The Prospect (of Rebel Rage MC Book 3)

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The Prospect (of Rebel Rage MC Book 3) Page 5

by Addy Archer

  Her gaze slides to Harper, and an evil look spreads across her face. A growl rumbles through my chest, and I’m about to throw the cunt out of this clubhouse, but instead I’m staring at my VP’s back.

  “Pack your shit and leave. You’re no longer welcome,” Hunt growls and glances over his shoulder at me. “Take Harper outside. I’ll deal with this. Peyton and I will catch up with you guys in a moment.”

  “Thanks, man.” In this moment, I appreciate my VP more than I already did as I guide Harper out to my bike.

  “Sorry you had to witness that,” I grumble.

  Harper shrugs and acts indifferent when she says, “I’m not a stranger to MC life, Linc. I know how things go, especially when it comes to bitches begging for biker dick. Believe me, I’ve seen and heard worse. Heck, I’m even surprised she was somewhat dressed. The MC my father was president of—”

  I interrupt her because it’s not something I want to waste one word or breath on. “A chapter that is ripped apart and no longer exists here in Nevada. Your brother is back in California and president of the mother chapter. From what I’ve heard Peyton mention, Stone isn’t anything like your dad at all. That right there should mean something. Everything is in the past, Harper. You and I will only focus on the future, okay?”

  “Aren’t you one who throws out demands I can’t reject,” she says and shakes her head, but the smile on her face warms my chest.

  “Hey,” I snap. “I’m not the only one. If I remember correctly, it was you who threw out a claim.”

  She throws her hands up in the air. “Come on, I didn’t mean it like that.”

  I tilt my head. “No? So, you wouldn’t mind me walking out on you? Maybe hooking up with—”

  She’s cuts me off with a growl, and her finger jabs into my chest. I’m dying to know her next words, but Hunt strolls out of the clubhouse with Peyton, breaking our moment.

  Harper instantly shuts down and becomes unsettled. When I’m alone with her, she’s completely at ease. Add other people or a different surrounding into the mix, and she’s on her toes and seeing danger at every turn, as if her senses are working on overdrive.

  “Come on,” I tell her. I grab the helmet and put it on her head. “You’re gonna hold on tight, okay?”

  When her eyes meet mine, I can see the stress fading away. I hate seeing the turmoil of everything she went through left such a large impact on her life. She’s my age and should be carefree. My top priority will be to distract her while keeping her safe. I’ll pull her out of situations she hates while lightly exposing her to it at the same time. She needs to learn how to flow back into the world of the living. But all in good time and at a pace that allows her to grow back into the confident person she once was.

  I straddle my bike, and she hops on behind me. Her arms wrap around my waist, and she cuddles close, placing her cheek against my back. The feelings flowing through me are unmistakable; it makes me fully aware she was born to be on the back of my bike.

  Hunt and Peyton are in the truck, and Hunt signals for me to take lead. Harper told me her address, and it’s a short ride. When we arrive, Hunt and Peyton are a few minutes behind us because they had to wait at a traffic light.

  I park my bike on her driveway, and when we’re both standing next to it, I see movement from inside the house. “Motherfucker,” I growl, instantly recognizing who it is. I hear Hunt drive up as I grab my gun. “Stay here,” I command Harper and jog up to the door.

  I hear Hunt coming up behind me. “What’s wrong?”

  “That fucker is in her house,” I growl and kick the door.

  “Move,” Hunt snaps, and I gladly move aside because the man is twice my size and a tank of muscles. He easily kicks the door off its hinges.

  My heart is beating out of control. I swing my head in every direction, trying to capture any threat in the room. There’s nothing. The TV is flashing, and there’s a plate of food on the table. I rush into the kitchen and hear Hunt heading upstairs.

  The back door is wide open, and I see a glimpse of Alejandro trying to climb over the fence surrounding Harper’s backyard. I rush forward while shooting my gun. The fucker dodges and crashes to the ground on the other side of the fence. I jump up and grab the fence with one hand to pull myself up, all while aiming my gun, ready to shoot Alejandro, but the asshole moves fast on his hands and knees to hide behind a shed.

  I shove my gun in my holster and easily pull myself completely up and over the fence. I work out a lot and train for endurance. The fence is peanuts, and running after this fucker is easy as shit, but punching him in the face feels fan-fucking-tastic.

  His head whips back, but he’s punching me in the gut right after. A grunt rips from me as I reach for my gun. Don’t get me wrong, I can take him in a fist fight, but I’m not taking any chances. I have him in my sight; I can take away Harper’s fears with one single bullet. He needs to die.

  A tiny scream from our left makes us both glance in that direction. I mentally curse as I watch it all happens as in slow motion and yet it’s so damn quick. A kid has stumbled in our path. Alejandro pulls the kid in front of him. His hands are on the tiny girl’s head, threatening to snap it any second, and my gun is still pointed at his head.

  “You don’t want her life on your hands. You put your gun down. I’m walking away.”

  “You’re not going anywhere, asshole,” I snap and take a step closer.

  The little girl, who looks like she’s barely six years old, starts to cry. Hunt’s voice flows through the air, calling my name. Everything is pulling at my attention, and all I want is for the world to freeze for one fucking second so I can end this piece of evil who scarred my woman for life.

  Another scream, this time from my right. A woman. It must be the mother of the girl Alejandro is holding. There’s a grunt from behind me. I don’t have to turn to know Hunt just dragged his heavy body over the fence.

  “Let the girl go, Alejandro. She’s a fuckin’ kid,” Hunt snaps.

  “Back off or I’ll kill her. I swear I’ll snap her neck. You know I will,” Alejandro threatens and slowly backs away.

  I take a step in his direction, but Hunt grabs my cut, stopping me from going after him. I take my eyes off Alejandro to confront my VP, but he’s already spitting his anger in my face.

  “There isn’t a fucking choice here, Linc.”

  I throw my shoulder back and step away from Hunt. Glancing at Alejandro’s direction, I see the fucker has moved backward. He throws the kid on the ground, allowing him the opportunity to dashes off.

  My arm raises, and I take aim, squeezing the trigger right after. The bullet impacts in Alejandro’s arm, but I can’t take a second shot because Hunt is back in my face.

  “You asshole, there’s a fuckin’ kid in the line of fire. She’s around the same age as my daughter, man. Think about what you’re risking here.”

  “I am thinking. Thinking about ending this fucker who’s a treat to my woman. The one who raped and tortured her. I had him. I could have ended it right here and now,” I seethe.

  “Yeah, or you could have ended a tiny life that’s barely begun. You want that shit tainting your soul?” Hunt grabs my cut and roughly pulls me close. “We’ll get him. I promise you, we’ll get him. But not like this. Now come on, I don’t want to stand here with the risk of that fucker going around the front where our old ladies are.”


  How stupid am I to forget about the risk and only focusing on killing Alejandro? Harper is much more important. I run for the fence and pull myself up and over fluently while leaving Hunt cursing behind me about his body being too damn heavy for this up and over shit.

  Rushing through the kitchen, the hallway, and out the front door, I come to a stop when I see Peyton holding a gun. She’s aiming it at the ground while she’s glancing around, standing guard.

  Harper is standing near her sister but not too close. She’s hugging herself as if trying to seek comfort while ignoring her surroundings.<
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  “Apple.” She jumps into action as soon as her nickname leaves my lips.

  A grunt rips from my body when she collides against me. “You’re here. You’re okay.”

  “I’m right here with you, sweetheart,” I tell her and kiss the top of her head.

  Hunt stalks over to Peyton. “You did good, babe,” he tells her and takes the gun from her.

  He takes her in his arms and glances at me, slightly lifting his chin as if to say, “They’re safe, we did good.”

  I nod in return, and suddenly his words slide on repeat through my brain. “…Where our old ladies are.” Old lady. I glance down to the woman I’m holding, and I realize in this moment I want it all. I want to claim everything I have a right to—the woman in my arms and becoming a full member of Rebel Rage MC.

  C H A P T E R S I X

  ~ H A R P E R ~

  His scent and comforting arms surrounding me calm the panic that was flowing through my veins. I can’t believe Alejandro was in my house. To my surprise, I didn’t find myself panicking from the risk of Alejandro getting me. I was more scared at the thought of Linc getting hurt or, even worse, dying because of me.

  I push myself closer to him, and he buries his head in the crook of my neck. He takes a deep breath and places a kiss near my ear before he whispers, “I’ve got you, Apple.” His head raises. “Hunt, can you and your old lady grab Harper’s laptop along with her stuff to sketch? The rest of it can wait. We’ll have some prospects come over to box everything up. I don’t want her anywhere near this place ever again.”

  Hunt steps closer to us and gives me a gentle smile. “Sure thing. Anything else you want us to get from the house for you?”

  I shake my head. Linc mentioned the stuff I came here for, everything else can wait.

  “Good,” Hunt says and locks his gaze with Linc. “You do realize you’re still a prospect yourself, right?”

  Linc goes rigid and tightens his arms for a brief moment. “You and I both know it’s long overdue. It’s time, if the offer still stands.”

  “Brother,” Hunt grunts. “Fuck yeah, it still stands. You should have been patched in years ago.”

  “Then we’ll make it happen after we’ve handled this shit with Alejandro,” Linc says.

  “Postponing again, asshole.” Hunt shakes his head in disapproval. “We’re doing this today.”

  Hunt is right. A moment ago, I was afraid something would happen to him. With the things Linc mentioned last night, how fierce he is about his club and how he found his family in this MC, he shouldn’t hold back. Postponing something he lives and stands for.

  I grab his leather cut, dragging his attention to me, but it’s Hunt I address. “You’re right, he needs to do it today.” I can feel Linc is about to argue with me when his arms disappear from my body, but before he can utter one word, I poke him in the chest. “No, Linc. You could have died just now when you ran after Alejandro. You live and breathe this MC life ever since they took you in. Stop postponing and take what belongs to you—a solid place within this MC.”

  His face is all fierce when he leans over until he’s an inch away from touching my nose. “Take what belongs to me? Are you ready for that, Harper? Because when I do, the first thing I tell my brothers is that you’re my old lady. Mine. Claimed and also connected and protected by this MC for life.”

  I gasp at the raw emotion in his voice. My mind is running and my mouth opens and closes. I should deny, should reject, should call him an idiot for his insane reasoning. And yet, I can’t. Because this guy has pulled me from darkness and showed me the warmth and kindness he has to offer. He understands me and gives me the freedom to be myself when I carry my pain and scars along with me. I won’t ever find a better man who understands me the way he does.

  “Fine,” I whisper.

  “What was that?” Linc croaks. I’m sure he heard me, but his brain is processing to catch up.

  “I heard it,” Hunt interrupts. “Even if it was a mere whisper, it was loud and fucking clear in my ears. She agrees. I’m texting Alaric; we’re doing this today. Come on, Peyton, let’s get her shit and head back to the clubhouse.”

  My sister shoots me a huge smile and gives me two thumbs up before she follows Hunt into the house while Linc keeps staring at me. I’m not backing down. I might be scared at every turn and not like to have people around me or have conversations or confrontations with others, but Linc? He’s my safe haven, the one person in my life who I don’t fear and who I can trust 100 percent.

  “Fine? That was your answer? After everything you went through, the shit you endured because your father pulled you into it. Your father was a president of an MC, so you grew up with that. You had your life wrecked by it. Are you sure you want me as your old man, Harper? Knowing ups and downs and the kind of havoc MC life might bring with it?”

  “You’re not my father, Linc,” I snap, becoming angry at his words. “Don’t think I’m agreeing in the heat of the moment. I’m agreeing because of the way I feel. My eyes are wide open, and they might have not been if it weren’t for the very MC you’re a part of. You guys pulled me out of the nightmare I was caught up in. You took care of me, and all of you still look after me; it’s as if I am already apart of this MC. Right or wrong, better or worse, there’s always a balance tipping life with each step you take. Well, I’ve been on each side of that balance of life, and I’m grabbing hold of the things I deem worthy of having in my life. So, yes, I choose you.”

  “I want to kiss the fuck out of you right now,” Linc rumbles fiercely.

  “Well, maybe I want you to kiss the fuck out of me right now,” I growl back just as fiercely.

  My next breath is hard to take when he slams his mouth over mine. There’s a fragment of roughness before he cups my face with both hands and guides my head to the side to deepen the kiss and let it evolve into a sensual gentleness that overtakes my body. Tingles spread through my veins, and there are no other thoughts entering my brain except for the overwhelming desire this man rocks my world with.

  “Nice. Sealing the deal and all, but we really should head out of here.” Hunt chuckles.

  Linc breaks our kiss and pierces me with his gaze as he says, “Yeah, let’s head home.”

  Sitting on the back on his bike this time has a whole different feeling to it. I’m still somewhat unsure about what lies in front of us, but it’s also as if things are finally falling into place between Linc and me.

  Once we step into the clubhouse, Angie strolls up and addresses Linc. “Pres needs you in church. Oh, and Harper.” Angie gives me a sweet smile. “Maybe you would like to join me in the game room? Peyton will be here in a few minutes too.”

  Run. Escape into the safety of the house behind the clubhouse. That’s my first instinct, and I want to hightail it out of here so badly it puts pressure on my chest. But this is also a chain around my neck that keeps me from living my life. My hands fist, and I take a chance to move forward.

  “Yes, but I can’t….” My mind is running and thinking of ways to make her understand how I feel and how hard this is for me. And most definitely the fact I don’t want them in my personal space.

  “No hugs or getting too close. I know, Linc has sent all of us a text of warnings when it comes to you. No worries. No one in this clubhouse will dare to bump into you or address you wrongly for that matter.” Angie giggles. “You’re perfectly safe. Come on, if you feel weird or trapped, you can leave at any time. We’ll keep the door open, okay? Anything to make you feel at ease. Well, that wouldn’t help because it’s your mind sending signals, but you’ll get them to simmer down. No worries. Hey, you already went out today; you’re doing great.”

  She puts her hands on her hips and sighs. “And now I’m babbling and overwhelming you.”

  “I could use a cup of coffee if you’re making some,” I tell her in an effort to skip over my awkwardness that’s making her feel as if she’s the one doing something wrong.

  “Sure, I can make
some. You’re lucky it’s me making it. When Linc makes it, I always end up with heartburn.”

  I have to laugh at her statement. “I’m sure a lot of people say that. I’ve had the same reaction when I make coffee. I’ve always been more of a double expresso person, so for me he makes the perfect cup of coffee.”

  Angie wrinkles her nose. “It shouldn’t be called coffee; it’s more like raw oil.”

  Linc grumbles, “Enough about my coffee specialties. I’m heading into church. Holler if you need me; otherwise I’ll come find you when I’m done, okay?”

  “Okay,” I tell him as he kisses my temple and stalks across the room.

  Angie shoots a wink at me and says, “Follow me. We’ll head into the kitchen first.”

  “Anything I can help out with?” my sister asks, scaring the hell out of me.

  With my hand on my chest, I briefly close my eyes to calm my raging heart.

  “Sorry,” Peyton says, her voice filled with regret.

  I shake my head and look at my sister. “No, it’s fine. I’m just very jumpy at every turn. Maybe you guys should freak me out regularly so I can get me some nerves of steel.”

  “Meh, no worries. You’re gonna bounce back from this in no time, sis. Look at what you did today. You were outside riding on the back of Linc’s bike. I was freaking out, just like you were when they dashed after Alejandro.”

  “What?” Angie gasps. “Clearly, I need more information when you drop a bomb on me like that. Come on, I’ll make slushies. Are you good with that too, Harper? I don’t have to tell you your sister is a lemon fanatic, and with the baby and all, she can’t have caffeine.”

  “I’m fine with whatever.” I shrug.

  “No, you’re not,” Peyton argues.

  I should have known I wouldn’t get away with it; my sister always had a knack at ratting me out.

  “She hates lemon. She’s more of an apple-flavor girl.” My sister points a finger in my direction. “This one has a sweet tooth.”


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