Ice: Part I

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Ice: Part I Page 26

by Penny Hawking

  Ice smiled and looked down.

  Peyton got comfortable in his chair and slipped his hands inside his shorts. Willing himself to go down.

  They sat and watched the movie in silence; Peyton’s eyes glued to the screen.

  Ice was fidgeting. She was restless. She had this. She wanted it. Peyton wanted it. Dammit she should just do it. Get him back in the mood. She shifted a little and rubbed her neck.


  “Yeah babe wassup?” he asked turning his head towards her.

  “Do you know how to give massages?” She asked wincing a little as she rubbed her neck. “My back and neck hurt.”

  “Yeah a little.” He said slowly, watching her rub her neck.

  “Do you mind?” she asked shifting herself so her back was facing him.

  “Nope not at all.” Peyton said as he got up. He slowly made his way to the couch and positioned himself behind her. “Where does it hurt?”

  Ice pointed to her neck. “And my whole back.”

  She felt Peyton’s hands on her neck. “What happened?”

  “I don’t know, maybe from running all over the park today.” She said rolling her neck and enjoying the movements of his hand.

  Peyton touched her upper back and started pressing, the right areas. “There’s a knot.” He said rubbing it again. It slowly started to feel better.

  “Would it be better if I took off my shirt?” Ice asked slowly.

  Peyton paused. “Yeah probably.” He whispered

  Ice smiled as she lifted her shirt and put it in her lap. She turned her head to look at Peyton. “Go head.” Ice turned her head back around.

  She felt Peyton’s hot hands on her back as he started massaging her again. His hands were always so hot, just like the rest of his body. She felt him go over her bra snap a couple times and then he started skipping over it. When he pressed her back, she leaned forward.

  “Maybe it’s easier if I lay down.” Ice said.

  “Yeah.” Peyton nodded licking his lips. He got up from the couch.

  Ice smiled. She laid her shirt on the floor and laid belly down on the couch.

  Peyton moved to sit.

  “Wait.” Ice said getting up. Her back turned to Peyton. She reached behind her and unhooked her bra. The art of being a woman. Just for show purposes, she slowly removed her bra straps. Even though she was itching to see Peyton’s face, she didn’t turn around. She gently put her bra on top of her shirt. Without fully turning to him, but she was sure he got a nice side view.

  Feeling jittery she laid back down on the couch. She was really doing this. She, Iceria Aniyah Johnson was going to do this.

  Without a word. Peyton got on top of her and straddled her butt. If she had doubts about whether she’d affected him, they quickly went out the door as she felt his boner on her butt.

  “Sorry.” Peyton said softly not needing to explain what he was apologizing for.

  Ice bit back her smile. “It’s okay.” She said as Peyton resumed massaging her back. He really did have amazing hands, he knew exactly where and how to massage her. Ice closed her eyes and let out a soft moan. She felt Peyton’s hand hesitate a little and he shifted some and continued.

  Good, he was so good.

  She moaned and closed her eyes.

  Ice didn’t know how long she dozed off, but she woke up feeling refreshed. She noticed Peyton was no longer on top of her, but her back felt amazingly light.

  She heard the movie in the background and turned her head to see Peyton watching her from the recliner chair. He took a drink from his water bottle.

  “I was so good, I put you to sleep.” He grinned, as he drank again.

  “Did I snore?” Ice asked, opening and closing her eyes, the light was a little dim, but it was still bright enough for her to have to adjust to it.

  “Like a pig.” He joked, taking another drink.

  Ice opened her mouth horrified as she started shifting in the couch to get up.

  “I’m joking.” He said laughing. “You didn’t make a sound. You’re fucking beautiful when you sleep. Did you know that?… like an angel.”

  “Oh, stop it.” She blushed. “What time is it?”

  Peyton put the water to his mouth and looked at his phone.

  Ice sat up on the couch and stretched her arms up over her head. And groaned in satisfaction.

  Peyton looked up. “Ten fort---” Peyton’ missed his mouth and spilled water on himself. His phone and water bottle fall to the floor.

  “Sorry.” He said hurriedly. He bent down to pick up his phone and water bottle, but his eyes shifted quickly to her chest one more time then he looked away quickly, a blush coming to his cheeks and ears.

  Ice brought her hands down and looked at her chest too. She quickly wrapped her arms around her chest. “Oh my God.” She said.

  “It’s umm…it’s…” Peyton looked back at his phone. “…it’s 10:45” he replied rubbing his neck, not taking his eyes off the floor.

  Ice grabbed her shirt on the floor and used it to cover her breast. “I forgot.”

  “It’s okay.” Peyton chuckled shaking his head.

  “Aaaww man this is so embarrassing.” Ice groaned.

  Peyton sat back down in his seat. “Really it’s okay.” He chuckled again. His eyes a dark grey. “Put your shirt on and stop trying to tempt me.”

  Ice opened her mouth and swallowed hard. She smiled nervously and slowly let her shirt fall.

  Peyton cocked his head to the side slightly and licked his lips. “You really have nice breasts.”

  Ice laughed. “Are you coming or you’re just going to stare at me?” Her face felt hot. “I’m losing my nerves.”

  “I’m just going to stare at you.” He responded playfully.

  Ice put her arms around her chest, feeling self-conscious. She brought them down and then crossed them just as quickly.

  Peyton simply watched her not saying a word.

  Ice exhaled deeply and put her arms down. Her back straight as her breast pointed at Peyton. “Okay what do I do now?” she asked.

  He rubbed his thumb over his bottom lip contemplating what she’d just said. He’d be a fool not to try his luck. “Take off your jeans.”

  To his surprise and without hesitation, Ice stood up off the couch. She watched him as she unbuttoned her jeans and unzipped it. He did not once tear his eyes away as she wiggled out of her jeans and let it fall to the floor.

  Ice stood before him in only her white string bikini underwear. Her dark skin seemed to glow under the dim light setting of their home theater.

  He swallowed hard. He was hard as a rock. He wet his lips.

  “Now what?” Ice whispered.

  “Come here.” He whispered back.

  Ice smiled and was before him in seconds. Her arm had already gone around his neck. He’d spread his legs, sitting up in that recliner chair. His hands gabbing her thighs, assisting her in straddling him where he sat. Their lips came in contact at the same time that he felt her ass on his dick.

  The both moaned as they kissed each other harder.

  Peyton’s hands roamed her back as he moved against her. Her nipples rubbing against his shirt only caused him to kiss her fervently. Without breaking the kiss, Peyton brought his hand up to run over her breast. Ice pressed herself harder against his hand as he squeezed her breasts. Ice’s nipples were hard and aching for his touch.

  Peyton moaned and rubbed them again. He broke off the kiss and lowered his head.

  He’d never done it before, but she somehow already knew what he was going to do. His mouth enclosing over her left nipple.

  Ice moaned softly as she felt his warm wet tongue. When he pulled away, there was a brief chill that caused her to shiver. But he moved his head to the other nipple and pulled it in his mouth.

  Ice closed her eyes and parted her lips. Cradling his head as he sucked and licked her nipples. This sensation was new, but it was shooting straight to her center. She found herself movi
ng against him. Moaning at the rippling wave of nerves going through her body.

  Peyton lifted his head and grabbed both of her ass cheeks to aid in her movements. His breathing hard as he stared at her. Their mouths covered each other’s once again.

  Peyton shoot up off the chair, making Ice squeal in excitement. He held her tightly as she wrapped her legs around him. He walked them over to the couch and lowered her down.

  “Ouch.” She bumped her head on the arm of the chair.

  “Sorry. Sorry.” He apologized quickly. And she giggled.

  Peyton hurriedly pulled his shirt off over his head and she watched in excitement. He reached down and pulled his basketball shorts off.

  Ice grinned as she sat up slightly, meeting Peyton halfway as he climbed on top of her on the couch. They smiled and kissed each other longingly.

  “Fuck.” Peyton murmured as he settled himself between her thighs. Her back pressed down on the couch. Peyton was laid fully against her. Their bodies rocking slowly but confidently against each other.

  Ice wrapped her legs around his waist to feel more of him. She kissed him hard. Peyton’s hand roamed all over her thighs, butt, hips, waist, stomach, breasts. He pressed himself against her needing to feel more. Ice ran her fingers through his hair. She took off his ponytail and ran her fingers some more.

  Peyton groaned as he grinded against her. Her fingers in her hair was going to be the death of him. Ice sucked on his neck as she ran her hands over his hardened nipples and then down his abs

  Peyton kissed her shoulder and sucked her skin. He kissed her neck, her chin. His breathing labored, his hand found itself between her legs. Rubbing her gently there. Applying slight teasing pressure against her now damp underwear.

  They kept kissing as Ice slipped her hand inside his boxers. She grabbed his hot dick and felt him jerk into her hand. This felt so good. It felt amazing. Touching each other, feeling on each other. She didn’t know she could feel this much. That it could be this disorientating. All she wanted to do was feel and kiss and touch and grab and stroke.

  “Fuck Ice….” Peyton whispered desperately as his hand slipped inside her underwear and he stroked her. He watched her mouth part as she opened her legs, giving him more access. Arching her body into him. Letting him know she wanted more. She needed more. Peyton rocked against her arm as he slipped his middle finger inside her gently.

  She moaned.

  He usually did one. A couple strokes and then two. He kissed her as she kept pumping his dick. The third finger slipped inside.

  “Please….” She whispered against his lips desperately.

  Peyton moaned as he retreated his fingers. He grabbed the hem of her underwear and lowered it slightly.

  Ice lifted her butt and he brought them further down her thighs. He broke the kiss and looked down at her naked body. His mouth dropped open and he almost salivated. “God you’re perfect.”

  Ice smashed her mouth against his. Peyton kissed her passionately as he grabbed himself. They seemed to sink deeper into the couch as Ice spread her legs wider. Their lips finally separated again only when Peyton looked down and Ice followed.

  Peyton had pulled himself out of his boxers and was slowly rubbing his erection against her. She smiled and moaned as she watched his dick slid through her wet lips.

  Peyton stared at her, mouth opened.

  “So wet, so fucking wet…” He returned to kissing her hard. His tip rubbing against her wetness. Ice wrapped her arms around his neck and rolled against him. She felt him poke her once and then twice.

  She pulled her lips away. “Do you have a condom?” She whispered.

  “It’s upstairs. In my bedroom.” He replied his breathing ragged. He pressed himself against her again. His grey eyes clouded with lust. “Can I just put the tip?” He whispered. “Just the tip. Just a little.”

  Ice nodded eagerly and kissed him again.

  Peyton moaned desperately as he pressed his dick between her wet folds. He moved down slightly and pressed the head against her clit. Groaning he moved lower and pressed again. She was so wet. She felt so good. He bit down on her bottom lip as he moved slightly to the right and pressed gently.

  Ice opened her eyes. Peyton kissed her and smiled. She could feel him right there. How would he do it? Will it fit? Did she need to do anything else? To her surprise, he kept himself unnaturally still. He wasn’t poking her, or stroking. He stayed there. The head pressed against her entrance. Ice moved her hip upward. She heard his moan as his tip pressed into her entrance. It didn’t hurt. He pulled back and did it again. No more, no less. Wasn’t this supposed to hurt? Ice closed her eyes. This was amazing. Peyton lowered his head against her neck as his body shook from the restrain. Closing his eyes, he pressed himself in a little further and a little more. He released his hold on his dick and slipped out. He grabbed her thighs and scooted her up. His lips covered her passionately as his dick pressed against her entrance, entering her slowly. Instead of pulling back, Peyton moaned and sank deeper.

  “Fuck….” He moaned.

  “Pey-Pey.” A little voice said at the doorway.

  The couple froze.

  Peyton’s head shot up, Ice shoved his chest and scooted away causing his dick to slip out of her. “Fuck Princeton what? “He demanded.

  Ice squeezed her legs closed, feeling his dick on her thigh. She brought her hand up to cover her mouth. No way was this happening right now.

  “I want some chocolate milk.” Bam-Bam answered sleepily rubbing his eyes.

  “Fuck.” Peyton whispered as he stared at his little brother over the couch. “Now?” He asked slowly in frustration.

  Bam-Bam nodded. “Yes, please.” The tiny voice said.

  “Why don’t you go back to your room and think about it. If you still want chocolate milk in let’s say an hour, then come back down.” Peyton suggested he lowered his head and tried to part Ice’s legs.

  “Peyton.” Ice whispered hitting his hand. ‘Get him milk.’ She mouthed locking her knees together.

  Peyton closed his eyes and sighed heavily. He threw his head back in annoyance. “Okay go up to the kitchen, I’m coming.”

  Bam-Bam rubbed his eyes and slowly turned around. He stopped. “Is Ice sleeping?” Bam-Bam asked innocently.

  Ice froze.

  Peyton glared at his little brother. “Princeton get your ass to the kitchen now.” He growled.

  Bam-Bam must have known that tone of voice because Ice could hear his feet scurrying away.

  Peyton looked down at her.

  Ice shook her head. “That was so embarrassing.” She said trying not to laugh at the absurdity of it.

  Peyton smiled and kissed her. “It’s okay, he didn’t see anything, otherwise he would’ve asked more questions.” Peyton parted her knees. “Besides, he’s too tired, to know what’s going on. He just wants his fucking chocolate milk.” He licked his lips as he stared down at her. “Let’s continue.”

  “Stop it.” Ice said hitting his chest. “Go get him chocolate milk.”

  Peyton pouted. “But I want chocolate milk too.” He said lowering his head.

  Ice laughed and pushed him off her. Peyton’s naked ass fell on the floor. “No chocolate milk for you.” She said as she covered her breasts with her hands.

  “What are you hiding? I’ve already seen them.” He said pulling his boxers back up reluctantly. He grabbed his shorts and put them on.

  “Stop it.” She whispered as she hurriedly put on her shirt.

  Peyton grinned and gave her a quick peck on the lips. “Since you didn’t put your bra on, does that mean I get to keep it?” He asked snatching the bra off the floor before she could get it.


  He grinned and ran to the stairs. “Princeton Stone I’m gonna kill you!” He threatened his little brother while running up.

  Ice smiled. They’d been so close. Did that mean she wasn’t a virgin anymore? She felt him. He’d felt big, a little too big she thought. Maybe h
e wouldn’t have been able to go further. But she’d felt him for sure. Right in her center. Stretching her. And she was pretty sure had Bam-Bam not interrupted, he would have kept going. She touched her hot face. God who was she?


  “Shut-up.” Joanna said through the phone.

  Maddie was laughing too hard to talk.

  “It’s not that funny guys, it was embarrassing.” Ice said.

  “Let’s recount this, so while Mr. Lover boy was literally poking into your pussy...” Jo recounted.


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