Ice: Part I

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Ice: Part I Page 39

by Penny Hawking

The little white woman stopped her fingers in mid type. She looked at Peyton up and down. “And I’m the monkey’s uncle.” She retorted.

  “Are you trying to say I’m not his son? Why cause I’m white?” Peyton asked in disbelief.

  Even though Ice was worried about her dad, she had to crack a smile.

  “I’m saying that clearly young man, your skin---”

  “My skin what?” Peyton said louder drawing a crowd. “Why should the color of my skin determine who my family is? How the fuck would, you know if I was adopted or not? I could have fucking married into the family or something? You can’t tell me that just because I’m white I can’t have a black father.” Peyton said.

  Ice chuckled a little. Peyton was somehow easing the tension in her body.

  “How racist of her.” A little old white woman in a chair said. “Shame on you.”

  “Let him see his daddy, bitch.” A black guy with a black hat and bleeding arm spoke up.

  There were murmuring of agreement as people started talking.

  The receptionists glared at Peyton as she took out two visitor passes.

  Peyton smiled sweetly at her as he took them. “Thank you ma’am.” He said as he took Ice’s hand and they made their way to the elevator.

  “Really Peyton?” Ice asked with an amused smile on her face.

  Peyton grinned at her and kissed her forehead. “It made you smile didn’t it?”

  She nodded as the elevator door opened and they stepped in. It was a fast ride, no sooner had he opened his mouth to say something else comforting, the elevator door opened up again.

  “He’s fine okay.” Peyton held her hand as they stepped into the hallway looking for the room number. There was something about hospitals that put Ice on edge. It was always so white and there was a smell about it that she couldn’t place. For some place that was supposed to save lives. It reminded her a lot of death.

  “Here we are.”

  Ice nodded and stepped forward and opened the door. Her heart stopped when she saw her dad laying on the bed. He had tubes all around him. He already looked dead. She leaned back and was reassured by Peyton’s chest.

  “Nice of you to join us.” Melissa said quietly from the corner. Ice turned her head to take in her mother. She looked as perfect and put together as always. The only thing is you could see that her shoulders were tense. Her eyes were red as though she’d been crying, and the tip of her nose was slightly pink.

  Peyton held her protectively to her and she turned to reassure him.

  “I’m okay.” She said patting his side. Ice walked slowly over to her dad. She reached over to touch his hand. He seemed so cold. He looked so old, as though he’d aged 10 years in a day. “Dad?” Ice whispered bringing her hand up to touch his cheek.

  Charles didn’t respond, his eyes close, only the soft steady breathing was heard.

  “Dad?” Ice tried again, her voice breaking slightly.

  “He’s really weak and tired at the moment.” A deep voice said behind her. Ice turned around and saw a tall silver haired old man with a clipboard in his hand. He smiled warmly at her. “You must be Iceria, Dr. Lee.” The Asian man said extending his hand.

  Ice took it and shook it. “Is he going to be okay?”

  Dr. Lee took a deep breath. “Well, at this stage we’re not really sure.” He said moving over to the other side. “He had a pretty serious attack, and let’s just say he has not yet moved his legs…let’s pray it hasn’t paralyzed him.” Dr. Lee said seriously.

  Ice stared in horror. Weren’t doctors supposed to sugar coat things?

  “Also Mrs. Johnson we got back some really funny readings and we’re checking them out…but before I head back…was your husband taking any type of medication, or is he allergic to anything?...His records show that he is allergic to penicillin, but I want to be sure there’s nothing else, things change, especially since his last visit.”

  Ice’s head snapped to her mom.

  Melissa sniffled and shook her head. She took out a tissue and wiped the tears falling down her face. “No, Dr. Lee only penicillin, I know he had pain in his chest, I can’t really recall what he took for it.” she said her voice weak and high pitched.

  Ice kept staring at her mother.

  Dr. Lee nodded and looked at his clipboard seriously. “Actually, let me go back and double check these results, something isn’t adding up.” He said.

  “Did you poison him.” Ice whispered.

  Dr. Lee paused at the door. “Um…Iceria?”

  “Melissa, did you poison him…. again.” Ice asked emotionally.

  “Stop talking this nonsense. She’s upset; she was a real daddy’s girl.” Melissa said fresh tears coming down her face.

  “Did you poison him!”.” Ice yelled at her mother, tears welling up in the corners of her Ice. “Mom….”

  Dr. Lee looked uncomfortably between the two ladies and exhaled. “I can uh…I can check for poisoning.” Dr. Lee stated to Ice. “If that makes you feel better.”

  Ice cried and lowered her voice.

  “Ice?” Peyton asked with concern in his voice. He took a couple steps forward and touched her arm.

  Ice wiped her face and nodded. “Yeah…yeah…I don’t…I don’t know.” She shook slightly and stared at the floor.

  “I think that’ll be a great idea.” Peyton nodded to Dr. Lee.

  The doctor looked once more at the patient, the daughter and wife before nodding. “I’ll be back.” He walked away, giving Ice a reassuring pat on the shoulder before exiting.

  Melissa took a deep breath. “Iceria calm down, you’re causing a scene and we’re all grieving.”

  “You did this.” Ice accused, red puffy eyes staring at her mom. “Why you do this to dad?”

  “Why would I want to kill my own husband?” She asked, actually sounding offended.

  “Because that’s what you do!” Ice shouted.

  “Hey baby, calm down.” Peyton whispered rubbing her arms seeing she was literally shaking.

  Melissa narrowed her eyes at the reaction. Glaring at Peyton before turning her attention back to her daughter’s face. “Iceria you’re overreacting, maybe you should come back home now.” She spoke calmly.

  Ice didn’t answer as she stared at her mother. She leaned into Peyton’s embrace and turned her head to her father’s helpless body. She felt sick and weak and extremely tired.

  “So, you just plan on intruding and sleeping over this boy’s house.” Melissa demanded. “You come back home this instant and stop with this nonsense!”

  “She’s never going back there!” Peyton yelled pulling Ice behind him as he stood up to Melissa. “You don’t get to control her life anymore.”

  Ice stared at Peyton’s back in surprise. To have him speak like this to her mother. To have him stand up for her. To be a shield. Her lip trembled.

  “Ice is staying with me and my family.” Peyton crossed his arms seriously. “Forever.”

  Melissa stood up slowly, glaring at the teenage boy in front of her. “You.” She spoke firmly. “Do not have anything to do with my daughter.” She clenched her jaw, light brown eyes narrowed in rage. “Iceria.” Melissa looked up and passed Peyton’s shoulder. “Come home.”

  Ice looked down and grabbed the back of Peyton’s shirt.

  “She’s not going back there.” Peyton said again tilting his head up. “Not now, not ever.” He sneered. “I know the kind of person you are.” He whispered venomously.

  Melissa’s face stayed perfectly stoic, except for the slight raise of her eyebrow at the little boy.

  “Peyton.” Ice whispered getting nervous. She shifted uncomfortably.

  “Tell her Ice.” Peyton turned around to her. His arm stretched out and pointing to Melissa. “Tell her you’re never going back there. Tell her you’re staying with me.”

  Ice opened her mouth and swallowed hard, feeling a cold drift come over her body.

  “Tell her.” Peyton insisted, not knowing why she was h

  “Is this the kind of person you’ve become?” Melissa spoke in an eerily calm voice. “This is who you’ve become.”

  “Ice.” Peyton took her hand and squeezed it gently. “Tell her.” He pleaded. His grey eyes darkening in confusion at her lack of speech.

  “I’m—I’m---I… not…..” She stuttered. “I’m not…going…I’m not coming back home.” She spoke up hurriedly. She looked down at the floor and tried to breathe. “I’m not going back home.”

  Peyton smiled.

  Melissa stared at her daughter unblinkingly. “Is that so?” She whispered. “You’re not acting like yourself lately.”

  Peyton stared in confusion as he watched a tear run down Ice’s cheek. He reached out and wiped it.

  “I didn’t poison my husband.” Melissa stated. “We both know he has a weak heart.”

  Ice looked up.

  “You want to know what happened?” Melissa demanded.

  She looked back down and shook her head slightly.

  “We were arguing and fighting about how disobedient you’ve become these past couple months.”

  “I’m not your puppet.” Ice whispered speaking up as the tears fell.

  “About how you left the house in the middle of the night like a common whore.”

  Ice shook her head and cried.

  “Don’t talk to her like that!” Peyton spoke up angrily, glaring at Melissa.

  “And talking about you and your choices caused his heart to stop!” Melissa yelled angrily as tears also ran down her face.

  Ice gasped and turned around, fleeing out of the room.

  “Ice!” Peyton called. He turned to Melissa. “You’re so damn evil.” He turned and chased after his girlfriend. “Ice!”

  She hadn’t gone far, and he was able to grab her. She cried as she was spun around. Her arms immediately wrapping around him.

  “I shouldn’t have left….” She gasped. “I shouldn’t have left…I know dad has a weak heart, he has a murmur…and he takes medicine and I upset him….I upset him, they were arguing….”

  “Stop it! Stop it!” Peyton grabbed her face. “Stop it!” He ordered shaking his head. “No, none of this is your fault, none…. she’s manipulating you again. She’s trying to control you.”

  Ice tried to breath as she blinked away tears.

  “This isn’t your fault.”

  She parted her lips but only cried harder.

  “This isn’t your fault.” Peyton repeated. “Say it with me: It’s not my fault.”

  Ice shook her head. “I should have stayed home.”

  “Say it.”

  “It’s not my fault.” She whispered, her voice shaking. “It’s not my fault.”

  “It’s not your fault.” Peyton reassured her. “Come here.” He hugged her even tighter as she buried her head in the crook of his neck. “Your dad will be okay. He’ll be fine.”

  Melissa stared out the door at the two teens in an embrace. She pursed her lips together and narrowed her eyes.


  She jumped at the sound of the voice and whirled around. “Charles!” she exclaimed in relief. “Oh Charles.” She cried as she ran to his bedside.

  Charles groaned and tried to breathe.

  Melissa smiled and caressed his forehead. “You scared me.” She whispered, a tear hitting her cheek. “I can’t lose you too baby…don’t scare me like that.” She bent down and kissed his lips.

  Charles blinked up at her rapidly.

  She looked up in concern. “What is it?” She put her hand over his chest. “What is it?” she asked concerned.

  “Ca—ca---mo---.” He struggled to speak.

  “Oh Charles….” Fresh tears fall down her face. As she turned to the door and ran. “Doctor! We need a doctor!”

  Ice broke off from Peyton. They looked at each other in surprise and rushed back to the room.

  “Your dad’s awake.” Melissa smiled happily, clasping her hands together.

  “Dad!” Ice yelled running to his bedside. She let out a breath of relief as she saw his eyes opened trying to focus. “Oh dad…”

  Peyton stepped forward and so did Melissa, stepping slightly in front of him. “She’s my daughter.” She whispered seriously. “Enjoy this while it lasts.”

  Peyton glared at her.

  “I’m here! I’m here.” Dr. Lee said excitedly returning. “Mr. Johnson, we’re all very happy to see you awake.”


  Peyton replied to Priya’s message as Ice handed him his chocolate ice-cream.

  “Go home.” She whispered.

  Peyton looked up from the phone and shook his head. “No, I’m staying here----”

  “You have to take care of your brother and sister.” Ice cut him off. “They need you. You can’t leave them alone.”

  “I’m not leaving you here by yourself….” He insisted.

  She smiled tiredly and stretched up and kissed his cheek. “I want to be by my dad’s side.” She whispered, tears coming up again. “I just want…I need to stay….and you need to go home. It’s okay.”

  Peyton sighed and Ice chuckled.

  “I’ll see you later.”

  “Tonight?” He asked. “You’re sleeping over?”

  Ice looked down and sighed. “I don’t know how much longer I can be rebellious.”

  “Ice please.” Peyton spoke up. “Don’t go back home. Come be with us…. with me.”

  She nodded. “Yeah.” She smiled and kissed his cheek again. “But I should get clothes and underwear..” she tried to joke. “I don’t even have underwear on.” She whispered.

  “I like that.” He teased.

  They both chuckled sadly, given they were in the hospital.

  Ice eat a scoop of her dulce de leche and smiled warmly at him. “Thanks for everything.” She whispered.

  “Of course,…. anytime, but Ice….” He sighed and shook his head. “I don’t think…. we should…come…..” His phone vibrated again. He looked down and saw it was Priya. She was worried. Understandably so. Maddie and Jo were with them at the house but Priya said Bam-Bam wouldn’t stop crying. Without Peyton or their mom home, he was a crying mess. “Okay…” Peyton smiled reluctantly. “Okay but keep your phone on you please…. please let me know what’s going on. Please.”

  Ice nodded. “Of course. Of course.”

  She tilted her head, ready to receive his kiss. It was soft and comforting. His arms wrapped around her and pulled her into a tight hug.

  “I love you.”

  “I love you too.”

  “I love you.”

  Ice giggled.

  “Say I love you again.”

  “I love you again.”


  April Showers

  Sunday 9:15 a.m.

  Ice sat across from her mother as she dug a spoon into her poached egg.

  Melissa drank her black coffee silently. Her glasses on the bridge of her nose as she read from her tablet.

  They’d came home together last night after the hospital. It’d been almost midnight. And to be honest, Ice didn’t want to keep turning up at Peyton’s house in the middle of the night like a maniac. She’d slept in her bed. Surprisingly well. But then again, her bed had always been extremely comfortable.

  They’d barely spoken to each other. There was a somber tone around the house and Ice knew it was because they were both thinking about her dad.

  Dr. Lee had ruled out any poison in his system, but Ice already knew. She’d accused her mother out of anger. There was no way Melissa would harm him. She knew if there was anybody on this earth Melissa loved it was Charles Johnson.

  Charles Johnson, a boy she’d met when she was 18. Her dad always said Melissa played hard to get. Said she was shy, always reserved, diligent. The opposite of her twin. It had taken him two years to even get a date out of her. Her dad always said it was love at first sight for him.

  That’s why Ice never understood how he would have slep
t with Aniyah. Was it because Melissa had changed? Had there been a fight between them? Was it revenge? What happened? She’ll never know.

  Maybe one day somebody will slip and tell her, until then she could just speculate.

  Would Peyton love her the way her dad loved her mom? Through thick and thin, through affairs and unexpected babies? Through mental health issues and instability?


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