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Hunted Page 30

by Heather Atkinson

  “Do you always take walks though the pitch black woods armed with a hunting rifle in the middle of the night?” Gayle called out.

  “I intended to shoot pheasant,” he retorted.

  “Isn’t that illegal as well as dangerous? Wouldn’t it have made more sense to go out in the daytime during the organised, legal shoots?” she added, the question accompanied by a predatory smile.

  He studiously ignored her and continued with his speech. “I was innocently going about my business when I was set upon by what can only be described as five thugs who beat me senseless.”

  “If you were so badly beaten why do you only have one tiny cut to your face?” was Gayle’s next smug question. “And one of the thugs as you called him is a decorated British soldier with an unblemished record, a hero.”

  Once again he ignored her. “Two of these men have since mysteriously vanished, the police unable to trace them. I think we can all guess why,” he said, rattling another paper.

  “Because you’re exaggerating about the number of men who attacked you Mr Cope? Were there in fact only three?”

  He sighed in irritation before continuing. “After that terrible ordeal Mr Law, a so-called legitimate law-abiding local citizen, held a gun to my head.”

  “Because you admitted offering Simon Marsh a job on your building site, the same building site where Daniel Tebbs’s body was discovered, so you could groom him and then hunt him? Didn’t you say he was a pretty boy Mr Cope?”

  Whispers raced through the crowd as Eddie glared furiously at Gayle. “I don’t know where you got that disgusting lie from young lady but it is completely and utterly false.” He hesitated when he saw Chris and Angela Marsh standing in the crowd, hate written all over their faces. Sweat broke out on Eddie’s forehead and he stumbled over his next few words before catching himself. “The only person who was in fear for his life in that forest was me, thanks to Mr and Mrs Law and their violent friends.”

  “Does the name Endymion mean anything to you Mr Cope?” added Gayle.

  Eddie went completely white and his jaw fell open. His lawyer gave him a sharp nudge in the ribs, which roused him. “No I don’t know that name,” he said weakly.

  “Will you please let the mayor speak,” the lawyer chided Gayle, his death stare competing with her shark’s grin.

  “Unless the estimable mayor can’t answer the lady’s questions,” called out a voice.

  Excited murmurs ran through the crowd when they saw Ryan and Rachel making their way through the press of people towards the front, everyone standing aside to allow them to pass.

  “I recommend you two keep your distance,” said the lawyer when Eddie took a step back. “Legal proceedings have already begun, you are already being sued for assault and mental distress and if you’re not careful then slander will be added to the list and a request for a restraining order will be filed.”

  They continued making their towards him, undaunted.

  “Why can’t you answer Ms Westerly’s perfectly reasonable questions, if you’re so innocent?” said Ryan.

  “Because they’re completely ridiculous and not worth wasting my time on,” Eddie retorted.

  The lawyer leaned past Eddie to reach the microphone. “My client has been through enough and he still shouldn’t be defending himself when the police have declared him innocent of any crime.”

  “I heard it was more a case of they couldn’t find enough evidence,” retorted Ryan. “There is a difference.”

  “If I were you Mr Law I’d be quiet before I made things worse for myself.”

  “I can safely say your client isn’t getting a single penny off us,” called out Ryan. He turned his granite glare on Eddie. “You’re as guilty as Brian Crossly and Gerard Kerrell and you stand here before us all using your cover as the good mayor to try and worm your way out of it. Yes, myself and my wife have made our mistakes in the past, mistakes that have been ludicrously overblown by the media, but compared to you we are innocent children. You can stand there and bluster all you like but you are the predator, the wolf in our midst and you will not stand in the way of the truth.”

  Eddie’s mouth opened and closed soundlessly as he spied more angry faces in the crowd - Daniel Tebbs’s mother, Luke Jones’s wife and his sister Tracey, John Owen’s dad and George Romer’s brother - all glaring at him with the light of truth in their eyes.

  “No, you’re lying Mr Law,” he said feebly as he listened to the whispers circulate the crowd, whispers discussing his possible guilt. Eddie turned to his lawyer and hissed, “this was a stupid idea. End it now.”

  The lawyer clamped a hand over the microphone and hissed back, “you must defend yourself.”

  Two cars pulling up drew their attention and Eddie felt sick to his stomach when he saw Detective Inspector Boyle climb out of one of the cars looking extremely smug.

  “Oh God,” he breathed, stumbling back off the plinth. He turned to run but found himself face to face with two enormous barrel chests. He looked up into Battler and Bruiser’s stern faces and released a yelp. “No, keep away from me,” he cried, staggering backwards. Eddie bumped into someone and whirled around to see the vengeful, angry faces of his victims’ families surrounding him, refusing to allow him to escape. At the centre of them all was Ryan Law looking very pleased as DI Boyle approached, already pulling his handcuffs from his belt. The bastard had known this was going to happen. How had he known?

  The crowd watched in astonishment as their venerated mayor was arrested right in front of them for kidnapping and murder, the cameras frantically snapping away while the reporters shouted out their questions. The lawyer ran alongside Eddie as he was led away, cuffed and shamed, urgently issuing his instructions, but Eddie appeared not to hear him.

  As Eddie was bundled into a police car, Tracey turned to Ryan and hugged him tight.

  “Thank you,” she whispered in his ear. “Both of you,” she added, hugging Rachel too. “The police think they’ve found Luke. Thanks for bringing us all a bit of peace.” The other relatives likewise offered their gratitude, the scene carefully recorded by Gayle and her team, the so-called criminals being thanked by grieving relatives. It would go a long way to repairing the Laws’ public image.

  After Eddie had been driven away and the crowd had got bored of staring at Ryan and Rachel they began to wander off to continue with their lives and discuss this exciting episode.

  “Ms Westerly, you were wonderful,” said Ryan when she approached them.

  “As ever. Remember our deal, I get an exclusive interview, after the creeps are sentenced of course. Not even I would want to prejudice that trio being sent down. The world’s going to be a little safer from now on.”

  “I won’t forget.”

  “Finally I get to interview Ryan and Rachel Law, it’s been a dream of mine for a long time.”

  “It’s the only one we’ll ever give so make the most of it.”

  “I intend to,” she replied with a seductive wink. She slipped her card into his hand. “Call me any time,” she purred before walking away, giving him her best wiggle. Ryan paid no attention and handed Rachel her card, who kissed him, aware they were still being photographed and not caring. “Well done. You did it.”

  He grasped her hand and smiled down at her. “Everything’s going to be okay.”

  She knew exactly what he was referring to. Now all the perpetrators had been caught he could face what he’d been put through. “I know.”

  “But one thing will be different. I am now vegetarian. I don’t know if it’s only going to be temporary but right now it’s what I need to be.”

  She took his hand and led him away. “Come on then, let’s buy some nut cutlets and soya.”

  Ryan grimaced, wondering if his new diet was such a great idea.


  Jules surveyed her domain approvingly. Work was well underway, transforming the old hairdressers into her new tattoo parlour. It felt good to have something of her very own, somet
hing that didn’t involve the Laws or Maguires. Yes it was right next door to Mikey’s gym but that was only to her benefit, she could keep a close eye on what went on there. It also offered her a level of protection should any of her old enemies come calling. Even they would be reluctant to start anything right next door to a business owned by Mikey Maguire. It was a strategic marketing move too, she hoped to get a lot of her customers from the gym.

  “Sorry mate, you can’t come in,” said one of the workmen when the door opened.

  Dane glared at the man, who slowly backed away.

  “It’s alright, let him in,” called Jules.

  Dane invaded the shop, his big presence seeming to take it over as he walked through, looking around critically.

  “What’s it going to be?” he said.

  “Tattoo parlour. What do you think?”

  He shrugged. “We’ll see.”

  “I’m overwhelmed with praise,” she said flatly. “Why are you here?”

  “Is there somewhere we can talk?”

  “Trying to get me alone again?”

  “Yes but not for the reason you think. I’ve got something you really need to hear.”

  Intrigued, Jules led him away from all the hammering and noise into a tiny kitchen at the back.

  “Brew?” she said.

  “I thought you would have had something stronger.”

  “This is a new me,” she said chirpily, switching on the kettle. “Beside’s, there’s half a dozen hairy-arsed builders out there and I don’t want them getting into the booze when they’re supposed to be working. This is an alcohol-free environment.”

  “Fine. Coffee will do. Oh, instant,” he said disdainfully.

  “When did you become such a snob?”

  “Excuse me for having standards.”

  “Instant, like it or lump it.”

  “I suppose I’ll have to like it,” he sighed, as though hard done by.

  Amused, she arranged the mugs. For once his attitude wasn’t annoying her. Leighton’s death had definitely changed her. “So to what do I owe the honour of your patronising my humble establishment?”

  “I’ve heard something you really want to know.”

  “And what’s that?”

  “Apparently the Starklaws have been on a little jaunt to Essex.”

  Dane had her attention immediately. Essex was the home of the Slatterys. “How do you know?”

  “Ollie Starklaw couldn’t keep his mouth shut about it. He was gobbing off in the pub last night. Obviously he didn’t tell me anything directly, I heard it through the grapevine.”

  “Silly little sod never could keep his mouth shut. Did he say who he was meeting with?”

  “Just that it was someone big, someone capable of taking down the Maguires.”

  “It’s the Slatterys, got to be.”

  “They must be desperate if they’re negotiating with that bunch of tossers.”

  “They need sorting out before they do us any damage.” She looked up at Dane. “Why come to me with this, why not go straight to Mikey?”

  “I think he might still be a bit pissed off with me because I didn’t tell him about our relationship, such as it is.”

  “You mean was.”

  “Yeah, was,” he mumbled.

  “I need to take this to Mikey.”

  “Wait,” he said, grabbing her arm when she moved for the door.

  The glare she gave him did nothing to encourage him to release her. “What’s the deal with you and Jackson Driscoll?”

  “What the hell is that to do with you?”

  “Word is he took you out of the Dog and Biscuit when you went off on one. Are you seeing each other?”

  “That is none of your business.” She didn’t like this talk. Jax knew something very dangerous about Mikey and the fewer people who knew about that night the better.

  His grip on her arm tightened. “What set you off that night?”


  “You never lose control like that. Something really bad happened. What was it?”

  “Back off,” she hissed, wrenching her arm free.

  “I want to know what’s going on.”

  “It’s fuck all to do with you.”

  His dark eyes flashed brutally. “Unfortunately both our lives are tied up together in knots and if yours starts to unravel there’s a good chance mine will too. You’ve already damaged me in Mikey Maguire’s eyes. You’re not going to destroy me too.”

  Her lips drew back over her teeth in a chilling smile. “Then stay out of my fucking way.”

  “I try but you keep turning up like a bad penny. What happened?”

  She thrust her face into his and whispered, “you wouldn’t believe me if I told you.”

  “Try me,” he growled.

  “It’s over and done with, alright?”

  He decided to ignore the warning in her eyes because he just had to know. “What is it with you and Jackson?”

  “Mind your own business.”

  “Are you shagging him?”

  “Sometimes,” she said with a sly Cheshire cat grin. “Don’t tell me you’re jealous?”

  He heaved in a deep breath, threw back his shoulders and lifted his head. “No, I’m not. We’re destructive together Jules, we always have been.” He reached out to touch her face. “And you’ve moved on. You’re a different woman now, I can see that.”

  Her grin fell. “With Jax I’m different, gentler. I like it.” She thought back to the night she’d confessed everything to him and smiled.

  Dane saw the emotion in her eyes and nodded. He’d always known he couldn’t be with her, not without it ending really badly. “I’m glad about that.” He cupped her face in his hands and moved to kiss her lips, then changed his mind at the last moment and planted a gentle kiss on her forehead instead. “Goodbye Jules.”

  “Bye Dane,” she said as he walked past her to the door. It wouldn’t be the last time she saw him, not by a long way, but it would be the last time they were ever intimate. She thought it a shame they could never work past their violent emotions for each other but she knew if they had there wouldn’t have been anything left.

  “Finally I get to bring you some good news,” said Ashley. He followed Rachel out into the back garden where she and Ryan had been soaking up some sun, trying to relax. Rachel was wearing a pair of shorts and a skimpy vest but the sight of her nakedness did nothing for him, not after he’d seen the real her. “Eddie’s confessed.”

  “To everything?” said Rachel hopefully.

  “Everything. When we confronted him with Kerrell and Crossly’s statements he crumbled. He murdered three of the men and he hired Simon Marsh with the express purpose of killing him. If he hadn’t moved away when he did he’d be buried in concrete now.”

  “Did they say whether they made the other men eat their predecessors?” said Ryan.

  “They did the same to all the men. They stalked their families, photographed them then told them what they’d do to them if they didn’t comply. Naturally they all complied. It wasn’t just you.”

  Oddly this made Ryan feel a little better. “And what did they make poor George Romer eat?”

  “Nothing. They hadn’t thought of it then. It was only when they were deciding how to dispose of his body that Brian came up with the idea. He was into eating anything he hunted so he said the idea came naturally to him.”

  “So they ate the meat themselves?” said Rachel, feeling sick. Ryan had done that revolting thing for her and the kids, to protect them and her heart burst with love for him every time she thought about it.

  “Yes. Brian would cook it for them at his flat, a nice cosy little dinner party for three,” said Ashley with distaste. “We found DNA of every victim all over his kitchen. Poor George Romer was the first to be eaten. They cut out the most succulent parts - Kerrell’s words, not mine - then disposed of the rest of the body.”

  “That’s what you meant when you said Daniel Tebbs’s body had be
en mutilated?” said Rachel.

  “Unfortunately, yes it was. At the time we just thought those parts had been taken as trophies. We didn’t think they’d been consumed. I’ve known these three men for years, I still can’t get over it.”

  “Do the victim’s families know?”

  “I’ve got officers breaking it to them as we speak. Just when they think it’s all over they have this to deal with.”

  They all went silent, the sound of the breeze gently blowing through the garden quite eerie. Their eyes involuntarily moved towards the new annex, which was still in the process of being built, standing on the spot where Daniel Tebbs had been put in his makeshift grave. The Kerrell Group were in the middle of building a new bowling green. Ryan wondered if Orion and Actaeon had been successful in killing him he would have ended up with all the old age pensioners in the area playing bowls on top of him for eternity.

  “You’re okay about living here?” said Ashley.

  “This is our home and no one’s driving us out of it,” said Rachel. “We love it here.”

  “I admire that. How’s Leah taking it all?”

  “Fine. Apparently all the kids at her school think we’re cool, for some baffling reason,” she said. “They all keep asking her if they can come for tea, so she’s happy.”

  “That’s very fortunate.”

  “It’s a huge relief, we were so worried about how this would affect her. She doesn’t know all the details and we’re doing our best to protect her from them but the day will come when she finds out.”


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