The Tiger's Offer

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The Tiger's Offer Page 7

by Lila Jean

  Tina squared her shoulders. It was time to get serious. Until she could access Damara’s magic effortlessly, she needed a backup escape plan in case any of the kings figured out she wasn’t in full control just yet.

  Thankfully, Tina had Amy, resources, and contacts. The temple had incredible wealth, and it wouldn’t be hard to get a passport. She tapped her finger on her cheek, mind racing as she thought up a plan. First, she had to find a phone.

  Her eyes drifted to the bed. Tired as she was from jet lag and her rather exciting new life so far, her thoughts rattled around in her brain so quickly that she knew she wouldn’t get to sleep for hours. No point tossing and turning for ages. She might as well take a walk and think things over.

  She threw open the door and meandered down the hallway, her feet taking her down the only path she knew. As she headed for the gardens, she set her hands on her hips and tapped one finger thoughtfully on her cheek.

  Soon, five princes would be vying for her attention. The wild child within her loved the idea, consequences and death threats be damned. She was already attracted to Anthony and Flynn, while Draven’s raw sexual power intrigued her as well. However, each of the princes most likely wanted something from her. She would have to be smart and find a way to see through any of their bullshit.

  As she turned down another hallway, Tina sifted through her memory and recalled each handsome face. Anthony, a werewolf who had protected her from the day they met. Flynn, a demigod with the body of a Greek hero. Draven, a dragon with a seductive smirk that could melt panties. Killian, an eagle shifter who she knew nothing about. And last but not least, Zane, the quiet cat shifter with goofy charm.

  Five sexy men, all hers. If nothing else, this contest would at least be fun.

  The hair on her neck stood on end, and she paused midstride at the sensation of eyes on her back. “What do you want?” she shouted at the hallway, arms crossed. She stood taller, disgusted that these men couldn’t get it through their heads that she was in charge here.

  The setting sun cast long shadows in the hallway, and a silhouette shifted his weight in the darkest corner. Seconds later, a young man stepped into the light. Zane, the cat shifter prince. She had expected Anthony or maybe Draven, and Zane seemed the least likely to break her rules. And yet, here he was, impeding on her time alone.

  His ruffled hair had lost its neat part entirely, and he had ditched the suit coat at some point. The sleeves on his pale blue shirt had been rolled to the elbow, and he slipped his hands into his pockets as he caught her eye. “Hey, Christina.”

  “It’s Tina,” she corrected.

  “Tina, sorry,” he said with a slight nod.

  “I’m in no mood to talk.”

  “That’s fine. I simply wanted to check on you. Things got heated back in the throne room.” He gave her a warm smile.

  “No shit.”

  “Yeah, ‘heated’ is kind of an understatement.” He chuckled and rubbed his neck. “Look, it’s fine if you don’t want to be around anyone, especially any of us. I just wanted to offer you a way out of all this.”

  Now that piqued her interest. Hands on her hips, she raised one disbelieving eyebrow and cast a fleeting glance over her shoulder at the empty corridor to see if anyone else was listening. “A way out? Why would I want that?”

  Instead of looking surprised that she might reject his offer, Zane grinned as if he had expected her to say that. “You’re powerful, Tina. I don’t doubt for a minute that, with time, you could learn to control your powers well enough to take on an army. I have faith in you, and I would hate to ever again be subjected to your wrath. Once is enough for me.”

  He raised a finger. “But you’re new to this world, and the kings are not the kind of enemy you want to make. They’re stubborn, prideful, and arrogant. You’ll need to be at your full power to take them all on at once, and that will likely take years. In the meantime, I have contacts. I can get you out of any situation and keep you safe until you’re ready to take them on.”

  She frowned, mulling over this new information. True, she didn’t have full control over her magic yet, and she knew next to nothing about this world of royal shifters and bids for power. Politics had never really been her forte, but she could figure it out on her own.

  Suspicious, she glanced him up and down. “And what’s in it for you, Prince Charming?”

  He leaned against the wall and stared at the floor. “You don’t know a lot about us, Tina, but I know the other princes’ strengths and weaknesses inside and out. I’m a strategist, and I can usually see fifty moves ahead. Do you know what the other princes are doing right now?”

  She shook her head, not entirely sure if he was answering her question or avoiding it.

  “They’re strategizing. Planning how to best woo you.”

  “Oh? And how exactly do you think they’ll do that?”

  He leaned against the wall. “Anthony is already smitten by you and will do anything to win, even if it means breaking your rules.” Zane shrugged, counting off the princes on his fingers as he spoke. “Draven wants to win your heart through sex, and honestly, he’s going to be a handful for you to manage but he’ll make it worth your while. Flynn will teach you everything there is to know about Olympus in the hopes that your mutual magical ability will endear you to him, and it probably will.” Zane kicked off the wall and slowly neared her, hands in his pockets as he studied her face. “And Killian is a knight, a man of honor and justice, so he’ll make pledges and fight for your admiration.”

  “Wow,” Tina muttered, genuinely surprised. She hadn’t expected him to actually answer, and the responses were incredibly illuminating. She felt like she’d just learned more about the men in her contest than she could have in a week of dates. It seemed like Zane would prove to be quite useful.

  “All of them want you, Tina, just like I do.” Zane set his hands on her shoulders. “We respect you, and your display in the throne room has made us all adore you. No one here is willing to lose, so this competition will be fierce.”

  Tina frowned. “Why aren’t you off strategizing, then?”

  “Already done. Made my plan back in the throne room while everyone was talking. That’s what I do, Tina. I look ahead, analyze the situation, determine the most likely outcome, and plan accordingly.”

  With a mischievous smile, she pretended to study the gardens out the nearest window. “And what’s the most likely outcome here?”

  “You’ll pick me.”

  “Will I now?” She laughed in surprise, both charmed and taken aback by his confidence, and spun around to find him watching her with a soft and curious expression.

  “I know that sounds incredibly cocky, and I’m sorry.” He chuckled and ran a hand through his disheveled hair. “I promise that’s not who I am but hear me out. I’ve thought this through.”

  “I’m listening.” Arms crossed, she gave him a once-over even though she couldn’t hide her amused smile. Except for that offhand comment, he didn’t seem like the arrogant type, and thus far he hadn’t said anything that made her think she should send him packing.

  With a goofy grin on his face, he rubbed the back of his neck yet again. “I’m absolutely enamored by you, Tina. I’ve never felt this way before about anyone, and I want you to be happy. If you choose me, I will always do everything in my power to give you everything you could ever want.”

  Her grin widened, and she melted a bit more at his nerdy charm. The cynical part of her brain began to look for loopholes he might exploit to manipulate her, but deep down she knew this was a man who would deliver on his word. “Let’s say I take you up on this offer. What if you tell the other shifters where I am? King James wants me dead. You could just lord that over me for the rest of my life and make me do whatever you wanted.”

  Zane raised one eyebrow in challenge. “I’ll give you a secured phone line, a private island, a seaplane, and five million dollars in cash. I’ll even teach you to fly the plane if you don’t want to trust th
e pilot I’ll hire for you.”

  Oh wow, nice. She mulled it over, trying to find the loophole. “What’s the catch?” she asked.

  “No catch. That’s not how I operate.” Zane closed the distance between them, his hands still in his pockets. “This is merely a chance for me to show you that I will always keep your best interests at heart. You ask, and I will deliver. Always.”

  She toyed with the ends of her hair, a smile on her lips as she eyed the endearing nerd before her. “That’s sweet, Zane.”

  He smiled warmly, so close she could smell his oaky cologne. Her eyes trailed to the first few buttons of his shirt, which had been undone and revealed a hard chest underneath the fabric as he spoke. “Now’s the part where I confuse you.”

  “How so?”

  “I mentioned that I want you to be happy, and I mean it, even if it’s not with me.” He held her hand, his touch surprisingly gentle. His touch sent delicious shivers through her body, and she leaned in instinctively as he continued. “I have my qualms with the other princes, but each of them has a good heart and will bring you joy. All of us would die for you, Tina, both as a goddess and as our mate. It doesn’t matter to us if it’s a political marriage. Regardless of who you choose, you’ll have protection and safety for your entire life. I just hope that you choose me.”

  As he spoke, the last shred of Tina’s anger huffed out like an extinguished flame. He wanted to keep her safe, and he seemed to genuinely mean it when he said he wanted what was best for her. Grateful for the kind-hearted tiger shifter in front of her, she smiled warmly and kissed his cheek. “Fine. If I feel the need, I’ll take you up on your offer, Zane.”

  “That’s all I ask,” he said right before he kissed on her forehead. The movement was so quick, so sudden, that by the time she had realized what he’d done, the touch of his lips was already sending sparks of heat and desire through her body.

  “Wow,” she said as Zane released her, and the absence of his touch left her skin went cold despite the hot and humid night.

  “The thing is, I’m not even half as good as Draven or Flynn.” He looked like he was going to say more, but before he could, he glanced over his shoulder. When she followed his gaze, she found herself staring at empty shadows.

  “Is there something there?” she asked, turning her eyes back to him, and finding him looking past her into the gloom.

  Before she could turn to look herself, Zane leaned in close, the heat of his words breath warming her skin as he spoke. “It would probably be safest if you returned to your room, Tina, but I shouldn’t walk you back. The rest of the kings are probably adjourning from their strategy sessions and will wonder where you’ve gone. If I’m with you, they’ll think I’ve had some unfair advantage.”

  He moved a touch closer, so that his body was very nearly pressed against hers. “I’ll watch from a distance to make sure you get back without incident. Don’t worry.”



  Tina sprawled across her mattress in the dark, staring at her canopy bed. Despite being exhausted and drained, she had spent the last two hours tossing and turning as her anger slowly subsided.

  Too many thoughts. Too many what-ifs. Too many death threats for one day. That said, she was starting to get a handle on things. Tomorrow would be a new day, a better day.

  “The kings fear me,” she reminded herself. Their unease gave her more and more courage as she chewed on the thought. They were scared of her abilities, and not just of what she could do. If Ray was to be believed, Tina could also grant incredible power to those she slept with.

  The idea made her grin mischievously. Amy had put it perfectly. After fusing with Damara, Tina was hot as hell and had super sex powers. She should enjoy them.

  It was one more thing she held over those who were trying to control her life: anyone she had sex with would become powerful. If they wanted in her bed, they needed to earn it.

  Ultimately, she held the cards here. This was her contest, after all. She was a goddess, and she needed to continue to act like one. The throne room was just the opening act. It was time she spoke to the contestants.

  With renewed confidence, Tina threw open her bedroom door and walked into the hall wearing nothing but her nightgown. In the humid night air, she didn’t need anything else. The thin fabric slunk along her skin, teasing her bare thighs, and she loved the sensation.

  Time to set some ground rules for this little game.

  Her suitors were likely following her or had sentries posted to keep them updated on her whereabouts, and something told her she wouldn’t have to wait very long to speak with them. After only a few minutes, Tina had retraced her steps to her throne room. Taking a deep breath, she tucked her skirt beneath her and took a seat on the red cushion to wait, back arched, for her men to arrive.

  As she thought, it didn’t take long.

  Anthony appeared first out of the shadows in the corner, and she didn’t bother suppressing a smile as he neared. Flynn and Draven followed shortly after that, and the sight of them made her sit a little taller despite her exhaustion. Killian strode in next, brimming with regal power, and Zane was hot on his heels.

  “Before I set the ground rules for my contest, I want to apologize,” Tina began. “I was angry when I announced this contest, and none of you have to stay and compete.” She grinned playfully. “I won’t kill you if you try to leave.”

  The princes chuckled, and a few of them crossed their arms as if to hide their chests. Being at her mercy likely hadn’t been a pleasant experience, and she hoped none of them would do anything stupid enough to make her use her powers on them again.

  Draven grinned, his smile dripping with devilish charm. “Oh, I’m not leaving unless you make me.”

  “Works for me.” Tina chuckled. “Anthony?”

  Her protective wolf stiffened under her gaze, his jaw tensing. “I’m staying, if you’ll have me.”

  “Of course.” She smiled warmly, not bothering to hide her affection for the wolf shifter who had saved her and Amy.

  Flynn crossed his arms over his thick chest, his biceps flexing as he eyed her curiously. “I’ll enjoy getting a chance to teach you more about Olympus and what it means to be a god.”

  Tina smiled, excited to learn even as her eyes trailed down his broad chest. He seemed like a genuinely good man who wanted nothing more than to help her, and when it came to her newfound magic, she could certainly use all the help she could get.

  “If I may,” Killian interjected, standing with all the regal poise of a knight in shining armor. “You impressed all of us with your display in the throne room. I’ve never seen anyone command so much magic at once, and I would be honored to fight for your hand.”

  “And you know I’m in,” Zane added with a goofy grin as he ran a hand through his wild hair.

  “Excellent,” Tina said, happy to see the princes were staying of their own free will. “Next order of business. Have all your fathers left?”

  The men nodded in unison.

  She sat up a little straighter, grateful the arrogant kings were finally out of the picture. She would have Ray confirm that they had left, but the boys’ word would do for the moment. “Good. Now, on to the ground rules.”

  “We’re listening.” Flynn crossed his arms, which only made him look bulkier and more muscled than before. Despite his controlling demeanor, she still wanted to run her fingers over his incredible muscles and feel his hands on her thighs.

  Ignoring her sexual fantasy about the demigod, she began to list off her rules. “First, I sleep until ten.” She waited until they all nodded. When they had, she continued, “Every week, each of you will get one day with me, with the remaining two days for me to have some time to myself. I’m an introvert and need time to recover.”

  “Wait, only one day?” Draven frowned.

  Tina raised one eyebrow in challenge. “Yes. One day per week.”


  “This isn’t up for debate,” Ti
na interjected.

  Draven let out a frustrated sigh and eventually nodded, though he didn’t seem terribly happy about it.

  “Who goes first?” Zane asked.

  “Anthony,” Tina said without missing a beat. “For everything he’s done for me, I think he’s earned first pick.”

  “Thank you, Tina.” A dazzling smile crossed Anthony’s face, and it rocked her to her core. His dark and brooding look was hot, but Jesus, the world around her screeched to a halt when he smiled. He captivated her, stealing her away, and she momentarily forgot what she was doing.

  Right. The contest and ground rules. She cleared her throat in an effort to rein in her desire for the wolf prince long enough to form coherent thought.

  When she returned her attention to the throne room, Draven and Zane both were both glaring at Anthony. Draven’s jealous expression dripped with resentment, while Zane’s calculated scowl seemed to weigh the pros and cons of what she had just said.

  “Who gets to go next?” Flynn asked, frowning with disappointment.

  “Draw straws,” she suggested.

  Flynn’s shoulders drooped, as if he had been expecting her to pick him next. She raised an eyebrow, waiting for him to argue, but he didn’t.

  Draven, however, did. “It’ll be easier if you pick. Why not let me take the second day? Wolves can be boring, so you’ll need someone exciting to follow him.”

  “Hey!” Anthony snapped.

  Tina frowned. “I told you to draw—”

  “Nonsense,” Flynn interrupted. “Let me take the second day, Tina, or better yet let me go first. I—”

  “The first day is mine,” Anthony interrupted, his voice so low and gravely that he was nearly growling at the demigod.

  Flynn didn’t even look at the wolf shifter and took a few steps closer to Tina instead. “Allowing me to have the first day will give you more time to practice your magic and help you develop your connection with your goddess. I can do so much for you, Tina, if you just let me show you what I know.”


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