My Favorite What If

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My Favorite What If Page 10

by Lyssa Layne

  Finally, the new version of Somewhere Over the Rainbow plays and the ten guests that are waiting turn our attention toward the resort. Gavin walks down the turquoise runner over the sand with his mother on his elbow. He gives her a kiss and takes his place beside Will in front of the arbor that’s covered with fuchsia and white tulle and green and white flowers adorning the top. There’s red rose petals sprinkled all down the runner and where Will is standing.

  I turn my attention back toward the resort and suck in my breath. Sloan walks toward us, a carefree smile on her face, her long honey hair curled and pulled half back. I’ve seen the woman naked, but now, she looks an entirely different kind of sexy in the deep fuchsia floor length chiffon dress. The dress may be long, but it has slits up to her waist and the top has a V all the way down to her belly button, and the back of the dress is the exact same. She’s wearing a simple pair of diamond droplet earrings and a lucky diamond pendant dangles between her breasts. As she walks past me, her eyes meet mine and she gives me a wink, sending me into an internal frenzy, ready to pull her away from the ceremony and have my way with her.

  I don’t pay attention to anyone, or anything else, at the ceremony. My eyes are trained on Sloan. Partly, because she looks so stunning, but mainly, so I can block out the vows and what I missed out on with Caroline. I smile, thinking maybe this is why she didn’t show up. Maybe my fate wasn’t her, but rather the sexy woman standing before me, who keeps looking in my direction, smiling at me as though we’re the only two that exist in this moment.

  The officiant declares Will and Sissy husband and wife. In a trance, I clap with everyone else, but the second Sloan walks past me, I reach out and grab her hand, pulling her to me. Giggling, she wraps her arms around my neck, her bouquet of flowers still in her hands. The strong floral scent consumes me, but it doesn’t distract me from what I want.

  In a low voice, I growl, “Fuck, Lo. Good thing I didn’t see this dress before the wedding or we would’ve never made it here.” My hands roam up and down her body, touching every piece of bare skin I can find.

  She tosses her head back, her long hair falling over my arms wrapped around her waist. “Don’t worry, I’ll wear it for you as much as you want.”

  I grin and lean down, kissing her neck, not caring who’s watching us. She purrs softly in my ear and my mouth moves to her earlobe, sucking on it. “We might not ever make it back to the real world. You’re too damn tempting, Sloan Talbott.”


  “…and here’s to my baby sister, Cicely and my new brother-in-law, Will. May your love last a lifetime… and be filled with lots of babies!” I hold up my glass of champagne and toast along with the small crowd of people.

  Will hugs me first, then Sissy after we take sips out of our glasses. Sissy squeezes me and whispers, “Someone’s waiting on you…”

  I turn around and see Smitty standing in the back of the room. Kissing my sister’s cheek, I walk his direction. He’s obviously uncomfortable, but he’s doing his best to hide it. When I reach him, I don’t say a word. Instead, I slide my hand around his neck, bringing his face to me, and then I slowly suck on his bottom lip. Instantly, his hands are glued to my body, pulling me to him.

  I let go of his lip and my finger runs down his cheek. “Everything okay?”

  Smitty’s posture stiffens, but he shrugs. “Yeah, of course. Why do you ask?”

  I kiss him softly. “Just making sure.” I may have only met him a few days ago, but I can tell he’s lying. Crazy Love by Van Morrison plays over the speakers. Taking his hand, I walk us toward the dance floor. Once we’ve settled into each other, I rest my head on his shoulder, but keep my eyes on him. He sings along with the chorus and I smile, watching his mouth. The song ends, but we keep swaying back and forth.

  “I’m glad you’re here with me,” I whisper and kiss his cheek. The truth is I’ve avoided weddings at all costs ever since Cooper died, but this was my sister’s day and I wasn’t going to miss it. If Smitty wasn’t here though, I don’t think I’d be holding up so well.

  His hand cups my cheek and he kisses my forehead. “I wouldn’t want to be anywhere else right now,” he says and my stomach flips. This is what I miss most about being with someone. The sweet, tender moments that are only shared between the two of us. My fingers are crossed that this is only the beginning of many more that Smitty and I will share.



  Sloan’s gone to the bathroom with her sister. Why is it that women travel in packs to pee? That’s always been a mystery to me…

  I slip away from the reception to the edge of the beach so I can get some fresh air. I look up at the sky and when I see the full moon, the song Somewhere Out There from one of the Fievel movies comes to mind. It’s the one about although we’re in different places, we’re both under the same sky, maybe even wishing on the same star. For some reason, that scene has always stuck with me. Perhaps, because whenever I look at the moon, I always wonder who else out in the universe is doing the same thing. Maybe Caroline…

  “Full moon tonight.”

  I turn around and see Sloan’s father, Roger, walking toward me. “Yes, sir. You can see for miles across the water.”

  Roger stands beside me, his hands in his pockets, me in the same stance, neither of us speaking for the longest time. After what feels like forever, he clears his throat and begins to talk, still staring straight ahead. “Seems as though my daughter is very fond of you.”

  Now I clear my throat from my nerves. “The feeling is mutual, sir.”

  He turns to me, one eyebrow raised. “I don’t normally have this kind of talk with my daughter’s, eh, lovers, but Sloan said you two are going to continue seeing each other once this trip is over. I have my reservations, but I’ll keep them to myself. This is the first time in too long that my daughter has opened her heart to another man and I’m not going to stop her. Sloan is the most loving, compassionate person you will ever meet in your life, don’t take that for granted.”

  The ends of my lips want to curve into a smile, but I force them to stay put. “I couldn’t agree more, Mr. Talbott.”

  “Good. Then you need to know that she’s fragile and you need to hold her carefully. If you hurt her, in any shape, way or form, you’ll have me to answer to. Do we have an understanding?”

  I don’t fight the smile as I nod and shake his hand. “Don’t worry, Mr. Talbott. I don’t plan on letting Sloan get hurt by me, or anyone else.” I squeeze his hand tighter at that last comment, letting him know that she’ll never go through anything again like she did the night Cooper died.

  “Smitty? Daddy? What are you two doing out here?” Sloan calls to us as she walks in our direction.

  Mr. Talbott turns around, letting go of my hand. “Getting some air, Sloaney.” He turns to me. “And call me Roger.” I nod as he kisses his daughter on the cheek and heads back to the party.

  Sloan looks up at me with her scrunched up nose, the look she gives when she’s confused. I tap the end of her nose and laugh.

  “What were you two discussing? I hope it wasn’t anything embarrassing. He didn’t tell you my nickname, did he?” Sloan groans and slumps her shoulders.

  She’s absolutely adorable when she pouts. I move my fingers under her chin and make her look up at me. “No, but now inquiring minds want to know.”

  Her beautiful smile returns to her face and she shakes her head. “Uh-uh, no way.” She crosses her arms to solidify her point.

  Instead of arguing, I scoop her into my arms, startling her and making her cry out in surprise. I walk us further down the beach so we’re away from the party before I set her down. As soon as I do, our hands are all over each other’s bodies, kissing as though we’ve never been kissed before. Sloan’s fingers start to undo my buttons and I stop her. Something’s on my mind, I need to clear the air before things go any further.

  “Lo, I can’t wait to get back to Missouri and start our relationship. I know it’s not goi
ng to be rainbows and sprinkles all the time and I know it’s too early to say this, but…I think I’m falling for you.”

  She sucks in her breath, her fingers fidget with my collar. My stomach churns as I wait for her response. Slowly, her smile reappears. “What makes you think it won’t be rainbows and sprinkles all the time?”

  I laugh, shaking my head. “Because it’ll be more than just the two of us. We’ll have responsibilities, family, friends that will interfere and limit our time together.” I push her hair over her shoulder, my fingers walking across her collarbone. “But no matter what, Sloan, I will always take care of you. I will always make sure you are safe and protected—”

  Sloan pulls back slightly and places her hand on my chest. “That’s the second time you’ve said you’ll protect me. Where is this coming from? What makes you think I need to be protected?”

  I swallow hard and move my hands to her waist so she can’t pull away when I say, “Sloan, I know about Cooper.”


  The moment my husband’s name comes out of Smitty’s mouth, tears sting my eyes. With all my might, I shove his chest, trying to get away as fast as I can. Smitty’s firm grip on my hips doesn’t let me get far. Raw emotions, emotions I haven’t felt since I pushed them deep inside, surface and tears burn as they roll down my cheeks. It’s like an out of body experience. My head shakes back and forth and I mumble words that I can’t even make out. My fists pound on his chest, fighting to get away. This is definitely flight or fight at it’s best and I’m a hot mess of both.

  “Sshh, baby. Calm down, calm down.” Smitty pulls me against him, wrapping me in a bear hug and petting my hair.

  My brain clears and I can start to piece together what I’m saying. My body trembles beneath his arms and my anger is still apparent. Why I am mad at Smitty, I have no idea, but no one gets to talk about my husband, good, bad, or indifferent. Pulling back so I can glare at him, I say, “You don’t know anything about Cooper, so don’t pretend that you do.”

  Smitty moves one hand to my face, swiping his thumb across my cheek to wipe away my mascara-filled tears. His beautiful green eyes look deep into mine and my emotions shift yet again. “You’re right, Sloan. I didn’t know him, but I do know that he loved you. I know that he made you happy and I know it’s hard to let him go.”

  Tears brim my eyes again, but instead of pulling away, I wrap my arms around his torso and hold him tightly. God, he has no idea how true any of those statements are. Softly, I cry against his chest, trying to calm myself again.

  Smitty lightly kisses my forehead. “I want to know him though. I want you to tell me everything about him.”

  Scrunching my nose, I look up at Smitty like he’s crazy. He just laughs and kisses my nose, wiping my tears off my face.

  “He’s important to you, Sloan. You loved him, you still do. If you and I have any chance of making it together, we need to be totally honest with each other.”

  Swallowing, I nod, still not fully comprehending his words. Smitty loosens his grip on me now that he knows I’m not going to bolt.

  “No matter what happens with our relationship, I will never ask you to forget him.”

  More tears come to my eyes and I start laughing. “How did you end up in my life, Smitty? You are too perfect for me.”

  He lets out a deep chuckle and shakes his head. “I’m far from it.”



  The music from the reception drifts up to the balcony. I’m leaning over the railing, listening to the party mix with the crashing of the waves on the beach. The moon is full and bright enough to light up the sky. It’s a perfect evening, except I’m still not one hundred percent where Sloan’s mind is. She hasn’t run yet, but that doesn’t mean anything. When we got back to the room, she didn’t seem as upset, but wanted to take a shower—alone. I’d be lying if I didn’t say I was a bit hurt, but I’m trying not to take it personally.

  “Penny for your thoughts…” Her sultry voice calls out behind me.

  When I turn around, I let out a low whistle. Her bridesmaid dress was tempting enough, but now she’s wearing the same outfit she wore the first time she stayed in my bed—my old baseball shirt with the sleeves cut off, except nothing underneath this time.

  I hold out my hand for her to take. “How is it possible that you get sexier and sexier?” She takes my hand and I pull her toward me. I lightly kiss her cheek, too afraid to scare her off with any bigger movements. Her hand moves to my cheek and she looks me in the eyes. God, how I love her eyes. I could stare into them every day, and I’m hoping that’s still a possibility.

  “I’m sorry about earlier. You just caught me off guard and I’ve never talked to anyone about…” She takes a long gulp before saying his name. “Cooper, aside from my family. I was just surprised that you knew.”

  I nod and squeeze her hip where my hand rests. “Don’t apologize. I shouldn’t have sprung it on you quite like that.”

  Sloan takes her hand in mine and pulls it to her lips, kissing my knuckles. “How did you know? No one knows…”

  “Don’t get mad at him, but Will told me the story. God, Lo, I’m so sorry you had to go through that. I can’t even imagine…” Well, I could imagine part of it.

  Her hand tightens around mine. “Do you really want to know about Cooper?”

  I nod. “Of course, he’s part of you.”

  Sloan walks us to the lounge chair. I take a seat first and pull her into my lap. She curls up against me, her head on my chest. My fingers pull through her hair and she takes a deep breath.

  “Cooper was the love of my life,” she starts. Wow, that’s going to be tough to live up to. “I’d dated here and there, mainly men in the fitness world since that was all I’d ever been around. You know, athletes, trainers, those kind of guys. But Cooper wasn’t one of them.”

  As she speaks, I can hear a smile in her voice. It’s both harrowing and pleasing at the same time. However, I’m not sure I’ll ever be able to live up to Cooper.

  “He was overweight and out of shape, but I knew the second I saw him that I was going to marry him. Everything he did was with gusto, whether it be losing weight, planning our perfect wedding, or his work. By the time we got married, he was almost half the size of when I’d met him. He never discussed his work with me. I mean I knew the basics—he had security clearance, he worked for the government, and it was top secret. So confidential that our wedding was just my immediate family and his parents and he wouldn’t let me change my last name.”

  Sloan’s index finger draws circles on my chest. I watch her hand work and from the way she’s slightly bouncing in my arms, I know she’s on edge talking about him. “Sloan, you don’t have to go on if you don’t want to.”

  She shakes her head and sits up. “No, I need to.” She takes a deep breath. “On our six month anniversary, a guy in a ski mask surprised us in the parking lot. Cooper begged him not to hurt me, but the guy hit me in the chin with the butt of his gun, busting it open.”

  Instinctively, I reach up and touch her scar. Sloan pauses and nuzzles her face against my hand before going on. “That set Cooper off. No one treated me that way and got away with it. He was always such a gentleman, but if anyone ever so much as looked at me wrong, Cooper would call them out. He lunged for the man, which set off the gun and hit Coop in the stomach. The gunman grabbed what he wanted out of Cooper’s jacket and took off.”

  I can see the tears in her eyes as I rub her back. I press my lips against her bicep and I can hear her sniffling. “Lo…”

  She shakes her head. “I held him, bleeding to death in my arms for ten minutes before security found us. I pleaded for him to stay with me, but by the time the ambulance arrived, he was gone.” Silent tears roll down her cheeks. “I lost him. I lost the love of my life.” She snaps her fingers. “Poof, just like that, my happily-ever-after was gone and I was only twenty-five.”

  “Sloan.” I cup her cheek, turning her face to look at me
. “It’s not gone, it was just on hold.”

  Her orbs of brown stare back at me. My lips caress hers and I lean our foreheads together. “You’ll always love him. That will never change, no matter who you’re with. I promise as long as you’re with me, I’ll never let you forget him or what you two had.”

  Sloan squeezes her eyes closed and a tear escapes. I wipe it away as she opens them. “I had to erase everything about him. All pictures, emails, voicemails, his clothes. Our marriage license doesn’t even exist. His boss told me if would be safer for me if there was no link to him, but the more time that passes since he died, the harder it is to remember him.”

  Wow. And here I had a shrine set up around my house for Caroline. I don’t know what’s worse, being totally surrounded by someone you’ve loved and lost or having them wiped out of your life completely. Looking at this successful, kindhearted woman, who has made me feel again, I’m beginning to think maybe her path was better than the one I chose.

  I press my palm into her chest, over her heart. “You may not recall all the memories perfectly, but here, in your heart, you’ll never forget his love.”

  Smiling and wiping her tears off her cheeks, Sloan leans down and sweeps her lips across mine. Her tongue slips across the seal of my mouth, begging to be let in. Slowly, I open my mouth and our kiss intensifies. My fingertips skim her upper arms and she moves her legs so she’s straddling me. Breaking our kiss, she lets out a contented sigh and pulls my t-shirt off herself. My hands are immediately drawn to her taut stomach and her smooth skin.

  She leans down and gives me a gentle kiss. Pulling away, she mumbles, “thank you” and I nod into her kiss. She tugs at my boxers, letting my manhood spring free. Slipping on a condom and lifting her hips, she slowly slides me in. Instantly, two become one as I sit up and she wraps her legs around me, pulling me in deeper. Neither of us rush, we both just hold each other, enjoying the moment, enjoying the intimacy.


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