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The Prospect (of Rebel Rage MC Book 3)

Page 7

by Addy Archer

  “Yeah,” I croak, getting emotional too because the smile on Harper’s face when she looks at Boy is something I need to see all day every day. “Let’s get the paperwork done so we can take him home.”

  It isn’t as easy as it sounds, and we spend some time making sure everything is set before we walk out of there. Harper is holding Boy’s leash, but she really doesn’t have to because the dog is glued to her leg. It’s as if he’s afraid she’ll run off any damn second, and he’s making sure he feels her every move.

  “Oh. My. Gosh,” Peyton exclaims. “Really? You did hear them mention the whole ‘don’t get a lapdog’ thing, right? Because he might have the guard dog status, but you know as well as I do, Harper, these types of dogs are the ones that hog the bed and follow after you through the house. Remember our neighbor’s dog? They’re basically a Chihuahua in a large package, minus the fluff of course. Aw, he’s cute, though. Can I pet him?” Peyton squats down.

  Boy steps forward and sniffs before licking her hand. Then he’s suddenly a ball of energy, jumping left and right as if he’s decided he wants to either dance or play but can’t quite make up his mind. The girls all giggle, but when Boy bumps against Harper—almost knocking her over—I realize that maybe it wasn’t such a great idea to get this dynamite dog.

  “Come on, let’s go,” Alaric grunts and straddles his bike. “Hunt and Peyton need to get to their appointment, and the rest of us need to be back at the clubhouse.”

  Angie grabs his helmet. “Is it okay if I ride with you? It’s going to be a bit crowded in the back of Hunt’s truck with the dog added in the mix.”

  Alaric nods while I step closer to Harper and mutter, “You’re going to start a routine with me every day to get strength back into your body. You’re gonna need it when we’re able to take him on long walks. For now, with Alejandro still out there, we’re sticking with the backyard. But… yeah.”

  Harper nods but doesn’t answer because she’s busy getting Boy inside the truck. I get in after her, and Boy jumps over her to get in between us so he can swing his head in each direction to watch through both windows.

  Harper glances over him and tells me with laughter in her voice, “Yes, I think that would be a good idea, because he doesn’t seem like he’s trained at all.”

  “Oh, I can watch him when you guys hit the gym if you want,” Peyton offers from the front seat.

  I’m about to reply but wait a moment due to a tongue right in my face. When I scratch Boy’s ear to distract him from washing my face, he groans and leans into my touch. He finally calms down and settles in—draped over my lap and watching out the window—while I keep scratching behind his ear.

  Harper decides to answer Peyton. “You kinda have to since Boy can’t be alone. He has anxiety.”

  “None of you afraid he’ll snap?” Hunt asks as he quickly shoots me a glance through the rearview mirror. “I hate to say it, but I don’t want Raven anywhere near him until he’s fully settled in. Does he even like kids? Used to them? What’s his background story?”

  Peyton smacks her old man’s arm. “Stop it. Someone’s past doesn’t define them. This goes for people as well as pets. Give him a chance. I’m sure he will be fine. Now, if you said ‘I don’t want Hunter anywhere near him,’ this I would understand. This breed normally doesn’t do well with cats. But even that’s debatable since I’ve seen pictures online where they snuggle close.”

  Hunt shoots his old lady a horrified look. “Woman, I’ve seen a video online where they include a candy-sweet tune while a dog sees a bird, and it’s all sweet and gentle approaching said fucking bird until he eats it. Sweet or not, a dog is a dog.”

  “And an asshole will always be an asshole. Your point is?” Peyton huffs.

  “Your cat is at your house, folks. Boy here will be staying with Harper at all times, meaning the house at the back of the clubhouse and the backyard. Why don’t we give Boy a few weeks to settle in while we handle this thing with Alejandro? Then we can take him for walks and see how he reacts to everything. I’m sure it’ll all work out.”

  “It’ll all work out.” Hunt snorts. “I bet the bird thought the same thing when he saw a nice-looking dog,” Hunt grumbles, earning him another smack on the arm from Peyton.

  Boy is still draped over my lap, panting like crazy and giving me a lick in the face every now and then.

  “You’re a good boy, aren’t you?” I whisper. “You might have had a rocky start in life, but that’s all going to change.”

  My words earn me a good face wash, and I can’t help but chuckle as I guide him down again. A good thing we arrive back at the clubhouse soon enough. Time for the three of us to head home and spend some quality time together.

  The stress of the confrontation with Alejandro, along with her house burning down, seems to have been shoved into the background where it belongs. I don’t want her to worry about anything other than healing herself and doing things she enjoys, like cuddling with a big-ass dog on the couch while they leave a tiny spot for me to plant my ass.

  Peyton said she would head over to Harper’s house after she and Hunt went to their appointment. Two of my other brothers will join them later so they can handle things for Harper if needed. Alaric is keeping a hawk’s eye on the Alejandro situation and is working with his brother, the DEA, and Trigger Pull MC California to bring him down.

  For now, Alejandro is like a drifter. Nobody knows where he is. He could be living in the damn bushes across the clubhouse for all we know. But when he steps out and comes near us, we’ll be waiting to take him down once and for all.

  C H A P T E R E I G H T

  ~ H A R P E R ~

  I reach for the ball Boy dropped at my feet, all slimy and wrapped with some grass and mud here and there. I don’t mind, not if I see the happiness on Boy’s face with his tongue hanging out on one side while he’s walking backward already, waiting for me to throw it so he can run off to retrieve it.

  We’ve been going at it for about ten minutes, but Boy can easily do this all day. These last few days have been absolute bliss. Boy fits in perfectly and turned out to be really sweet. We only need to teach him not to hog the bed, and the couch for that matter. He makes us laugh all the time, but clearly Boy has no manners.

  When we eat, he will sit right in front of us and bark until we share. So, this leaves me to teach both Boy and Linc manners because Linc keeps feeding him underneath the table. I love how those two have a good connection, but Boy is a tiny bit more dependent on me. He follows me around and will even wait in front of the bathroom door until I’m finished.

  But I’m also glad Boy likes all the other bikers of Rebel Rage MC—mostly Alaric because the big, bad president comes to see him every day and plays with him in the backyard. We’ve found him on his back wrestling with Boy while laughing. Boy’s really found a place where everyone cares about him and makes him feel at home. And so have I.

  I love sitting in the backyard and soaking in the sun while working on new sketches with Boy snoring at my feet. I don’t intend to organize a new campaign anytime soon. I’ve managed to catch up on some things, but with the way I feel now, I don’t want the added stress of making sketches by a certain deadline. I thrive on schedules, but I’m trying to take some breathing room to put myself first.

  The relationship between me and Linc might have shifted, but we haven’t done anything other than some heated kisses. I have no clue how to bring up the fact I want to try something more. According to Angie and Peyton, I need to rip off the bandage, so to say, and just blurt out what’s on my mind. Maybe I should, but my feelings are still too shaky and torn. And that’s just it, I should talk to Linc and discuss it to clear my head with all the things running through it.

  Boy runs after the ball, but it bounces away to the side of the clubhouse. I didn’t see where it landed, and neither did Boy. He puts his nose to the ground and starts to twist and turn in an effort to find the ball. Nice. This will keep him entertained for a while.

  I hear the back door of the clubhouse open, and I swing my head into the direction to see who it is. Everyone’s in church for a meeting. Peyton is home with Raven because they are redecorating Raven’s bedroom with fluffy pillows and glitter. Angie has been studying in the office Alaric made her since she has her mind set to become a paramedic.

  To my surprise, I see Natasha—the woman Linc demanded not to come near him again—stroll out. I haven’t seen her since, and I really thought Hunt threw her out of the clubhouse when we left. I guess I was wrong.

  “There you are,” the bitch says. “I was looking for you.”

  Yes, I called her a bitch in my head. I know her name is Natasha, but from what I’ve seen and heard, she really is a bitch. So, I call it the way I see it. Linc mentioned they had sex once and only because he was drunk. It doesn’t matter; it happened before they brought me here, so it’s in the past. But Linc said this woman has been trying to get him into her bed ever since. He made it clear he didn’t want her, and besides, he claimed me. I’m his old lady now.

  I’ve been around the clubhouse and around other bikers who have been in the backyard when I’m here playing with Boy. They’re all friendly, and I’ve been feeling more at ease with each day that passes. Yet now I’m on edge. Linc is inside, and I have no way to contact him—maybe if I yell loud enough, but I doubt he’ll hear me.

  I frantically look around to see where Boy is, but he’s nowhere in sight. I take a step in the direction of my house. I don’t want to talk with Natasha, and besides, what’s there to talk about?

  “Hey, I’m talking to you,” Natasha snaps.

  I don’t manage a quick enough escape, and she’s in my face. She shoves her palm against my chest, knocking me back. I stumble and land hard on my ass. The summer dress I’m wearing slides up, and I try to shove it back down quickly to hide my scars.

  She releases an evil laugh and points a finger at me. “I don’t know why they all want you. Look at you, all ugly and oh, yikes. Where did you get all the nasty scars between your legs from? I don’t get it. Linc picks you over me? Then there’s this other guy who offers me a big chunk of cash to bring you back to my place. But now that I’m seeing you up close, I can tell you’re worth shit. But it doesn’t matter. You’re coming with me, and when you’re gone, Linc will want me again. I will be his old lady.”

  I’m so angry, scared, and freaked out, but it’s my anger that’s rapidly growing. It overtakes me. Linc is mine. He’s the sweetest and the best thing that ever happened to me. I’m not about to let her steal him away from me. Wait, did she say another guy offered her cash? Cash to bring me to her apartment?

  She snatches my wrist and starts to pull me up. “Get on your feet. We’re leaving.”

  A flash of black knocks me further back, and I hear crazy loud barking. I haven’t heard Boy bark this way. His teeth are bared as he stands in front of me, protecting me from Natasha. Natasha releases a high-pitched scream, and that’s when the back door swings open and a stream of bikers fill the backyard.

  Natasha starts to ramble out lies. “I didn’t do anything. Help me. This dog is vicious. He’s trying to attack me.”

  Alaric steps closer and pets Boy. “He isn’t vicious, cunt. He’s loyal. Tell me right fucking now what the hell you’re doing here, or I’m going to tell Boy he can have you for dinner.”

  Linc squats down and guides me up, worry evident on his face when he asks, “Are you okay? Did she hurt you?”

  “I didn’t do anything. I came here to get a few things I forgot the last time I was here. I was just talking to this crazy woman, and she sent her dog after me. She’s the one you should throw out of this clubhouse, not me,” Natasha squeaks.

  “She’s Linc’s old lady, Natasha,” Hunt informs her. “Everyone standing here will put their hand into fire for her without blinking once, instead of taking the side of a hang-around who has been banned from the clubhouse. Besides, Boy isn’t a trained guard dog, but he is, however, one hell of a family dog who protects its owner at all costs. I have more respect for that dog than I have for your sorry ass. Now, as I told you the last time, get the fuck out of here. And seeing as I wasn’t clear the last time, I’m telling you right to your face, and you better fucking heed my warning, you step foot on Rebel Rage MC grounds again, and you won’t live to tell about it. Understood?” Hunt snaps, and I swear I never heard his voice sound this feral.

  Natasha huffs and reluctantly nods before she spins on her heels and heads for the clubhouse.

  Suddenly her words echo inside my head. “Wait. Hunt, stop her. She said something. I think she knows where Alejandro is.”

  Linc’s grip on me tightens as Alaric bellows, “Hunt, throw that cunt in the basement. We’ll wrap things up here and head down to deal with her accordingly.”

  Natasha gasps, but Angie—who I now notice is standing next to Hunt—says in a singsong voice, “Now you’ve done it. No coming back from this, bitch. You touch one of us, it’ll be the last thing you do.”

  She gives Natasha one last glare and rushes over to me. “Are you okay?”

  “Yeah,” I swallow hard and tell her, “Boy came to my rescue just in time when she grabbed my wrist and wanted to drag me out of here. She said there was a guy who offered her a chunk of money if she brought me to her apartment. I’m sure it’s Alejandro. Who else would do that?”

  “We will get the information out of her. Then we’ll handle it. Would be damn nice if it was true,” Alaric says. “Linc, you want in on this?”

  “I’m going to take Harper home first, make sure she’s all settled. Send me a text when you’re ready to head out. I’ll be there.” Linc guides me to the house. He whistles for Boy, who immediately listens and follows us into the house.

  I stalk to the couch and sit down next to the bundle of pillows. I pull up my legs and wrap my arms around them. Natasha’s words echo though my head as I absently watch Linc grab a new giant bone he bought for Boy. Boy doesn’t know what’s in the bag, but I guess he can smell it since he’s jumping up and down from joy. I still can’t believe he protected me. I mean, sure, a Doberman is a breed that’s guaranteed to make one hell of a guard dog, but Boy isn’t trained.

  I hate to let my mind wonder what would have happened if Boy didn’t interfere. I’d like to think I would have stood up against Natasha, but I have no strength in my arms at all. I’m working on my food intake and have started to work out with Linc, but these things take time. I’m absorbed in my thoughts when I feel Linc take a seat next to me. I try to hide the fact he scared the crap out of me, but he sees right through me.

  “Are you sure she didn’t hurt you?” Linc says as he moves back.

  Shit. I’d rather be in his arms instead of him trying to keep his distance. Anger overtakes me. “I was in my head and just jumpy because of what happened. No need to act as if I’m too ugly to put your hands on me,” I mutter and get to my feet. “I’m going to take a shower and grab a change of clothes. This dress is dirty from falling on my ass. And hey, maybe I should ditch wearing dresses in the future, right? Prevent people from seeing the ugliness I’m hiding underneath. I might accidentally fall on my ass again, because that’s life.” I’m screaming at this point, and Linc is staring at me, wide eyed.

  My shoulders slump as I sigh and leave him standing there. I make my escape into the tiny bedroom. I grab the hem of my dress, drag it over my head, and let it land on the floor.

  “What did that bitch say to you?” Linc growls from behind me.

  Great, now I’m squealing like a pig. “Stop scaring the bejesus outta me,” I scold.

  “You’ll always be jumpy, Harper. It’s because of what happened. It’s a fucking reflex that has to fade, and that shit takes time. Now answer my damn question.”

  “You really want to know?” I sneer. “Fine. She didn’t understand why everyone wanted me, okay? She called me ugly. But that was before she saw my scars. Then she didn’t get why you would pick me over her and how anot
her guy offered her a big chunk of cash to bring me back to her place. And how seeing me up close she could tell I’m worth shit. But it didn’t matter because she was going to get rid of me so she could become your old lady.”

  I am fuming, and Linc is just standing there with a huge damn grin on his face. I don’t even care if I’m only in my bra and boy shorts, he doesn’t get to smile while I’m angry.

  “You’d better wipe that smile off your face,” I growl.

  “Or what?” Linc taunts.

  I take a step closer to him and jab a finger against his leather cut. “Or I’ll wipe it off with my fist.”

  “I’d like to see you try,” he mutters and steps closer. He grabs my hip with one hand while the other one sneaks around me to press against my shoulder blades, as if he’s caging me in with his body so I have no escape.

  “You’re not shying away, Apple. Can’t you see? You’re already stronger because you’re angry. I don’t care what the reason is. Well, maybe a bit, but I get the feeling you’re angrier because of what Natasha said about me, about us, instead of her threatening or insulting you. Am I right?”

  I divert my eyes because I know he’s right.

  “I don’t want to trade you in for something better, Harper. Because the woman I’m holding is the best one walking this fucked-up world. You were born to be mine. You’re the only one who makes my blood heat, my dick throb, and my heart beats solely for you. You might believe the words that bitch threw at you, but that was Natasha voicing her own insecurities. The months we’ve been together, we became friends. Thrown together due to the shit you were pulled into. I might have pulled you through, but you’re the one who grabbed hold and didn’t let me go. And so did I, and I never want to let go either. You’re it for me, and even if you’re never ready to take it any further than kissing, I’m fine with—”

  I cut him off and grumble, “I want to have sex, you idiot.”

  Great, he’s wearing another huge grin. “Well, then.”


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