Eye of Saturn (The Daughters of Saturn Book 1)

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Eye of Saturn (The Daughters of Saturn Book 1) Page 12

by Raso, Idalita Wright

  After lunch was over, Felipe, Zaybeth, and Alejandro loitered at the table. Zaybeth shamelessly flirted with Alejandro.

  “Are you coming, Felipe?” Lilith asked, heading into the manor.

  Felipe turned around. “What?”

  “Are you coming inside?”

  “I’ll be in shortly.” He gave Lilith a quick peck on the lips.

  “Okay, but don’t be too long. Remember we are going riding today.”

  Zaybeth whispered something in Alejandro’s ear that made his face turn bright red. Alejandro bolted straight up and went inside. All the while, Zaybeth’s eyes held Felipe’s gaze.

  With only his eyes, Felipe beckoned Zaybeth to follow him. She acknowledged him with a slight nod. They started walking well beyond the garden.

  “Zaybeth, where did...” Alejandro said, running back to the table, only to catch a glimpse of the pair leaving the grounds. Alejandro decided to follow them.

  Zaybeth walked closely behind Felipe, trying to keep up with his long strides. They walked in silence until they reached a clearing at the northern tip of the property that overlooked the great city of Toledo.

  * * *

  Alejandro followed Felipe and Zaybeth. He laid low in the tall grass—hanging onto their every word.

  * * *

  Felipe stopped and turned to Zaybeth. “Do you intend to hate me forever?” he asked quietly.

  “And what would you have me do, Felipe? How can I bear seeing the man I love, married to another? My heart is broken.”

  “Zaybeth, your heart isn’t the only one that is broken.”

  “Yes, but you have a spouse to help mend your heart.”

  Felipe cast his eyes downward. “There wasn’t anything I could do.”

  “Yes, there was something you could have done, Felipe. You could have fought for us, instead of cowering to your father’s wishes. It was an arranged marriage. You could have refused,” she said, folding her arms and turning her back to him.

  “I did refuse, but my father wouldn’t hear of it. He stood to lose a fortune. Lilith’s dowry came with rights to gold mines, the gold trade, and lands my father desired.”

  Zaybeth spun around. “And what about our love Felipe? Is gold more precious than our love?”

  “It is to my father,” he said, his voice dropping. Felipe reached for Zaybeth, but she stormed away, keeping her back turned to him. “Zaybeth, you don’t understand. My father began making threats against you and your mother, if I did not marry Lilith.”

  “Threats?” she asked raising one eyebrow. “What sort of threats?”

  Felipe hesitated for a moment. “My father threatened to put your mother out into the streets and have you imprisoned. At one point, he even made threats against your life.”

  Zaybeth rolled her eyes at him. “Honestly, Felipe, do you think your father is capable of murder?”

  “No, but he would have put your mother out and had you imprisoned—just to strike back at me. Zaybeth, I had no choice but to marry Lilith. My arranged marriage suddenly became a forced marriage.”

  “Then have it annulled. Surely, the Church would understand.”

  “And disgrace my family!” he snapped. Felipe walked over to Zaybeth and took hold of her shoulders, gently coaxing her to turn around.

  Zaybeth violently shook Felipe’s hands away.

  He refused to give up, seizing Zaybeth’s arms, forcing her to turn around and face him.

  Zaybeth gave Felipe a scornful look. But the longer she continued to stare into Felipe’s soulful brown eyes, her scornful countenance softened.

  Felipe took Zaybeth in his arms, pulling her close. Their lips began to grow closer until they could no longer restrain the desire that burned deep within them—kissing each other feverishly.

  Felipe’s hands roamed every inch of Zaybeth’s body, causing her to quiver.

  He’s never touched me like that.

  There was something different about Felipe. His innocence, it was gone. Felipe was not a boy anymore, he was a man—a married man! Jealousy and guilt waged war within Zaybeth’s heart. She tore away from their embrace. Zaybeth intentionally kept her back to Felipe.

  “Lilith is very beautiful. You must be pleased. Tell me, did you consummate your marriage? Surely you must have by now. Was she a virgin?” she snipped.

  “Zaybeth, please stop this.”

  “I will not,” she said, turning around. She brushed back her tears with the back of her hands.

  “Zaybeth, I love you,” he said in a soft tone. “I have loved you since the moment I saw you.” Felipe reached for Zaybeth’s arm, pulling her back to his arms. “I promise we will be together.”

  “When, Felipe?”

  “Soon. I’m earning a salary now. I will set aside money for us. I will have the money converted to gold. If there is one thing I have learned from my father, is that gold is god. When I have enough gold stashed away, we will run away together.”

  Zaybeth’s face took on a surprise smile. “Felipe, didn’t you say Lilith’s dowry came with lots of gold?”

  “Yes. So?”

  “Well, don’t you see? You’re Lilith’s husband, which means you’re filthy rich. Why not take the gold and we can leave right now!”

  “It’s not that simple. My father has placed stipulations on exactly when I am to inherit Lilith’s gold. I must be twenty-five years old and have at least two children, one of which must be a male. I must hold political office or have military rank. Even with all of that, he will still control fifty-one percent.”

  “By then, you would have forgotten all about me.”

  “How can I forget you, Zaybeth? You are a part of me.” Felipe cupped Zaybeth’s chin in his hand. He pressed his lips to hers, giving her a heartfelt kiss. “Zaybeth, I promise I will find a way for us to be together. And this time, no one will keep us apart.”

  * * *

  Alejandro crawled through the tall grass, which was still camouflaging him and made his way back to the manor. He walked past Lilith who stood, impatiently waiting at the stables.

  “Alejandro have you seen Felipe? We were supposed to go riding this afternoon, but I haven’t seen him since lunch.”

  “No, Lilith I haven’t seen him,” he lied.

  Lilith mounted Esmeralda and rode off.

  * * *

  Later that evening.

  “Maria, where is Zaybeth this evening? Won’t she be joining us for dinner?” Alejandro asked.

  “Zaybeth isn’t feeling well,” Maria said.

  “Felipe has fallen ill as well. He won’t be joining us for dinner tonight, either. I knew something was wrong when he didn’t show up at the stables to ride with me this afternoon. He’s in bed now,” Lilith said.

  “Oh, dear, whatever is going around, I hope it’s not contagious,” Francisca commented.

  “I don’t think you can catch this affliction, Mama,” Alejandro muttered under his breath.


  Lilith stood naked before a floor length mirror and generously massaged her body with exotic perfumed oils. She ached for her husband’s affections and hoped the scented oils would be enough to ignite Felipe’s passion. It had been a month since their honeymoon and they had not made love. Lilith was beginning to worry.

  Handmaidens helped Lilith slip into her new, floral dress, which showed off her voluptuous cleavage and accentuated her small waist. She pushed her hair to one side and affixed a tortoise-shell clip. The front door closed. Lilith’s eyes widened. Felipe was already in the courtyard and about to leave for work at the statehouse.

  Quickly, she reached for a burgundy, laced fan from her dressing table and hurried down the stairs and into the courtyard.

  “Felipe,” Lilith said in a pouty whisper. She struck a provocative pose, preventing Felipe from mounting his horse. “You have gone to work early and worked late for a month now. Skip work today and let’s have some fun,” she said, fanning herself with the lace fan, allowing the fan to gently
stroke across her breast.

  “I can’t today, Lilith. I have an early appointment,” he said, looking past her.

  “I see. Perhaps we could go riding when you return home.”

  “We’ll see.” Felipe gave Lilith a quick peck on the cheek. He mounted his steed and galloped out of the courtyard.

  Lilith walked to the breakfast table and sat down, letting out a loud sigh. Felipe hadn’t noticed her dress or her for that matter.

  “Lilith, won’t Felipe be joining us?” Francisca asked.

  “No, it seems he has an early appointment this morning,” Lilith replied somberly.

  “Tomás, you are working Felipe too hard. The boy scarcely has time to spend with his wife,” Francisca scolded.

  “A little hard work won’t kill him. It’s good for the soul,” Tomás replied, taking a sip of coffee.

  Lilith reached across the table for the bread basket and immediately noticed her father-in-law’s eyes lift up from his cup and fixate on the soft pillows of her breasts that were almost spilling out of her dress. Lilith saw a lustful grin wriggled from the corners of Tomás’ mouth.

  “Lilith, I must say that is some dress you are wearing. Is it new?”

  “Yes, I had it made in the city a few weeks ago.”

  “It’s exquisite. You must take Francisca to your seamstress,” he said, turning to his wife smiling. “Francisca, wouldn’t you like to have four or five dresses like the one Lilith is wearing?”

  “It is a lovely dress, but I’m too old to wear something like that.”

  “Let me be the judge of that, my love. Oh, and Lilith, your perfume is absolutely intoxicating,”

  “Why thank you, Tomás. That is so kind of you.”

  Francisca followed her husband’s eyes.

  “Tomás, you had better hurry or you’ll be late for your appointment.”

  Tomás’ face flushed red from embarrassment. “Quite right, dear.” He stood abruptly and leaned over and kissed Francisca. “I love you,” he said, playfully nibbling on her ear.

  Francisca giggled. “Now, go on Tomás or you’ll be late.” She walked him to his carriage and gave her husband a lustful goodbye kiss.

  * * *

  Felipe doubled back to the manor. Nervously, looking over his shoulders, making sure no one spotted him. He ran to the stables. His arms swept around an eager Zaybeth, enveloping her in an impenetrable embrace. Fueled by passion and desire, Felipe pushed Zaybeth up against a wall almost lifting her off the ground. His hands roamed her body. He looked into her vivid, jade green eyes and smiled.

  * * *

  While Felipe’s aloof behavior continued to baffle Lilith, there was one unintended benefit to her husband’s absences—it gave her freedom to teleport to the Temple of Saturn without having to explain her whereabouts.

  As Saturn’s Elidaelohim, Lilith was the spiritual mother of the worshipers. She served as their counselor and offered guidance. Often she was called upon to heal the sick and dying. Lilith also performed special ceremonies—like the blessing of the harvest and sacrificial blood rituals.

  But there was one ceremony in particular Lilith was looking forward to sharing with Felipe. Each year, starting on the seventeenth of December, lasting for seven days was the winter solstice celebration. There was plenty of food, merriment, the exchanging of gifts, and the crowning of the Winter Solstice King and Queen.

  She wanted to tell Felipe her secret before the winter solstice. That would give him time to become indoctrinated in Saturn’s laws. But every time Lilith broached the subject, Felipe’s mind was pre-occupied.

  Lilith looked up to the sky. It was almost Saturn’s appointment hour, which meant it was time for her to go to the temple and perform her spiritual duties. Lilith transformed into the High Priestess and vanished in an ethereal cloud of rolling smoke.

  Reappearing at the Temple of Saturn, Lilith bathed in the sacred water. She dressed herself in a white robe and covered her head with a white scarf and a lapis circlet headpiece. She walked over to a blessing table and anointed her forehead and the space between her two eyebrows, tracing her fingers to her temples, with patchouli oil. This increased her ability to communicate with Saturn and open her third eye—the floodgate to her spiritual intuition and abilities. She said a silent prayer and bowed before sitting on her throne.

  A line had formed outside the temple. Obadiah struck the gong six times, signaling it was Saturn’s appointed hour.

  The sick and well, male and female, waited in line for their turn to meet with the spiritual mother.

  A child died in his mother’s arms, while waiting in line.

  Obadiah rushed the mother and child to Lilith.

  “Do not worry, your precious little one can be saved. No magick was used,” Lilith said, reassuring the distraught mother. “Tell me, what is his name?”

  “Ismail,” the woman replied.

  “Salzol ShBThAI! Salzol ShBThAI! (Hail Saturn! Hail Saturn!) Seraphim, Malachim, Elohim, Beni Elohim, Kerubim, and Ishim, grant my wish.”

  She stood over the mother and placed her left hand on the boy’s forehead.

  “Elra ShBThAI (Father Saturn). Great is thy power. I ask you to bring your power down from the heavens and let it flow through Ismail’s body, healing him of his affliction and giving him life. Ion nieis malkuwth,” (Great is your power) Lilith prayed.

  A haunting voice rumbled through the shrine, growing louder until the boy was engulfed in a golden ray of light. Ismail’s body shook several times in his mother’s arms.

  The boy awoke as if from a nap. He threw his arms around his mother’s neck.

  The woman bowed and thanked Lilith.

  “Salzol ShBThAI! Salzol Elidaelohim!” (Hail Saturn! Hail High Priestess!) Salzol ShBThAI! Salzol ShBThAI! (Hail Saturn! Hail Saturn!)


  Felipe and Zaybeth slipped out of the manor just before dinner. The lovers ran toward the northern tip of the property to a tall grassy area.

  “God, I’m so lost without you, Zaybeth,” Felipe said kissing her. “I don’t know how much longer we can continue to meet like this without everyone knowing we’re together.”

  “I don’t care if they know,” Zaybeth said, stroking Felipe’s cheek with the back of her hand. She kissed him lightly on the lips. “We love each other.” Zaybeth nestled back in Felipe’s strong arms.

  Zaybeth’s thoughts shifted to Lilith. Her face reddened from a sense of guilt and shame. But why should she feel guilty? Lilith was the one who had taken Felipe from her. As for shame, Felipe was too much a gentleman to take full advantage of her during their clandestine rendezvous, no matter how much she wanted him to. The lovers continued to lie in the grass wrapped in each other’s arms, gazing up at the stars until nightfall.

  * * *

  Felipe waited until Zaybeth was safely in her room before going down the hall to his bedchamber. Strolling down the hall, Felipe took off his jacket and loosened his collar. His fingers brushed against the gold locket Lilith had given him. Felipe became angry and ripped the locket from his neck and hurled the locket in a nearby hallway trash basket.

  Felipe stood in the doorway to his bedchamber. He took a few deep breathes before turning the doorknob. He hoped Lilith would be in bed asleep so he wouldn’t have to explain his absence during dinner or why he was coming home late. A bone-chilling breeze swept through the hallway. Felipe shivered.

  Loud flapping wings overhead sent Felipe cowering and covered his head with his arms. He braced himself before looking up with frightened eyes, half expecting to see birds swopping down to attack him. A moment passed and no birds, no attack.

  Felipe stood upright feeling a little foolish. Faint mummers of female voices, joined by Lilith’s voice arose from the bedchamber.

  Who is she talking to? Felipe pressed his ear to the door and listened. The whispers sound more like chants in a language he did not recognize.

  Felipe jerked the door open and entered the room. The corners of his
eyes caught sight of shimmering wisps of white and purple luminous radiation, evaporating into the atmosphere. He blinked. Whatever he thought he saw had disappeared.

  Felipe walked over to where Lilith sat at her dressing table. She gently took a tortoise shell comb from her hair, allowing the full length of her silky black hair to cascade onto her back. She picked up her brush and started brushing her thick mane.

  Felipe glanced uneasily about the room. “I thought I heard voices. Is my mother in here with you?”

  Lilith stopped brushing her hair and tilted her head to the side. She lifted her eyes and shot her husband a look. “It’s late, Felipe, where have you been?”

  “I had an appointment this evening.”

  “How odd, your father never mentioned you had an appointment when I asked him your whereabouts this evening.”

  “I guess it must have slipped his mind. I’m tired, we should go to bed.”


  Felipe flinched when Lilith slammed her brush down hard on the dressing table and stormed the inner bedchamber and climbed into bed.

  Felipe dressed in his nightshirt and got into bed. He made an attempt to give Lilith a goodnight kiss on her lips, but her back was turned to him and she had pulled the sheets so tightly around her, it created an impenetrable barrier between them.

  Felipe swept Lilith’s hair back and kissed the corner of her bare shoulder instead.

  “Buenas noches, Lilith,” he said, rolling over onto his side. He blew out the candle and settled into bed.

  * * *

  During the night, Lilith watched Felipe as he slept. Her eyes traced the outline of her husband’s body underneath the sheets, admiring his muscular physique. Felipe was strong, handsome, and intelligent. He had a good heart, but he was distant and that troubled her. Lilith couldn’t help but wonder why Felipe was ignoring her. Had she done something to upset him?

  “I love you Felipe, with all my heart,” she whispered.

  * * *

  Alejandro yawned as he walked down the hall, when something caught his eye in the trash basket. He reached his hand in the pail and pulled out a gold heart-shaped locket and placed it in his pocket.


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