The Prospect (of Rebel Rage MC Book 3)

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The Prospect (of Rebel Rage MC Book 3) Page 9

by Addy Archer

  “I wouldn’t mind, VP. If he says another thing about my old lady being damn fine, he won’t be thinking about her ever again when I’ve ripped off his dick with my chain and make sure to shove it in his mouth and tape his trap shut.” My chest rises and falls rapidly.

  It’s as if I’ve just endured an intense workout. I’m incensed by the mere words this motherfucker just dropped. My woman. She has the scars inside and out to carry with her for the rest of her life, and yet he thinks of her as a prize that was stolen from him. Fucking lunatic.

  I’ve heard enough. This asshole has been wasting good oxygen that can be put to better use, like burning his body after I’m done with him, though I doubt we’ll take that option. Working with Angie for the last few months has been an eye-opener when it comes to cleaning. She has some freaky shit that will dissolve a human body in no time at all.

  The chain I’m holding falls to the ground, the concrete giving it a nice dramatic sound in the silence this warehouse is wrapped in. I take my time shrugging off my cut—my leather cut with the colors of Rebel Rage MC. No “prospect” stated at my pecs any longer. Instead it says “Enforcer.” A smile, and utter calmness overtakes me.

  This is my life, one I’ve stumbled onto. One where total strangers gave me a place in this fucked-up world and allowed me to grow and climb up at my own pace. This is where I belong. This is what I do, and I fucking relish in it. One thing has changed over these last few months, and I never thought it would make my life complete, but it did. She did. Harper.

  I hand my leather cut to Hunt, and he takes it for safekeeping. Normally I would change my clothes because these things get messy and you don’t want to leave behind DNA or take it with you. But I dressed for the occasion, so to say. There will be a change of clothes waiting for me when I’m done, and the black sweatpants I’m wearing, along with a black T-shirt and sneakers, can be burned later.

  Reaching down, I grab the chain and lazily start to slide it around Alejandro’s upper arm. “You know, some might think a chain is nice to use for a good beating. But you know what my favorite thing is?” I don’t need for him to answer because I’m going to damn well show him. “This.” I start to slowly tighten the chain.

  I’m standing on one part of the chain and pull on the other side, turning my body so I can use my shoulder to power up as I reach for the ground. By doing this, I’m not only cutting off his blood supply. What comes next is something that costs a lot of strength, but I work out every day, and I know what I’m capable of. Besides, I only have to think about what this fucker did to Harper to gather more strength to snap his fucking bone. And it’s exactly what I do.

  The lovely crack reaches my ears, and I hear Claymore chuckle. “Don’t you just love the sound of snapping bones in the afternoon?”

  Alejandro is screaming and grunting gibberish. I loosen the chain and start to wrap it around the other arm, repeating the process. At this point, he’s begging me for mercy. Fucking mercy. As if this motherfucker knows anything about that sort of thing. I ignore him and take my time snapping the other bone.

  Now that both sides are injured, it will inflict more pain when I give his broken bones some attention. Like hitting it with the chain over and over. His screams rip through the air, but it’s all muted because I’m focusing to inflict as much pain as I can. Besides hitting his arms, I rotate with hitting his knees, and I have to say, my hand slips unintentionally and the chain hits him straight in the head, knocking him out.

  My chest burns from the rapid breathing my body needs; I’m getting one hell of a workout. I take this moment to look at my handiwork, and all I see is a broken body. The man who tore an innocent young woman’s life apart will never get the opportunity to harm a single soul ever again. Satisfaction burns through my veins.

  “You need more time, Linc?” Alaric says as he’s standing behind Alejandro. He leans forward and grabs Alejandro by his hair. “I’d say you beat the life right out of him, except he’s still breathing. You wanna continue or call it a day?”

  I think things through and realize this is the last piece we need to take out to put it all behind us. I could have Harper in my arms within the hour. If I continue to torture this fucker—who most definitely can’t endure much more anyway—I will postpone the very thing I want and love.

  “You end it for me, Pres. Because I want this motherfucker to stare into my eyes as he feels his life slipping away.”

  “You got it, brother,” Alaric grunts.

  He starts to smack Alejandro’s face to wake him up. After a few smacks, Alejandro starts to groan, and I step forward while Hunt hands Alaric a knife.

  “Look at me, asshole,” I thunder. “You look me in the eyes and know the woman you once touched was born to be mine. The reason you’re leaving this world is solely based on this fact. Now you get to stare at the man who will always take care of her the way she deserves to be treasured.”

  Alejandro’s eyes are filled with panic. He can’t move because Alaric has a fistful of his hair to keep his head in place. There’s no time for him to utter one single word, because in one fast move, Alaric draws an eternal smile on his neck, spraying crimson everywhere.

  “Full circle, my man,” Hunt states with pride lacing his words.

  “Full. Fucking. Circle,” Alaric repeats and lets go of Alejandro’s head as he wipes off his bloody knife on Alejandro’s shoulder. “Time to clean up and head home to our old ladies. I’d say we’ve earned a few beers to relax now that we’ve ended this shit.”

  “A small break before something else stumbles on our doorstep we need to handle, eh?” Hunt chuckles.

  “Don’t start, fucker,” Alaric grumbles. “This asshole’s blood isn’t even dry and you’re talking about new danger heading our way. You want to fucking jinx shit when you have a baby on the way?”

  “Can we maybe talk less and move faster? I have an old lady I want to get home to,” I mutter, knowing these two can talk shit for hours.

  Laughter fills the warehouse as we all jump into action.

  C H A P T E R T E N

  ~ H A R P E R ~

  Ever since Linc strolled into the clubhouse three weeks ago and gave me the words “It’s done,” a weight fell off my shoulders and my life changed even more. It already took a huge change due to this man and the rest of this MC, but the undertone of fear I couldn’t get rid of has finally vanished.

  There’s nothing holding me back to go outside by myself and enjoy a stroll with Boy or a shopping spree. Though, I do have some anxiety left, but I’m working on it with help from my friends who are all there for me. Angie is always somewhere in the clubhouse if she isn’t studying or out with Alaric.

  Peyton isn’t around as much because she has her job and her own family with Hunt and his daughter, Raven, and with the pregnancy, she has enough on her hands as it is. Hunt is very protective of her, and I know it makes Peyton crazy, but it’s adorable at the same time.

  I can’t wait to be an aunt. They’re having a little boy in a few months. We had the gender reveal party yesterday in the backyard of the clubhouse. Hunt fired up his bike and did a burnout. By keeping the bike stationary and its wheels spinning, Hunt made the tires heat up and made blue smoke come out due to friction.

  Alaric gave them a tiny leather cut with a patch on it. I thought it was cute, but Peyton gave him a glare. I guess boys will be boys, but they would have been just as happy with a little girl. Raven has been all smiles, and I’ve always known Peyton would be an amazing mother—not only for the little one still growing in her belly, but when you look at Raven and Peyton, she could have very well given birth to that little girl herself. There’s so much love and happiness surrounding that complete family, it makes my chest swell with warmth and pride. I’m a part of it as well. All of it.

  As for my company, I’ve decided to take a little break. Due to the kidnapping and the aftermath, I was way off my schedule. I could have designed a few new items to promote a new collection, but I de
cided against it. Instead I skipped launching a new collection and scheduled one six months from now. This will allow me the time I need to set things up the right way instead of rushing things.

  In this life there’s too much emphasis on money, work, and the demands of others. I’m taking back my life, and I’m doing things my way. And with it, I intend to enjoy every second of the day and put myself—and those I care about—first.

  Boy rushes toward me. I’ve been throwing the ball for a few minutes now. He comes to a stop right before me, and I mindlessly reach down to grab the icky thing filled with grass and drool he keeps bringing back, but instead I’m holding a box. Less slime and no grass. All I can do is stare at the jewelry box in my hand.

  I’m still processing what I’m holding when I hear Linc’s voice. “Well, aren’t you going to open it?”

  Lacking words, I fumble with the box, and I can’t even get my mind to work properly to open the damn thing. Linc takes over and actually drops onto one knee with Boy sitting right next to him. Both stare at me while Linc holds up the open jewelry box showing a stunning ring.

  “You might have been pulled from darkness when you came into my life, but you’ve been the light that sparks my day ever since. I can’t picture living in a world without you, and having you as my old lady isn’t enough. I want you to be my wife, Harper,” Linc croaks.

  A giggle slips past my lips. “I’m sure you should state it as a question instead of a demand, silly.”

  “Could you just answer my damn question?” Linc grumbles.

  I should remind him he didn’t ask a question, but who am I kidding? There isn’t a question about it. “Yes, Linc. Yes. I want to be your wife, and I might be the light that sparks your day, but you’re the one giving me each day of our future together. You’re the one who pulled me back to the land of the living and gave me reason to get my life back on track. A life I want to share with you.”

  Loud cheers ring out from my right, and normally it would scare the shit out of me, but I’ve been less jumpy ever since all of this has been put behind us. Linc is now cupping my face and turns me away from the line of bikers and old ladies who were somehow in on the secret Linc was going to propose to me and sneakily waited to witness it.

  “I get to kiss you now,” he rumbles before his mouth crashes over mine.

  “You have to put the ring on her first, idiot,” Hunt bellows.

  Linc chuckles as he breaks the kiss. He pulls back and takes the ring out of the box and slides it on my finger. It’s gorgeous. White gold with a diamond on top as if it were a rose. I swallow hard at the beauty around my finger and connect my eyes with Linc’s.

  He’s blurry due to the tears spilling over. “It’s so beautiful,” I croak.

  “Its beauty is a mere fragment of the stunning beauty that is you,” Linc murmurs.

  An unfeminine snort escapes me. “You’re exaggerating and only trying to get into my pants by swooping me off my feet.”

  “Is it working?” Linc questions, a wolfish grin spreading his face.

  ““Yeah,” I whisper. Butterflies dance low in my belly as Linc suddenly scoops me up and carries me to our house.

  “Alaric, entertain Boy for me,” he throws over his shoulder.

  “Pretty sure the part where you carry her over the threshold is supposed to happen after you marry her, Linc,” Hunt yells after us. “You’re doing it all wrong.”

  Linc ignores everything as he shuts the door behind us. We haven’t been exploring each other sexually, other than Linc putting his mouth on my pussy a few times, but never taking the next step. He always makes sure to give me an orgasm and leaves me completely spent and never once brings up his pleasure, other than to give me the standard reply, “Your pleasure is my pleasure.” Sweet, but I want more. So much more. And I’m ready.

  I’ve been trying to let him know I’m ready, but still he’s been holding off, as if he thinks I’m too fragile and can’t handle it, but I’ve been craving him so badly. Besides, there’s a huge contrast between being tied up and forced to endure what another person is inflicting against your will than being consumed with burning lust to share intimacy with the person you adore with your whole being.

  Linc is my safe haven, my friend, my person. The one I want to share the rest of my life with and who just made me promise to be his wife. How much more connected can two people be? Except for joining our bodies, and like I said, I’m craving to be his in every way.

  He keeps me in his arms as he takes the stairs. Once we’re in the bedroom, Linc lets me slide down his body and gently cups my face. He feathers his lips against mine and connects our foreheads.

  “I want you so damn bad,” he whispers.

  “Then take me,” I tell him, my voice fierce because I want this just as much.

  He groans and buries his head against the crook of my neck. “I’m afraid I can’t hold back and I’ll be too rough. Hell, I’m craving to be inside you so damn much I bet I’ll blow the second I bury myself deep.”

  “I don’t care. Besides, Alaric did the same thing with Angie, so I’m sure it’s quite normal.”

  Linc’s head whips back, disbelief swirling in his eyes.

  “Shit. I wasn’t supposed to share that little piece of information. You can’t say anything,” I squeak. “I’m serious, Linc. Dammit, Angie is going to kill me.”

  Linc chuckles and shakes his head. “Don’t worry, sweetheart. You have my word. I won’t ever repeat what you just told me. I do wonder why you know this little detail, though. You girls sharing tactics?”

  “No,” I gasp, horrified. “A few weeks ago, I asked them for advice because I really wanted to have sex with you, but I didn’t know if I could.”

  “A few weeks ago?” Linc states. “I’m afraid to hear what their suggestions were, when you just mentioned the one pump and blow thing.”

  “You said you weren’t going to repeat it. And they suggested I talk to you about it. But it’s hard.” I sigh as frustration wraps around me. “I really thought with you scooping me off my feet and dragging me into the bedroom that we would have sex.”

  “No more talking,” Linc says, his voice raw with lust. “Get naked.”

  I blink a few times, and he’s already standing in front of me naked. Completely naked. His dick is pointing up and trying to reach his navel. My heart speeds up. This is happening. It’s finally happening.

  I work fast to let every piece of clothing hit the floor, and a few heartbeats later, I’m standing naked before him. Linc steps closer and slides his hand over my shoulder, grabbing my nape as he pulls me closer. His lips meet mine, and the kiss might start out slow and sensual, but with our bodies pressing together, it instantly erupts into burning heat.

  Our hands roam while our breathing picks up. It feels as if I’m boiling over with lust. Skin to skin with his hard length caged in between our bodies, his mouth trails kisses to my neck, nipping with his teeth as he goes. Every move he makes echoes between my legs.

  “Linc,” I beg, not knowing what I want to change, but I need him to do something.

  His hands slide to my ass, and he easily lifts me up so I can wrap my legs around his waist. Turning slowly, he sits down on the bed and moves until his back is against the headboard.

  “Get to your knees, sweetheart. I want you to ride me. You’ll be in control, okay?”

  “More than okay.” I groan, feeling his hardness pressing hot against my pussy.

  I might have no clue what I’m doing or how I’m going to do this because I’ve never done it before, but the thought of being in complete control is exciting and a total turnaround for me.

  “Move up,” Linc croaks. “Wrap your fingers around—” He hisses in a breath when I gently grab hold of his dick, and my hand instantly falls away.

  “What did I do?” I gasp.

  Linc groans. “It felt good, Apple, so fucking good. Do it again, and when you’re ready you can rub me against you. Let me slide through your pussy. Feed he
r my cock, inch by fucking inch.”

  “Stop talking like that or you’re going to make me come.” I bite my lip and try to focus.

  I glance down to see my fingers wrapped around his dick and feel the tip brush my pussy. A moan slips from me, and I swear I can barely hold my orgasm back. I start to tease us both by rubbing his dick through the lips of my pussy, just like he said, while I let myself drop inch after inch.

  “So good,” Linc whispers, his eyes focused on where we are connected. “Perfect.”

  With him fully inside me, I have to agree. This feels so good. I rotate my hips and start to rise and fall, repeating the action over and over. His hands move up to cup my breasts, kneading as he tugs my nipples. It’s as if he’s sending electrical pulses to my clit. The feeling builds until an explosion hits me. I gasp for my next breath while I scream his name. Pleasure overtakes me, hitting me in waves as I hear Linc groan.

  He grips my hips and pulls me down while at the same time raising his hips off the mattress. He buries himself as deep as he can inside me, and I can feel his dick harden even more before it starts to pulse, filling me up with hot jets of cum.

  Finally I collapse on top of him. His arms slide up and pull me close as he places sloppy kisses on my neck.

  “That was amazing,” I wheeze. “Is it like this every time?”

  “I don’t know,” Linc murmurs. “It’s never felt this good, so I would fucking hope it’s like this every time.”

  “I hope so too. And if I wasn’t drained of all my energy, I would like to do it again.” I sigh dramatically.

  Linc chuckles and slaps my ass. “Give a man some time to get his cock back under control, sweetheart. I think I’ve pumped all I had inside you already.”

  I can’t help but giggle and feel my heart expand even more with the love I have for this man. He saw me at my worst, pulled me from the darkness, and gave me a whole new life. We might have met under fucked-up circumstances, but I know for sure we are meant to be. One way or another, I am a strong believer we would have eventually found a way to connect further down the road.


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