Mad About Moon

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Mad About Moon Page 28

by Melissa Foster

  It had been three months since Sarah had her baby and Jed had proposed. It was two days shy of that since the three of them had moved into his—their—new house, and two months since his mother got out of rehab and moved into the room above the garage. Pamela was doing well. She loved Babs Redmond, her sponsor, who was twenty-two years sober and Red’s best friend. Pamela hadn’t missed a single AA meeting, and she’d found a job at a clothing store in town. She was also working on strengthening her relationship with Jed and Crystal, and that made Josie love her even more.

  As promised, Jed had transformed the garage into a beautiful shop with pink walls, built-in shelves painted white, and brown tables covered with pretty pink-and-white runners with lace on the edges. He’d installed a glass display cabinet, and thanks to Gutter, there was a kitchen in the back, separated from the store by glass. The curtains were striped in pink, white, and brown, to match the awning that Jed, Scott, and Bear were putting up out front for the upcoming grand opening of Ginger All the Days. Jed had given Hail the title of construction supervisor, and Hail was in his glory working with the guys. Jed really was making all of their dreams come true.

  The door flew open and Hail ran in. “Mama, Moon said the men need cookies!”

  Hail sported a shorter haircut for the warmer weather, making his resemblance to Jed even more striking. She would never forget the moment they’d received the results to the paternity test. She’d just gotten home with Hail when the doctor called. Thankfully, she’d thought to ask him to hold on while she got Hail set up with his toys. Then she’d gone into the bedroom and closed the door. When she heard that Jed was Hail’s father, her legs had given out, and she’d dropped to the floor on her knees, tears consuming her. She was swamped by conflicting emotions. She’d called Tracey to come watch Hail, and then she’d called Jed. He’d come right home, and when she’d told him the news, he’d sunk down beside her, crying just as hard as she was. She’d been a mess for the first two weeks afterward. The guilt about Brian had hit her at the weirdest times—when she was playing with Hail, or driving alone and listening to music, and once, when she and Jed were making love. Jed was understanding and patient, and as the days passed, things got easier. Sarah had suggested she keep a journal, and Josie had realized she hadn’t written in Brian’s journal since New Year’s. Getting her feelings and guilt out of her head had done wonders. She’d written Brian one last letter, and then she and Jed had gone to the cemetery together and put the journal on his headstone with a rock on top of it, on which they’d etched, You’re always in our hearts. The rock had been Jed’s idea, and it was perfect, because Brian had become part of Jed’s heart, too. As he’d said months ago, Brian had done for her and Hail what Jed hadn’t been able to, and for that he would always be grateful.

  Things got easier after that. Though they’d decided not to tell Hail that Jed was his biological father until he was older, Josie began to wonder if she was worrying too much about how he’d take it. Hail loved Moon just as much as he’d loved Brian. She had a feeling that just like Brian would always have a place in her heart, she would always see traces of him in Hail, even though they weren’t blood related.

  Lately, after thinking long and hard about Brian sending Jed away the morning after the beautiful night when Hail was conceived, she’d wondered if Brian had known the truth about Hail’s paternity after all and had chosen to love Hail as his own, just as Jed had before taking the test.

  Josie put a few cookies on a plate, smiling at her little man. She knew firsthand what a bad father was like. Hail really was blessed to have had two amazing men in his life.

  She ruffled his hair and handed him the plate of cookies. “Moon, huh? Are you sure it isn’t you who needs the cookies, bean?”

  Over the last few weeks, Josie had gotten a steady flow of gingerbread orders for events, and while she was keeping up with them, she’d decided to open her shop only one day each week so she could continue working with Penny part time. Josie and Hail had never needed much to be happy, and now that they had Jed, and more family and friends than she ever dreamed possible, she wanted to be sure to have time to enjoy them. She and Jed were also talking about having more children, and she didn’t want to lock herself into a full-time retail operation with that on the horizon. Every second she spent with Sarah and Scott made her long for a sibling for Hail, and every time she held Maggie Rose, her ovaries did a little dance.

  “I bet it’s a little of both,” Pamela said with a wink, earning a giggle from Hail. Chicki had given her a makeover. Her blond hair was cut just above her shoulders and parted to the side with long, stylish bangs. From what Jed said, she looked a lot like he remembered from his youth, and healthier than she had in years.

  “Grandma, will you play Go Fish with me later?” Hail asked.

  “You know it,” Pamela said as Hail walked out the door.

  Though Josie hadn’t known Pamela before she’d gone through rehab, she liked her soon-to-be mother-in-law, and she hoped one day the shadows caused by how poorly she’d treated Jed and Crystal when she was ruled by her demons might fade.

  “I don’t know what smells better, the cookies or this precious little girl.” Pamela nuzzled Maggie Rose, bundled up in her arms. The baby was a beautiful mix of Bradley and Lila, with Sarah’s sweet disposition. Pamela couldn’t get enough of Sarah’s baby, or of Hail, her own grandbaby.

  Sarah paused as she rolled the dough for the last batch of cookies and said, “The next time she needs a diaper change I bet you won’t be asking yourself that question. The minute Bones got the kids in their car seats to go out for the day this morning, Lila messed her diaper.” She had an even brighter spark in her eyes these days, despite getting up at night to nurse the baby.

  Pamela laughed. “I remember those days. I don’t mind changing diapers. Besides, I need the practice. We’re going to have another little one to love soon.” She glanced at Crystal.

  Crystal rubbed her burgeoning belly. “I’m ready to meet our baby. If I get any rounder they’ll have to roll me to the hospital.” Jed’s and Crystal’s views of their mother had softened when they’d learned that she had ended her affair and had gone to check out a rehab facility the morning of the day their father had been killed. It would take a while before all hurt feelings were behind them, but they were slowly becoming a family again.

  “Enjoy it,” Sarah said as she began pressing the cookie cutters into the dough. “When else can you gain weight without feeling weird about it?”

  “All I know is that Bear will miss these tatas when they’re gone.” Crystal palmed her breasts.

  “He loved your body before, and he’ll love it again,” Josie reminded her.

  Crystal snagged a cookie and said, “Everyone will go crazy over these gingerbread bachelors. But wait until they find out we’re auctioning off Dixie! That’s going to be hilarious. I swear we’re going to need to chain down Bullet, Bones, and Bear. They’re going to lose their minds.”

  They’d clued in Sarah and Pamela about Dixie’s secret. But now that Josie knew the Whiskey men better, she had a feeling even chains wouldn’t be enough to keep them from hauling Dixie off that stage.

  As Josie transferred the cookies from the hot tray to the cooling racks she said, “I’ve never been to a bachelor auction. It should be fun. I can’t believe Dixie asked Dr. Rhys to be a bachelor and he accepted.”

  The door flew open, and the men walked in with mischievous grins. Jed set a heated gaze on Josie, and her stomach somersaulted. Would she ever get used to the happiness that multiplied inside her every time she thought about him? Or the sparks that flew when he set those blue-gray eyes on her?

  “Uh-oh,” Pamela said playfully. “What are you boys up to?”

  Jed wrapped his arms around Josie and said, “We’re probably up to no good.”

  Hail had gone up to Grandma’s room earlier that morning, and Jed and Josie had taken advantage of every second. She got goose bumps just thinking about his mouth
on her this morning. She went up on her toes, feeling like the luckiest girl in the world, and whispered, “I do love you when you’re naughty.”

  They’d fallen into sync as a family, and it had been easier than she’d expected. When Hail had meltdowns, Jed was patient and did his best to try to coax their little man into a better mood. And when there was no consoling him—Hail was only six after all—Jed never flew off the handle or lost his cool. And if she thought their sex life was great at the beginning, it was far beyond that now. Their love for and their trust in each other brought their intimacy to a whole new level.

  “Hurry, Mama!” Hail hollered from the doorway. “Come see!”

  “I’m coming. Let me just put the last batch of cookies in the oven.” Josie slid the tray of cookies Sarah had prepared in the oven.

  Bear snagged a cookie from the cooling rack and said, “The awning went up without a hitch. I think you’ll be happy with it.” He leaned down and kissed Crystal. Then he kissed the crest of her belly and said, “Are you and Pam ready to go crib shopping?”

  “Pam, you can just hand that baby over here.” Scotty reached for Maggie Rose.

  Pamela gave her one last kiss and said, “Okay, sweet one, time for me to give you up.”

  “I want to hold her!” Hail said as he ran to them.

  Hail loved holding the baby, and she knew that with Jed’s influence, he’d be a wonderful older brother. “Who knew my boy was such a baby hog?” Josie said as Hail sat on the floor and Scott crouched beside him, placing the baby in his arms.

  “Between all of you, and the rest of the baby spoilers, I never get to hold any of them,” Scott said.

  “You could find a wife and have babies of your own,” Bear suggested.

  “Yeah, I’m so not ready for that yet. Besides, I’m being auctioned off next week.” Scott waggled his brows and said, “I might have to console a long line of women who don’t win me.”

  “Okay, Hail. Give the baby to Uncle Scotty and let’s get this show on the road,” Jed said as they headed for the door. He put his hands on Josie’s shoulders and said, “Close your eyes, babe.”

  Josie closed her eyes. “The awning isn’t a surprise. I picked it out, remember?”

  “I think this deserves some fanfare.” Jed guided her outside.

  She loved the way he supported her dreams. When she stepped outside, the sun warmed her face, and she heard the excited whispers of her friends. “I can’t wait to see it! It’s the perfect finishing touch on the shop. Can I open my eyes?”

  Jed’s hands left her shoulders and he said, “Okay, babe. Open your eyes.”

  She shaded her eyes, squinting up at the awning. Draped over the striped awning was a white banner with big red letters that read, MARRY ME, LITTLE RED! She laughed and turned as she said, “I already agreed to—”

  Her words were lost at the sight of Jed down on one knee, holding a bouquet of roses and looking at her like she was his world. His other arm was around Hail’s waist. Hail was grinning from ear to ear, as was everyone else.

  Jed handed her the bouquet of roses and said, “I didn’t get to do this properly the first time, and you deserve a memorable proposal.”

  Tears filled her eyes. “Your original proposal was very memorable.”

  “This one will be even better. I spent years loving a girl who looked at me like I was the best thing since gingerbread, a special, strong, warmhearted girl who saw beyond all my faults and made me feel like I was someone special, someone who deserved to be loved and admired. I never knew if I’d ever see you again, but here we are. You and Hail are my destiny, Little Red, my entire world.”

  He rose to his feet as tears streamed down her cheeks, and he brushed them away with the pad of his thumbs. “I want to see you grow round with our babies, and I want to be there when Hail learns to drive, when he goes on his first date, and when he leaves for college. I want to watch your business grow in whatever direction you decide to take it, and I want your beautiful face to be the one I see every night when I close my eyes and every morning when I wake up.” He slipped a gorgeous solitary diamond ring on her finger and said, “Marry me, Little Red, and I promise you will never regret it.”

  Hail jumped up and down and said, “Say yes, Mama! Let’s marry Moon and have babies!”

  She knew she was beaming like a fool as she said, “Yes, Moon. A million times, yes.”

  “Yay!” Hail cheered, and everyone else joined in as Jed sealed their promise with a warm and wonderful kiss.

  They were once again passed from one embrace to the next.

  “You know he had to get a ring on your finger before you had a chance to bid at the auction,” Scott teased as he hugged her with one arm, holding Maggie Rose with the other.

  “He did not,” Sarah said, drawing Josie into her arms. “I didn’t get to witness the first proposal, and I’m so glad I got to see this one. Congratulations.”

  “I’m so happy for you both.” Pamela cried a river as she hugged Josie. Then she hugged her son and said, “Thank you for not giving up on me, Jeddy.”

  “Family,” he said, drawing Josie into his strong arms again. “It’s what matters most.”

  Hail jumped up and down again and said, “Can we get a baby now?” drawing laughter and even more happy tears from them all.

  Josie whispered to Jed, “I think we’d better have a talk with him about where babies come from.”

  He hauled her against him, grinning like the naughty wolf she knew him to be, and said, “Sure, right after I take my Little Red upstairs and show her what a big mouth I have…”

  Ready for More Whiskeys?

  It’s going to take a hell of a man to win Dixie Whiskey’s heart!

  Buckle up for a wild, emotional ride as Dixie finds her happily ever after in TAMING MY WHISKEY, the next book in the Whiskeys series!


  The following Whiskey-related books are currently available for your binge-reading pleasure at all book retailers:

  River of Love (First introduction to the Whiskey family)

  Tru Blue (Truman and Gemma)

  Truly, Madly, Whiskey (Bear and Crystal)

  Driving Whiskey Wild (Bullet and Finlay)

  Wicked Whiskey Love (Bones and Sarah)

  Love Melissa’s Writing?

  Discover more of the magic behind New York Times bestselling and award-winning author Melissa Foster with the series that started the phenomenon:


  Big-Family Romance Collection

  The Whiskeys are just one of the many family series in the Love in Bloom collection featuring fiercely loyal heroes, sassy, sexy heroines, and stories that go above and beyond your expectations! If you love big-family romance, try starting with LOVERS AT HEART, REIMAGINED (The Bradens), the book that started the sensation! If you love darker stories, try the Wild Boys After Dark and start with LOGAN—or check out ALL the family series and take your pick here Love in Bloom series.

  You can find discounted and free first-in-series ebooks (offerings change often, be sure to bookmark the page), downloadable series checklists, reading orders, and more on Melissa’s Reader Goodies page.

  More Books By Melissa Foster

  Love in Bloom Romance Collection


  Love in Bloom books may be read as stand alones. For more enjoyment, read them in series order. Characters from each series carry forward to the next.


  Sisters in Love

  Sisters in Bloom

  Sisters in White

  THE BRADENS (Weston, CO)

  Lovers at Heart, Reimagined

  Destined for Love

  Friendship on Fire

  Sea of Love

  Bursting with Love

  Hearts at Play

  THE BRADENS (Trusty, CO)

  Taken by Love

  Fated for Love

  Romancing My Love

  Flirting with Love

>   Dreaming of Love

  Crashing into Love

  THE BRADENS (Peaceful Harbor, MD)

  Healed by Love

  Surrender My Love

  River of Love

  Crushing on Love

  Whisper of Love

  Thrill of Love

  THE BRADENS & MONTGOMERYS (Pleasant Hill – Oak Falls)

  Embracing Her Heart

  Anything for Love

  Trails of Love

  Wild, Crazy Hearts

  Making You Mine


  Daring Her Love

  Promise My Love

  Our New Love

  Story of Love

  Love at Last


  Game of Love

  Stroke of Love

  Flames of Love

  Slope of Love

  Read, Write, Love

  Touched by Love


  Seaside Dreams

  Seaside Hearts

  Seaside Sunsets

  Seaside Secrets

  Seaside Nights

  Seaside Embrace

  Seaside Lovers

  Seaside Whispers


  Bayside Desires

  Bayside Passions

  Bayside Heat

  Bayside Escape

  Bayside Romance


  Seized by Love

  Claimed by Love

  Chased by Love

  Rescued by Love

  Swept Into Love


  Tru Blue (Set in Peaceful Harbor)

  Truly, Madly, Whiskey

  Driving Whiskey Wild

  Wicked Whiskey Love

  Mad About Moon

  Taming My Whiskey


  The Real Thing

  Only for You

  Love Like Ours

  Finding My Girl


  Call Her Mine

  WILD BOYS (Billionaires After Dark)



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