To Love and Obey [The Doms of Club Mystique] (Siren Publishing Allure)

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To Love and Obey [The Doms of Club Mystique] (Siren Publishing Allure) Page 20

by Mardi Maxwell

  Cade held her still. “What are the rules, Addison?”

  “Caade…come on,” she grumbled. “We went over the rules again last night.”

  “You fell asleep halfway through them,” he reminded her.

  “That’s because there are so blasted many of them!” She fluttered her lashes at him and teased him. “Besides, you wore me out.” Just thinking about the previous night and how he had kept her on the edge for hours, refusing to let her orgasm, had her pulse racing.

  “They’re for—”

  “—your own good,” she finished for him with a pout. “You said yourself that a mouse can’t get on Ramsey land without security knowing about it. And none of the men have seen anyone creeping around.” She looked at Jackson for backup. “Right, Jackson?”

  “That doesn’t mean they’re not there, Addison,” he told her. “It just means we haven’t seen them.”

  “Oh, then maybe we better not go.” She hugged her arms around Cade’s shoulders and nuzzled his neck. “I don’t want anything bad to happen to you.” Sitting up she shot Jackson a hopeful smile. “I could help you with Remington instead.”

  “No!” both men shouted, startling her, causing her to lose her balance.

  Cade caught her then righted her. “You are not to go near that stallion. He’s not like Diablo. Even Jackson hasn’t been able to earn his trust.”

  Thinking about the hundreds of hours she had already spent with Remington over the past three years, she wondered which would be better…confess now or wait and ask for forgiveness when he found out?

  “We’ll only need Sarge this morning,” Cade told Jackson.

  “What about my horse?”

  “We’re only riding to the river this morning and you’re riding with me,” Cade told her. “But first I want to see you in the den.”

  “Okay,” she told him as she rose. “See you later, Jackson.”

  “I’ll have one of the hands saddle Sarge for you,” Jackson told them. “I’m going to let Remington run off some energy in the north field before I try working with him.”

  Cade hooked his arm around Addison, the heels of their boots thumping on the floor of the hall as they walked toward the den. “Zane has finally sent the contract and I want you to sign it,” he told her as he led her to his desk then pulled her down onto his lap. He slid a folder in front of her. “Go ahead and read it.”

  She hid her disappointment as she opened the file. So much time had gone by she had thought he had changed his mind. She had hoped that they could work things out and go ahead with the wedding and their D/s relationship. She quickly read the one page document then raised her brows and asked, “Really? You expect me to sign this?”

  “You agreed to it. Six months of total obedience, your orgasms are mine, I get to fuck you anywhere I want, whenever I want, any way I want. You sleep in my bed and you don’t talk to Daniels or Vitale.” He sent her a satisfied grin then held a pen out to her. “Sign it.”

  “And I get exactly what out of this deal?”

  He held out his arms, presenting himself. “Me, baby. You get me and all the great fucking you can handle.”

  “Lucky me,” she told him as she took the pen, signed her name at the bottom of the page next to his signature, then added a happy face next to it.

  Chuckling, he took the paper, folded it, then locked it in a drawer. Tugging her off balance, he braced her over his arm and kissed her, his tongue swirling over hers until she was breathless. “Come on, we’re going to celebrate, but first I want you to go upstairs and put on a dress. The yellow one with the short skirt.”

  “I can’t ride like that. Everyone will see my,” she gestured toward the apex of her thighs, “you know.”

  He flicked his finger over her hard nipples. “Yes, they will, and knowing that arouses you, doesn’t it, pet?” He grinned at her then set her on her feet and patted her on the bottom. “Hurry.”

  Addison ran upstairs and changed into the yellow sundress. For a moment she debated wearing different shoes then decided to keep the boots. She was going riding, after all. Cade met her at the bottom of the stairs, his black Stetson on his head, angled low over his eyes. As she passed him he took her hat from her hand and stuck it on her head, adjusted it until it shaded her eyes, then led her out the back door and across the yard to the stables.

  His large gelding, Sarge, was waiting by the entrance, stamping his hooves, impatient for a morning run. Off in the distance Addison saw Jackson open a gate and Remington tore through it to the open field and freedom, his back legs kicking into the air, his black coat shining in the morning sun. Cade noticed her interest and shook his head as he shoved a rifle into the scabbard on Sarge’s saddle then stuck a small bud-shaped object into his ear. Once he was mounted he reached down and pulled Addison up in front of him. She quickly twisted around and dropped her legs on either side of Sarge, pushing her dress down between her legs.

  “Is that a radio of some kind?” she asked him, tipping her head back and checking out the small device in his ear.

  “It lets me stay in touch with Ben, Mac, and security.”

  She held her dress down, making sure she didn’t flash anyone as they passed several of the ranch hands. “Where are Ben and Mac? They weren’t at breakfast.”

  “They went out earlier to check the area along the river. By now Mac is at the graveyard. From there he can see anyone approaching the ranch from miles away.”

  “What about Ben?”

  “Somewhere along the river,” he told her and heard her surprised squeak when he picked her up and twisted her around to face him. “Unbutton the top of your dress.” He used his Dom voice, deep and gravelly, demanding obedience. Just the sound of it had her heart speeding up. Glancing at the house behind them and deciding it was far enough away that she wouldn’t be seen, she unbuttoned her dress and spread the sides apart.

  He slid a kiss over her lips, leaving her aching for more, then leaned her back and ran his fingers over her breasts, pinching and twisting her nipples. “You have really beautiful breasts, baby,” he told her as he tugged on her right nipple. “I’m going to have them pierced. They’ll be beautiful with a chain strung between them. I could tug on the chain anytime I wanted to and you’ll love it.” He pinched the nipple then sucked it into his mouth, his tongue flicking back and forth over the stiffening bud.

  Addison curled her hands around his shoulders, balancing herself, looking down as his cheeks hollowed and he sucked on her nipple. “Mmm, that feels so amazing.”

  Cade released her nipple. Alarm swept through her, tightening her stomach when he reached into his shirt pocket, pulled out a nipple clamp, and slid it onto her nipple then tightened it. She sucked in a quick breath. His eyes watched the expression in her eyes as he tightened the clamp just a little more. She released his shoulder, reaching to cover her breast. He brushed her hand away. “Put your hand back and leave it there.”

  She grabbed his shoulder, her nails digging into him, as he licked then sucked on her other nipple. When it was red and jutting out, he put the clamp on it, tightened it, then attached a chain between the clamps. He flipped her skirt back before he ran his fingers over the lips of her pussy then pressed two fingers into her. “You ever fantasize about fucking on a horse, pet?”

  “Yes.” He glanced at her and she quickly added, “Master.”

  “Ever had an orgasm while you were riding?” He twisted his fingers then raised them to his mouth and licked them.

  “Yes, Master,” she told him, watching, fascinated, as he cleaned her cream from his fingers. He chuckled then offered her a taste of herself and she hesitantly licked his finger, always surprised at the tangy, sweet flavor.

  “I thought so. Hold on to me.” He unbuttoned his pants, released his cock, then picked her up, and without hesitating he impaled her. He moved her around until she was seated just the way he wanted her. “Open your mouth.”

  Having an idea of what he planned to do, she pressed her li
ps together and shook her head. Cade slid his hand to her pussy and closed his fingers on her clit, pinching it. She cried out and tried to wiggle away but there was nowhere for her to go except the ground.

  “I have another clamp. Would you like me to put it on your clit?” he asked her, his eyes narrowed.

  She shook her head then opened her mouth, and he inserted the chain. “Close,” he told her then clicked his tongue and Sarge broke into a slow trot, bouncing Addison up and down on Cade’s cock. “Don’t lose that chain, pet, or I will clamp your clit.” He signaled Sarge to break into a smoother gait.

  Addison wrapped her arms around him and the two of them settled into a smooth, gliding rhythm, her belly rubbing against his, her breasts against his chest. Cade leaned his head down and bit her shoulder then nudged her head over and sucked on the soft skin of her neck. The chain pulled on her nipples and she cried out with a twinge of pain that quickly transformed into pleasure.

  She wiggled her hips then, using her arms, she pressed down and curled her hips tighter against him, feeling her clit against his pubic bone. Panting, she tightened her pussy on his cock, again and again until his arms tightened around her waist and jerked her even tighter against him.

  “Do you think Mac is enjoying watching me fuck you, pet?” he asked and felt her tighten on his cock.

  She screamed and dropped the chain. Her dancers’ legs wrapped around him, her boots digging into his back and forcing them closer together. Cade groaned as he came, his hips lifting into her. Sarge showed his displeasure by bucking, his hind legs slamming them together, and Addison came again, screaming then collapsing against him. He laughed and patted her back as he fought for control of Sarge.

  He guided Sarge into the shade of the trees then lifted her off of him and fixed his clothes. He dismounted and pulled her down next to him then released the first clamp and quickly sucked her nipple into his mouth to soothe it before removing the second one. He buttoned her dress and hugged her close to him, swaying her from side to side, rubbing her nipples on his chest. “Nipples sore, pet?” She nodded her head. “Good. I like knowing that for the rest of the day, every time your dress rubs across your nipples you’ll think of me.”

  Addison giggled then leaned back and looked up at him. “It doesn’t take sore nipples for me to think of you, Cade. I think of you every moment of every day.”

  His eyes blazed with an emotion she couldn’t identify right before he kissed her, his lips sucking at hers, his teeth nibbling on her bottom lip as he curved her into him. “We better head back before they come looking for us.”

  As they approached the ranch yard, Addison could see Jackson trying to lead Remington into the training arena. The huge stallion fought him every step of the way, pulling against the lead and trying to rear and jump sideways away from Jackson. She could have told him that Remington hated being led like that. He much preferred to have her walk beside him with her hand on his neck or shoulder.

  Remington had been born a week after her father’s death. Feeling lost and alone, Addison had gone to the ranch to visit the birthing barn. Jack Johnson, the Ramsey’s head stableman, had taken one look at her and had opened the stable door and waved her inside. That was the first evening she had spent with Remington but many more had followed. He had become her horse, whether anyone else knew it or not. Besides, she thought, he reminded her of Diablo and her first meeting with Cade.

  “That horse is dangerous,” Cade said, breaking into her thoughts, as he too watched Jackson struggle with the stallion.

  Absently, Addison told him, “No, he’s not. Jackson just isn’t handling him right.” She slipped to the ground and climbed up onto the bottom row of the fence, watching Remington closely. Cade stood beside her as the wind kicked up and Remington went berserk, rearing and pulling Jackson off his feet. Jackson hung on and Remington came back down then reared again, almost going over onto his back. Addison screamed and before Cade could stop her she was over the fence and running toward horse and man.

  She heard Cade cursing behind her. Yelling for her to stay clear. Jackson saw her coming, his eyes wide with fear for her. She yelled at him to let Remington’s lead go, but before he could, Remington jerked his head free and charged toward her, his hooves eating up the ground.

  Ranch hands, hearing the ruckus, came running her way from all over the ranch yard, swarming over the fence, waving their hats in the air, trying to distract Remington before he could reach her. She saw Cade lifting his rifle to his shoulder. She screamed and moved into his line of sight, fouling his shot.

  Just before he reached her, Remington planted his front hooves then reared, his shod feet coming down inches from her body. He blew his breath over her then head butted her, looking for a carrot or an apple. She scratched his forehead then slid her hand down to his nose. Removing the lead from his halter, she tossed it toward the fence. The area around her was silent, the tension pulsing in the air. She rested her hand on Remington’s neck, patting him, calming him. “We’re in big trouble,” she told him before turning to face Cade.

  Jackson made a wide circuit around them and stopped next to Cade. He could tell from Cade’s posture and the clenching of his jaw that if he didn’t take action, Cade would do something he would regret. “Think before you act, big brother.”

  Blazing green eyes glanced at him then back to Addison. “Go to the house, Addison.”

  The hair on the back of her neck rose and she couldn’t control the fear that rippled through her. “I’ll put Remington back in his stall first,” she whispered, scared but determined to protect her horse.

  “Leave him. Go to the house now.”

  The ranch hands stood around, watching them, waiting to see what Cade would do. Knowing she had to somehow appease him, she signaled to Remington to be still then dropped to her knees, lowering her eyes, the breeze lifting the skirt of her dress around her. “Please let me put him back in his stall. Please, Master?”

  Cade’s eyes never left her as he said, “Jackson, call Harrelton and tell him we accept his offer. I want Remington off this ranch by sundown.”

  “No!” Remington shifted restlessly, picking up her distress. She rose, then stroked and patted his shoulder to soothe him, whispering to him, her blue eyes pleading with Cade.

  Jackson watched her, seeing the blood drain from her face as she swayed and tears ran from the corners of her eyes. “Cade, you need to calm down before you do something you’re going to regr—”

  “Don’t you fucking dare, Addison,” Cade yelled as he ran toward her. He’d known what she was going to do as soon as she had moved to the stallion’s side. Before he could reach her, she was mounted on Remington’s bare back and had him up onto his rear legs and twisting at her command. When his front hooves hit the ground, he took off, heading straight for the closed gate. His muscles bunched and he soared over it with Addison clinging to his back, her red hair flying around her head, a sharp contrast to the yellow of her dress and the deep black of the stallion’s coat. Within seconds they were halfway across the field with Remington running flat out for the river.

  Before they reached the trees, Ben rode out of them, waving his hat at Addison and trying to turn her back. Cade heard the bud in his ear activate and Mac reported that there was a hostile agent in the trees with a rifle and a scope. Cade ran to Sarge as Addison pulled Remington to the right and ran him along the trees toward the monument on the hill. A shot rang out and he saw Ben and Addison lean low in their saddles. Ben’s horse couldn’t keep up with Remington and he fell farther behind her with every passing second.

  “Where’s that damn shooter?” Cade asked Mac as he mounted Sarge and took off after Addison, his rifle still in his hand.

  Mac’s calm voice sounded in his ear. “He’s in the trees and I can’t get a clear shot at him. Yet.” Then a few seconds later he heard Mac say, “Gotcha.” and a shot rang out from the direction of the monument. “One unfriendly down,” Mac told him. Then a moment later he added, “A
ddison’s with Ben. I’m sending them back your way.”

  Cade met them halfway. “Not one word, Addison,” he warned her as he rode by her side. Remington began to act up and he had to put more distance between him and Sarge. Addison patted Remington’s shoulder, calming him as they rode toward Jackson, who waited for them in the ranch yard.

  Ignoring his edict she told him, “If you send Remington away from me I’ll never forgive you, Cade. Not ever.” She dismounted then walked Remington to his stable, her hand on his shoulder.

  Cade watched her walk away from him. “Watch her, Jackson. I’m going to the house.”

  Jackson nodded. “She’s a hell of a rider. I’ve never seen anyone better.”

  “She just rode a half wild stallion and she was shot at by someone who intended to kill her,” Cade said, his voice flat. He dropped to the ground and handed Sarge’s reins to a ranch hand then turned away. Jackson stopped him.

  “Whatever you’re planning, Cade, think about it before you act. Addison’s always taken anything you dished out to her, but even she has her limits.” He knew Cade wouldn’t take his advice when he turned without a word and walked away.

  Jackson entered Remington’s stable and stood guard over Addison as she brushed him then gave him some feed before making sure he had plenty of water. The way the big stallion behaved around her proved to him the horse knew her well and trusted her. When she was done she patted Remington, then whispered something to him and closed his stall door behind her. “I’m sorry, Jackson. I should have told you.”

  “You should have told Cade, Addison. The one thing he absolutely will not tolerate from a woman is being lied to. You’ve just proven to him you’ve been lying to him for a long time.”

  “I just didn’t tell him,” she told him. “I knew he would be mad.”


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