Eye of Saturn (The Daughters of Saturn Book 1)

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Eye of Saturn (The Daughters of Saturn Book 1) Page 8

by Raso, Idalita Wright

  * * *

  The swooshing of Zaybeth’s dress prompted Felipe to get into position. He propped himself up against a wall in the garden and placed the flower behind his back.

  “Feliz cumpleaños, Zaybeth.”

  “Oh, Felipe, there you are. I’ve been looking all over for you. Why are you in the garden?”

  “Thinking about you.”

  He saw a slight blush swept across her cheeks.

  “You left the party before I could show you the wonderful present my brother gave me.” She pushed back her curls, tilting her head upwards.

  “That’s a very lovely necklace. Sorry I left your party so early, but I had to get your present.”


  “Zaybeth, do you know what it means when a boy gives a girl a single red carnation?”


  “It means the girl has the boy’s heart.”

  “Are you saying I have your heart, Felipe?”

  He was silent. Felipe took a step forward and stood directly in front of Zaybeth. He brought his arm from around his back, revealing the large red carnation. Felipe then placed the flower over his heart.

  “That’s the biggest, most beautiful carnation I have ever seen. Is that my present?”

  Felipe nodded.

  Zaybeth held out her hand, but Felipe held onto the flower.

  “Well, may I have my birthday present now?”

  “Yes, but you have to come a little closer to claim it.”

  Zaybeth moved closer to Felipe and reached for the flower. Felipe raised his arm high in the air. Zaybeth jumped up, but was still unable to reach the carnation. Felipe quickly lowered his hand, placing the flower behind his back. Zaybeth reached around his waist. He bent down, and stole a quick kiss from her lips.

  Felipe got down on one knee. “Zaybeth, my heart is thine. Please, will you accept this single, red carnation as a token of my love and pledge to you,” Felipe said, taking her hand in his.

  “Felipe, I accept your carnation and your heart,” Zaybeth said.

  Felipe stared lovingly into Zaybeth’s vivid, jade green eyes and leaned down, their lips almost touching. He traced the outline of Zaybeth’s face softly with the back of his hand.

  Felipe heard Zaybeth make a soft whimpering sound as she melted into his touch. He lowered his lips to hers. At first, his kiss was not deep, allowing only the tip of his tongue to slip between her lips, savoring the sweet, succulent layers of her mouth. But her eager tongue found his and his tongue swirled around hers, kissing her deeply. He smiled with his eyes as his mouth claimed hers. Her lips were soft, warm, and sweet, just the way he had imagined.

  Strolling arm-in-arm into the garden, Felipe and Zaybeth found a quiet area to lay in the grass, bordered by Spanish bluebells. Felipe’s eyes roamed every inch of Zaybeth’s face.

  “Zaybeth, what do you want to do with your life?” he asked.

  “Well I’ve always wanted to be an explorer. I want to see the great pyramids and the Sphinx,” she declared. “I remember David and I would stay up all night pretending to live in exotic places. We had so much fun. How exciting it must be to whisk off to places, like the Orient, and dig up the past. I think it would be fascinating to learn about natives and their history.”

  Felipe scratched his head. “For a girl, Zaybeth, you sure have lofty goals. Don’t you want to be a wife and mother?”

  “Yes, I would like to have a family someday, after I have finished exploring the world. What about you? What are your ambitions, Felipe?”

  “My ambitions? My father has taken care of that for me. I am to enter into the political arena.”

  “A statesman like your father, that’s all well and good, but what are your ambitions?”

  Felipe held his chin. “I would like to someday teach,” he said, after giving Zaybeth’s question some thought.

  “What subjects would you teach?”

  “History, mathematics, or I just might teach young ladies how to become explorers and adventurers.” He laughed.

  “I think you would make an excellent teacher someday, Felipe.”

  “I love you, Zaybeth,” he said softly.

  “I love you, too, Felipe.” Zaybeth took the carnation to her nose, inhaling the intoxicating fragrance.

  “Zaybeth, you will always have my heart.”

  Felipe gazed at her beauty. They embraced. The love of his life was finally in his arms. He moved in for another kiss. This time Felipe kissed Zaybeth longer and deeper. Felipe withdrew his mouth from hers, giving her one last final peck on her lips.

  “It’s late. We should get back before our parents start to worry.”

  He stood and held out his hand. Zaybeth clasped her hand in his. Gently, Felipe pulled Zaybeth to her feet and straight into his arms where they kissed and held each other tightly.

  Felipe and Zaybeth returned to the manor, strolling arm-in-arm passing David, who was sitting on a bench in the patio.

  David gave Zaybeth and Felipe a sly smirk.

  “What’s this? My little sister has found herself a suitor?”

  Zaybeth giggled, while twirling the carnation between her fingers.

  “Be sure to invite me to the wedding,” David said, standing.

  “And what makes you think we’ll be getting married?” Zaybeth asked.

  “I can tell by the way Felipe is looking at you. Well, you two make a handsome couple,” David said, taking Felipe by his free arm, whispering in his ear. “Now, you be sure to take good care of my little sister, Felipe.”

  “I promise.” He reached over and kissed Zaybeth on her cheek.

  A stableman brought David’s horse to the courtyard.

  “David, where are you going?” Zaybeth asked.

  “I must leave.”

  “But you’ve just arrived,” Zaybeth pouted.

  “When the investigator found me, I was on my way to Barcelona on business.” David walked over to Zaybeth. “Now, no long face. I promise I will return soon. But I have a feeling you won’t miss me much, seeing as how you have a strong, young man to take care of you,” he said, mussing up her hair. “I love you, Zaybeth.” David kissed her cheek.

  “I love you too, David.”

  Maria ran out onto the patio.

  “Hurry back, David. Oh, and be sure to give Sophia my love.”

  “I shall. Love you, Mother.”

  David mounted his horse and trotted down the path to the front gate with Maria following, waving.

  Felipe and Zaybeth walked inside the manor, leisurely strolling past the parlor, where Felipe could hear his father laughing loudly along with his mother.

  “Felipe, come and join us. Your mother and I have some very exciting to tell you,” Tomás said stepping out into the hallway.

  “Sí, Papa,” Felipe turned to Zaybeth. “I will see you later, my love.” Felipe kissed her hand.

  “Don’t be too long.”

  “What is it, Papa?” he asked, entering the parlor.

  “Please have a seat,” Tomás said, patting the back of his favorite, leather chair.

  Warily, Felipe sat down in his father’s chair. He studied his father’s face. He was smiling, which made Felipe uneasy.

  “What did you want to tell me, Papa?” Felipe asked.

  “Lilith and her family are expected to arrive on October twenty-second. You and Lilith will wed on the twenty-fifth.”

  All the color drained from his face. He inhaled deep trying to catch his breath, swearing his heart had stopped beating.

  “What?” he asked breathlessly.

  “All of the arrangements have been made,” Tomás said.

  “This cannot be.” Felipe swung around, seeking an ally. He looked to his mother, who had always protected him from his father’s whims, only to find she was in accordance with her husband.

  Francisca walked up to Felipe and placed an opened, gold heart-shaped locket in his hand.

  “Lilith sent you this locket, it contains her portrait. Isn’t sh
e beautiful?”

  Felipe fell silent.

  “You have finished your studies and are serving as my apprentice. I do not see a reason to delay the wedding any longer. As soon as you and Lilith are married, you will receive a salary. I have arranged for you to have a permanent position,” Tomás said. “Come, let us toast to your upcoming nuptials.”

  A female servant handed Felipe a cup of wine.

  Normally, Felipe would relish a cup of fine wine, but today, the wine was bitter to the taste. As Felipe placed the goblet to his lips, the delicate filaments tasted more like acid burning his throat as he downed the wine in one big gulp. Felipe excused himself and trudged up the stairs to his bedroom. His legs felt as though they were weighted down with chains. He sat quietly on his bed staring out into space.

  “Felipe, why the long face?” Alejandro asked, concerned.

  “I’m to be married next month,” he replied, solemnly.

  Alejandro leaped from his chair and ran over to Felipe. “You’re getting married to Lilith, right?”

  “Yes, to Lilith,” Felipe replied dryly.

  “What about Zaybeth?” he asked sitting on the bed beside Felipe.

  “What about her?”

  “Who will marry Zaybeth?” Alejandro inquired.

  “How should I know?” he snapped. Felipe’s mind was racing. “I cannot believe Papa is actually going to force me to marry a girl I’ve never met.”

  “But Felipe, you’ve always known you were betrothed to Lilith.”

  “Yes, but I didn’t think Papa would actually make me go through with it.” He turned and looked at his brother. “I thought since her sister died—”

  “You thought what? That I would marry Lilith? No, dear brother, Lilith is your burden to bear,” he said, giving Felipe a pat on his back. “How I envy you.”

  “Why envy me, when I should be pitied.”

  “Pity you? Why would I waste pity on you? Felipe, in case you haven’t noticed, everything has always come easy for you. Your studies, Papa’s silly wine lessons, politics, a wife—my Sarah died. Papa thinks of me as a simpleton and has cast me aside. You have some nerve sitting here wallowing in self-pity. Felipe, you have had everything handed to you on a silver platter. Spoiled is what you are,” he mocked.

  “But Alejandro, you do not understand. I love Zaybeth and wish to marry her—”

  “Oh, I understand, perfectly. Finally, there is something my big brother wants, but cannot have. Being Papa’s favorite has worked against you. He will not allow you to marry Zaybeth because he thinks she is not good enough for the likes of you,” he said, laughing as he walked out of the room.


  After breakfast, Felipe headed to his private sanctuary. There, he sat on the edge of the riverbank staring up at a cloudy sky. His heart was torn. How was he going to get out of his impending nuptial? “Dammit!” he said, throwing a small rock into the river.

  The day had turned into night, finding Felipe still at the riverbank of his private sanctuary. “I can’t marry her,” he said, shaking his head. “I won’t marry her!” Felipe stood up and made his way to the manor.

  First, Felipe searched the parlor. Next, he searched the library, looking for his father. Felipe found himself at the farthest nook of the manor, standing in the doorway of his father’s study. He took a deep breath before turning the knob and entering. Confidently, Felipe tapped his father on his right shoulder.

  “Papa,” his voice cracked.

  Tomás turned around his face beaming. “Ah, Felipe, come and sit down, I was just about to have some wine. Here, let me pour you a cup.”

  “No, thank you, Papa,” Felipe said as he remained standing.

  Tomás poured a generous cup of red wine for himself and reclined in his high-backed, black leather chair.

  “Felipe, while you are still under my tutelage, there a few important tricks in politics you must learn. First, you must pick your alliances carefully. Secondly, you must stay informed. I’m not sure if you remember when Vlad Dracula II, the Prince of Wallachia, and his sons, Vlad III and Radu of Romania came to visit.”

  “I vaguely remember them, why?”

  “Shortly after their visit here, young Vlad and Radu were taken hostage by the Sultan Murad II. As I understand it, their father just gave them up. I would never do that to you and Alejandro. I would die to save you both. That’s the difference between Spaniards and those who are not. Spaniards have a sense of family, duty, and honor.” Tomás took a long drink of his wine and continued.

  “Vlad’s father was assassinated along with his older brother, Mircea. They were tortured and buried alive—as rumors have it by the boyars of Targoviste. Young Vlad, supported by the Hungarian King Matthias Corvinus, has made his first major move toward seizing the Wallachian throne and avenging his father’s and brother’s deaths. I knew from the moment I saw that boy, he had the makings of a great leader.” Tomás took a sip of wine.

  “Now, Felipe, even though Wallachia is a great distance from Spain, Vlad might be an alliance to seek. You never know when his cunning and skills might be needed.” Tomás took another sip of wine.

  Felipe stood silently with his arms folded.

  “I’ve rattled on, haven’t I? You didn’t come here to discuss politics, did you?”

  “No, Papa, I did not.”

  “You look like you have a lot on your mind, out with it.” He reared back in his chair.

  Felipe swallowed hard. “I refuse…” His throat went dry.

  “You refuse what?”

  “I refuse to marry Lilith.”

  “Felipe, as I have told you before, alliances are created so each party can get what they desire from the other. Abraham Al-Salameh sought an ally for his people and protection for his family. With the growing unrest with the Conversos and increasing intolerance of Moors, my political influence can protect his family from persecution. In return, Abraham will give me what I desire—gold!”

  “But, Papa, I do not love her.”

  Tomás burst into laughter. “Foolish boy, marriage has very little to do with love.” He placed his cup of wine on a small, round marble side table and leaned forward. “Let me let you in on a little secret—gold is the only love that counts. It is power. It is the measurement of everything. It can cause enemies to unite, gold is god. Your union with Lilith will give our family plenty of it.”

  “But I don’t want Lilith’s gold. Alejandro can marry her for all I care.”

  “Alejandro is a handsome boy, but he lacks intelligence and maturity. He has no business or political sense whatsoever. I promised Abraham political protection for his family against any social uprisings. Alejandro is a buffoon! Why, that boy would get them all killed. Besides, I fear Lilith is too sophisticated for him and would soon grow tired of his idiocy.”

  “Papa, I beg you to indulge me just this once. I have always obeyed you with little or no complaint. I shall never ask you for anything else—”

  “No, Felipe. This partnership is too important and cannot be entrusted to Alejandro’s inept hands. You and Lilith are the perfect match.”

  “But Papa you do not understand! I’m in love with Zaybeth.”

  Tomás bolted to his feet. “You’re in love with her!” he spat out. “I warned your mother about bringing that adulteress, Maria, and her bastard child into this house.”

  “Papa, I love Zaybeth and I wish to marry her. I will not marry Lilith.”

  Tomás’ eyes darkened with rage. “Now, see here, boy! You will marry Lilith,” he bellowed. “If you as much as look at Zaybeth, I will dispatch her—”

  Staring into his father’s eyes, Felipe saw something he had never seen before—a cold, dark, ugly glint that was so abhorrent he could barely look at him. His father was obsessed by gold. Felipe quickly tore his eyes away from him. He feared the lust for power and gold had finally robbed his father of his very soul.

  “You wouldn’t dare,” Felipe whimpered in disbelief.

elipe, do you know just how much power and influence I have? In case you have forgotten, let me refresh your memory. I am an adelantado and a statesman, with an army at my disposal. I could easily kill Zaybeth and no one would investigate. I could have her imprisoned, tortured, even burned at the stake. I can do whatever I want to her. You will marry Lilith and that is final!”

  Felipe left his father’s study and went to the one person he knew could change his father’s mind. His heart felt heavy as he opened the door to his parents’ bedchamber. He hurried past the sitting room to the bedroom, where he found his mother sitting on a cushioned bench, doing needlepoint.

  “Why is Papa being so unreasonable?” Felipe asked, plopping down beside his mother on the bench and placing his head on her shoulder.

  Francisca put her needlepoint aside. She gently brushed back Felipe’s bangs and kissed his forehead.

  “Your father isn’t the awful man you think he is. He loves you very much. He only wants the very best for you and this family.”

  “You mean what’s best for him,” he said, looking over his right shoulder at his father’s likeness in their family portrait, a massive painting that hung on the far wall.

  At first glance, his father’s beaming smile would be mistaken for a devoted father and husband. But Felipe knew the real reason behind his father’s beaming smile, and it wasn’t his family. Although Felipe didn’t doubt his father love, there was just something he loved more—gold. The massive family portrait acted as a decoy, concealing a secret passageway, which led to a locked, reinforced metal door. Inside the vault was a room filled with precious jewels, priceless works of art, and gold.

  “I do not understand why Alejandro can’t marry Lilith. He was betrothed to her sister, Sarah.” Felipe said, pleading his case. “I am sure Señor Al-Salameh would not be the least bit offended if Alejandro married Lilith. Either way, Papa would still get to keep his precious gold,” Felipe turned to his mother with a desperate look on his face. “I wish to marry Zaybeth. We love each other.”

  Francisca gently touched her son’s face. “I am sorry, Felipe, but your father has spent years arranging this with Abraham and Nashiema. He simply will not permit you to marry anyone but Lilith.”


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