Ice: Part I

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Ice: Part I Page 29

by Penny Hawking

  Ice smiled sadly. “I’m guessing he never made it off life support.”

  Peyton shook his head. “We got him the best doctors. They did surgery and for a while it looked as though he would make it…but then his lungs started bleeding again.” Peyton put his head down. “After he died, we paid the medical bills, the funeral and now were just supporting the family…it’s the least we could do…but it’s shit…no matter how well off their gonna be for the rest of their lives, their father and husband is still dead… I lost my dad and I selfishly took away somebody else’s.” He said sadly.

  Ice moved to sit on his lap. She wrapped her legs around his waist and leaned her forehead against his. “You’re the strongest person I know. All that…and you’re still here …you didn’t stop fighting.” Ice whispered.

  Peyton touched her sides. “I had support…lots of support…and rehab for the summer before 10th grade…I was the youngest.” He chuckled sadly. “I didn’t do it on my own. I couldn’t do it on my own.” He leaned closer and rubbed his nose against hers. “When you have people that love you that are willing to fight for you…it’s so much easier to fight for yourself.” He whispered.

  Ice looked down at the hand that he’d intertwined with hers. It seemed as though time stood still when she didn’t move. Finally, she looked up at him and smiled. There was something in her eyes that he’d never seen before.

  “I love you.” She spoke seriously

  “What?” Peyton asked in shock. She’d never said it first.

  “I love you.” She said biting her lip and smiling.


  “Dammit Peyton, I said I love you.” She said louder hitting his shoulder.

  “I know. I just wanted you to keep saying it.” Peyton admitted kissing her.

  Ice smiled. “This means you’re stuck with me forever now.” Ice said.

  “Oh, the horror.” Peyton joked kissing her again. Ice kissed him back and looked at him. Her dark brown eyes were gleaming. This is what she looks like when she’s genuinely happy. He smiled at her.

  Ice lifting her pinky finger and he chuckled. He brought up his pinky and they linked it. They blew into it and kissed each other gently.

  Peyton let out a satisfied sigh. “This is so much better than therapy.”

  Ice chuckled. “Which we seemed to have gotten enough of.”

  “Your turn.” Peyton nodded holding her tenderly. “So, Melissa was a twin huh?” Peyton asked.

  Ice nodded. “Yeah my aunt…the one who…the fire.” Ice said. “Her name was Aniyah.” Ice gently brushed Peyton’s shirt.

  “Like you….”

  Ice nodded. “I don’t remember her really well, except she was always nice. She…she made people happy and she was always smiling….and…energetic, I remember that.” Ice took a breath. “They were identical twins; you couldn’t tell them apart except…” she looked up at Peyton. “Melissa has hazel eyes and Aniyah had brown eyes…dark brown eyes.”

  Peyton nodded.

  Ice looked down. “I wish I could tell you more about her except nobody really talks about her. I just know stuff…that came out here and there.”

  Ice seemed to be struggling with something, so Peyton wrapped his arms around her back and gently rubbed it. She stared at him. Her eyes smiling at him. Her beautiful eyes. Beautiful dark brown eyes. Peyton held her closer as realization began to sink in.


  Noticing, the change in his expression, Ice smiled nervously. “From what I know…My dad…she…she had an affair with my dad I think. I mean I guess. I’m here..”

  Peyton’s mouth dropped open.

  Ice nodded. “Yeah.” Ice looked down. “I’m still an only child because Melissa…can’t have children…ever.” She looked up at Peyton.

  “Wow.” Peyton whispered.

  “So, when they found out that Aniyah was pregnant…” Ice shook her head. “I don’t know… Aniyah wasn’t ready to be a mom I guess…and Melissa wanted desperately to be a mom…Since it was all about image, they couldn’t let the town know that my dad fucked his sister-in-law. So, Dad relocated down to Hawaii with them both. And when he had to attend affairs with his pregnant wife, Aniyah just wore hazel contacts…and when I was born, they just put Melissa’s name instead of Aniyah’s…and everything was back to normal.” Ice said shrugging. “We stayed in Hawaii for a while and Aniyah went back to Kansas.”

  “Oh shit.” Peyton said holding her hands. “What the fuck?”

  “Yeah, we know a little about money’s ability to cover up stuff.” Ice nodded.

  “Wait…so does she hate you and treat you like this cause you’re not her real daughter?” Peyton asked.

  Ice shook her head. “I knew she loved me, whether I was her real daughter or not. I have so many memories of when I was so happy with her.” Ice said tears welling up. “I never once doubted she was my mom for the first couple years of my life…and then one day…” Ice took a breath. “And then on my 6th birthday she just snapped…it’s like one day we’re this perfect family…and then --- we’re not.”

  The loud vibration of her phone on the table cause Ice to stop telling her story. Ice stood up and went to her purse and took out her phone. She turned to Peyton. “It’s Melissa.”

  “Answer it.” He said walking up to stand beside her. He gently kissed her cheek.


  “You have to be at the house immediately.” Melissa answered


  Melissa sighed. “Iceria, I’m sure you can get out of that boy’s bed for two minutes and come home. It’s important.” She hung up.

  Ice stared at the phone and looked up at Peyton.

  “It’s like she fucking knew we were talking about her or something.” Peyton said in awe.

  Ice looked disappointed. “I think I gotta go.” She said putting her phone away.

  Peyton resisted the urge to groan. “You’re really at her beck and call huh?”

  Ice opened her mouth and then shut it. She lowered her eyes.

  “Sorry, sorry.” He sighed and nodded. Peyton stretched out his arms and Ice went into it. “We’re still fighting right? Don’t let her control you. Stand your ground.”

  “I never go back on a pinky promise.” Ice smiled. “I love you.”

  “I love you more.” Peyton smiled. He bent his head slightly and captured her lips. He murmured against her lips as he kissed her again. He brought his hands to cup her face and deepened the kiss. He squeezed her butt as he parted her lips with his tongue.

  “Stop it.” Ice said giggling pushing him away. Peyton growled and brought her back against him and planted a sloppy wet kiss on her face. Partly on her mouth and partly on her cheek.

  “Eeewww.” Ice said wiping off his saliva from her face. “You nasty.”

  “Nasty?! Sweet heart... if it’s good enough for your mouth, it’s good enough for your face.” He teased as he licked his lips with extra saliva and grabbed her face and kissed her hard.

  “I have to go.” Ice said wiping her face and throwing unsuccessful glares his way.

  Peyton laughed. “I’m gonna miss you.” He said grabbing her and bringing her against him again.

  “Stop that.” Ice said scolding him.

  “Say you love me again.”

  “I love you again.” Ice said rolling her eyes and she received a more civilized kiss on the lips.

  “Now go before I demand more.” Peyton said. He turned her around and smacked her butt hard.

  Ice stuck her middle finger up at him, grinning.

  “Anytime baby, anytime.” He said giddily as he watched her leave out the double doors.

  Fighting Words

  What could possibly be this urgent? Ice wondered as she opened her front door and walked inside. She made her way to the stairs when she heard voices in the den.


  She turned and walked into the den.

  “About time you got here, you’ve kept him waiting.�
� Melissa said sweetly standing up.

  “What?” Ice scrunched her face in confusion as she turned to look at the figure on the couch.

  “Hi Ice.” Michael said standing up.

  Ice looked around and took a step back. “What are you doing here?”

  “Well Michael being the gentleman he is, has agreed to overlook your sudden erratic behavior and is willing to take you back.” Melissa said smiling proudly at her daughter. “Isn’t that sweet of him?”

  “What?” Ice looked back and forth at them in disbelief.

  “Your mom told me you were going through a rough time. I completely understand.” Michael said coming closer.

  Ice looked at him as if he’d just grown two heads.

  “I’m sure that night we said some stuff we didn’t mean, so I’ve put all that behind me. We can start over again.” He smiled brightly. “Iceria it’s all in the past. We’ll forget that night.”

  Ice touched her temple. “Am I dreaming?”

  Michael smiled his infamous smile. “Sweetheart, lucky for you this is real life.”

  “I’m not your sweetheart.” Ice snapped at him.

  “Iceria, what’s wrong with you. You cheated on him and he’s willing to forgive you.” Melissa said sternly.

  “Why did you wait 2 months?” Ice asked in confusion. “Wait you told my mom I cheated on you?”

  “I wanted to give you time to think things through and to realize how much of a mistake you’ve made. I think being without me for 2 months is punishment enough.” Michael said touching her shoulder.

  Ice jerked her shoulder away from his reach. She took a step back. Looked at Michael and then looked at her mom. She laughed softly. “It’s a joke.” Ice laughed a little harder. “This is a joke.”

  “Iceria...” Melissa said her eyes glaring at Ice.

  Ice turned to her mom. “I can’t believe you did this.” She whirled around and looked at Michael. “I can’t even believe you’re here, in my house. I meant it Michael. Every last word.” She blinked rapidly. “You don’t even want me. I don’t want you.”

  Michael’s smile disappeared.

  “Stop being a puppet.” Ice whispered to him.

  “Iceria apologize.” Melissa warned.

  “For what!” She turned to her mom.

  Melissa crossed her arms. “Such erratic behavior you’ve been displayin---”

  “NO!” Ice cut her off angrily. She turned to Michael. “Get out of my house!”

  “Ice.” Michael took a step forward. “Let’s work this o---"

  “Get the fuck out of my house!” She clamped her hand over her mouth in shock. Had she really just said that?

  Michael froze.

  “What did you say?” Melissa said coldly.

  “I….I mean…I said No…I don’t love him, and I don’t want to be with him, stop making me.” Ice stammered nervously as she took a step back.

  Michael looked confused and hurt. He turned to stare at Melissa who was staring at Ice. “I thought you said she missed me? That she wanted this.”

  “She does.” Melissa said coldly. “This is just a phase she’s going through, she doesn’t disobey, right Iceria?” Her voice dripping with malice.

  Ice locked eyes with her mouth. Her body felt hot and her heart was beating too fast. She rubbed her hands against her jeans. She swallowed hard and exhaled loudly. “I already have a boyfriend. So no, I don’t want anything to do with you.” She spoke to Michael, but she was staring at her mom.

  “Iceria will go on a date with you this Saturday.” Melissa spoke calmly as she stared at her daughter.

  “No, I won’t.” Ice said.

  “Yes, you will.” Melissa said.

  Ice shook her head vehemently. “I’m not doing what you want me to do anymore.” She whispered to her mom.

  “I should just leave.” Michael said.

  “Good idea.” Ice said.

  “Stay.” Melissa ordered.

  Ice cowered away from her mother’s stare.

  “Now sweetheart why don’t you apologize to-----”

  “NO!” Ice yelled. “You can’t control me.” She rushed past them quickly and ran up the stairs.

  “Aniyah! Aniyah!” Melissa called up angrily.

  “I’m sorry Mrs. Johnson, I’m going to go. I’ll go.” Michael said nervously. He didn’t wait for her to answer and rushed for the door. He yanked it open and rushed out, closing it behind him. He exhaled loudly and shook his head. “They’re crazy.”

  “Aniyah...” Melissa rushed up the stairs and stood before her daughter’s closed door. “Is that what this boy has taught you? To walk into my house and disrespect me and your guests?”

  Ice yanked her door open and stared at her mom.

  “And you expect me to approve of this? Approve of him parading you around like a little hussy? Now Michael here is a good man from a good family. Now call him, apologize and make up.” She said calmly.

  “What’s wrong with you Melissa?” Ice stared at her in disbelief. “You’re not listening to me. I’m done.” Ice shook her head. “You can’t tell me what to do…I make my own decisions from now on.” She closed her bedroom door a little louder than usual. She hadn’t realized she was breathing so hard, but now in the silence of her room, all she heard was herself. That was the most terrifying thing she’d ever had to do. Standing up to Melissa like that. She looked down at her hands. They were shaking. She balled them into fists and took a couple deep breaths.

  “Shit.” She whispered and shook her head. She had to get out the house. Melissa was going to kill her.

  She yanked the door open only to see Melissa was still standing there. Hadn’t moved an inch.

  Ice took another breath as she held on to the door. She couldn’t back down now. Not now, not after what just happened. But she was terrified out of her mind. What would she do? Who would she call? It’s been two years since she’d seen a psychiatrist. She’d seen one for far less than her outburst a couple minutes ago.

  Why was she just staring at her? Ice lowered her eyes and stared at the ground.


  The adrenaline was gone, and she was a dumb dumb girl for having talked back to Melissa.

  “Where are you going?” Melissa finally spoke in a chillingly sweet voice.

  Ice jerked her head up. “Out.”

  “Out where sweetheart?” Melissa asked gently placing a hand on her shoulder.

  She flinched as she stared at the hand on her shoulder. “Out of the house.”

  Melissa closed her eyes and shook her head. “Aniyah…those boys…all those boys you hang out with are no good.”

  “What boys’ mom? There’s only Peyton.” Ice said. “You never even gave him a chance.”

  “You’re pretty, you’re so pretty. Of course, you are. You look just like me. But they all just want one thing from you.” Melissa whispered.

  “What are you talking about? I told you there are no boys. All I have is Peyton and no he doesn’t just want one thing from me.” Ice pleaded. “He loves me.”

  Melissa sucked her teeth as she stepped forward to stroke her daughter’s hair. “I picked the perfect guy for you, he wants to marry you and have kids with you…but you…you always want what’s out of reach Aniyah. You always want what you can’t have.”

  “What are you talking about?” Ice whispered taking a step back. Melissa was talking at her. Not to her.

  Melissa rolled her eyes. “I’m just tired of always having to fix your fucking mistakes all the time!” She grabbed Ice’s arm forcefully. “You always fuck up and I always have to fix them. You are just so happy go lucky. Living life without consequences and look where it brought you. Huh? Aniyah where did it bring you?”

  “Mom let go.” Ice cried pulling back. “What are you talking about.” She yanked her arm hard enough that Melissa stumbled and loosened her grip. Ice quickly turned and ran back in her room. Slamming the door and locking it nervously. “What the hell?”

�It’s okay.” Melissa said quietly. “I’ll fix it, I always fix it.” She said to the closed door before turning around and walking down the hallway.

  Ice sat on her bed and dug in the purse for her phone. She had to call Peyton and tell him. He needed to tell her what to do. She needed answers---she---. Ice looked at her phone and put it down. She needed to do this herself. The realization hit her hard. When she’d talked back to her mom earlier, Peyton wasn’t there to dictate words to her. This was her fight.


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