Ice: Part I

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Ice: Part I Page 23

by Penny Hawking

  Ice watched as he slid his hand down to his crotch and held himself.

  “Peyton!” she squealed nudging, his leg.

  He lazily sat up on his elbows and stared at her. His hair covering part of his face. “I’m trying to be so good with you.” He whispered. His grey eyes dark and filled with lust. “You can’t tease me like that.”

  Ice opened her mouth, blinked a couple times before closing it. She tucked her hair behind her ear and pulled her earlobe. “Whose teasing?” She whispered suggestively.

  He stared at her unmoving for a good minute, finding it harder and harder to breathe.

  Ice looked down at the floor he was sprawled on and traced imaginary letters next to her leg. She couldn’t back down now could she? He was waiting for her to. Or waiting for her to encourage him. Whatever it was, Peyton was waiting. He hadn’t said a word. He’d barely moved. She could just feel his eyes on her.

  She shrugged. “It’s not as if I haven’t been curious---”

  “Whoa, whoa whoa….” Peyton chuckled as he jumped to his feet. He paced around his room, his hand on his crotch, still holding himself. He laughed and covered his face before releasing a huge sigh and pushing his hair back. He grinned and turned to Ice who was staring up at him in confusion.

  “What?” She asked. “What’s so funny?”

  “And all the times I’ve asked to go down on you?” He asked.

  Ice blushed and hugged herself. Her lips moved as she stared at the floor, mumbling something he couldn’t quite catch.


  She groaned and covered her face. “I don’t….” she mumbled off. “And maybe I sm….” She mumbled off again.


  He watched as his girlfriend threw her hands up in frustration before rubbing her face and crossing her arms. “I don’t----I don’t shave everything.” She looked down on the floor. “And maybe…maybe I smell weird.”

  He opened his mouth as if to say something and then shut it. Slowly Peyton made his way back to her and knelt down to his knees before her. “Ice….” He spoke gently.

  She lifted her eyes to him.

  “Every time we make out, or I finger you….what do I say?” He whispered.

  She bit down on her bottom lip. “I taste good?” she squeaked.

  “And if you taste good…God you smell amazing.” He whispered. He reached out and put his hand on her knee.

  Ice tried not to smile but failed.

  “And I know you don’t shave everything, I’ve touched you.” He smirked. “Besides, if I wanted a bald pussy, I’ll just watch porn.”

  “You’re so vulgar.” She shook her head shyly and rolled her eyes. “You’re a mess.”

  “I’m your mess.” He countered. He reached out and put both hands on her thighs. “Now Iceria Aniyah Johnson, on a serious note.” He rubbed her thighs and leaned into her. “Don’t say things like you would suck my dick…if you really won’t suck my dick.” He gave her a loud kiss on the tip of her nose.

  “I would suck your dick.” She responded meeting his eyes. “Show me what to do.” She whispered.

  Peyton’s lips parted as his fingers sank into her thigh. He inhaled deeply. “Ice---”

  “I want to suck your dick.” Ice cut him off.

  “Jesus.” Peyton shot up panting. He stared down at her and scratched his head nervously. Ice watched as he grabbed his arm and pinched himself.

  “What are you doing?” Ice asked giggling.

  “Am I fucking dreaming?” He asked putting his hands up.

  She threw her head back and laughed.

  He smiled as he watched her. “Say it one more time.” He ordered. “Tell me you want to suck my dick.”

  She laughed and quickly covered her mouth, worrying if she was too loud. “I want to suck your dick, Peyton.” She whispered.

  Peyton shook his head and turned around. Without a word he went over to his bedroom door and checked the lock. He turned the knob for good measure and turned back around. He hurried over to where she was sitting on the floor and dropped down next to her, his legs spread wide. He looked her over hungrily and when she smiled, he brought his hand up, cupped the back of her neck and kissed her. Ice closed her eyes and smiled.

  She loved kissing him. She loved feeling his mouth, tongue. She loved hearing his moan, having him breathless. He was so passionate. He kissed her like she was the sexiest thing he’d ever laid his eyes on. His lips were like poetry. She was addicted to it. She was addicted to kissing. To touching him.

  Ice moaned as their lips parted for air. He planted kisses down her neck as he unbuckled his belt and unbuttoned his pants.

  Peyton lifted his head and they kissed again. One hand cupping her face, caressing her cheek as the other unzipped his pants.

  Ice moved her head as they shifted the angle of their kiss. She felt his hand on her own. His fingers warm, as they directed her hand into his lap.

  Ice smiled and deepened the kiss. If she learned anything during their make-out sessions, was that Peyton loved for her to grab his dick. To touch him, to play with him. He’d taught her how to jerk him off. How much to squeeze, how fast to move, to caress his balls. He’d came in her hands so many times, she felt proud. But she too had came on him a lot hadn’t she. His fingers always drenched. After a few weeks now and Peyton’s patience, she was more than ready to take this to oral sex.

  Ice broke off the kiss and lowered her head. Peyton watched her in anticipation, mouth parted.

  Ice wasn’t lying about wanting to suck his dick. She’d asked Joanna and Maddie about it a couple days ago. What to do, how to do it. They weren’t much help besides, saliva, enjoy, suck and no teeth. Absolutely no teeth. She swore there had to be more to it. Joanna adamantly shook her head. Saliva, enjoy, suck, saliva, lick and absolutely no teeth.

  Peyton’s hands touched Ice’s back as she bent down lower. “Oh God…” He licked his bottom lip and threw his head back feeling her tongue on the head. Not wanting to miss it, he quickly brought his head back down, moving her hair to the side, to see her tongue dart out her mouth as she curiously licked the head. He bit down on his bottom lip to restrain himself. Ice parted her lips and he could still see her tongue as she covered the head of his dick and slide down his length.

  He moaned rather loudly, slightly jerking. He swallowed hard, remembering he was in his room and his younger siblings were in fact in the house. He clenched his jaw to stop from panting. Peyton’s hands trailed down her back and up randomly. The warmth of her mouth, the wetness of her tongue.

  “Fuck…” His eyes rolled back as she bobbed on his dick and sucked the tip. He moaned, his eyes fluttering. “You sure this is your first time Ice?” He whispered, forcing his eyes open to watch her lips go up and down his dick.

  She plopped him out of her mouth and smiled. Her lips wet. Eyes sparkling. “Am I doing a good job?” She asked.

  “Fuck, fuck yes...” He whispered, his hand instinctively going to the back of her head and nudging her down gently.

  She understood and stuck his dick in her mouth once again.

  Peyton moved her hair out of the way, so he could get the perfect view. He restrained himself, tensing so as not to move and jerk into her mouth. Instead he concentrated on her tongue, on her warmth. He gently slid himself in and out of her mouth. He trembled. He wasn’t going to last long. It was too good. He was being selfish. He should touch her. He should get her excited. But he couldn’t concentrate on anything else. Nothing else but how warm and wet----

  “Fuck….” He groaned and quickly lifted her head. His eyes shut tight, Peyton immediately finished himself off. His warm cum shooting into his hands and shirt. He panted as he closed his eyes, his head dropping back against his bed. He rolled his head to the side and opened his eyes to see Ice staring at him contently. She wiped her mouth with the back of her hand and he moaned again, trembling slightly at the aftermath.

  “That was….fun….” She admitted giggling shyly.
br />   “God….” Peyton shook his head. “I’m never letting you go.” He whispered.

  Ice laughed and threw her hands around him, her lips immediately landing on his. Without hesitation, Peyton kissed her eagerly. Her hands landed on his lap before she immediately pulled back.

  “Eeeewww cum.”


  Ice ran around the park as Peyton chased her. What was supposed to be them chasing Bam-Bam and Priya had quickly switched to him turning on her when his younger siblings got too tired to continue. Bam-Bam was currently leading a gang of little toddlers on a pirate ship and Priya had laid on the grass to read.

  “Okay, okay.” Ice laughed as he wrapped his arms around her from behind and lifted her, twirling her in the air. “I’m done, I give up. You win.”

  Peyton laughed and turned her around. His lips immediately coming on top of her with a firm confident kiss.

  She cupped his face and grinned, kissing him hard before pulling away.

  “I love you.” Peyton whispered. His grey eyes scanning her.

  She looked him over. Her spirit lifting. She smiled. Ice felt like she wasn’t herself. This was never the life she would have imagined for herself. Running around a park, ecstatic, boyfriend in her arms, happy, joyful in love. “I love you too.”

  “You sure?” He asked holding her tighter.

  She giggled and nodded. “I’m positive.”

  Their heads leaned forward simultaneously as they held each other. Ice’s arm wrapping around his neck, Peyton’s secured around her waist.

  “I trust you.” He whispered seriously.

  Their eyes met as silence fell between them. Peyton’s unnatural grey eyes seemingly peering into her soul. Probing her, seeking, questioning.

  Did she? Her lips parted and she held him tighter to her. Ice closed her eyes and hugged him even closer. “I’m scared of my mom.” Her words were so soft. Hesitant and unsteady.

  Peyton moved his hands up and down her back before wrapping her in a hug again. He didn’t ask for more. He closed his eyes and kissed her neck, only to hug her tighter.

  If you say you love her and trust her, then why don’t you tell her everything?

  “I was a bad ass kid.” He started.

  “Was?” Ice joked and pulled back a little.

  He smiled softly. His eyelids fluttering. “Come.” He nodded towards a tree. “Let’s go sit over there. I can watch them from there.”

  “Here you go with trees and nature again.” Ice joked nudging him.

  “My dad loved nature.” Peyton responded.

  Ice saw him tense before he turned to her and smiled and shrugged. “Must have rubbed off on me.” He held her hand as they walked across the park. “When I was little, he used to take me camping almost every weekend.” He chuckled. “It was like the best thing ever, just like me and him….because mom wasn’t much of an outdoorsy person and then she was pregnant with Priya and then she was taking care of Priya and….” He’d gotten a far-off look and trailed off. He stopped talking and shrugged again. “It doesn’t matter.” He mumbled.

  “It’s the first time I’ve heard you talk about your dad.” Ice admitted as she sat down next to him against the trunk of the tree. “How’d he die again?” He’d never told her. In fact, she remembered he’d avoided answering the last time.

  Peyton squinted as he stared at his siblings. Priya was still reading and Bam-Bam was still ordering little toddlers around. There was a group of moms and babysitter’s sitting on the benches gossiping and watching the kids.

  “The news said a heart attack.” He finally answered.

  There was more. She could tell. But she tried to lighten the mode. “The news?” she smiled. “Was he famous?”

  Peyton chuckled and turned to her slightly. “You haven’t googled me Ice?”

  Her mouth dropped open. “I wasn’t aware I was supposed to.” Her eyes widened. “What are you a prince or something?”

  He laughed. “I’m Peter Stone’s son. Heir to the multi-billion-dollar company Stone Corporations.”

  “Excuse me what?” Ice blinked at him rapidly.

  “It’s actually a huge turn on that you didn’t know that.” Peyton admitted teasingly blowing her a kiss.

  “Well excuse me Richie-rich.”

  Peyton laughed and wiggled closer to her under the tree. He put his arm around her shoulder and Ice leaned back into it. Resting her head and smiling gently. Peyton stared out at his brother and sister cautiously.

  “So…you’re like taking over the business and stuff after you graduate and stuff?” Ice asked slowly.

  “Yeah….” He responded in a whisper. He inhaled and exhaled reluctantly. “That’s the plan.”

  “Going back to California, right?”

  Peyton slowly turned away from looking at his siblings to Ice cozied up against him. Her eyes wide and questioning.

  “Yeah….” He responded with a gentle smile.

  Ice smiled back sadly and shifted. “That’s like in a couple months.”

  “Yeah….” He replied again.

  Ice looked down at her turquoise colored toe nails and nodded. “Cool.”

  “Come with me.”

  Ice’s head shot up. “What?”

  “To California.” Peyton grinned. He looked around before turning back to Ice. “Let’s leave this place. Together. Let’s be together in California.” He whispered.

  Ice’s heart was pulsating so hard she felt she would explode. She stared up at her boyfriend with a mixture of joy and sadness. “I---I uh-----I never thought of----California.”

  “I’ll show you everything. We’ll do everything and anything.” He grinned and reached over and kissed her cheek. “We own these condos.” He whispered in her ear. “Really nice view. We could share a condo.”

  Ice giggled and tugged her ear before tucking her hair behind her ear.

  “It’ll be perfect.” Peyton whispered, watching her carefully. “It’ll be so perfect.” Before he even finished saying the last word, his lips pressed against her gently.

  Ice closed her eyes and held the side of his face. She let herself be swept up in his kiss.

  California? Her? How would she ever do that? Melissa would never let her go across the country. Especially not to California. Especially not with Peyton. To live together? In a condo? If only….God if only.

  They slowly parted. A trail of saliva connected their lips before Peyton pulled away reluctantly. She watched him take a couple deep breaths as if trying to calm himself down.

  She leaned her head on his shoulder and he turned to her and smile.

  “What are you thinking about?” She whispered.

  “Making love to you.” He responded.

  Ice chuckled.

  “Our future.” He continued. “Being happy together.” He turned his attention back to Bam-bam and Priya so as not to lose sight of them. “I want to go back and be better. Especially if you’re coming.” He chuckled sadly. “I wouldn’t do all the fucked-up shit I did.” He lowered his eyes.

  Ice held his arm and kept silent, knowing Peyton wanted to keep talking. Knowing he was trying to find his words. She’d always heard that boys didn’t talk much. That they didn’t share much. That they weren’t affectionate or fond of PDA, but Peyton was the opposite. He wanted to open up. He wanted her to open up. He wanted to talk about things. Everything. About facts, about space, about politics, about race, about the past, about the future. He wanted to know so many things and share so many things. In these few moments alone, Ice was pretty sure she’d learned more from him than she had these last couple years in school. He was smart. He was curious and he was smart. Those private schools he’d went through before coming here must have paid off.

  Ice smiled. How had she gotten so lucky? He said he trusted her. She trusted him too right? She did. She can trust him. And… she’ll start telling him. Bits…bits and pieces to see if he still stuck around. She wouldn’t blame him if he didn’t.

  “You p
ull on your earlobe sometimes when you’re nervous.” Peyton spoke up. He turned his head to her and grinned.

  Ice was caught off guard. She thought she’d stopped doing that a long time ago. She instinctively touched her ear and quickly brought it down. “Really?

  “You have a hand obsession.”

  “I do not have a hand obsession.” She said defensively.

  “I don’t mind, its kinky.” He said slyly

  “Shut-up.” She blushed and covered her face. “You have nice hands.”

  “I have nice hands? Or do you like what I do to you with my said hands?” Peyton asked raising his eyebrow and smiling.

  “Oh my God.” Ice looked around the park as if everybody could hear their conversation.


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