A Wanton Woman

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A Wanton Woman Page 5

by Thomas Henry

  The food had all been prepared in advance, except for the beef short ribs that I had marinating in Korean barbeque sauce. The kiawe charcoal fire was blazing, and I planned to start cooking the ribs as soon as Bill and Crystal arrived.

  They arrived holding hands and looked natural together. Mai quickly introduced Bill to Ted and Karen, and Bill in turn introduced Crystal to everyone. Bill was all smiles when Mai gave him a hug and a kiss on the cheek. But he looked distinctly uncomfortable when he shook hands with Karen and Ted.

  Crystal shook Karen’s hand, and then she took Mai’s hand and said something to her in Vietnamese. Mai clearly was surprised and pleased that Crystal spoke her language. She laughed and replied in a sweet voice.

  It made sense that Crystal spoke Vietnamese. She no doubt had learned it from her mother. And somewhere in the back of my mind, I vaguely remembered her speaking it with Thuy. But up until I heard her speak to Mai, I hadn’t really thought about what a risk that might pose. Crystal could say things to Mai that none of the rest of us would understand. And Crystal knew things that I definitely didn’t want Mai to know.

  I understand enough Vietnamese that I often can pick up on the gist of a conversation. But I wasn’t sure that would be good enough in this situation. So, I decided to try a trick to give Crystal the impression that I was more familiar with Vietnamese than I really was. If she thought I could understand, she might be more circumspect about what she said to Mai.

  I really don’t know how to say much in Vietnamese. I like to tell people I know just enough to get my face slapped…and that’s basically true. But over the years, Mai has taught me a few phrases that I often use with her. So I figured I’d drop one of those in front of Crystal and give her the impression that I knew more than I really did.

  I waited for an opportunity, and when Mai turned to go into the house to get something, I casually used Vietnamese to ask her where she was going. She was so accustomed to hearing that phrase from me that she thought nothing of it and replied “kitchen” as if I had spoken to her in English.

  Crystal, on the other hand, gave me a very surprised look. “Oh,” she whispered, “you speak Vietnamese?”

  I raised one eyebrow and winked.

  A few minutes later, I was at the wet bar, making drinks for everyone, when Mai sidled up to me. “So what you think,” she said, “’bout Crystal? She very sexy, no?”

  “I hadn’t noticed.”

  “Oh, you so bullshit!”


  “I know you like young girl with big titty.”

  Mai is an expert in boob-jobs and nose-jobs. In the time I have known her, she has gone through three progressively larger sets of breast implants and a half-dozen nose jobs. She looked over at Crystal and said, “They real, you know.”

  I knew…but I said nothing.

  “So how you think? You like kit-kit her while Bill kit-kit Karen?”

  I shook my head slightly and said, “You’re incorrigible.”

  “Oh, you alway say that.” She gave me a swat on the butt. I was sure she had no idea what “incorrigible” meant.

  I handed her a couple of drinks. “Here you go. These are for Bill and Crystal.” By the time I finished making drinks for Ted and Karen, Mai had everyone laughing at some joke she had made.

  When I handed his drink to him, Ted took me aside. “Karen seems to think he’s attractive,” he said. “I’m pretty sure she’d be willing to do him.”

  I just nodded, struggling to stifle a tell-tale chuckle. Ah…if you only knew.

  “So what did you tell Bill about us?”

  “Not much, really,” I said. “Just that you were a nice couple that Mai and I had known for a while.”

  “Did you say anything about him fucking Karen?”

  “Not in so many words. Didn’t want him to feel like this was some kind of set-up. Figured it might happen naturally if Karen shows a little interest in him. But I did imply that things might get a little loose tonight.”

  “What about his girlfriend? She gonna have a problem with him being with another woman?”

  I shrugged. “Guess we’ll find out.”

  “Think she’ll do some swinging, too?”

  “Guess we’ll find out about that, too.”

  Ted licked his lips. “I’m getting hard just thinking about her.”

  “I thought that was what watching Karen with another guy was all about…getting you hot for Karen.”

  Ted nodded. “Yeah, but… Man! Just look at her.” His eyes were fixed on Crystal.

  I knew Crystal would play it however I wanted. I decided that she should flirt with Ted, but that was all. I wanted to make sure he stayed focused on watching Karen with Bill. After all, bringing Bill into their lives was the whole point of having the party. Besides, I was hoping to find a way to use Crystal for my own purposes. I thought maybe she could once again help to keep my mind off the fact that my Karen was being fucked by another man…or maybe two men…instead of me.

  I made a fairly quick job of cooking the ribs, and we all sat at the round outdoor table to eat. Mai made the seat assignments so that couples were sitting directly across the table from each other. That put Mai directly across from me, with Karen on my right and Crystal on my left. Bill was between Mai and Karen, and Ted was between Mai and Crystal. I was afraid poor Ted was going to get whiplash from looking back and forth between Mai and Crystal.

  I think Bill and Karen were struggling with the need to keep up the appearance that they were strangers, so their interaction seemed a little stiff. Mai took on the role of matchmaker, asking them both questions and trying to draw them together. Little did she know.

  I didn’t want to interfere, so I pretty much ignored Karen and focused on talking with Crystal and Ted. But every once in a while, I got a rather sharp thump on my shin from Karen’s heel. Each time, I looked at her, but she was looking over toward Mai and Bill. After about the fourth time she kicked me, I discreetly slid my hand down under the table and between her thighs. She clamped them together, trapping my fingers as I wiggled them against her pussy.

  When we were finished eating, Karen helped Mai to clear the table. Crystal started to help, too, but Mai said something to her in Vietnamese. Crystal looked at me and winked. She stripped off her t-shirt and said, “Time for swim! Everybody in pool!” Then she unfastened her shorts and let them drop to the pool deck.

  Crystal was wearing a simple white bikini. The large triangles that supported her breasts were held in place by a strap around her back and another that looped around her neck. The fabric was substantial enough that I couldn’t see her nipples.

  The bottom of her bikini did a good job of containing her wiry pubic hair, and it pretty much covered her round behind. The front and back were held together at the waist by gold rings. All-in-all, the bikini managed to be quite sexy without being at all slutty.

  Crystal strutted toward the pool. Ted was close behind her. Bill gave me a questioning look. I raised one eyebrow and shrugged. I didn’t know how all of this was going to play out. I busied myself putting out the fire and cleaning up the cooking utensils. Mai apparently thought that was “men’s” work.

  Crystal hopped up on the diving board and walked to the end. She bounced a couple of times and made a clean head-first dive into the pool. When she came up, I was surprised…and disappointed…that her bikini top had remained in place.

  Ted stripped off his t-shirt and dove in from the pool deck. He stayed under for quite a while before he surfaced. I was pretty sure he was getting a good look at Crystal’s body.

  Bill took off his t-shirt and sat down on the pool deck with his legs in the water. I thought it interesting that he was wearing trunks that were much more conservative than that jock-strap-like thing he had worn with Karen at Turtle Bay.

  Crystal swam over to Bill and tugged at his hand. He put up a show of resisting, but finally allowed her to pull him into the pool. As he splashed down next to her, he grabbed her and pulled he
r under with him. It was hard to see in the roiling water, but he appeared to be tugging at her bikini bottom while she grabbed at his cock. They both burst into laughter when they came to the surface. I was a bit unsettled at how comfortable they were, playing with each other, but at least it did make them look like a legitimate couple.

  Bill grabbed at Crystal again, but she swam away and circled around behind Ted. She put her hands on his shoulders and pretended to hide behind him. From the expression on his face, I was sure she was pressing those huge tits into his back.

  Karen came out of the house and eyed Ted and Crystal for a moment before sauntering over to me. “Looks like she’s fitting right in,” she murmured.


  “I hope Ted doesn’t forget why we’re here.”

  “I’ll make sure she doesn’t let it go too far.”

  “Mmm-hmm. You do that. Well, I guess it’s time for me to join the fun.” Karen pulled off her t-shirt and tossed it on a chair. Then she stripped off her shorts and tossed them on top of the shirt. She was wearing the same skimpy bikini she had worn with Bill at Turtle Bay. It was a good thing Bill had decided to wear something else this time. It would have been pretty hard to explain why he and Karen had bathing suits made from the same fabric.

  My stomach did a flip-slop and my balls contracted as Karen sashayed over to the shallow end of the pool and eased her way down the steps into the water. I knew damned well that she would have lost her bikini if she had dived in.

  Mai wandered out of the house, apparently finished with the “women’s” work. Crystal called out something to her in Vietnamese and then said, “Come in! The water feels so good.” She let go of Ted’s shoulders and started paddling around.

  Mai unfastened her shorts and let them drop to the deck. She was wearing a silky black bottom that looked more like lingerie than bathing attire. She pulled at the neck of her t-shirt and peered down inside. “Oh-oh!” she said in mock surprise. “Oh, well!” She pulled off the shirt and exposed her bare breasts. She looked at Crystal and said something in Vietnamese.

  Crystal paddled back over to Ted and turned her back to him. “Can you help, please?”

  Ted fumbled at the strap around her back, but eventually managed to unfasten it. Crystal grabbed the bikini top and pulled it off over her head. She wadded it up and tossed it onto the pool deck. Ted’s eyes were huge as Crystal circled around behind him and put her arms around his neck, mashing her nipples against his back.

  Karen eased over to Bill. After glancing at Ted, she turned her back to Bill and whispered something to him over her shoulder. He took his time, pulling at the bows that held her top in place. All eyes were on them as he delicately pulled off Karen’s top. Her magnificent breasts seemed to float on the water.

  Bill raised his hand and let her top dangle from his fingertips. Then he stretched it out and hung it around his neck as if he had collected a trophy.

  After having seen them together so many times, I automatically expected him to cup her breasts and squeeze her nipples. But he didn’t. I guessed he was trying to maintain the illusion that they had just met, so he wasn’t being too forward with her right away.

  Karen turned toward him and rested her forearms on his shoulders. “I’m gonna need that back, you know. It’s my husband’s favorite bikini.”

  Bill smirked. “Is it, now?” He seemed to be amused that Karen was saying that about a bikini he had bought for her.

  “Yep. He likes it so much I had to put it on twice today.”

  “Oh? Why’s that?”

  “Well…the first time I put it on…he took one look and threw me on the bed. Next thing I knew, I was naked.”

  “You don’t say.”

  Karen gave him a mock-sincere look and nodded her head. “Had his way with me right then and there. Said he couldn’t help himself because I looked sooo hot in that bikini.”

  “Can’t argue with that. But you look mighty fine out of it, too.”

  Karen wagged her finger at him. “Better watch yourself, mister. My husband is right over there.” She gestured with her head.

  Bill turned his head and looked. “Seems like hubby is a bit distracted.”

  Crystal still had her arms around Ted’s neck, and now she had wrapped her legs around his waist. She was leaning over his shoulder and whispering in his ear. Ted was looking down at the water, listening intently.

  Karen gazed at Ted and Crystal for a beat too long and then looked back at Bill. “Well, then,” she said, “maybe he won’t notice this.” She pressed her breasts against Bill’s chest as she gave him a five-second kiss. Then she backed away, pulling her bikini top off of his shoulders. She wadded it up and tossed it at Ted. She missed, but it caught his attention when it splashed down in front of him. He didn’t say anything, but it looked like he got the message.

  Mai sidled up to me with her eyes on the pool. “Look like Karen jealous about Crystal. But she like Bill. I think they kit-kit tonight for sure.”

  Of course, I knew she was right. The thought brought the butterflies back to my stomach.

  Mai stepped down into the pool and glided over to Bill and Karen. She whispered something inaudible to Karen and guided one of Karen’s hands down to Bill’s crotch. She whispered to Karen again, and Karen nodded. Mai pulled the front of Bill’s trunks down far enough for his cock to spring free. Then she grasped his cock and put it into Karen’s hand.

  Ted was watching, but I had the impression that he didn’t realize what Mai was up to. I think he was still distracted by Crystal clinging to his back.

  I decided it was time for me go get wet. I hesitated because I knew that the pool water was much too cold for my taste. I prefer the adjacent spa, which has a heater. I decided it was best just to get it over with, so I dove into the deep end of the pool. As always, the cold water was a shock, but it took only a few seconds for my body to adjust to it. By the time I had paddled over to Ted and Crystal, I was okay.

  “Looks like you’ve made a new friend,” I said to Ted.

  “Yeah…she…um…she’s been telling me some interesting things.”

  That made me nervous. Crystal knew much more than I wanted Ted to know about what Karen had been doing while he was gone. I hoped that Crystal hadn’t said too much. I looked at her and said, “She looks like a woman who would know some interesting things.” She was still clinging to Ted’s back, so he didn’t see it when she winked at me and shook her head slightly.

  I took that as a sign she had been discreet. I was somewhat relieved. “So what kind of interesting things has she been telling you?”

  “Well…um…I told her about my fantasy…you know, about Karen with a black guy, and she said she was okay if Karen and Bill…um…got together. So that was good. And then she told me about this place she knew...”

  “No…I never been there,” Crystal said. “I just hear about it from somebody.”

  “Oh, okay,” Ted said. “So she was telling me about this place where men take their wives and girlfriends to watch them have sex with these guys called “bulls.”

  Mandingo party, I thought. I wondered if someone really was doing them here.

  I feigned ignorance. “What kind of guys?”

  “All kine,” Crystal said. “White, black, Hawaiian, Samoan…all kine. All depend on what you like.”

  So not technically a Mandingo party, but pretty much the same idea. “Never heard of that,” I said. “Something for the tourists?”

  “Some tourist. But plenty local people, too.”

  “Hmmm…I’ve lived here since I was a kid. I can’t believe I’ve never heard of this before.”

  “Very secret,” Crystal said. “Very private place.”

  “So I was thinking,” Ted said. “If Karen goes ahead and lets Bill fuck her tonight, maybe I’ll try to find that place and take her there and watch her get fucked by some other guys.”

  I knew there was no question that Bill would be fucking Karen tonight. That was the whole
point of our party. But I had my doubts that Karen would be willing to have sex with these “bulls”…guys she didn’t even know. But…then I thought about what she had done at the bachelor party, and that thought made my stomach churn.

  “Well,” I said, “Looks like Mai is helping them to get acquainted, so who knows?”

  We lapsed into silence for a couple of minutes while we eavesdropped on Mai telling Karen what a good lover Bill was. It was a lot like watching a master used-car salesman at work.

  “So,” I said, looking at Crystal, “Do you think we all should go to that sex club or whatever it is?”

  She shrugged. “Maybe.” She pressed her breasts against Ted’s back again. “Or maybe we make our own sex club.” She gave Ted a sideways look and winked at me.

  “Hey, everybody!” Mai said. “Sun go down now. Cold soon. We go in spa. Keep warm.”

  We all drifted across the pool and climbed into the adjacent spa. Mai arranged us the same as we had been around the table. Karen was on my right, Crystal on my left, and Mai directly across from me. That put Ted between Mai and Crystal, and Bill between Mai and Karen. The women were topless, but they still had their bottoms on. Bill had managed to pull up his suit, and Ted and I still had our trunks on as well.

  Even though no one had come right out and said it publicly, we all privately knew we were having the party so that Karen could have sex with Bill while Ted watched. But since Ted and Mai thought Karen and Bill had just met for the first time, it would have seemed strange for them to simply go at it without some preliminary flirting and foreplay. And to that end, Mai had come up with an activity to help get things started.

  “Okay, everybody,” she said. “We play little game now. We trade partner for little while, and then we trade again. First time, every woman partner with man on left.”

  That put Karen with me first. When we switched, she’d be with Bill. Crystal would be with Ted first, and then with me.

  “Everybody ready? Okay, go!”

  Karen turned around and straddled me. I hardened immediately. I hugged her and whispered in her ear, “Hey, baby.”


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