To Love and Obey [The Doms of Club Mystique] (Siren Publishing Allure)

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To Love and Obey [The Doms of Club Mystique] (Siren Publishing Allure) Page 18

by Mardi Maxwell

  Knowing the Ramsey housekeeper, Jane Marshall, would know where Cade could be found, she headed for the kitchen. Jane was busy preparing dinner when she walked in. “Hi, Jane.”

  “Hi, Addison. How are you feeling? Is there anything special you need?”

  “I’m all healed. Only a little tenderness but doc said I’m doing really well. Do you need any help?”

  “Everything’s ready except for the pies. I’m just waiting for the timer to go off, but thanks for offering,” Jane said.

  “You’re welcome. Would you happen to know where Cade is?”

  “In the den with his brothers and those two men from Dallas.”

  “Thanks. I’ll see you later.” Addison walked down the hall, every now and then stopping to look at a picture of Cade and his brothers when they were younger. The earliest pictures showed five boys, frowning and petulant, standing in a tight-knit group slightly removed from Jake and Katherine Ramsey. Jake had his arm around Katherine’s waist and they were both smiling into the camera. In the pictures taken the next year, the boys’ frowns had been replaced by hopeful uncertainty and, although the five boys were still standing in a bunch, they stood closer to Jake and Katherine. As she moved down the wall, she moved through the years of Cade’s childhood, seeing his transformation from a young boy to the man she knew today. She squeaked with surprise when Cade’s hands slid around her waist and tipped her back against him. “What are you smiling about, baby?”

  “I like these pictures.” She waved her hand at the framed art. “You all look so happy.”

  Leaning down, he slid his lips over her neck then nibbled on her ear, drawing a hum of pleasure from her. Turning her, he slid his mouth over hers again and again, moving away before she could capture his lips. He planted a string of kisses across her cheek to her ear. “I’ve called Zane. He’s working on the new contract and he’ll fax it to me as soon as possible but we’re not waiting until then. After dinner I’m taking you to the playroom and we’re not coming out till morning.”

  His hand slid over her back and down until he reached the hem of her dress then back up until he grasped her bare ass in his hands. His fingers traced the crevasse between her butt cheeks then pressed on her rosette, and she squirmed against him. “Have I told you how much I like this dress?”

  She tilted her head to the side, giving him access to the soft spot beneath her ear. “Huh-uh.” She rubbed her breasts against his chest. “Cade.”


  “Just Cade,” she told him as she lifted her mouth to his.

  He stepped back from her. “You’ve got on the bikini bottoms. Give them to me.”


  “Take them off and give them to me, now.”

  “My clothes haven’t arrived yet. I won’t have any panties to wear until they arrive.” She leaned toward him. “People, your brothers and Ben and Mac, might notice.”

  “Baby, the whole D/s relationship is about us, you and me, making each other happy. Now, it will make me very happy to know you’re not wearing anything under your dress at the dinner table. Or, anywhere else in this house, come to think of it. So, give them to me now. You’ve already earned five for cursing and another five for arguing with me. Do you want to make it fifteen?”

  She shook her head. Seeing they were alone, she slipped off the bikini bottom and handed it to him then blushed when he lifted them to his nose and breathed in her scent.

  “Nice,” he told her as he lifted her into his arms.

  “Where are we going?”

  “Upstairs. There’s something else that will make me even happier than knowing you aren’t wearing anything under your dress.”

  He carried her through his bedroom and into the bathroom. When he set her on her feet by the double sink and ordered her to stay where he put her, a pout flashed across her lips. He opened a drawer, removed a tube of lube and a stubby purple object in a wrapper.

  “Oh, no, you don’t,” she told him, backing away.

  “You take one more step and I’ll take a riding crop to your ass,” he warned her as he opened the package, washed, and then dried the butt plug. “Hold this,” he told her, deliberately waving the plug in her face and enjoying her reluctance to touch it.

  “Caaaade,” she whined.

  “Take it, pet.” His eyes narrowed. “You’ll like this. I promise.”

  “I hate when you say that so let’s sti—”

  He swatted her ass. “Do you really want to finish that sentence?”

  She shook her head then took the plug, pinching it between two fingers, holding it away from her.

  “Lean over, put your elbows on the counter, and spread your legs. Wide.”

  She obeyed him and he moved behind her and bunched her dress up around her waist. “Your ass is beautiful, pet. You have the most luscious, firm ass I’ve ever seen.” He ran his fingers over her butt cheeks then between them. “Reach back here with your left hand and help me spread your cheeks apart.” He swatted her again when she hesitated. “It wasn’t a suggestion, Addison. It was an order. Now do it.”

  Reaching back, she pulled on her cheek, but only a little bit, feeling more embarrassed than she ever had in her life. A second later she felt him push on her hand, forcing her to open herself to him. A cold glob of lube landed on her crack and goose bumps raced up her spine. It warmed as he spread it over and around her rosette. Her entire focus was on that finger, tracking it as he slid it up then down, every now and then pushing into her a small way before starting the cycle again. Relaxing then clenching when she felt his finger breach her opening.

  Cade leaned over her and nuzzled her neck. “This will feel better if you don’t clench up.” He chuckled and kissed her neck. “Yet.”

  Trying to relax, she felt his finger slide a little deeper then twist, running over and lighting up nerves she never knew she had. She wiggled her bottom and pushed back against his finger. “Ohhh,” she gasped then sighed and pressed back again, resting her torso and cheek on the smooth, cold marble of the counter top, holding the purple plug above her head.

  “How are you doing, pet?”

  “Mmm, feels good.”

  Cade swatted her ass. “Try again, pet.”

  Hesitating for a moment, she gave him what he wanted. “Good, Master.”

  “That’s my pretty pet.”

  Heart racing, she felt his finger slide deeper. The pleasure was surprising. It made her want to sink to the floor and let him do whatever he wanted to her. Holding herself up was becoming more difficult with each stroke of his finger. Goose bumps broke out in ripples down her arms and across her shoulders when he slid one finger then two into her, coating the inside of her hole with the thick lubrication before he took the plug from her.

  He patted her ass. “Press back, slowly,” he told her, his voice deep and rough with arousal. He squeezed her hip, urging her to press back against the plug. His breaths increased as the narrower end slid into her.

  Taking a deep breath, she flattened her back and pressed back as he pushed the plug more firmly against her. “Oh, oh.”

  “That’s it, pet. You’re going to love this later tonight when I’m fucking your tight little pussy.” He pushed the plug in then pulled it back, each time going a little deeper, until the largest part of the plug slid into her.

  She felt him kiss first one butt cheek then the other. She was happy he was happy but her anus was on fire. She wiggled her hips then clenched on the plug, unable to decide if she was going to be able to do this.

  “Give it a minute,” he told her, patting her bottom as he wiped away the excess lube from her crack. He washed his hands then smoothed her dress over her hips and lifted her upright, wrapping his arms around her, holding her tightly. Resting against him, she felt his chest rising and falling with his quick breaths as his heart beat out a rapid rhythm. His hands slid under her dress, lifting her against him, his hands clenching on her bottom, one finger pressing against the plug. A shiver of pleasure shoo
k her as a gasp, followed by a moan, slid from her lips and she wiggled her butt against his hands, wanting more.

  He gave her bottom a little pat then leaned her back away from him and smiled as he stroked a finger over her pink cheeks. His lips slid over hers then he deepened the kiss, his tongue sliding into her mouth. When they broke apart, eons later, they were both breathing heavily, eyes dilated.

  “Don’t lose that plug, pet.” Wrapping his arm around her, he led her from the room and down the stairs, chuckling at how slowly she moved. He seated her at the dining table on his right then patted her knee. “You’ll get used to it,” he told her quietly and grinned when she frowned at him, aroused and grumpy.

  Jackson sat at the other end of the table, watching them. Ben and Mac had taken the seats on either side of him. Logan was seated to Cade’s left.

  Luc walked into the room then stood by Addison’s side, clearing his throat. Addison looked up then pleased Cade when she looked to him for guidance. Grinning, Cade leaned over and grabbed Addison around the waist. “Clench,” he said quietly as he pulled her onto his lap. Another grin curved the corners of his lips when her brows drew down in concentration. Once settled on his lap, she wrapped her arm around his neck. He kissed the freckles on the bridge of her nose then patted her hip.

  Luc sat down, adjusted his chair until he was exactly opposite Logan then shrugged. “That’s better,” he said as he looked up into an exact replica of himself across the table. Logan nodded.

  Addison giggled then snuggled up to Cade. She should have remembered the twins’ quirky need for symmetry. In the past she had always ended up sharing a chair with Cade unless Zane was present, then she sat opposite him. “So, now that I live here do I get a chair of my own?”

  “Only when the twin idiots aren’t here,” Jackson told her.

  “Hey, we’re not idiots. We just like things a certain way,” Logan told them.

  “Yeah, what he said,” Luc told them, stabbing his fork in Logan’s direction, before reaching out and taking some roast beef off the platter Ben had passed to him.

  Addison scooped some vegetables onto Cade’s plate then handed the bowl to him and he handed it off to Logan. As soon as everyone had been served and was eating, Cade began listing the rules for her.

  “Addison you don’t leave this house without me and at least one other person,” he told her as he held a bite of roast beef out to her. Addison shook her head then pointed to the dish of orange marmalade next to his plate. He dipped the meat in the jam then fed it to her.

  “If you’re not here Jackson could go with me,” she told him, crossing her fingers behind his back.

  Cade shook his head, reached back and pulled her hand in front of him and uncrossed her fingers. He patted her hand. “No amount of luck is going to keep you safe, baby. If I’m not here then you stay in the house with Ben and Mac.”

  “What if the house catches on fire? What if the bad guys come into the house? What if you’re gone for a long time? Wha—”

  Cade slid his hand over her mouth then grinned when she licked his palm. He made eye contact with Ben and Mac. “No exceptions.” He locked his eyes on her. “Understand?”

  She nodded and he waited, the forkful of mashed potatoes held out to her. “Yes.” When an ebony brow cocked up, she pressed her lips together stubbornly.

  “Pet, you have a choice. Address me respectfully, or I can pull you over my lap and give you five.”

  “Ben and Mac will hear,” she whispered.

  Chuckling, Cade hugged her to him. “Ben and Mac are Doms, pet. They’ll understand.”

  “Really?” she asked, looking at the two men through new eyes, then quickly adding, “Master.”

  Cade nodded then fed her the potatoes. “You don’t open the door under any circumstances. Understand?”

  “Yes, Master,” she purred, slipping a finger between the buttons of his shirt and probing at his belly button.

  “Where’s your cell phone?”

  “In my purse. Maggie will send it along with my clothes.” She ran her finger beneath his leather belt, along the front of his belly, feeling his stomach muscles tighten in response.

  Luc quickly swallowed the bite he had just taken, then told her, eager to please her, “Your things arrived right before dinner, Addison. I took them up to your room.”

  She ignored him, hoping Cade wouldn’t notice, then knew he had when he shifted beneath her.

  “Thank Luc, pet.”

  The room grew quiet. “Thank you, Luc, for taking my bags up,” she told him, sending him then Logan an evil grin. “I’ll make sure you don’t suffer quite as much as Logan when I seek my revenge.” Smiling, she turned to Cade. “Okay, Master?”

  Nodding, he said, “When you find your phone, I want it.” He shoved a forkful of carrots into her mouth when she started to protest. “I don’t want you in contact with anyone outside this house. You can use the computers in my den to place orders for your shop. They all have secure connections and Marcy knows to call me if she has any problems. Also, she’s going to have Laura begin working more hours as of Monday.”

  “Wait a damn–darn minute,” Logan told them, setting his glass down. “Isn’t anyone going to ask what she means by that?”

  “Well, it’s pretty obvious, Logan,” Jackson told him. “But let me explain it so you’ll understand. Addison feels that you and Luc shouldn’t have shared Linda with Cade so now she’s going to make you pay.”

  “Well, what about Cade? Shouldn’t he pay?”

  “He’s already paying,” Addison told him. “He’s stuck with me for six months. Right, Master?”

  “That’s right, pet, and after dinner I intend to suffer some more.” He lifted a fork of marmalade-covered meat and fed it to her. “You don’t do anything, go anywhere, or talk to anyone without clearing it with me first. Understand?”

  She sighed then rested her head on his shoulder. He held out a bite of salad to her. She shook her head then ducked her head beneath his chin, feeling his breath whisper over the top of her hair.

  “The rules are for your safety, Addison.”

  “I thought I’d have more freedom on the ranch. You might as well lock me in a cell and throw away the key.”

  “I don’t have a secure cell, baby, or I would,” he said. “Besides, you can leave the house as long as I’m with you. You can go anywhere in the house you want. You can even go riding, as long as we’re sure none of Mendez’ men are in the area.”

  “As long as you’re with me,” she grouched.

  He lifted her chin and kissed her lips then grinned at her. “Now you’re catching on, pet.”

  “What about when you go to Dallas, Master?”

  “You stay in the house with the security system on and Ben and Mac guarding you.” He glanced at the other men at the table. “Jackson has already alerted the ranch hands to watch for any strangers in the area, especially if they set foot on Ramsey land.” He hesitated for a moment then told her, “The men coming after you are killers, Addison. The man sending them has a reputation for going after his enemies’ family members.”

  “What about you? Isn’t he coming after you, too?” She couldn’t bear the thought of anything happening to him.

  Jackson spoke up from the other end of the table. “You have to tell her, Cade.”

  “Tell me what?”

  Cade hugged her to him. He had seen the scar on her side earlier when she had been by the pool dressed in the barely there bikini. “The man who broke into your shop was sent by Mendez.”

  “He didn’t break in. The back door was unlocked,” she told him, feeling his body tense beneath her and thinking ah-oh to herself. “I guess I forgot to lock it.” She slid her fingers into his hair, petting him, trying to soothe him. He pulled his head away then moved her hand to her lap and held it there.

  “Was the security system on?”


  “You’re already in trouble. You don’t want to add a lie,” he to
ld her, his voice a deadly calm.

  “No,” she confessed, softly. “I’m sorry, Master.”

  “How many times have I told you to lock the doors and use the alarm system, Addision?”


  “Are you finished eating?” She nodded. “Go upstairs and wait for me. I’ll be up in a few minutes.” He pushed her off his lap and patted her on her bottom to get her going. “And Addison, you better be in our room when I get there. Understand?”

  “Yes, Master.”

  “You’re learning, pet.”

  He waited until he heard her footsteps going up the stairs then turned to Jackson. “How long have you known the door wasn’t locked and the security system wasn’t on?”

  “The police officer who came to the hospital that night told me. You were busy making a nuisance of yourself in the emergency room.”

  “And you didn’t think I needed to know this?”

  “You and Addison have been having enough trouble lately. I didn’t figure it was going to happen again so, no, I didn’t think you needed to know,” Jackson told him. “I’d say she’s learned her lesson. Wouldn’t you?”

  Cade relaxed back in his chair. “Not well enough,” he told him. “It won’t hurt her to stew for a while. What’s for dessert?”

  * * * *

  Addison paced the bedroom while she waited for Cade, her mind running a mile a minute. Recalling what Maggie had told her, she decided what Cade needed was something to soothe his temper and a reward. She hurried into the bathroom and turned the faucet on in the deep, jetted tub. While it filled she stripped then put her hair up. Slipping into the fizzing water, she rested her head on a rolled up towel. Humming an off-key version of a popular song, she waited until she heard Cade’s footsteps crossing the bedroom then lazily opened her eyes and smiled.


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