Big Sexy: Mercy Springs Heroes Series Book 1

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Big Sexy: Mercy Springs Heroes Series Book 1 Page 25

by Bliss Carter

  “Kres, are you sure this is everything? No shoes or clothes lingering? Nothing in the laundry room or bathroom?”, Cade asked, arms wrapped around her waist and his hands stroking up and down her back. He kissed her nose and looked longingly into her eyes. This was it. Her moving all of her stuff into his house, their house, was a monumental thing for him and he felt almost giddy with happiness.

  “That’s all of it. I triple checked everything just in case. I can’t believe we got all of this done over here by 12:30 PM. Thank you everyone for your help. Now let’s go feed you some good food!”, Kresley stated joyfully. Cheers around the room could be heard and all of them moved towards the door. Cade held Kresley’s hand and held her back from leaving with the others.

  “Kres, Boomer and I were called to the station because someone found what we think is the weapon that murdered Drake Harris. Some partial fingerprints were found on it and they’re running forensic tests on it as we speak.”

  Kresley was flabbergasted at this new bit of info. “Where did they find it?”

  Cade paused for a few moments, then stated with anger in his voice, “The person that found it, saw it hidden well under some trash in the alley behind here. It was buried under a good bit of cardboard collapsed boxes from that closed store a few doors down from you. I’m pissed that it wasn’t found the night of Drake’s murder. Boomer and I have already talked and Officer Sloan Smith dropped the ball on finding it, since he was canvasing that part of the alley.”

  “Well, I’m just glad they found it. Maybe it will lead the way to the person responsible and we can all breathe a sigh of relief soon”, Kresley rested her head on Cade’s chest, wrapping her arms around his waist. She felt his arms come up and hug her tight.

  “I hope so, Kres. I hope so. I want this done. Closed. So I can move on with you to more beautiful things without this cloud hanging over us.” Cade gave a small kiss to the top of her head and gently ushered her to the stairs. Cade closed the apartment door gently, with a finality to Kres that as one door closed on her past, one was about to open at their home, well, new home to her. One that included the man of her dreams, the one that put a smile on her face, love in heart, and many plans in her head for what was ahead. Life was good.

  Chapter Twenty-Five

  Wedding day began beautifully. The weather was perfect, sunny and breezy. Kresley had spent the night at Francie’s house, honoring the tradition of the bride not seeing the groom the day of until he saw her walking down the aisle toward him. She had woken up to the sweetest text message from him.

  Cade: Kresley James Anderson. Soon you will change your name to Kresley James Grantham. And just that thought makes my heart beat so hard and fast that it makes it difficult to think. It was hard not waking up beside you this morning, but it will make it that much sweeter when I get to carry you home tonight, our home, and walk inside with you as my wife. Don’t stress out and let your sisters and Grace take care of you. I can’t wait to hear from you that you’re awake and ready to get the show on the road. I’ve prepared a few surprises for you today to make it special and show you my love. Can’t wait to see you at the end of the aisle baby. I’ll be wearing the linen suit and peacock blue tie. See, I do know colors. Kisses, Cade.

  Kresley: Good morning hubby-to-be! Thank you for the sweet message. I’m so excited for this day. We’ll belong to each other. Finally. It’s been a wild few months, but I wouldn’t have changed a thing if it got me to this day and marrying my best friend. Shhhh, don’t tell Grace I said that. Love you more than words can say. See you at the end of the aisle. I’ll be wearing Ivory.

  Kresley smiled so big that she thought her face would break. Francie came in to the bedroom at that moment and rolled her eyes. “Lord, you and Big Sexy are such saps. I can see the love rolling off you in waves right now. He must have sent you a good morning text or something”. Kresley merely nodded her head and showed her the text. She saw Francie read it as her eyes misted a little.

  “I wish mama and daddy could be here to see you walk down the aisle. I’m sorry daddy can’t walk with you. But I think it’s precious that Jaxson asked to do it since daddy isn’t here and is in heaven”, Francie stated, sniffing loudly as she wiped away tears.

  “It definitely made me cry when he brought it up to his mama and me a few days ago. I wish mama and daddy were here, too. But Cade made sure they are in the best way by making sure their picture is on a table at the ceremony, along with his parents. I love that man”, Kresley stated wistfully.

  “Okay, enough of all of that. We have a wedding venue to get to. Let’s load up after taking showers and get on the road. We’re following behind Birdie and she’ll have Gertie, Grace and Jaxson with her. I figured you would want some quiet time in the car and Birdie is a lot to take even on a non-stressful day.”

  Kresley laughed at that and hugged her older sister tight. They stood there for a moment, then went their separate ways to shower and get ready to go. The drive to the wedding venue at Lake Windsor was uneventful except for Birdie needing to stop her vehicle a few times to take pictures.

  The day flew by fast, everyone hurrying to get ready. The one positive thing about using this venue is that they really did take care of everything. Kresley hadn’t had one stressed out moment leading up to the ceremony. She knew that she and Cade’s guests, all 100 or so of them, would love the scenery, plus the air conditioning. Summer in Georgia was just plain hot. Cade had promised her some surprises during the day and he hadn’t disappointed. Two dozen pink roses were in her dressing room when she arrived, smelling heavenly. A sweet card saying, Meant to Be sat cradled within the buds. Next came a delivery from Boomer, a beautifully wrapped box that contained a beautiful pair of teardrop earrings with small diamonds and pearls. Kresley eagerly put them on and they were perfect with her dress. The last surprise was the best of all. It was a small silver broach with a locket type face on the front. Kresley opened the locket and cried. She was glad she hadn’t put on mascara yet. Inside the broach locket was a small picture of her parents and on the opposite side a picture of Cade’s mom and dad. A note came with it that lovingly told her the thought behind his gift.

  My sweet Kresley, just a reminder to pin close to your heart, inside of your dress. It’s to remind you that both of our parents are with you and I today, no matter that they aren’t here in the flesh. I know my mom and dad would have loved you so much and your parents would have loved me, I think. Keep them close by as you say I do. You’ll feel them there in spirit. Love, Cade.

  All the women got choked up at reading the note and looking at the broach. To try to lighten the mood, Birdie asked again, “Are we sure that Cade doesn’t have any brothers or cousins out there?” The females laughed loudly at that and went back to getting ready for the day.

  Kresley got dressed, putting the final touches on her hair and makeup. She took one final look in the mirror and walked out of the inner dressing room to the main room where all the other girls and Jaxson were gathered. Kresley heard the women’s indrawn breaths as she emerged.

  “Oh, Kres. You’re gorgeous!”, Birdie stated, fidgeting with Kresley’s flower bouquet she held in her hands. Kresley had decided to pull her hair up into a sophisticated twist, with her veil clipped to the back with crystal encrusted clips. The veil was short, and only trailed down her back midway. The dress was just as beautiful as she remembered.

  “I agree with Birdie, I’ve never seen you look lovelier”, Francie stated, crying softly.

  “None of that Francine, tears will ruin our makeup”, Grace quietly joked, blotting her own eyes.

  Gertie came over to Kresley and held her hand. She stated very seriously, “Kres, today begins a new chapter in your life with Cade. The pages are blank, but you have the pen held in your hand and will begin writing your story the moment you say I do. Make this story book the best story that was ever written.” She kissed Kres on the cheek and walked away to the other side of the room and picked up her flowers.

bsp; “Well then, on that note, let’s get me hitched so I can start writing the best damn story ever told by a southern Irish woman!” Kresley loudly stated, laughing. Everyone else laughed with her and they all left the room to head to the chapel.


  The wedding was beautiful. Cade was so handsome and when he saw Kresley for the first time, walking down the aisle, holding Jaxson’s hand, Cade couldn’t help but feel tears well up in his eyes. Those tears soon changed to laughter when Jaxson stopped with Kresley in front of Cade and motioned him to bend down. He then proceeded to have a heart to heart with Cade before the ceremony continued.

  “Uncle Cade, my mama told me that I was going to be giving away Aunt KK today, and she said it was something that I needed to take sewious. I love Aunt KK and I know you make her happy because she smiles a lot. I need to make sure before you marry her that you promise some things first.” After Cade nodded, very seriously, Jaxson continued on. “Okay, I need you to promise that Aunt KK will still spend time with me. She colors good and can play soldiers with me better than Aunt Birdie. She’s even good at playing Mario Cart on the Xbox, even though she’s a girl. And I need you to swear that you’ll never make her cry. Not on purpose anyway. I know girls cry, but I don’t like it. I don’t like to see my mama cry ever. So, no tears. Got it? Good. The next is easy. You need to make sure that if y’all have a baby that she doesn’t forget about me. Because I love her and don’t like not being able to see her when I want. And last, mama said that since you’re marrying Aunt KK, that makes you my uncle now. I need you to start doing all those uncle things with me. I need help with my baseball throws and then pee-wee football will start soon. Definitely money when I ask for it will be nice. So, if you can promise me all that, then I’ll shove her hand to you. Do you promise?”

  Cade paused for a moment, then dropped down to his knees in front of Jaxson. He put his hands on his shoulders and very solemnly looked into his serious face and deep blue eyes. “Jaxson, I promise that I will try my best to never break any of those promises you just said. And I am very excited to be your uncle now. I promise to help you make Aunt KK happy. Now, can I marry her?”

  Jaxson unceremoniously put Kresley’s hand into Cade’s and high fived him, then left to run to his seat at the front. Cade and Kresley laughed softly and walked together to where the minister was waiting.

  The ceremony was simple and sweet, but Cade did slip in a surprise that Kresley didn't know anything about. She watched as Ash walked up with a guitar, sat on a stool, and proceeded to play a stripped down, acoustic version of blues singer Bonnie Raitt's Feels Like Home. His voice shocked Kresley, since she had no clue that Ash could sing like that. It was gruff, deep and soulful. She caught a glimpse of Francie's face as she stared at Ash. She was totally enraptured with him. Kresley brought her attention back to Cade's eyes and couldn't look away as the lyrics of the song played through her mind. Tears formed and threatened to spill over her lashes. Cade brought her hand to his lips and kissed it as Ash sang for them both.

  Something in your eyes, makes me want to lose myself,

  Makes me want to lose myself, in your arms.

  There's something in your voice, makes my heart beat fast.

  Hope this feeling lasts, the rest of my life.

  If you knew how lonely my life has been,

  And how low I've felt so long.

  If you knew how I wanted someone to come along,

  And change my life the way you've done.

  Feels like home to me, feels like home to me,

  Feels like I'm on my way back where I come from.

  Feels like home to me, feels like home to me,

  Feels like I'm on my way back where I belong.

  Twenty minutes later, Cade and Kresley were officially married. Cade gave Kresley a very hot, wet and scandalous kiss after they both said I do and exchanged the traditional vows. Kresley even decided to leave the word obey in there, which shocked her sisters and Grace, if there faces were any indication. Cade just winked at her. Guests cheered as the couple walked back up the aisle together, husband and wife finally. They then moved on to the reception at the barn nearby to snack on appetizers and punch, while Cade and Kresley took pictures with their wedding party.

  Once pictures were done, everyone moved towards the reception, ready to eat and drink and dance. Kresley and Cade held back from the others to have a private moment as they walked up to the barn. Cade wrapped his arms around Kresley, taking in her dress, her hair, her beautiful green eyes. “Hello, my beautiful wife. Tell me you’re happy.”

  “I’m so happy that I feel like I’m living in a dream. I love you so, so much Cade. Thank you for the beautiful song Ash sang for us. You are definitely home for me. Now kiss me again before we walk into that crowded barn and eat cake.”

  Cade leaned down and fit his mouth over hers. He kissed her deeply, with wet thrusts of his tongue, soft nips of his lips, all while cradling her head in his hands gently and lovingly. “Let’s go feed each other and dance our asses off baby.”

  But as soon as they turned to walk up to the barn, Cade’s cell phone rang. He told Kres he had turned the ringer back on while taking pictures. Cade scowled at the number. It was Officer Shelton. She knew he was off duty for the wedding today. It must be important. “Hello? Hey Officer Shelton. What’s up? Oh, yes, the ceremony’s over. We’re heading up to the reception now. What’s that? Repeat what you just said, you’re breaking up on me.”

  Kresley heard all of what Cade said, watching his face. She saw the panic and rage begin with in him as he listened to Officer Shelton’s words. His eyes moved back and forth between Kresley and the barn. “What in the hell? Are you kidding me right now? Where is he? Do we know his location? Why the hell not? If he comes near her, I will break him in half. How far out are you? Yeah, we’ll be in the barn when you get here. Come find me and Kresley when you get here and we will go from there. Okay. Bye.”

  Kresley watched Cade take a few deep breaths and pocket his phone, then he fisted his hands and banged both of them on the side of the barn in a solid, united punch. “What was that about Cade? Tell me now. No more hitting things. Just tell me.”

  Cade looked at Kresley, at her beautiful face and then down to her wedding band and engagement ring that he had put on her finger just a little while ago. “That was Officer Shelton. She’s on her way here. It seems that a partial print was found and identified from the weapon they found in the alley this past weekend. The partial print took a little while to go through the data base. They believe they know who the killer- rapist is that’s been terrorizing women and who killed Drake and Fiona.”

  Kresley’s face went pale, and her hands shot out to grip Cade tightly. “Who, Cade? Tell me who.”

  Cade looked angry, almost maniacal. “It’s Officer Sloan Smith. They believe he’s the killer. And he’s gone missing. That son of a bitch has been serving as an officer of the law, while raping and killing innocent women for years. And he knows the PD has identified him. So, now he’s on the run. And Officer Shelton is afraid he’s on his way here. They stormed his house and found a small room that had some disturbing stuff in it. Baby, I don’t know how to say this. I really don’t. I don’t think I can.”

  Kresley took Cade’s face into her hands and brought his eyes down to hers. “Just tell me Cade. I can take it.”

  Cade took a shuddering breath and stated starkly, “He has pictures of you and your sisters everywhere in that room. Also, of Grace. It’s like he’s obsessed with you all. Some pictures have red markings on them, like blood or cuts. Others it looks like he’s done other things to them, sexual things.” Cade breathed deeply and let it out slowly. “We need to get inside and let everyone know. I’ve got to inform Boomer. Then we need to corral all of y’all in the same place and keep an eye on you until we get through the reception. Then we’ll figure out things from there. I’ve got you baby. I’m not going to let anything or anyone hurt you. Ever.”

  At th
at statement, the married couple walked through the doors of the barn, just as the music began playing for their walk through anyway. Kresley looked around, trying to smile for everyone, but she was actually hunting down her sisters and Grace and Jaxson to make sure they were okay. She could see that Cade was doing the same thing and saw him motion to Boomer to come to him at the end of their walk. The waiters began serving food to the guests at this time.

  Hey, man, it took y’all long enough to come inside. I was just about to go and get y’all when I saw the barn doors open. Took a sec for a quickie?” Boomer asked with a knowing grin. Cade wished he could joke back with the man, but now wasn’t the time.

  “Hang on one sec, Boomer," Cade stated softly. He looked up and motioned for Captain Gunnar Phillips to join them. When Captain Phillips walked over and stopped at their group, Cade gave a summary of what was going on. "We know who the killer rapist is, guys. I got a call from Shelton and she’s on her way here. It’s Smith. Officer Sloan Smith. He’s the bastard behind all of this. They found his partial on the weapon recovered from the alley. And he knows. He knows! Shelton thinks he’s on his way here. We’ve got to protect the girls. They found a room at his house full of pics of the girls and Grace. He’s obsessed it seems. Shelton thinks he’ll show up here. We need to get all of the girls in one place, one table and sit on top of them until it’s time to go home. I need you both.”

  Cade could see the rage blooming across Boomer’s face. He couldn’t blame the man. He was feeling the same way. He looked over at his captain, stating, "I know this is my wedding day, but I want to be included in finding this son of a bitch." Cade looked at Kresley after saying that, silently asking for forgiveness for making a decision without her. They'd only been married an hour. Kresley put a hand on his face and lovingly nodded her head in understanding. Damn this woman could make his knees buckle. Lord help him when she gave him babies. He'd be toast. He then turned to Gunnar. Captain Phillips nodded his head as if saying he understood, but his tense face was saying that he was ready to blow his top that one of his own men could do something like this. Under his nose.


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