Shiftless (The Neturu Chronicles Book 2)

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Shiftless (The Neturu Chronicles Book 2) Page 37

by Sarah Carter

  She turns to Phil, with her foot still at his throat. “Gladly.”

  “Wait! Wait! Wait!” Phil shouts. “Please, please don’t!”

  Putting her foot down, Claire puts her hand by her ear. “What? Give me one good reason.”

  “You cared about me once!” Phil shouts.

  “Not anymore. I’ve moved on, but you still haven’t gotten what you deserve.”

  Phil rubs his throat. “You can’t do anything to me. I can’t defend myself against you.”

  “No one really can,” Claire retorts.

  “You aren’t a girl,” Phil snaps. “You’re more of a guy than most men I know.”

  Quickly, Claire unzips her jacket and opens it up, flashing her corset at Phil. His jaw drops. “I think this body says otherwise.”

  “Holy…” Phil stutters.

  “Baby, that’s enough,” Damien says softly.

  “No, she can keep it open,” Phil replies with a grin.

  “Wipe that smile off your face or I’ll make sure you need dentures for the rest of your life,” Damien growls.

  Claire steps up to Phil. “You always wanted this, didn’t you?” she whispers. “My body was something you could never have.”

  “You’re so hot,” Phil exhales.

  She takes her hand and runs it up his chest. Leaning in, she breathes out, “You want this body to touch yours?”

  “Hell, yeah.”

  “Good,” Claire snaps. With an incredible force, Claire knees him in between his legs. Phil drops like a ton of bricks. He scrunches into a ball and starts to whimper.

  “You’ll never get a girl like me,” Claire growls. “You and Sunshine deserve each other.”

  “Come on, love.” Damien laughs. “We should get back to everyone else.”

  Bending over, Claire says, “Damien is going to get further tonight than you ever did. Think about that when you go to sleep.”

  “Shut up,” Phil groans, rolling over to the other side.

  With a big smile, Claire zips her jacket back up. “We’re done. Let’s go.” She grabs Damien’s hand and they walk away.

  When they get back outside, Damien turns to her. “I could have done without you flashing him.”

  Claire turns to him. “Baby, it was the only revenge I could give. Think about this…you get to take off this outfit later.”

  Damien raises his eyebrow. “Really?”

  “Oh, yeah,” Claire whispers, pressing herself against him. “I’ve decided you can see the lingerie.”

  “Hell yes,” Damien murmurs, before pulling her against him to kiss her. They passionately embrace each other for a while.

  “Come up for air!” They hear after a little while. They turn to see Felix standing there. “Damn…I really wish you were gay.”

  Giggling, Claire exclaims, “I bet you do!”

  Felix sighs. “A boy can wish.”

  Damien laughs and shakes his head.

  “Anyway,” Felix starts, “some people are going on the track for a short race. You said you wanted to take the Ducati out. What better way?”

  “Awesome!” Claire yells. “I’m all for that.”

  “You…me…on the race track,” she hears hissed. She turns to see Phil.

  “What?” Claire says.

  He steps up to her. “I’ll beat you where I can. You and me, racing each other. I’ll kick your ass.”

  She snorts. “You think so?”

  “Yeah,” Phil retorts.

  “Bring it…bitch,” Claire replies back sharply.

  Phil smiles. “Gladly.” He brushes past her and walks over to the bikes.

  “Claire,” Damien whispers. “Now I’m worried.”

  “I’ll be fine,” Claire states. She nudges her head. “Come on.”

  Damien grumbles to himself but follows her.

  When they get back over to everyone, Claire declares, “Alright, I’m racing Phil.”

  “What?” Ben exclaims.

  Shrugging, Claire says, “He’s trying to make himself feel like a man, so he wants to race. I know I’ll win.”

  “Hell. No,” Ben articulates loudly.

  “My feelings exactly,” Damien agrees.

  Alex looks at Claire. “She’ll be fine. Are you taking the Ducati?”

  “No!” they hear someone snap. Phil walks up to them. “Her bike against mine. Like I’m really going to let her use the Ducati.”

  Claire crosses her arms. “You never specified what bike I could use when we agreed to this. What, do you think you can’t beat me? I mean, really, it comes down to who can handle the race track better, and we both know I do.”

  “You can’t use the Ducati,” Phil growls.

  “Well, cry me a river.” Claire sighs with attitude. “I’m taking the Ducati out.”

  “I’ll go use Nick’s bike then,” Phil retorts.

  “Nick? Who’s that?” Damien interjects.

  Phil gives him a smirk, “One of the racers here. He’s a friend of mine.”

  “Do whatever you need to.” Claire laughs. “It won’t help you at all.”

  “We’ll see about that,” Phil snarls with a grin. “See you on the track in ten.” He turns and walks away.

  Alex grabs Claire’s helmet and hands it to her. “Go take it around the track, so you get the feel of it.”

  “Alright,” Claire replies. She walks over and gets on the Ducati. Everyone crowds around her. Alex leans in and whispers, “We have quicker reflexes and everything, which is usually the reason why I win. So, don’t hold back.”

  “Well, hold back a little,” Damien states. “I mean, I don’t want a dead girlfriend.”

  “Trust me.” Claire snorts. “Relax.” She leans forward. “Give me a kiss for good luck.”

  Damien presses his lips against hers and gives her a really deep kiss. When they pull away, Damien murmurs, “Please, be careful.”

  “Of course,” Claire says. “I’m always careful. I do know what I’m doing, Damien. Trust me, okay?” He nods. Claire slides the helmet on. “Okay, I’m going to take this out for a few laps.”

  “The throttle is touchy,” Alex tells her. “So, it’ll pick up speed quickly. Get a feel for that.”

  “Okay,” Claire replies, nodding her head. She puts the visor down and starts the bike.

  With a little gas, she moves forward and heads to the race track. There is no one on it yet, so she throttles it and takes off. Claire takes the Ducati around the track a few times. It’s a smooth ride, and she decides she definitely wants to get one. The throttle is touchy, but she gets the hang of it quickly.

  Finally, when she comes back around, she sees Phil waiting on his friend’s bike. Claire pulls up next to him.

  “Ready to get left behind?” Phil asks.

  Rolling her eyes, Claire groans. “Trying to prove what kind of a man you are? You’ll have to put a bit of effort into it to show people you aren’t a bitch.”

  “I’m more of a man than you are a girl,” Phil snaps.

  With a snort, Claire says, “That’s why you can’t get the vision of me out of your head.”

  With a scowl, Phil says, “Whatever.”

  “Come on, then.” Claire laughs. “Let’s get this over with, so you can cry to your fiancée.” She slams the visor down on her helmet and revs the engine.

  They sit there waiting. The lights start flashing. As soon as they hit green, Claire and Phil take off. She floors it. When they hit the first curve, Claire tilts the bike so far that her knee almost hits the ground. She bypasses Phil right away. The next corner is trickier but she takes it perfectly. When they get to the straightaway, Claire cranks down on the throttle. The Ducati is fast. She senses Phil behind her, but Claire keeps ahead of him.

  The next curve Claire doesn’t take as well, and Phil passes her. She knows they’re going to lap six times, so she has plenty of time to pass him up again. Claire grins the whole time because she finds this extremely entertaining. Her pulse races.

ally, it’s the last lap. Claire takes in a deep breath. She decides to take the curves faster than she normally does. Alex was right, Claire realizes. Her reflexes are quick enough for it. She takes off, leaving Phil in her dust. The last part of the track is straight, so Claire pushes the Ducati to an incredible speed.

  At that point, Claire knows she’s won and passes the finish line. She slows down and throws her hand up in the air. At a much slower speed, Claire makes it around the track one last time. When she pulls up and stops, everyone is clapping.

  Claire takes off her helmet and grins. Her friends clap even more. Damien and Alex come walking over. “I knew you could do it,” Alex cheers. “Good job!”

  “Thanks.” Claire exhales. She tries to calm down, because her adrenaline is still pumping. Taking in a deep breath, she lets it out slowly. “Okay, I’m good.”

  Damien comes up and whispers in her ear, “I’m incredibly turned on right now.”

  “Damien!” Claire exclaims.

  He grins. “Well, it’s the truth.”

  “Let me bring the bike back in,” Claire says. She hands Damien her helmet and slowly drives the Ducati through the entrance. When Claire gets to the crowd of people, everyone pats her on the back.

  Phil pulls off to the other side. He takes off his helmet and glares at Claire. “You only won because of the Ducati.”

  “You want to do it again on our bikes?” Claire says. “The results will be the same.”

  There is a steady stare between them before Phil says, “Whatever.”

  “Well, I’m having a party on my family’s land this afternoon. Grilling out with food and drink,” Nick yells. “Everyone is invited, especially our little racer here.”

  With a huge grin, Claire replies, “Excellent, we’ll be there.”

  Nick winks at her. “Awesome.”

  Damien steps up to Claire, giving Nick a look.

  “Oh, baby,” Felix whispers to Damien. “He isn’t interested in Claire.”

  “Every guy here is interested in Claire.” Damien laughs exasperatedly.

  Everyone chuckles and Damien playfully scowls. Felix leans in and says, “He isn’t interested in girls. That’s my boy toy.”

  “Yeah.” Claire snickers, getting off the bike. “There’s no competition there. Felix can be very catty.”

  “You shut your mouth, girlfriend!” Felix yells, snapping his fingers.

  “Fag,” they hear someone grumble under their breath.

  In three swift movements, Felix has a guy on the ground with his face in the asphalt. Felix leans over and says, “I really hope you’re from England and were asking for a cigarette.”

  “Get off me,” the guy snarls.

  Twisting his arm a little more, Felix says, “You know, calling me that will get you in a heap of trouble.”

  “Get off of me, you freak!” The guy shouts.

  Felix laughs and bends over. “How am I going to take advantage of you with my gay ways if you can actually move? I’m thinking of so many things to do to turn you gay.”

  “You can’t turn me gay!” the guy exclaims.

  “I know,” Felix retorts without humor. “So, I’m not sure what you’re trying to suggest by calling me a fag. I have no choice in it. Now, if you have a problem with it, that’s all on you, buddy. I have not, nor will I, hit on you. No one here will.”

  There is a pause and then the guy says, “Why not? Don’t you guys hit on everything with a penis?”

  “Honey,” Felix quips, “you are way too ugly for any fag to be interested in you. You have a better chance with women.”

  “I doubt that gets him very far either.” Claire snorts. “I don’t know a single woman here that would be interested. Anyone? Any takers here? Piece of crap guy on the ground up for the taking? Any girls interested? Any? I didn’t think so.” Claire laughs and pats Felix on the back. “I know you could easily break every bone in his body, but let’s not get arrested before the festivities.”

  With one last push, Felix gets off the guy. “If I hear a slanderous word come out of you again, you’ll meet my fist.”

  The guy scrambles up and clenches his fists. Felix rolls his eyes as he turns and walks away. The guy reaches back to sucker punch Felix. Before he can even throw it, Damien jumps forward and hits him first… hard. The guy flies backwards and slams onto the ground. Claire flips and lands on the guy, pinning him to the ground with her knees. Taking her thumb she digs into the side of the guy’s neck. The guy yells out in pain. “That hurts, huh?” She snaps. “It’s a pressure point.”

  “Get…off…of…me,” the guy gasps between heavy breaths.

  “Hell no,” Claire retorts. “You’re going to start a fight. Let me just explain something. Ever hear of martial arts?”

  “Why?” the guy exclaims.

  “Let’s count how many people in this group can kick your ass with their hands tied behind their back. The blonde over there is Alex. He’s one. You should be scared of him. The guy that looks like me—that’s Ben. He’s two. He packs a pretty mean punch. The fag, Felix, is three. He may be gay, but he’s tough as nails. Now, see those two hot guys standing next to each other? That’s my boyfriend Damien and his cousin Jackson. They’re four and five. You’ve already met Damien’s fist. But the sixth one…the sixth one you should piss your pants about.” Claire bends over and whispers, “I’m number six.”

  Another guy steps up to her. “Chick, you’re nuts. Get off of him.”

  Nick laughs. “You’re so in the wrong crowd dude. That’s our scrapper you’re talking to.”

  Claire smiles up at the guy. “Do you want to fight this guy’s fight? I’m happy to take on whoever I need to, but I’ll guarantee something, you will never call another person a fag again!”

  “I’m sorry, okay?” the guy on the ground says. “Just…let me up!”

  In one fluid movement, Claire is on her feet again. “I think you guys should leave.”

  The guy rolls away from her and to his friend. His friend helps him up. The guy mumbles, “Whatever. You’re crazy.”

  “I’m your worst nightmare, and you have no idea.”

  He rubs his jaw. “Damn, that hurts.”

  “It could be worse, trust me,” Damien states. “Be happy I didn’t break anything.”

  “You should just go,” Nick suggests. “We don’t take kindly to any sort of prejudice here. You aren’t a rider, so go.”

  “I thought bikers were different,” the guy spits out.

  Felix laughs. “It’s California. Anyway, the thing with the group, here—we don’t get into each other’s business. There’s always a level of respect, no matter your personal thoughts or beliefs. Next time, keep your stupid comments to yourself. I can’t stop you from having the thoughts, but I can make sure as hell you don’t say them out loud.”

  “Whatever,” the guy snaps, as he walks away with his friends.

  Everyone is quiet and then Damien says, “I can’t stand people like that.”

  “Thank you, honey,” Felix quips, before grabbing Damien and kissing him.

  There is thunderous laughter from everyone. Damien pulls away and wipes his mouth, but a grin passes over his face. “Usually I don’t mind a kiss as a reward, but that just cemented that I’m straight. Sorry, Felix. I hope there aren’t any hard feelings.”

  With a sigh, Felix replies, “I had to try, at least.”

  Claire laughs hysterically, and steps over to Damien. “Are you alright, honey? Has he scarred you?”

  “Nah.” Damien chuckles. “I’m secure enough in myself. That was just funny.”

  “Good,” Claire says, hugging him close.

  Kayla comes over to Claire and says, “Can I ask you something?”

  “Of course,” Claire says curiously.

  “Will you take me on the racetrack?” Kayla exclaims.

  “Oh, hell no!” Jackson yells.

  Giving him a look, Kayla says, “Excuse you. I can make my own decisions.”

p; “I won’t go racing fast with you on the bike. I’m sorry,” Claire replies.

  “I know, just a little faster.”

  Claire laughs, “Sure, but I’ll have Alex take you out. He’s been riding longer and is used to the track.”

  “Yes!” Kayla cheers.

  Alex walks over and says, “Come on.”

  She claps her hands. Jackson crosses his arms and glares. “I’m not a fan of this.”

  “She’s completely safe,” Claire declares. “Wanna come with?”

  Jackson jerks his head back. “With you?”

  “Sure.” Claire laughs. “Are you going to be a chicken? Kayla’s doing it.”

  “Won’t it throw you off? I’m bigger than you,” Jackson points out.

  “It’ll be fine,” Claire reassures him. “Want to go up against your girlfriend?”

  “I can always take him out,” Nick interjects, with a grin.

  Jackson’s eyes widen. “No, that’s okay. I’ll go with Claire.”

  Nick winks at him and Claire laughs. “Well then, come on.” She walks over to her bike and climbs on. “Get on the back, stud.”

  Someone hands Jackson a helmet and he puts it on. Kayla gets on Alex’s bike with him. Jackson throws his leg over and gets on the back of the bike. Claire holds the bike perfectly. She whispers, “Be glad that I have hulk strength. That should make you feel better.” Jackson laughs and Claire grins. She and Alex start the bikes and pull forward to the track. They get to the starting line and Claire turns around. “How fast is too fast?”

  “Just don’t kill me,” Jackson states.

  They close their visors and Claire revs her engine. Alex does the same and then they quickly take off. Claire opens it up fast. She slows down for turns, but she keeps it up with Alex. They speed around the race track three times before coming to a stop. Everyone comes over to them.

  After she takes her helmet off, Kayla yells, “That was freaking awesome!”

  Jackson climbs off and slides his helmet off. “Holy crap, Claire.”

  “Did you like it?” Claire laughs.

  “Yeah, that was pretty cool.” Jackson exhales. “Holy pulse-pounding though.”

  “Oh, well now I have to outdo you!” Damien exclaims. He walks over and snags the helmet from Jackson.


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