Big Sexy: Mercy Springs Heroes Series Book 1

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Big Sexy: Mercy Springs Heroes Series Book 1 Page 4

by Bliss Carter

  He didn’t think twice about what he was doing, only that he had to do it. Cade slowly lowered his head down until his lips were just an inch above Kresley’s mouth. He looked up at her eyes and saw the lids lower and a small sigh escaped her lips before his mouth covered hers. Cade muttered, “the asshole’s going to kiss you”, before slanting his mouth over Kresley’s full lips and kissed her as if his life depended on it. Her lips were so soft, so full, so wet. With just a hint of force, Cade had Red opening up and giving him access inside. His tongue rubbed over her upper and lower lip, wetting them more, before venturing inside to tangle with hers. He made a few swipes with his tongue and sucked her lower lip between his teeth when he heard a harshly cleared throat and cough coming from behind him. Officer Boomer Collins stood there, looking at Cade with definite amusement on his face.

  “Don’t let me stop you, Cade. Getting ‘a feel’ for the witness is police work 101”, Boomer drawled, chuckling over how the gossip mill would be churning tomorrow morning over this new development. He glanced over to Kresley, but she had her eyes closed again and holding a hand to her forehead, a frown on her face. “I see how your kiss can effect the ladies”.

  Cade scowled over at Boomer, an officer who he had admired and liked so far, up until about a minute ago. “Drop it Collins before I drop you”, he growled then ruined it with a slight grin at the man. “I can’t help but be smitten by Red’s beauty. But she thinks I’m an asshole.”

  “So, you two know each other already? Sounds like she already has you figured out”, Boomer stated with a grin.

  “Yeah, Red and I met earlier today when Aunt Mae introduced us”, Cade stated without looking up from Red’s still face. He gently pushed her hand away from her forehead and stroked her brow and cheek.

  “Didn’t take you for being such a lady’s man, Grantham.”

  “Not ladies, just one lady that matters right now Boomer, and she’s currently got a headache”, Cade quietly stated to his colleague while focusing on Kresley.

  “Duly noted in case I get asked in the coming days and weeks about our town’s hot new man candy”, Boomer stated.

  Cade rolled his eyes at the man candy statement. “Thanks man, way to help a brother out with a good-looking woman”, Cade said with sarcastically. “She’s probably still pissed at me, truth be told. I laughed at her this morning after she landed on her ass in a puddle outside the post office. It was funny, but her face said it kind of wasn’t. I’ll need to make up brownie points to win her over for that, so I don’t keep hearing her mumble asshole under her breath at me.” Hearing her female snort at his words, Cade looked down at Kresley. Her eyes were still closed, but her face and mouth held a rueful expression on it. He filed that away to revisit later, knowing that she had heard everything he just said.

  “Maybe that kiss will do the trick”, drawled Boomer as he moved over and made room for the EMTs that had arrived and were pulling their rig into the alley.

  “I’ll be with you in just a sec as soon as the EMTs check Kresley out and give me an update on her”, Cade stated.

  “Will do. I’m ready to give you the 411 on our deceased victim before notifying family, when you get ready. Officer Smith is still canvasing the area for any evidence we can gather before too much traffic takes over”, Boomer stated before walking away. Cade noted that Boomer towered over the other police officials starting to fill the alleyway. He was at least 6’3 or taller, so Cade could look him in the eye when they talked. Boomer was an officer only at the moment, but Cade could tell that he was admired and taken seriously with anything he said by everyone in the department. Cade wouldn’t be shocked if Boomer made detective sooner rather than later. He didn’t know if the same could be said for Officer Smith. He didn’t know him yet, but the times they had spoken he seemed distant like he kept to himself a lot.

  Cade turned back to Kresley and noticed her pale skin and how her freckles stood out against it. As an EMT gathered on one side to begin doing an assessment and taking vitals of Red, Cade gathered her hand in his and stroked her cheek once more. “Kresley, who do I need to call for you, who needs to meet you at the hospital?” He noticed Kresley looking around for something, but didn’t know what at first. Then he saw her cell phone a few feet away and grabbed it. He checked to see if it was working and it was. No damage that he could see on the screen or case. Several missed phone calls and text messages showed on the locked screen. The last one being from a woman named Grace who just text WTH. Cade handed the phone to her as she frowned at him still. “Let the EMTs look you over first, then call who you want to meet you at the hospital. I’ll be along as soon as I wrap things up here with the officers and will check on you.” Cade’s eyes moved over her face and made sure to keep eye contact with her as she looked up at him with both curiosity and wariness. He just smiled at her to confuse her. Bless her, she didn’t have a clue yet. The minute her lips touched his, Cade knew that everything had changed. Red may not realize it yet, but Cade knew without a doubt that Ms. Kresley “Red” Anderson was now his. Asshole remark or not.

  Chapter Three

  What in the blue blazes was that? Kresley was so totally confused at what was going on right now. She wakes up with a massive headache, blood on the side of her head, and Cade Grantham, hunk detective, peering down at her with a hot and totally confusing look. The last thing she remembered was walking outside the Whimsy Events warehouse. Did she fall? Get pushed? Did Grace call 911? Kresley didn’t have answers right now. The only thing she knew was that her lips would never be the same again. Cade kissing her did NOT help her blood pressure or pulse, which the EMTs were checking right now. And him calling her baby? Did Mr. Asshole seriously think he had a right to call her that? They didn’t even know each other, except for her humiliating fall earlier today. He had looked at her moments ago as if he hurt because she was hurt. Which made zero sense. Did it make her a little giddy? Maybe. Did it make her have butterflies inside? Possibly. Did it make her confused and unsure of herself? Yes, definitely. As hard as she could think, Kres couldn’t imagine what could attract a man like Cade to her. Possibly mental health issues in his family? She would be sure to ask his Aunt Mae soon. One thing she was grateful for right now is that her panties were in place. No popping elastic bands, no creeping down her butt cheeks.

  The EMTs stated to Kresley that she needed to go to the ER to make sure she didn’t have a concussion, but they couldn’t find any other injuries besides the scrapes on her cheek and her head. They gently eased her on to a gurney and lifted it to stand tall, then propped her back to a reclining position while they talked for a second to Cade. He listened to what they had to say and looked over at her often, nodded, then left them to come to her side. Kresley watched him warily as he walked towards her, but decided to smile at him, just to throw him off.

  Cade almost stopped mid stride at that small smile that lifted the corners of Red’s beautiful mouth. It was like pushing sunshine into a dark room. Wow at what this woman could do to him. If only she knew the power she possessed. And Cade didn’t think she had a clue. Not one clue. She seemed devilish enough to use it against him if she did. Cade laughed inside at that.

  “Hey baby, the EMTs say you need to go to the ER to get checked out for a concussion. Who do you want to make sure is there to be with you? I would be glad to sit with you and hold your hand, but I need to finish up here first”, Cade gently stated as he stroked her hair, cheek and jaw. He looked on expectantly, waiting for her to answer him. He could see the wariness in her eyes, the confusion mixed with trust. He kept his eyes steady on hers, trying to relay that she could trust him.

  Kresley thought for a moment and choked down a sarcastic retort. If she chose one sister over another, they would be mad. And if she chose her sister or sisters over Grace, then Gracie would be ticked as well. So, she decided to call all of them and let chaos ensue at the ER. Maybe they could help her figure things out about Cade while there. There was nothing like Anderson girl power when
needed. Kresley began to open her mouth to reply when she heard screeching coming from inside the warehouse. Cade immediately stood in front of the gurney and Kres, weapon drawn and waiting for the threat coming from within. In another few moments, the screech became recognizable and Kres put her hand on Cade’s broad back and said in a firm voice, “that’s Grace, my best friend. She must have called 911 and came up here after, freaking out from what it sounds like”.

  At that moment, Grace came barreling out of the back door and came face to chest with Cade, who was standing among the other police officers and EMTs who had gathered to see where the shrill screeching was coming from. Thank goodness they had loaded the deceased into a body bag and was in the process of getting the victim onto a gurney to take him over to the ME’s vehicle. But the blood stain on the pavement was still there, along with the yellow police tape. Kresley braced herself for Grace’s spastic comments and was shocked when all she heard was silence. Cade moved to the side at Kres’ hard nudge on his back and she finally saw Grace’s face. It was currently in a state of a bright blush, wide frightened eyes and a frantic pulse in her neck. Grace was looking up at Cade, speechless. Then her gaze bounced over to where Officer Boomer Collins was working and the blush only got brighter. Grace has had a crush on Boomer for nearly two years now and Kresley wished one of them would make a move already. Kres knew that Boomer noticed and crushed on Grace as well because he would sneak glances at her whenever they were in the same room together and he would also make excuses to come by on “patrol” at the office, just to drop in and visit with her for a few minutes each day.

  “Grace, here I am. I’m okay sweetie. Stop screeching please. I’ve got a hell of a headache already and you aren’t helping”, Kresley stated as Grace finally looked over at her. Let the mothering begin.

  “Oh, Kres, bless it. What in the world happened honey? Who did this to you? It was one of those stupid kids who hang back here. I knew it! I knew they would be trouble”, Grace stated, her voice getting louder and louder. She then noticed Cade standing by Kresley’s gurney with his hand on top of hers, fingers entwined. She and Kresley began silent communication with each other using only lifted eyebrows and squinting of the eyes. Kres basically told her to keep her mouth shut and she would tell her later.

  “Grace, this is Detective Cade Grantham. Cade, this is my best friend, Grace Puckett. She can ride with me in the ambulance to the hospital and can pick up her car later. She will get in touch with my sisters and make sure I’m taken care of at the ER. Don’t worry about coming to check on me out of obligation”, Kresley said as the EMTs prepared to lift her into the ambulance. She was totally trying to dismiss the man.

  Dismiss him? Cade couldn’t believe she was trying to get rid of him. Okay, Red, let’s play. “Wait guys, give us a minute please”, Cade asked as he eyed Kresley. He then looked at Grace and silently asked for the same. Grace raised her eyebrows sky high at that silent request and was about to snark back something to him when she caught a look from Kresley, asking her to back off. Grace gave in and easily moved away from them, walking over to where Boomer was standing.

  Cade refocused on Red again and stated, “Kresley, baby, I’m going to be coming to the ER whether you think I need to or not. I want to see for myself that you’re okay and everything checks out fine with your head. I get that you’re confused and what’s happened tonight is strange and made you feel out of sorts, but let’s make something clear. I’m interested in you. Period. And not just for sex and not just because my aunt wants me to be interested. Something clicked when we shook hands this morning and I think you felt it, too. The electricity between us couldn’t be ignored and I still feel it now hours later. You do, too, sweetheart.”

  It wasn’t a question that he asked her, it was a statement. But it was something she couldn’t deny. “You’re very sure of yourself, which I often admire in an asshole”, Kresley stated cheekily, but as she saw the look of irritation cross his face and his mouth begin to open to retort, Kresley decided to be honest. “You’re right, Cade, I did feel something and just now thinking about how you’ve tried to keep me calm and focused on anything but the fact that someone I know is dead at the back door to my business has me feeling not just grateful, but out of sorts as well.” She could see he was liking her honesty, but that’s all she was going to reveal right now. Kres gave him a real, genuine smile and said that she’d see him at the hospital and for him to get back to work. Cade gave her a small salute and quietly leaned down, planting a quick, but very firm kiss on her mouth before letting the EMTs load her into the ambulance. She watched him through the windows of the doors as they drove away with her and Gracie. Kres gave him a sweet, brief wave goodbye and then closed her eyes.

  Cade watched the ambulance until it pulled completely out of the alley and out of his sight. Then he went back to his job, discussing with both police officers every detail about the deceased and any evidence gathered. He quickly learned the dead male was Drake Harris, a long-standing citizen of Mercy Springs. He was CEO of his family’s marketing business and owner of the ’69 Mustang parked close to the back door of the warehouse. The only injury that was found so far was a severe hit to the back of the head with some type of object. It wasn’t found on the scene so assumptions were made that the perp took off with it. No witnesses were found in the alley at the time of the assault on Mr. Harris or Red, so for right now, Cade and his fellow police officers had nothing. Nada. Zilch. Only a melted and spilled milkshake and cup were left on the pavement outside the building, along with a drying, dark, blood stain.

  “Drake Harris was scheduled to be married in two weeks”, Boomer casually mentioned as they stood watching the ME load his bagged body into the back of the vehicle for transport.

  “No kidding? So, you knew him well then”, Cade replied, fishing for more personal info on the victim and maybe why he was there at Red’s office after hours.

  Boomer paused for a moment and then stated, “I went to school with Drake and Kresley. All of the Anderson sisters, except Birdie. I don’t or didn’t hang around Drake that much. He was kind of a tool. He thought he was the shit in high school and still did now. His fiancé is Claudia Nolan, Pete Nolan’s only daughter. His brother is Braxton Harris, Fire Captain of the MS Fire Department.”

  Cade took mental notes on what Boomer just said, wincing about Harris having a fiancé and a brother who served the community, a fellow brother of MSFD. He was about to open his mouth to ask another question when Boomer’s next words stopped him cold.

  “Drake also used to date Kresley.”

  “Wait, what? Kresley? Red? My Kresley. How long ago?”, Cade questioned in rapid fire at Boomer, needing to know more info quickly.

  “They dated back in high school. Haven’t been together since our senior year when Drake cheated on Kresley with one of the high school teachers. Kres took it pretty hard and was totally humiliated by it at the time. She never hung around him after that and didn’t even talk to him at all until recently when he and Claudia began planning their wedding. I’m guessing maybe they were using Kresley as their wedding planner or something”, Boomer talked and filled in gaps for Cade as they walked around to double check again for any clues before leaving the area.

  “How do you know all of this, Boomer?”, Cade asked and found it hilarious when he could see the big, gruff cop start to blush.

  “I hear things and see things out on my patrols. I usually visit Whimsy Events every day to check security there and check in on all of the females working in that place. There aren’t any male employees so I always want to make sure they are safe and secure. Just doing my job”, Boomer gruffly said. Still blushing, he looked up at Cade and narrowed his eyes. “What’s that look for, Grantham?”

  “Nothing. Not a damn thing. I just find it interesting that you patrol by Kresley’s office every day. I’m betting you visit at the same time every day as well, right? Maybe lunch time. Or right after? Trying to time meeting up with someone? Maybe so
meone named Grace?”, Cade slyly stated, enjoying Boomer’s discomfort. He had seen how Boomer looked at Kresley’s friend when she was here. He thought he would get a punch in the arm from the big guy or another deep scowl from him, but instead he saw vulnerability.

  “Man, am I that obvious? When she came through that back door tonight like a torpedo just launched, I couldn’t put two words together. Grace is something else and she wasn’t raised here, so she doesn’t know me like others do in this town. I get so totally tongue tied around her it’s not even funny. I think it’s all the blonde curls, bouncing boobs and big blue eyes. And I don’t think she knows I exist outside of being a good cop trying to protect and shit. I’m not good enough for her”, Boomer stated, ending on a quiet breath.

  “Look man, I’ve only known you for a short time, but I call bullshit on that last statement. Unless you are an abuser, bully, prone to violence against anyone or a selfish jerk, then you are good enough for her. Trying to talk yourself out of happiness with a woman is just your way of fighting the inevitable. If she doesn’t know how you feel, tell her. What’s the worst that will happen? She’ll let you know she doesn’t feel the same way. But at least you can move on if you need to. I’ve learned a lot in my years. The most valuable lesson is that life isn’t always rainbows and storms can roll in on you before you realize it. But don’t let those storms keep you locked away. Sometimes the thunder and lightning that come with them are just what you need to make you live”, Cade passionately stated, wanting to help his new friend.


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