Ice: Part I

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Ice: Part I Page 37

by Penny Hawking

  She’d had sex with Peyton for the first time, it hadn’t even hurt and now after she could see he was a cuddler. A concerned cuddler as he’d asked her about three times if she was okay with what just happened.

  She was okay. She was more than okay. They should have had sex sooner.

  “I love you too.” Ice whispered, her head on his pillow as she put her arm over his chest. “I love you so much.”

  His grey eyes twinkled as they roamed her face. “Marry me.” He whispered.

  She nodded. “I will.”


  “Yes.” She giggled again, feeling as if she was floating on clouds.

  Peyton leaned over and kissed the tip of her nose. His hand sliding down her body, he brought her closer and put her head under his chin as he rested his chin on her head. Ice closed her eyes as she ran her hand down his chest.

  “You can’t go back there.” He whispered. “You have to stay with us now. And then after we graduate, we’ll go to California.” He ran his hand up and down her back.

  Ice chuckled sadly. “I would like that.” She whispered. She stared off past his bed. She gave a huge sigh and closed her eyes.

  “What was that for?” He asked. “You don’t like the plan?”

  She lifted her head and rested her chin on his chest. “I do.” She smiled staring up at him. “I just don’t think my mom would let anything like that happen.”

  Peyton shrugged. “I’m not asking for your mom’s permission.” He stated simply.

  Ice looked him over with a sad smile. “I think she’s…. she’s really crazy.” She whispered.

  “More reasons for you to get the fuck out of there.” He added.

  Ice nodded in agreement.

  “Tell me again what happened.” Peyton spoke up gently. “You said she poisoned you?” said.

  Ice nodded. “All of us.” She sighed and lowered her gaze. “Something about us staying as a family.” She shook her head. “Apparently she’s been doing it off and on for years."

  “What the fuck?”

  “I guess you weren’t the only one on drugs.” She joked.

  “Ice that’s not funny. What the fuck is her problem?” Peyton asked in disgust.

  Ice laughed sadly. “I don’t know but she’s been freaking me out these past couple days.”

  “What happened?” Peyton asked.

  Ice shook her head. “She keeps calling my Aniyah…my aunt’s name. It’s like she’s seeing things or she’s speaking to somebody else and worse….” Ice reached up and touched her hair. “I think my haircut triggered something in her. Something not good. Dad said they had this haircut when he’d first met them in ’88.”

  Peyton gently touched her hair. “I like it.”

  “She was screaming and yelling things I didn’t understand. I didn’t----” She trailed off and sighed. She lifted herself off Peyton and sat up in his bed. She ran her hands over her face before pushing her hair back and sighing. “I don’t know anything about anything.” Ice whispered.

  Peyton sat up too, his covers dropping to reveal his bareness. He watched her carefully as she continued.

  “I’m more confused than I was.” She whispered. “I thought…. I don’t know who Aniyah was.” She shrugged. “I thought dad had fallen in love with the wrong twin, that he had an affair…that….” She shook her head in confusion. “But how he acts and what he says…he loves Melissa so much and I feel he always had.” She brought her hand up to her chest before turning to him. “So where do I come in? How did I happen…..and…?”

  She blinked a couple times. “When I was sick, I kept having these, dreams…. well dreams and memories mixed together.” She sighed. “But the brain is finicky like that. I was only six…. there’s but so much that I remember. But so much that I understand…” she trailed off. “But I understand…that…Melissa and Aniyah were different. Vastly so.” She lowered her gaze. “I understand that…. I really can’t ever recall Aniyah…being more than just a passing figure in my life. I never…..I never even remember her holding me or wanting to hold me.”

  Peyton nodded and took his hand. He stayed silent as he let her talk.

  “I just knew that Melissa was my mom….and I loved her so much….and…” Tears ran down Ice’s face as she struggled to speak. “That I would do anything for her…”

  Peyton reached up and gently wiped her tears with his thumb across her cheek.

  “She wanted me….to help her….” She closed her eyes. “She wanted me to help her kill her.”

  He put his arms around her shoulder and brought her against him.

  “And I did…I was only six….” She cried.

  Peyton wrapped his arms around her tighter. Burying her face in the crook of his neck, he kissed the top of her head.

  “I was only six.” Ice repeated. “I just wanted her to be happy. She said aunty Aniyah was destroying us. She said we had to take care of it. She said she needed help. I just had to stand there. I just had to call out to her. I had to wait….” Ice shook and pulled away from Peyton. “I had to wait and see if she woke up again.”

  “Jesus…Ice….” Peyton whispered.

  “I didn’t want our family to be destroyed. It was so hot. She wouldn’t get up.” Ice shook her head and swallowed hard. “After Melissa hit her with the bat, she wouldn’t get up.” She shook her head again as she cried.

  Peyton covered his eyes momentarily and pressed away the tears. “Oh fuck, she’s fucked up.”

  “I had to watch and make sure…. I had to…” Ice put her hand out. “Hold Melissa’s gun….” Her hand trembled. “While she went downstairs and if Aunty Aniyah moved…if she moved…” She covered her face. “If she moved…I had to…. I had to press…pull….” She wiped her face and took a couple deep breaths, unable to look in Peyton’s direction. “I had to pull the trigger like she’d taught me.”

  Peyton put his hands on top of his head in disbelief.

  Ice opened her mouth, but no words came out. She moved her hands and covered her face. She took a couple deep breaths. She brought her hands up again and lowered her head, tears staining his bedsheets. “She moved…..” Ice whispered, closing her eyes. “She moved.”

  “Ice…” Peyton whispered grabbing her face. “Ice you were six…. you were six…” He cupped her face. “Jesus…. fuck….” A tear ran down his face. “You were just a kid….” He shook his head. “It’s not your fault.”

  “She moved.”

  “Listen to me.” He said seriously, his jaws clenched. He shook her slightly. “It wasn’t your fault…. you were six dammit….”

  Ice looked down.

  Peyton lifted her head. “What your mom did was fucked up.” He swallowed hard. “It was fucked up to do that kind of shit to a six-year-old. To make a six-year-old…..”

  “She moved.”

  Peyton wrapped his arms around her and pulled her into a tight hug. He kissed the side of her face. “It’s okay. It’s okay.”

  Ice clung to him and cried. She’d held it in for so long. Such a secret. Such a dirty secret. Melissa knew. Only Melissa knew. And now he did to. He knew she was a murderer. He knew she pulled the trigger. And yet he held her. He held her so tight.


  “What was that?” Melissa rushed through the door.

  “Are you fucking serious?” Aniyah yelled looking down at her arm.

  Ice screamed as she dropped the gun. Her eyes wide in fear.

  “You’re up.”

  “Mel what the fuck! What the fuck is goi----”

  Melissa grabbed the gun off the floor. “I love you sis.” She shot off two rounds and Ice watched aunty Aniyah fall back.

  She stopped screaming as she stared in front of her small head spinning. Everything around her moving.

  “She always did keep bad company. Really bad company, abusive boyfriends.” She turned to her daughter. “You listened to mommy, good girl.” She bent down and rubbed Ice’s arms. “Now we burn it…�

  End flashback

  “Ice…. Ice look at me.” Peyton whispered. His hands going over her hair. “Look at me.”

  She lifted her head. Eyes puffy and red meeting his of steel grey comfort.

  “You’re not a murderer. This wasn’t your fault. None of it. Your mother is a conniving manipulative bitch.” He hissed out. “Don’t let her hold this over you. Don’t. Not anymore. You know this wasn’t your fault. You know you were just a kid under your mother’s influence…you know….”

  “But I….”

  “I’m not going to let you blame yourself for that.” He shook his head. He paused and dropped his hands from around her. “Oh my God.” He whispered as if realizing.

  “What?” Her voice trembled weakly as she hugged herself.

  “Don’t you see Ice?” He whispered. “Why would she bring a six-year-old? Why would she let you witness all this? Why would she fucking have you in that house? Give you those responsibilities?” He demanded in frustration. “She could have done it herself. She could have done it and gotten away with it, without you around.”

  He touched his temple. “Melissa’s fucked.”

  Ice took a shaky breath.

  “She wanted to make sure that no matter what, she would have this sick hold over you, for the rest of your fucking life.” He said angrily. “That is some manipulative ass shit and you’re never fucking going back there----” He pointed to his door. “Cause I swear, I’ll…. I’ll…”

  Ice swallowed hard as she hugged herself tighter. “Please don’t tell anybody.” She pleaded, tearing up again. “Please.”

  “Ice she needs to be locked up.”

  Ice lowered her head. “Please…I…”

  “This isn’t your fault. Everybody can understand. Everybody knows you have jack shit to do with anything. You were fucking six-years old.”

  “Peyton please….” She swallowed hard.

  She took a couple shaky deep breaths. “We can’t bring it up again. The case is closed…. it’s solved…it’s not…” she swallowed hard. “It’s not a mystery…bringing up the past….” She exhaled deeply. “They blamed her current boyfriend.” She continued. “He was abusive and there was proof. They said he shot her in a fit of anger and set her house on fire.” Ice shook slightly. “He denied it…but two days later, he shot himself….” She closed her eyes. “He shot himself because we accused him of killing her and he didn’t even do it, but he was such a perfect suspect and he was shady and….”

  Peyton rubbed her arm.

  “I have to live with this for the rest of my life…. I can’t….please don’t say anything.” She wiped her face. “Please…. I trusted you.”

  ‘I won’t.” He whispered. “I won’t say anything.” He cupped her face. “Ice I won’t tell a soul. I swear.” He caressed her cheek. “We’ll take it to the grave.”

  She looked up at him gratefully. “Thank you.”

  He smiled and kissed her lovingly. “My poor Ice...” He whispered and kissed her again. “I’m never letting you go home, ever…. you’re not going back there. Stay with me. Stay with me forever.”

  Ice smiled sadly and he kissed her again. His mouth moving over hers gently. He sucked on her bottom lip and wrapped his arms around her body. Peyton slipped his tongue into her mouth as he felt himself stir. He gently pushed her back down on the bed and climbed on top of her. “You trust me?” He whispered.

  Ice nodded.

  He reached for her shirt again and lifted it off her body for the second time that morning.

  “I’m never letting you go back there, you know that right.”

  Ice smiled and nodded.

  Peyton hopped off the bed and pulled off his sweats and boxers. He reached for Ice’s sweats and gently tugged them off. Naked on his bed, she scooted back as he climbed back on the bed. She lifted her hand and touched his already semi-erect member. Peyton inhaled sharply as he relished in her touch. But when her thumb grazed his tip he sprang into action.

  His body dropping, came in contact with hers. His lips sucked on hers as his slid down her body. Ice arched into him as she grabbed his shoulders. Eyes closed she moved her mouth against his eagerly as she felt his dick rubbing against her stomach. Their need to touch each other was even more frantic than earlier as their fingers roamed over their warm skin. Lips never parting, their breathing intensified, as they got lost in each other’s nakedness for the second time.

  Ice was the first to pull away, moving her head to the side as she heaved for air. Her fingers tangled in his blond hair. Peyton trailed his kisses down past her collar. Grazing the top of her breast as his left hand slid further down her stomach.

  Ice gasped as his tongue swirled over her hardened dark brown nipple at the same time that he parted her legs. Peyton lifted his eyes as he sucked her nipple into his mouth, his hand sliding slowly down her mound to get lost in her wet folds again. Her hands instinctively holding onto his head as she moved her hips. Peyton’s mouth released her nipple as he moved his head and immediately showed the same treatment to the left breast. She couldn’t focus as she closed her eyes and her body respond. Between his mouth sucking away, his erection rubbing against her belly and his finger scraping the roof of her entrance her sensory was on overload.

  “Peyton…” She moaned as she tried to articulate her feelings. Peyton left her breasts as he moved up and sucked on her neck. Pressing his body into hers, his dick moved around for entrance. Ice dug her fingers his shoulders. Her thighs shaking, she was already wet. So wet. The anticipation was too much for her. She wanted him again.

  Peyton grunted as he looked down their body. His dick coated with her wetness. He panted as he entered her slowly. Ice bit down on his shoulder and ran her hands down his back and over his butt. She felt the wave of pleasure pass through her body. It felt good but she knew she could feel more. She wanted more. So much more. Exactly what they had done earlier. She wanted all of him again.

  “Peyton please.” She moaned as she moved underneath him restlessly. Ice moved her head quickly as she kissed him hard. She bit his lip and sucked on it as she grabbed his side.

  “Please what?” Peyton whispered as he pulled out. “What do you want?” He teased as he sucked on her bottom lip. He lifted himself slightly.

  Ice tightened her legs around him and rolled. “You.” She gasped as she slid her hand in between their bodies to grab his dick. Peyton closed his eyes as she tugged him. Her fingers felt so good. “I want you Peyton.” She closed her eyes and whispered breathlessly as she wrapped her fingers around his dick tightly. Peyton groaned as he moved into her hand, shaking at the way she was pumping him. He needed to be inside her again.

  “Oh God I forgot.” Ice whispered breathlessly. “Don’t we need a condom?”

  Peyton shook his head. “I’ll pull out.” He said quickly and reached down to grab his dick. As soon as Ice released him, he moaned as he rubbed himself against her entrance. Bending his head, he kissed her parted lips deeply. His hand grabbing her thigh as he shoved himself inside her.

  Ice tensed slightly.

  Her reaction brought him back to reality as he held himself really still above her. “Fuck. I’m sorry.” He apologized breathlessly as he lifted his head. “I forgot it’s only our second time.” He whispered against her mouth. One hand came up and smoothed her forehead. “Are you okay?” He asked.

  Ice nodded.

  She could feel his dick sliding out, so she grabbed his back and moved her hip up, ignoring the slight discomfort.

  Peyton looked up at her.

  Ice shook her head. “Stay….” She whispered smiling. “I know it gets better.”

  Peyton licked his bottom lip at her words.

  Ice rocked her hips and he groaned, pressing his forehead against hers. “Okay, but slow down…you feel too good.” He whispered.

  She smiled as she kissed his trembling lips. “Please Peyton, fuck me again.” She moaned.

  “Shit, you’re dangerous.” He
whispered breathlessly. He bent down and kissed her softly as he slowly moved his dick in and out of her dripping wetness. Ice brought her hands up to his back to bring him even closer.

  “You’re so wet.” Peyton whispered desperately in her ear. “And feel so good.” He grunted as he tried to control himself from just plunging into her again. “This pussy was made for me.”

  Ice closed her eyes and moaned. Peyton whispered in her ear as they moved together. This was different. This was so much different from earlier. She could feel he wasn’t thinking of going slow. He whispered about how good she felt. How he loved her so much. With every movement he moved faster, deeper, more determined. After a couple minutes, Ice instinctively wrapped her legs around his back. Peyton hovered over her, his hair moving in his face as he watched her carefully. He memorized her breathing pattern, the way her lips parted and the expressions of lust flashing across her face. It wasn’t until Ice dug her nails into his back and moaned a string of incomprehensible noises that he lost any and all control. Peyton pressed his forehead against hers as he rolled his hips.


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