took a sip of her cosmopolitan.

  Michael narrowed his eyes at the undeniable sexual tension between his girlfriend and this kid he didn’t know too well. Just heard rumors about. Rumors that would make one worry if his girlfriend was the type of girl….

  Michael put his arm around Ice’s chair. His girlfriend was not that type of girl.

  Peyton stared at the older guy’s arm placement, before bringing his hand under the table.

  Ice held herself perfectly still as she felt Peyton’s fingers on her knee. Gently soft caresses as he made his way up her thigh.

  “Gold is really your color.” Peyton whispered leaning into her. He licked his bottom lip.

  Michael glared at him and rubbed Ice’s shoulder. “Are you finished sweetheart?” He asked gently. “I have some place else I want to take you.”

  Peyton’s fingers played with the hem of her dress.

  Ice found it harder to breathe. Her heart was pounding as she turned her head to Michael.

  “Are you ready to go?” Michael asked, putting his napkin away. “We don’t want to miss the show.”

  “The show is right here.” Maddie whispered behind her cocktail.

  Peyton slid his hand under Ice’s dress. She felt good. Her skin was so smooth. He slowly slid his hand a little further up.

  “Actually, I want dessert.” Ice said smiling at Michael. Her voice sounded a little shaky to Peyton.

  He smiled

  Michael looked at her, unable to hide his surprise. He looked at Peyton and Maddie and seemed about to protest.

  “I heard the Tiramisu is really good.” Ice said, ignoring Michael.

  “I heard the same thing too.” Maddie said. The blond girl was a little too excited about what was happening at the table.

  Peyton motioned the waiter over. “I think I’ll try the Dulce de leche caramel cheesecake. She’ll have the Tiramisu.” He looked at Maddie who shook his head. Peyton turned to Michael. “What will you get lawyer boy.”

  Michael glared at Peyton. He slowly looked from Peyton to Ice and then back to Peyton his eyes narrowed. Ice wasn’t that type of girl. She was innocent and perfect. This Peyton boy wasn’t.

  “How about some champagne?” Peyton asked the waiter after he wrote down their dessert.

  “Right away Mr. Stone.”

  There was an awkward silence at the table with time seemingly frozen.

  To Ice’s surprise, Michael leaned down and kissed her on the cheek. Her eyes widened as she turned to face him.

  Peyton snorted. “Claiming your territory Michael?” He sneered.

  “I don’t have to claim something, that’s already mine.” Michael replied.

  Ice blinked. “Wow, I’m not an object.”

  The waiter came over and poured them their drinks.

  “Of course, you’re not.” Peyton replied.

  “You know what I mean.” Michael said simultaneously.

  “This is about to be good.” Maddie said as she drank some of her champagne and sat back.

  Peyton raised his glass to Michael, didn’t take his eyes off him and drank the champagne.

  Michael did the same.

  Peyton scooted his chair even closer to Ice. “Of course, you’re not an object sweetheart.” He said staring her straight in the eyes. “You have your own mind, make our own decisions.” His one hand was under her dress caressing her thigh and his other hand softly brushed her shoulder.

  Ice stared back at him; she looked at his mouth and met his eyes. Peyton moved his hand on her thigh up a little bit more.

  “Thank you.” She said breathlessly.

  “Peyton, refrain from being so close to my girlfriend.” Michael said angrily

  “Shhhh.” Peyton hushed him. “The adults are talking.” He replied staring at Ice’s lips.

  “Shit.” Maddie’s eyes widened.

  “Excuse me?” Michael straightened up in disbelief.

  Ice’s mouth dropped open as she looked from Michael to Peyton and back again. “He didn’t----He----” She turned to Peyton.

  “Peyton, I think you’ve over stayed your welcome.” Michael said coldly quickly regaining his composure. It was obvious now what was going on. And he’ll need to have a talk with Ice if she was so easily influenced by this delinquent.

  “Nonsense.” Peyton said. “You invited me.” He poured himself more champagne.

  “I invited you as a friend, not as somebody who’s obviously interested in my girlfriend.” Michael said trying to keep his tone under control.

  Peyton chuckled. “Oh, I’m more than interested.”

  “Let’s go.” Michael said getting up and pulling Ice up from her seat abruptly.

  Peyton grabbed Ice’s other hand and pulled her back down to her seat. “She didn’t get her dessert.”

  “She doesn’t want any dessert. We’re leaving.” Michael said about to pull her back up.

  “Actually, I do want that Tiramisu.” Ice said quickly disengaging her arm from Michael’s.

  Peyton smirked at Michael.

  Michael stared at Ice in disbelief. Where was his obedient docile girlfriend? “Ice we’re leaving----"

  “Yeah, desserts!” Maddie said happily clapping as they were brought to the table.

  Michael looked at the table and refused to sit, he stood by Ice clenching his fist.

  “Michael sit down, we don’t want to cause a scene.” Ice sat and spewed his favorite sentence back at him.

  He looked around and nodded, before sitting down. “Eat quickly we don’t want to be late.” He tried to control his tone. “I got us really good seats.”

  Ice nodded and slowly took a bite. She licked her lips. “Wow, this is really good.” She said closing her eyes and savoring the taste.

  Both guys stared at her eating, their mouth slightly opened. She made it look good. Michael couldn’t remember Ice ever ensuing such sexuality. Both guys stared at her Tiramisu and back at her.

  Noticing she’d somehow became the center of attention she licked her bottom lip and stared at them shyly. She was the only one eating her dessert. It was really good. Literally the one thing she truly loved about this unnecessarily fancy restaurant was the dessert.

  “You guys want some?” She asked innocently looking from Peyton, to Michael to Maddie.

  She cut a piece and lifted it up.

  Maddie leaned forward. “I do.” She said putting her mouth over Ice’s fork and taking the piece of Tiramisu off it. “Wow, it is really good.”

  Ice slowly cut another piece. Feeling all eyes on her. She could have sworn she was sweating. This was too much pressure. Too much pressure for a simple dessert. She refused to look at the guys on either side of her. She could feel their gaze on her, on each other, the glares being transmitted.

  When she brought the fork to her mouth, Michael took her arm, looked at Peyton, bent down and put the piece of Tiramisu in his mouth.

  “It is good babe.” Michael smiled at her before shooting Peyton a cold glare. “Why don’t you finish that up so we can get out of here.” Michael looked up and put his hand in the air. “Check.” He snapped at the waiter.

  Peyton smirked.

  Ice nodded and brought the fork back to the plate and cut another piece. Her hand trembled but she wasn’t sure if anybody else noticed.

  The table was silent.

  Had Michael offered up a challenge?

  Maddie whipped her head to Peyton. What was he was going to do?

  Ice brought the piece of Tiramisu to her mouth. She hesitated a little bit, but Peyton didn’t make a move to take the fork.

  Michael smirked, triumphantly.

  A tad bit disappointed, Ice put the piece of Tiramisu in her mouth. She slid the piece of cake off the fork when Peyton’s mouth covered hers. Her eyes wide and mouth parted in shock, Peyton used that opportunity to transfer the Tiramisu in his mouth with his tongue.

  Maddie’s jaw dropped open.

  Michael stared dumbfounded.

  Peyton chewed the dessert and swallowed before tilting his head and openly kissing her. Moving his head, both their eyes closed as Peyton ran his tongue over her bottom lip.

  The Break-Up


  Ice moaned softly. Her eyes fluttering open as he slow withdrew his lips from hers

  Peyton smiled. “You’re right Michael, it is good.
” He slowly ran his finger over Ice’s bottom lip. “Especially coming from her mouth.”

  Ice subconsciously kissed Peyton’s finger softly, not once taking her eyes off him. How bold could one person be. To do something so…her lips parted. A surge of adrenaline shot through her body. God, she’ll follow him to the ends of the earth.


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