The Prospect (of Rebel Rage MC Book 3)

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The Prospect (of Rebel Rage MC Book 3) Page 4

by Addy Archer

  “Coffee,” I mutter and reach for it.

  Linc chuckles and leans to the side so I can close the distance and grab my cup. I warm my hands on it and bring it close to inhale the sweet smell. I release a deep sigh filled with contentment after I’ve had a taste of the perfect coffee—no sugar and an overload of milk—and glance up to lock my gaze with Linc’s.

  “Are you okay?” he questions, his tone husky.

  “Now I am,” I tell him in all honesty and lean my head against his shoulder.

  Linc shifts me slightly on his lap, and suddenly I understand why his voice was all husky. I’m sitting naked on his lap. Naked. No clothes. Drinking coffee as if it is the most natural thing in the world. I freeze up and don’t know what I should do.

  “Relax, sweetheart. You’re safe with me,” he simply says.

  “I’m also naked with you,” I grumble.

  His laughter rumbles through his body. “My sweet Apple,” he says, his voice yet again all husky, “I’ve seen and held you naked countless times.”

  My mind is spinning. Should I stand and head into the bathroom? But then I’ll be giving him a front row seat to see every inch of my body. But what choice do I have? Ask him to close his eyes? He’s right, he has seen me naked countless times. Holding me while I puked my guts out, keeping me upright when I needed a shower. All the times I needed his help and support and didn’t care if I was naked or not. Yet now, it’s different.

  “Put your arm around me and hold on,” Linc murmurs, and I do as he says.

  He easily gets to his feet while holding me. One of his arms gently lets go of my legs so I can stand on my own. While I still have one arm wrapped around his neck, the other is holding my coffee. I have my priorities, coffee being one of them.

  My gaze falls to his lips, and a longing flares up to feel his mouth against mine. It would be so easy to lean slightly forward and kiss him. But that would change everything. It’s a step forward I can’t take back. He’s my safe haven. I can’t risk throwing our friendship away if I freeze up or if this doesn’t work between us. Dammit.

  I swallow hard and mutter, “Thanks,” before I dash off into the bathroom.

  Stupid. Stupid. Stupid. I don’t have any clothes in here, and now I’m right back where I started when I stepped out of the shower. Well, at least I have coffee, right?

  “Hands up,” Linc rumbles from behind me, making me gasp but instantly follow his request.

  He throws his shirt over me, and it swallows my thin body completely. Another thing added to the list of why I don’t like for him to see me naked, I look like a stick, as if all the life has been sucked out of me. So unattractive.

  “Hey,” Linc says from behind me as he makes me connect our gaze through the mirror in front of us. “What was that thought? I can handle the uncomfortable shit with me seeing you naked, but the cringing is unacceptable. Tell me why you cringed.”

  “I… I… I don’t like the way I look.” There. The truth but not exactly why I reacted that way.

  Anger flashes in his eyes, but it quickly switches to warmth. “I happen to think you’re a gorgeous woman, Harper. When I look at you, I see strength and character. A survivor and someone who found herself again and is taking back what life gave her. Don’t ever think outer appearance matters. It’s deceiving. The shit you see when you look at yourself in the mirror is a twist of what your mind shows you. As if you’re reading the badly translated subtitles of a movie. Find your inner strength and look forward, sweetheart. You’ll see what I see. But until then, trust me when I say you’re gorgeous.” He moves my hair to the side and kisses my neck before he whispers, “You are everything I love in a woman.”

  He steps back and stalks out, and I hear his footsteps fade as he goes downstairs. I’m completely stunned while my heart rages inside my chest. I can still feel his kiss on the skin of my neck. Did he really say all of that? You are everything I love in a woman.

  I blink a few times and tell my reflection, “He likes what he sees.”

  I swallow hard. I can’t see it. All I see is the ugliness inside and out. I head into the bedroom and quickly dress to head downstairs. My mug needs a refill. This day requires more coffee. I’m a double expresso kinda girl, and most people don’t make strong coffee, but the way Linc makes it is perfect. I need the extra caffeine boost.

  I’m both scared and excited to go to my house, even if it’s just to pick up a few things—my laptop for one. I have to check how my business is doing after months of being dropped off the face of the earth. Good thing I had just finished the new designs and pushed everything into production before I was kidnapped.

  I design exclusive jewelry. With each season, I launch a new campaign with a few new pieces I design myself. Needless to say, I’m way behind for my next campaign and have no idea about sales or special requests.

  With my company, I have developed a system where the only thing I have to take care of is designing new stuff and approving everything else, because sales and such are all out of my hands; shops online and in stores are where my money is made.

  If you ever get kidnapped, this is the kind of company to have; everything continues on autopilot when you’re not there to answer emails or start designing new collections for a few months. But it’s time to take back the reins. I hope to distract my mind and start sketching again. So, besides my laptop, I will need my stuff to sketch. I make a mental list while pouring coffee into my mug.

  Slowly turning, I glance at Linc who is sliding bacon onto a plate. “Still thinking on swinging by your house?”

  I take a sip of coffee and place the mug on the counter. “Uh-huh, and I would like for the four of us to go.”

  Linc holds out a piece of bacon for me to take. “Peyton will be thrilled.”

  “Yeah.” I hope the smile stays on my face because I’m not looking forward to being trapped by company. To be forced to interact, even if it’s my sister. She’s sweet and I love her, but it’s my awkwardness I want to avoid; it has nothing to do with her.

  “What’s wrong? You do know you’re the one in control of your life, right? Tell me what you’re thinking, because there’s always an escape, a way around shit, or a different way to handle something to make sure it fits your needs.”

  “It freaks me out when I think about Peyton hugging me. I don’t know why, but I can’t handle it. I know she means well, and I have to think about her—”

  “Stop right there, Harper. Didn’t you hear me mention the part where you’re in control? If you like to have your personal space all to yourself, you damn well can. And don’t worry about how she will feel about it either. She’s your sister, and she would do anything for you. In fact, when we discovered who you were, they wanted to see you right away. I stepped in and told them to back off. I said I would show you their picture first, and if you remembered them, they could visit if you wanted to. See? Choices and solutions. You’re mine to protect, sweetheart. And I will make damn sure you come first. To hell with what others think, feel, or do.”

  I hang my head, and shame hits me. “I did remember them when you showed me their picture.”

  I see his white sneakers step closer as he places a finger underneath my chin to tip my head back and lock our gaze. “I know. I saw it in your eyes, but like I said, you’re mine to protect.”

  My eyes bulge. “You knew I lied?”

  He slowly licks his bottom lip, and my eyes follow the movement. “Sweetheart.” His husky tone makes our gaze collide. “You’re a bad liar.”

  “Or you’re just very observant,” I whisper.

  I never had any problems with people seeing through my lies. Not that I’d lie on a regular basis, only if I have no other choice.

  “That too,” he whispers back.

  If he would just lean forward and bring his lips against mine. A kiss. I wonder if his kiss would be gentle, sweet, or hungry with our tongues battling for dominance. I’ve been kissed a few times, nothing rememberable, though. But when yo
u see those romance movies, they make it seem as if a guy can swoop you off your feet with a mere kiss.

  “Apple,” Linc croaks. “Stop looking at me like that.”

  “Like what?” I ask. I don’t even recognize my own voice the way it comes out all husky.

  Linc leans in, and my heart picks up speed. A kiss. We’re about to freaking kiss. Excitement roars through my body until loud knocking breaks our moment and scares the shit out of me. I release a frustrated growl, and I could stomp my foot from anger. I feel as if I was robbed of something special I really wanted to have.

  Linc chuckles and places a quick kiss on my forehead. “All the time in the world, sweetheart. We have all the time in the world.” He spins on his heels and jogs to the door.

  When he opens it, I hear Hunt rumble a greeting before his voice lowers. Seeing they are having a hushed discussion, I make my hands busy with finishing breakfast.

  Linc closes the door at the same time as I place two plates onto the coffee table. He gives me a smile and asks, “Did you want more coffee or orange juice?”

  “Coffee,” I reply and sit down on the floor in between the couch and the coffee table.

  After bringing me another drink, Linc sits down next to me and digs into his food. We eat quietly for a moment before he says, “Hunt wanted to know if we had any plans. They have an appointment later today.”

  “For the baby? Are they going to find out the gender? Do they want to know?” I fire off questions without thinking.

  When Linc doesn’t reply, I glance his way to find him just staring at me.

  “What?” I snap, because his staring makes me uncomfortable.

  A smile spreads across his face. “Nothing. I’m just happy you’re curious and proud of the way you’re handling everything.”

  “Oh, you mean like the way I made an ass out of myself when I had the panic attack in the bathroom? And how I ended up naked on your lap. Right. Just admit it, that’s the real reason why you’re happy,” I tease and bump my shoulder against his as a chuckle slips past my lips at the reminder of how embarrassing it really was.

  I pop the last piece of bacon in my mouth as I wait for his response, but again only silence greets me. When our gaze collides this time, I can clearly see the lust written all over his face. My breathing picks up, and my throat runs dry.

  A moment ago, I wanted to feel his lips against mine, but the way he’s looking at me now is too overwhelming. I push myself up, grab my plate and mug, and head into the kitchen.

  “Did you want some more coffee?” I ask while I make my hands busy with rinsing my dishes.

  “Nah, I’m good,” Linc replies from right next to me, making me squeal like a lamb that’s being slaughtered.

  C H A P T E R F I V E

  ~ L I N C ~

  Shit. I’m about to apologize because I should have expected her to be skittish, except she turns, and a grunt rips from my throat from the way she launches herself at me. My arms automatically wrap around her and pull her close.

  I place a kiss on the top of her head and murmur, “I’m sorry.”

  “No, I’m the one who’s sorry,” she croaks and snuggles against my chest. “You always make me feel safe, but I guess I’m feeling a bit different today or just jumpy.”

  “Feeling different is good. I feel different too. We both feel different at the same time, so we’re in it together.” What the hell am I rambling about?

  Apparently, it was the right thing to say because she starts to giggle. She pats my chest and mumbles, “I really like you, Linc.”

  She steps away and finishes the dishes, and all I can do is stare. I want to say—and do—so much more, but I have no clue where to start. This awkwardness clearly shows that the both of us have feelings we want to explore, yet we also don’t know how to move from friends to more without fucking things up. Not to mention, her past is still a raw reminder at every turn.

  “You ready to head out?” I question after I shove the dried plates into the cabinet above the counter.

  “Sure, ready when you are.” She holds her arms away from her body, and I guess she’s right, she’s ready to go without any fuss or delay.

  The chicks I’ve seen hanging around the clubhouse are always fussing with their makeup and outer appearance. Not to mention, they carry a bag with fuck knows what they shoved in there. Harper doesn’t have anything. The clothes she’s wearing are those I’ve bought for her.

  All of it makes me wonder. “Did you use to have a bag? Makeup? What’s the first thing you’re going to take with you when we get inside your house?”

  “My laptop,” she instantly says. “I have my own company, and I need to check up on it. I finished a project just before I was kidnapped, and normally I would take a breather for a few weeks before diving back into a new project. So, I’m sure everything is still flowing as it’s supposed to, but I’m way behind with my next collection.”

  My eyes bulge. We’ve talked about so many things all these months, and I know her inside out, and yet this part of her life—before she was kidnapped—is something she never mentioned. Which makes sense because of the memory loss she faked to stay safe and protect her family.

  “A company? Projects? What kind of company?” Curiosity is clawing at my brain.

  She gives me a proud smile. “Jewelry. I design mostly bracelets but sometimes rings too. Two years ago, I signed a contract to take production and sales out of my hands. This allows me to only worry about designing new items to launch a new product line. It’s what I love most, sketching and designing. I let others handle the details so I can hold the finished product. Way less stress than when I started out. I launch a new campaign about four times a year. You know, every season there’s a new catalogue to draw attention and boost things up.”

  “Wow.” It’s the only thing my mind comes up with as I process this new knowledge. “You’re amazing.”

  Her cheeks flare red, and her gaze hits the floor. “It’s also why I need to get home. Check up on things and bring my sketchbook and some of my other stuff, because I’m actually itching to start designing again.”

  “That’s good,” I tell her. “Finally something for you to focus on. Something you loved to do. I can’t wait to see something you’ve created.”

  “I have items and important stuff locked in a large safe in my house. I could show you or even design a bracelet just for you. Only if you want to, of course. You don’t wear jewelry, just that large chain you work out with, but that’s different.” She clears her throat. “Never mind, I’m rambling. Let’s leave and get my stuff.”

  I grab my phone and shoot a message to my VP. A few seconds later, I get a reply and tell Harper, “Hunt and Peyton are meeting us out front. They’re taking Hunt’s truck. Did you want to ride with them or on the back of my bike again?”

  “The back of your bike.” She wrings her hands as she adds, “I don’t want to be locked up with others, because then I wouldn’t be able to avoid them. I’d have to reply to questions and be all nice. Shit. I really want to talk to my sister, but being stuck inside the truck… I can’t.”

  “It’s fine, Apple. When you fell asleep last night, I slipped out and had a talk with Alaric and Hunt. That’s why Hunt was at the door this morning, to let me know he’s put things in motion. Bruno, a hotshot mob guy who happens to be Alaric’s brother, has his eyes open and put out a bounty to whoever brings in Alejandro. Dead or alive, but proof is needed. The DEA is also on his ass, and so are we. You might not see us do anything, but we have our eyes open and our ear on the ground. For now, you will always have at least two brothers on you when you leave the clubhouse. Any unnecessary risks are out of the question. But you wanting to swing by your house, and I’d say that’s a huge step for you, and to me that’s making process with all the shit you went through. That’s the reason we’re going out. Your well-being goes beyond everything, understood?” I wait for her to give me a nod. “Good. And trust me, your sister will respect your personal
space. Everyone will, or they will have to deal with me. So, don’t hold back with telling me how you feel or if you want things differently.”

  She shoots me a grin. “Everyone needs a Linc in their life. Not you, though. You’re mine.” Her eyes go wide as soon as those words pass her lips. “I didn’t—”

  I cut her off, because like hell am I going to let her twist her words or take them back. “Can’t take it back, Apple. I heard the claim. Loud and clear. Now, let’s head out because your sister and Hunt are waiting.”

  I don’t give her a choice but lace my fingers with hers and drag her out of the house before locking up.

  To get to this tiny house at the back of the property of Rebel Rage MC, you have to go through the clubhouse. So, we enter through the back and stroll past the kitchen to head for the main room in the clubhouse.

  I hear a woman call my name, and I mentally cringe. It’s Natasha, a hang-around who has been here for years. I’ve fucked her once after drinking all night. It happened before Harper was brought here. Natasha has been clingy ever since. I try to ignore her and head for the door, but the bitch manages to scurry her half-naked ass in front of me, blocking the exit.

  “Lincy, baby, I missed you,” she purrs, making my skin itch with disgust.

  “The name is Linc, Natasha, and I ain’t your baby. Now, fuck off because you’re blocking my path. Move it,” I snap.

  I can practically hear the stress building in Harper, who is standing beside me and trying to rip her hand away from my grip. Shit. This looks bad. And with the reminder of her words yesterday, the way she mentioned me getting my dick wet, Natasha here is throwing oil on the fire.

  “Okay, baby, call me later and we’ll hook up. It’s been too long,” she purrs again and is about to step away, but my growling makes her freeze in place.

  “Now you listen here, bitch. I might be a damn prospect, but you fucking respect me. I touched your cunt once. Once. And even if I only remember it vaguely because I was drunk and it was months ago, it won’t ever happen again.”


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