Saven Deception

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Saven Deception Page 20

by Siobhan Davis

  “Whatever gave you the impression last night that I’d be comfortable with that?” I wrap the strap of my bag pointedly across my shoulder.

  Haydn shoves his hands into his pockets. “I know you’re mad about last night, but we can explain.”

  “You can?” Shock ripples through me.

  “Will you meet us for lunch?” My natural inquisitiveness trumps everything else so I nod my agreement. “Great.” His hand snakes out, and before I know it, he’s whipped my bag away.

  I scowl but raise no vocal complaint. My entire body aches like I’ve been on the receiving end of a battering ram and I’m feeling nauseated again. So, I’ll take what little help comes my way, even if it’s with reluctant acceptance.


  The morning passes quickly, and I welcome the opportunity to immerse myself in my coursework. Any spare moments in between, I spend engrossed in thoughts of Logan, curious about the information I’m about to receive.

  Fern’s nose is a bit out of joint when I inform her I’ve made lunch plans without her again. And this time I can’t make it up to her with an after-school excursion as Jenna and I need our alone time.

  In between classes, Fern peppers me with questions about why I blacked out last night. “I think it’s a side effect of living here,” I say, though I’m actually beginning to suspect it’s more than that. “It’s not the first time it’s happened either. I’m going to schedule a doctor’s appointment.”

  That placates her, but I don’t miss the concerned looks she throws my way each time I move in my seat and an involuntary moan leaks out of my mouth.

  Lunchtime arrives and I head to the front entrance to meet up with the others. Neve and Haydn are already waiting. “Where’s Logan?”

  “Logan isn’t joining us,” Haydn says, his tone indicating there’ll be no discussion on the matter. Although I’m instantly dejected, I pass no comment. We head off campus to a small café a few blocks away. It’s half-empty and fairly private.

  Haydn leads us to a booth in the back. We quickly scan the menus and submit our orders. Once the waitress leaves, I sit up straighter in my chair and level them both with a serious stare. “Okay. Let me have it.”

  Neve tilts forward. “Before we start, please understand that I only did what I did to protect you. I didn’t intentionally hurt you or lie to you. I did what was necessary, and I expect you to fully understand that.”

  If I was hoping for an apology, I’m bitterly disappointed. “Go on.”

  “Logan’s father is an important bullion with direct ties to the president. You remember I spoke to you about my position? That I’ll have to marry in accordance with my father’s wishes?” I nod. “Well, Logan is in the same position. He will be required to marry for political reasons when the time comes. So the two of you starting something would not be smart.” She reclines in her chair and gauges my reaction.

  Haydn nudges her and she rolls her eyes. “Logan insisted I tell you that he doesn’t actually have a girlfriend, and he’d never disrespect any girl he was involved with by openly flirting with others.”

  A swarm of hopeful butterflies dive bombs my stomach. “If that’s the case, then why does he have to stay away from me now? I understand that there’s no future, but while we’re here …” I trail off as a spike of humiliation paints my cheeks red. I’m coming across desperate and presumptuous, and besides, it’s not a conversation I should be having with these two.

  “His father would never permit him to even temporarily date a star. I’m sure you wouldn’t want to get him in trouble.”

  I turn puce in the face and Neve has the decency to look mildly embarrassed.

  All hope flitters away. Wasn’t this the first logical deduction I’d made once I figured out the difference in our social standing?

  Pushing my pain aside for later, I focus on the other things I seek clarification on.

  I rapidly replay the hushed conversation I overheard last night in my head. My memory is fuzzy, and I can’t recall everything that was said. “Why did Logan say he needed to stay close to protect me from him? And who does he mean?”

  Haydn and Neve trade shocked looks. I speak up before either of them decides to fob me off again. “Don’t even think about lying. Was he referring to Dante? Do you guys know him?”

  Haydn speaks first. “Yes. He was talking about Dante, and we all know him.”

  My eyes narrow to pinpricks and I shoot my most venomous look at the pair of them. “I get that Dante is a douche, and I’m not going to deny that he freaks me out, but he’s only trying to ruin my friendship with Jen so he can monopolize all her time. You guys are getting all worked up over nothing.”

  I scoot over to the corner of the booth and twist sideways, pulling my legs into me. My back doesn’t ache so much in this position.

  Haydn scrubs a hand over his jaw, and Neve stares at him in that strange intense way of hers. Several seconds pass without anyone speaking. The waitress drops our food on the table and leaves. My patience reservoir is running dangerously low, and I’m about to stage an intervention when Haydn speaks. “Look, we want to be upfront with you, Sadie.”

  “I’d like that too.” I swipe a fry and pop it in my mouth.

  “Dante and Logan don’t get on. At all.” A tiny smirk smears Neve’s mouth.

  “What’s that got to do with me?”

  “Dante has picked up on Logan’s, ah … attraction to you, and he’s determined to cause trouble.”

  My heart does little somersaults, but I manage to keep any foolish expression off my face. It’s just been said that Logan and I have no future, so I shouldn’t be so happy at the confirmation that my feelings aren’t unrequited. Nothing can develop between us for various reasons. I know that, but try explaining it to my heart. Refocusing, I strive to unravel the hidden meaning behind Haydn’s words. “I don’t understand. Dante is with Jenna and I’m not even with Logan, so what does it matter?”

  “Haydn hasn’t explained it right,” Neve interjects, shooting Haydn a scornful look. “Dante and Logan have been natural enemies for a long time. Dante perceives that Logan has taken something precious from him, and he’s always looking for ways to exact his revenge. When you came along, he sensed an opportunity, and now you’ve handed him everything on a plate.”

  Is she suggesting I’m something “precious” to Logan? Irrespective of whether or not that’s the case, Neve has indicated Dante’s attention is more than a desire to separate Jenna and me. If it’s true, and his interest is because of Logan, then what does he intend to do? “Well, what do you think he’s planning?”

  Neve replies in a steady, confident manner. “He’s planning to kill you.”


  I laugh. Perhaps not a natural reaction, but seriously? Have we wandered into some alternate universe where kids run around saying other kids are going to commit murder because they’ve had a falling out with one another? It’s the most ridiculous thing Neve has said to date. “Is this some kind of sick joke?” My voice is louder than intended, and a few heads swivel in my direction. “You can’t be serious?”

  This time it’s Haydn’s turn to glance scathingly at Neve. “We don’t know that for certain,” he says, facing me, “but he intends to hurt you.”

  “You guys suck at explanations. And you,” I say, pointing my finger at Neve, “nearly gave me a damn coronary.”

  “Sorry,” she says, looking anything but. “But you need to be fully aware of the danger you’re in, and none of us know exactly what Dante has planned. You need to stay out of his way and avoid situations where you’re alone with him.”

  “That’s going to be difficult considering he’s dating my roommate.”

  “About that,” Neve says, “I think you should move in with me. I’ll convince my current roommate to switch with you.”

  There’s no way I’m leaving Jenna to deal with Dante on her own. “No can do. I’ve already noticed the affect he’s having on her. She’s my friend, and I’
m not leaving her alone.” I pick absently at my food.

  “You’re my friend and I don’t want anything to happen to you,” Neve counters, flicking her glossy blonde hair.

  A worrisome thought lands in my mind. “What about Jen? Is he planning on hurting her too?”

  “That depends on your definition of hurt,” Neve coolly replies.

  “What do you mean by that?” Sweat coats my palms.

  “He isn’t planning on hurting Jen,” Haydn says, digging his elbow into Neve’s stomach. “He’s pretty enchanted with her.”

  “Either she’s in danger or she isn’t. Which is it?” I glare at both of them as my head starts throbbing painfully.

  Haydn rakes a hand through his hair. “I’m sure Jen will be fine and so will you—provided you stay alert and avoid situations that force you to be alone with him. None of us will let anything happen to you, so try not to overreact.”

  “Now do you understand why you need to stay away from Logan?” Neve asks.

  “Somewhat,” I say, struggling to completely understand it all. I suspect I’m not in possession of all the facts—they’re holding more back.

  “You still don’t comprehend the danger you’re in.” Neve huffs, flinging a frustrated look my way for good measure. “Dante is responsible for Odie’s death. Now do you get it?”

  My lip wobbles. “What?”

  “It was no accident that he fell off that railing to his watery death.”

  “Oh my God. What did he do?” My breathing comes out in rapid spurts. My instinct had warned me Dante was somehow involved at the time, but Jenna was insistent he was with her. Did she lie to me? To cover up for him?

  “That’s as much as I’m prepared to explain, but it’s the gospel. Trust me,” Neve says cryptically.

  My head is swimming, and I’m more confused than I was before I received their so-called explanation. I desperately need head space. “I need time to think all this through. It’s a lot to take in.”

  Neve looks hurt and exasperated, but I’ve no energy to feel guilty about that. “Fine,” Haydn says, “but I’ll be your shadow whenever we’re in school, and I expect you to accept that.”

  I’m too drained to argue so I acquiesce.

  All three of us walk in silence back to campus, and I struggle through the rest of the day.


  I invoke autopilot Sadie for my shopping trip with Jenna. She doesn’t even notice my fake enthusiasm. We leave the store laden down with bags, which I quickly deposit in the apartment before we head out to the diner. I spot Jarod and Fern the minute we step into the restaurant. They are already seated and they wave us over.

  I introduce the girls as we slide into the booth.

  “’Sup, girl?” Jarod reaches over for a fleeting hug.

  “Nothing much.” The fib glides off my tongue with remarkable ease. Great, now I’m turning into a liar.

  “What did the doctor say?”

  My eyes dart to big mouth Fern. She’s chatting to Jenna and doesn’t even notice me giving her the evil eye. Jarod’s eyes latch on Jenna across the table.

  “I didn’t get a chance to go yet. I’ll go tomorrow.” This time I’m not lying. With each passing day, and the acceleration of my aches and pains, even walking is becoming a chore.

  “You look exhausted.” He takes a bite out of his burger.

  “Gee, thanks. You sure know how to charm the ladies.”

  He winks. “I know something that’ll cheer you up.”

  I incline toward him. “Spill.”

  He puts his burger down. “A certain someone”—he smacks his leg—“may have made certain discoveries that he’s willing to share.”

  My pulse picks up pace and my eyes spark alive. “Go on.”

  “Are you free Saturday night?”

  “Why? What do you have planned?” I grip his arm.

  “Can’t say. You’ll just have to trust me. So, you free or what?”

  “Gosh, let me check my busy social calendar.” I tap my finger off my chin. “Yup, I’m free.”

  “Cool. Pencil my name in that slot. It’s a date.”


  Standing in line in the movie theater, I experience a massive déjà vu moment. All the tiny hairs on the back of my neck stand firmly to attention, and I know Logan is standing behind me. Don’t ask me how I know. I just do. It takes every scrap of self-control to avoid looking at him, though that troublesome inner devil goads me.

  Jarod starts to say something, but his mouth hangs open mid-speech. He scowls over my head. If I needed any confirmation, that’s it. Tucking me protectively under his arm, he corrals me over to the farthest line, away from temptation.

  “What was that about?” Jenna asks once we’re seated.

  Given all that’s happened between us the last few days, I’ve had no time to update her on the strange goings-on with Logan. “I’ll tell you later.”

  I couldn’t even attempt to explain what movie I’ve watched because my brain has been in meltdown the entire time. While a part of me understands the threat Dante presents, I have trouble fully believing Neve’s assertion. I’m not disputing the argument put forth as to why he might have it in for me, but to want to actually kill me stone dead? I’m not buying it. Plus, it’s not as if he could actually carry out the threat and get away with it. There are cameras all over the city, and if one of the volunteers died inexplicably, they would surely mount an investigation. So, why would he risk it? All because of some personal vendetta with Logan? If I were his girlfriend, maybe the threat would be more plausible.

  But I’m not his anything.

  If it’s true that Dante was behind Odie’s death, then I genuinely have reason to be fearful. But Neve’s explanation was too vague and more of an unsubstantiated allegation than anything. I wouldn’t put it past her to throw that into the mix purely to manipulate me.

  The more I think about it, the more I conclude that Haydn and Neve were playing me. Even if Dante detests Logan—as has been suggested—I can’t connect that emotion with a desire to terminate me. Hurt me? Maybe. But not kill me.

  Haydn and Neve are still lying to me. That can be the only explanation. For whatever reason, they haven’t been fully truthful, and I can’t be friends with people who deliberately mislead me, whether or not their professed motivations are to protect me.

  I walk out of the movie theater in a daze. Not watching where I’m going, I plow into the back of a couple. “I’m so sorry.” The girl twirls around, ready to pounce. I stagger back. Ria is draped around Logan, squeezing his torso as if he’s her personal property. Humiliation and hurt whip through me.

  “I didn’t recognize you with your shirt on.” Ria smirks and my cheeks darken as the memory of my embarrassing coffee-soaking episode comes back to haunt me.

  Logan removes her arm from his waist and steps away. “That’s enough, Ria.” Her eyes narrow to slits. “I’m sorry,” he says softly to me.

  I understand the wealth of emotion behind those two words and that he’s apologizing for more than this. I make the mistake of looking up, and the customary spark buzzes between us like some cruel form of torture. My heart physically aches.

  Jarod laces his fingers through mine. Logan’s eyes fixate on our conjoined hands, and his lips pucker sourly. Jarod moves close to Logan, talking in a low voice, and it’s a miracle I can pick out the words. “I know who you are. Stay away from her or I’ll be forced to take matters into my own hands.”

  Jarod doesn’t hang around long enough to gauge Logan’s reaction or hear his response. Instead, he drags me away as if my life depends on it.


  Later on, I’m sitting on my bed in my short pajamas with a three-card spread lined out on top of the comforter, debating with myself over the tarot card reading I’ve just performed. All the cards I’ve pulled are consistent with the life-changing transformational experiences I’m currently undergoing.

  However, it’s the interpretation of the cards that I�
��m conflicted over. This is where I’d benefit from an external party conducting the session. When the cards can indicate many different things, it can sometimes be hard to maintain objectivity in a self-reading.

  I hold the first card in my hand as I mull over the meaning. The Reversed High Priestess card speaks to hidden agendas and a need to listen to my inner voice. That, I can easily buy into. Same with the upright Wheel of Fortune card, which I’m excited about. It points to a change in destiny, a defining moment. But it’s the third card that I’m most confused over.

  I flip it over and over in my hand, running through the different symbolism in my head. The Hanged Man, in an upright position, could signify everything isn’t as it appears to be on the surface, which is believable in the current circumstances, but it can also mean letting go and sacrifice or restriction. I could believe the former, and it’s consistent with the other cards, but I can’t shake the feeling that it’s telling me I’m facing sacrifice. If that’s the meaning, what sacrifice is it speaking to?


  Saturday arrives and I appear at Jarod’s apartment at six o’clock as requested. I’m bursting with excitement about our forthcoming excursion. Despite persistent attempts on my behalf, he hasn’t given any clues to indicate what we’re up to.

  “Where are we going?” I bound into the room the minute he opens the door.

  He sniggers. “Excited much?”

  “Tell me,” I plead, batting my eyelashes.

  He laughs again. “I love your enthusiasm.” He tousles my hair impishly. “We’re gate crashing a gala event at City Hall.”

  My eyes narrow. “Why?”

  “There are some foreign dignitaries visiting for the weekend and I want to snoop.”

  I hop excitedly from foot to foot. “What else do you know?”

  “They’ve formed some kind of alliance with our government, but I don’t know why or how. I have a feeling this is tied to the real reason why we’re all here.”

  “How did you manage to score invites?”

  His lips twitch. “I didn’t. We’re part of the waiting staff.”


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