The Power to See

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The Power to See Page 13

by Jennifer Anne Davis

  “Look,” Stephanie said, “I’ve known Dom for a long time. He’s a really great guy and anyone would be lucky to have him. He’s so sweet and caring. We don’t want to see him get hurt, so take things slow.”

  “I don’t want to hurt him,” Brianna said.

  “Glad to hear it.” Stephanie grabbed her martini glass and twisted her body toward her boyfriend, Joe. Hopefully that meant their conversation was over.

  Dominic leaned down to Brianna’s ear and whispered, “How are you doing?”

  “Fine. Getting the third degree from Stephanie though.”

  He laughed. “I expect nothing less from her. She’s like one of my sisters—always watching out for me. Do you want something to drink?”

  “Actually, I would. I’ll take a glass of red wine.”


  On Dominic’s way back from the bar, one of his bodyguards brushed up against him.

  “Just want to make sure you’re okay.”

  “Yeah, everything’s fine,” Dominic said.

  “When you’re ready to leave, let me know. I’ll have the car out front waiting for you.”

  Dominic nodded and went back upstairs. The encounter was a little strange. Usually his bodyguards never acknowledged him in public.

  When Dominic arrived at the table, he handed Brianna her drink.

  After taking a few sips, she leaned over to him. “Is it hot in here, or is it just me?”

  “It’s actually a little cold,” Dominic responded. “Are you okay?” He scrutinized Brianna. She was beginning to sweat and her skin was a little flushed, but she said she was fine.

  After the group finished eating, they did a round of shots in honor of Joe’s birthday. Then they headed down to the dance floor. Dominic held Brianna’s hand, leading her between people until they found a spot to dance.

  Her eyes glazed over and she kept looking around like she was confused. “Are you sure you’re okay?” Dominic asked. He’d only seen her drink one glass of wine and a shot. Not enough for her to be drunk.

  “What?” she asked, shaking her head.

  It was too loud to carry on a conversation so they began dancing. Dominic’s hand brushed her side and he pulled her closer to him, giving his friends room to dance. Brianna’s body moved to the music.

  Bret put his hand on Dominic’s shoulder “Dude, she’s hot. Much hotter than Claire.”

  Dominic smiled and focused on Brianna. She was beautiful. Guys were always watching her. Brianna tossed her hair back and smiled.

  “What?” Dominic asked. “Why are you staring at me like that?”

  “No reason,” Brianna said. She moved closer to him until their bodies were touching. Sliding her arms around his neck, she whispered in his ear, “Let’s go. I want to be alone with you.”

  Dominic couldn’t believe his ears. Was she finally expressing her true feelings because she had a little alcohol in her system? There was nothing he wanted more than to be with her.

  “You want to go?” Dominic confirmed.

  “I want to be alone with you.”

  She looked at him in such an appealing way that he turned to his friends and said, “Hate to be the first to leave, but we’re outta here. See you all later.”

  When they exited the club, the limo was waiting for them. As soon as they got in and sat down, Brianna straddled Dominic and began kissing him. Her hands found his shirt and she started unbuttoning it. Her hair engulfed his face and Dominic pushed it back so he could move his lips to her ear.

  “I love you,” he whispered.

  Brianna’s lips froze and she pulled back. For a second she seemed confused, but Dominic could barely think with her on his lap like that. Wanting to taste her again, Dominic reached up, smashing his lips against hers. She hesitated, then kissed him back with equal enthusiasm.

  Dominic kissed Brianna’s neck while his hands slid under her shirt to her soft, silky skin. He reached up, fondling with her through her bra. There was a knock and the privacy door slid down an inch. “Mr. Bennett, are we going to the Salazar residence?”

  “Yeah,” Dominic could barely get the word out.

  “We’ll be there in about five minutes.”

  He moved Brianna from his lap, laying her across the seat. Quickly buttoning up his shirt, he said, “We’re almost to your place. I don’t want your father to see us like this.” Dominic attempted to straighten her clothes while she pouted.

  The limo pulled up to the front of the house. Dominic helped Brianna out of the car. When she almost fell, he decided to escort her to her room. He pushed open her bedroom door, then supported her weight as he practically dragged her across the room to the couch.

  Under the circumstances, Dominic didn’t think he should stay, yet he couldn’t walk away from her. Laying her down, he kissed her on the cheek. Brianna moaned and reached for him, pulling Dominic against her. The lights were low and candles were lit around the room. Was she planning on this being their first time together?

  Brianna removed his shirt, caressing his abs and chest. Barely able to contain himself, Dominic slammed his lips against hers, shoving his tongue into her mouth. His hands slid down to her hips and he positioned his body above hers.

  “Brianna,” Dominic said, trying to get her attention. Her eyes were unfocused. Was something the matter?

  She didn’t respond. Maybe she was too drunk to know what she was doing. Brianna looked a little green and was kind of lethargic. Did she pass out? No, she was awake, but clearly not there. If he had sex with her now, it would change everything. Dominic hated this dilemma, but he knew he couldn’t take advantage of her. He cussed in frustration.

  “Honey, I think we need to stop. You’ve had too much to drink or something. I don’t want our first time to be like this—I want to make sure you’re ready.”

  Brianna lay on the couch, her body limp. Picking her up, Dominic carried her to bed and covered her with a blanket. She was already asleep. He kissed her forehead, then went back to the other room and plopped on the couch. Thoughts about what could’ve been if he hadn’t stopped consumed him.

  Brianna woke up and grabbed her throbbing head. The sun was shining through the windows, making her squint. What happened? She remembered going to the club last night and meeting Dominic’s friends, but that’s all. She got out of bed and stumbled. Something was wrong. She was still wearing the same clothes from last night.

  She carefully walked to the other room, trying to keep her balance. Dominic was asleep on the floor, wearing pants but no shirt. He looked peaceful laying there. He was better built than she’d expected. His shirt was tossed on the ground. There were several burned down candles. Wait—they didn’t have sex, did they?

  Dominic woke up and stretched. “Morning beautiful.”

  “What happened?” she demanded.

  “Nothing, don’t worry.” He sat up and turned away from her.

  “Something must’ve happened. I know we went to the club, but that’s all I remember. Where did the candles come from?” Brianna pointed.

  He glanced back at her. “I thought you did that,” Dominic said, his eyebrows bending forward in confusion. Brianna put her hands on her hips, waiting for an explanation. “Well, we went to the club.” Dominic stood and walked over to the windows, his back to her. “We had some food, danced, and then you said you wanted to leave to be alone with me.” The muscles in his back flexed.

  “So, we left and came back here?” she asked.

  “Yes. When we got here the candles were already lit.” His voice was soft, barely more than a whisper.

  “Then what happened?” She sounded like an attorney cross-examining a witness.

  “Nothing. I guess you had too much to drink. You weren’t acting like yourself so I put you to bed. Then I came out here and went to sleep. I was afraid to leave you alone all night—in case you got sick or something.” He turned around to face her.

  Relief coursed through her. “So we didn’t have sex?” she confirmed.
  “No.” His eyes were hard and cold. Dominic crossed his arms over his chest, glaring at her.

  “But all of this stuff was here when we got in?” Brianna asked.


  Brianna was nauseous. Her suspicions were far worse than her original fear that she’d had sex with Dominic. “And I was acting strange?”


  “Strange how?” Brianna asked. She had to know.

  “You were different and you really loosened up.” Dominic shrugged his shoulders. “But when we got back here, you seemed ready to pass out. You weren’t talking and you looked strange.”

  Tears filled her eyes and she ran back into her bedroom. Her body was shaking and she was pretty sure she was going to vomit. How could her own father do this to her?

  “What’s the matter?” Dominic asked, following her.

  She shook her head. “Nothing.”

  “You wouldn’t be crying if it was nothing. Please tell me. I’m your friend. I want to know.”

  “Are you my friend?” Brianna asked, her voice harsher than she intended.

  “Yes, I am.”

  “I always question those who claim to be my friends. I don’t have any real, true friends. I mean, I’ve had friends, but not the kind of friends I could tell anything to. I always carry around my secrets. It would be nice to have a real friend . . . one I could be completely honest with.”


  It was hard for Dominic to imagine Brianna friendless. Her voice was desperate and he realized she must be lonely. He wanted to be the one to fill that void. “Brianna, I know we each want a real marriage, and we’re hoping we can make this work—that we can be happy. But before we can have a marriage and truly be in love with one another, we need to be friends. Sometimes great love develops through friendship.”

  She hugged Dominic. “Why did you take this job?” she cried. “You’re such a nice guy—you’re nothing like him. How can you do it? How can you work for him?”

  Dominic almost lost his train of thought with her arms wrapped tightly around him. He smelled her sweet perfume and felt the warmth of her body. He held her tight, not wanting to let go. “So far he seems nice. We get along, although he’s a little bossy at times.”

  “He’s a monster,” Brianna said. “He somehow managed to have me drugged with GHB.”

  Dominic flinched. The last time they spoke, Salazar suggested Dominic give her something to loosen her up. “What’s GHB?” he asked, afraid of the answer.

  “The date rape drug. It’s the only thing. A glass of wine wouldn’t make me drunk, and it sure as heck wouldn’t make me forget what happened. The way you describe my behavior is consistent with someone who has been given GHB. And the room—it was all romantic and neither one of us did that. It was my father.”

  What dad would do that? “It doesn’t make any sense,” Dominic said, not wanting to believe her.

  Brianna’s body shook. “In case you haven’t figured it out, Salazar isn’t your typical father. He lives in a different world than what you’re used to. Salazar’s life is centered on family—and his drug empire is part of that family. To him, blood is what binds. Now that he has chosen you as his successor, our marriage will tie us, but you won’t be bound until you’ve produced a child.”

  Dominic shuddered. Things were starting to look different now. When he first met Brianna, she talked about love and fate. Now she spoke of ties and being bound. The entire situation seemed surreal. Thinking back to the nightclub, Dominic wondered if the bodyguard had slipped the GHB into Brianna’s glass of wine. He had the perfect opportunity when he brushed up against Dominic.

  “My father has done worse,” Brianna said. “A lot worse. He should know by now that he doesn’t have to stoop to such measures. All he has to do is tell me what he wants, and I’ll do it. I thought we were past the games.”

  Letting go of her, Dominic asked, “Is that why you agreed to marry me?”

  “What?” Brianna shrank back, as if she’d said too much.

  “Did you agree to marry me because you’re afraid of what your father will do if you don’t?” Dominic had seen a hint of something evil and malicious in Salazar yesterday. And he could see the fear on Brianna’s face right now. Dominic was afraid Pandora’s Box was slowly being opened, and there was no way to stop it.

  “Honestly, I have no choice,” she whispered. “If I don’t marry you, he’ll do something unimaginable to me.” She flinched.

  “If family means so much to him, how can he hurt you?” Dominic asked.


  Brianna had often wondered that. Whenever she asked Salazar about it, he simply told her he was looking out for her best interests—that everything he did was for his family.

  Instead of answering Dominic, Brianna said, “I’m sorry you’ve been sucked into this world. Thank you for taking care of me last night.” The sex issue was still hanging in the air.

  “Like I said, I want us to be friends.”

  The message Salazar sent was clear: step up the romance with Dominic to keep luring him in. It was her duty to convince him she was really falling in love with him. Eventually, she would have to convince him physically. “Instead of friends, let’s aim for boyfriend and girlfriend.” Brianna hugged him.

  “I’ve been meaning to tell you—my parents invited you over to dinner tonight. My mother wants to meet you.”

  “I’d love to,” Brianna said. She needed to play along, not only to protect herself, but she needed think of a way out.


  Brianna was working in her office when Matt entered. He closed the door behind him, locking it. Then he went over and shut the blinds to the interior office windows.

  “What are you doing?” Brianna asked. The nearness of him sent her heart racing. She hated her lack of control around him.

  Matt smiled wryly and said, “I can’t stand being this close without kissing you.” He leaned over Brianna’s desk and brushed his lips across hers.

  “Not here,” she responded. It was too risky.

  “Then let’s go someplace where we can be alone.”

  Brianna planned to end all unnecessary contact with Matt. It wasn’t fair to him or Dominic. “I can’t. I have work to do.”

  “So do I,” Matt whispered in her ear, sending a chill through her body. “Let’s go.”

  Whether it was being near Matt or the events last night, Brianna decided to do what she wanted, instead of what she knew was the right thing to do—which was the right thing according to Salazar. Her behavior was childish, but this was one way of proving that her father didn’t own her. “Okay.”

  Matt pulled away. “We’re going to the courthouse to file papers. Once we’re there, we can sneak out the back to the hotel next door without anyone knowing.”


  Making love to Matt was unbelievable. He did things to her no one else ever had. Stuff Brianna didn’t even know was possible. Lying under the covers, perfectly content, she said, “I can’t believe we just did that. This is crazy.”

  “Trust me, I know.” There was a flicker of something across Matt’s face that Brianna didn’t understand. Before she could ask him about it, he rolled over and brushed the hair from her face. “Do you go by Bri?”

  “I’ve always gone by my full name.”

  “Then I’m going to call you Bri,” he said mischievously. “So, Bri, come over tonight.”

  Brianna liked the intimacy of the nickname. Matt lay next to her, playing with her hair, awaiting her answer. He was unbelievably sexy, with his hair messed up and his tanned skin against the white sheets. Just as she was about to agree, she remembered her plans to meet Dominic’s parents. “I can’t. What about tomorrow night?”

  “What are you doing tonight?” Matt asked. There was a hint of jealously to his voice.

  Brianna tried not to smile. “It’s a long story. We should get going before anyone misses us.”

  “One more minute,” Matt said, pulling her clo
se to him. He kissed her again.

  Well, she thought, one more time won’t hurt.

  Dominic stood in his bedroom looking into the mirror while buttoning his shirt. There was a knock on the door and his oldest sister, Ashley, entered the room.

  “So, you’re bringing a girl home. I didn’t know you were dating anyone.” Ashley walked in and sat on the edge of his bed. “What’s her name?”

  Why was his sister being so nosy? “Brianna,” Dominic responded. He had no intentions of revealing her last name to his family.

  “How did you two meet?” Ashley pried.

  “Through work.” He didn’t like the look on Ashley’s face—it was too calculating—either she didn’t believe him, or she was trying to figure something out.

  “How long have you two been dating?”

  “I don’t know. Why all the questions?”

  “It hasn’t been that long since Claire broke up with you. You don’t need to be so defensive. I’m only curious.” She was playing with a string on his bedspread. “I was hoping you’d take time for yourself. Hang out with friends, concentrate on your job, have fun. I didn’t expect you to start dating right away. Don’t you think you may be on the rebound?”

  He didn’t answer. Why did everyone keep mentioning that word, rebound? He put his watch on and turned around, facing Ashley.

  She continued, “I’m worried. You wouldn’t bring her home if you weren’t serious about her. I don’t understand how you can be serious about someone you just started dating.”

  So they were ganging up on him. His mother must’ve talked to Ashley and sent her in here. “I’m very serious about her,” Dominic said. “I am also nervous about bringing her home. Please don’t embarrass me and don’t drill her. She’s an only child and isn’t used to the dynamics of siblings.” His mother was overbearing and his three sisters were always in his business. He hoped they’d take it easy on Brianna.

  “Well I can’t wait to meet her. She must be special to have caught your attention. Don’t worry, we won’t intentionally embarrass you.” Dominic couldn’t help but laugh. Ashley walked over and hugged him. “You better get a move on if you plan on picking her up.”


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