Shiftless (The Neturu Chronicles Book 2)

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Shiftless (The Neturu Chronicles Book 2) Page 39

by Sarah Carter

  “Good morning!” Claire exclaims.

  “Whoa!” He gasps. “Yeah, good morning to you too!”

  Claire giggles and sits up. “It’s time to get up.”

  “Well, thanks for the wakeup call,” Damien mumbles. He rubs his face with his hands. “It’s too early.”

  “Pish posh,” Claire says. “It’s nine thirty.”

  “We didn’t go to sleep until two,” Damien groans, rolling back over onto his pillow. “I need at least eight hours of sleep.”

  She climbs on top of him and lies down on his back. “Liar, liar, pants on fire.”

  “My pants are on fire for another reason.” Damien snorts, keeping his eyes closed. “I have a naked girl lying on my back.”

  “The naked girl should be on the front of you.” Claire giggles into his ear. She starts to kiss his back all over. “Come on. Wakey, wakey.”

  Finally, Damien rolls over. Claire lies down on top of him and gives him a kiss.

  He smiles, “Good morning love.”

  “Hi,” Claire whispers. They lay there staring at each other. “You have a naked girl on your front now.”

  “I know.” Damien laughs. “It’s taking every ounce of willpower not to take you right here and now.”

  Snickering, Claire says, “You say that with such authority. ‘I took her and she was mine.’”

  He chuckles. “Something like that.”

  Claire leans in and starts to kiss him. “See how far you can go,” she breathes against his lips.

  With a growl, Damien pulls her against him and they start kissing frantically.

  The door opens and she hears, “Claire, honey?”

  Damien pushes Claire off of him and they both sit up. Claire holds the sheet tightly against herself. “Mom!” she yells.

  The look on her mom’s face is one of complete fury. “What is going on here?”

  “God, it’s called knocking, Mom!” Claire retorts hotly.

  “Why are you naked?” her mom snaps.

  Damien sighs. “It’s not what you think.”

  Glaring at him, Claire’s mom says, “You don’t get to say anything. This is between my daughter and me!”

  “Mom, don’t be so rude!” Claire demands angrily.

  “I’ll be whatever I want to be,” her mom declares. “It’s my house!”

  “It’s my room,” Claire remarks back.

  “I can’t believe you’d have sex in my house!” Mrs. Livingston cries out. “Damien, you need to get dressed and leave.”

  “Mom, we didn’t have sex!” Claire shouts. “God, our underwear never came off.”

  Her mom crosses her arms. “I don’t believe you, Claire. I thought I heard something last night! It was you two.”

  “Oh, god.” Claire exhales, as she puts her face in her hand. “Mom, please, for everyone’s sake, just drop it.”

  “I won’t drop anything! I heard you last night!”

  Whimpering, Claire says, “Mom, we didn’t have sex.”

  “Bull, I heard someone!” her mom yells.

  “Mom, it wasn’t us.” Claire sighs. “It was Jackson and Kayla, and before you blow a gasket, don’t say anything to them. It was their first time. They’d be horrified.”

  That shuts her mom up quickly. She turns and shuts the door. Growling, Mrs. Livingston crosses her arms. “I can’t say anything to them. I’m not their mother, but I can sure say something to you!”

  “Mom! Give it up! Damien and I didn’t have sex. We never took our underwear off!” Claire grumbles. “The most we did was make out.”

  “With no clothes on!” her mom yells.

  “Mrs. Livingston,” Damien starts. “Claire and I are in a serious relationship. I’m sorry we did this under your roof and it upsets you, but Claire and I are going to be together for a really long time.”

  Her mom looks at him. “I’m sorry Master Damien, but I know what you expect out of girls that you’re interested in.”

  “Mom!” Claire yells. “Are you nuts? Do you know who you’re talking to?” She spins to Damien. “Please don’t be mad, she didn’t mean anything.”

  “He needs to leave immediately,” Mrs. Livingston states. “I’ll deal with the council later, but this is my house and you’re my daughter.”


  “No Claire, this is ridiculous,” her mom snaps in return.

  Claire glares at her and then says, “Fine, I’m moving out, then.”

  “How are you going to move out?” Mrs. Livingston scoffs. “With the little bit of money that you get?”

  “Trust me. I have a salary now. I can buy my own house.” She throws back the covers and walks over to her closet.

  “Claire Livingston,” her mom bellows. “Cover yourself up!”

  Spinning around, Claire says, “Mom, Damien can see whatever I want him to see. He loves me. We’re going to be together for a long time.”

  “Every kid your age says that!” her mom shouts. “You have no idea what you’ll want five years from now.”

  “Well, Drake wants this,” Claire growls. “He approves of our relationship. We have his support.”


  With a snort, Claire says, “Drake Blakely…the head of our species.”

  “That’s Master Blakely to you, young lady,” her mom replies hotly. “You need to watch yourself.”

  Claire sighs. “Mom, I can call him Drake. He told me to call him Drake.”

  Her mom gives her a speculative look. “You’ve met him?”


  “Well, then, you must do as he asks,” her mom mutters.

  “Mrs. Livingston,” Damien starts again. “I understand you’re concerned about Claire. My cousin and Kayla can attest to the fact that I’ve changed. I’m not the playboy I once was.”

  “Like they’re a good character reference!” she declares. “They were having sex in my house, too!”

  “Mom!” Claire yells. “If Damien and I plan to have sex, it’s our decision. Really!”

  Claire’s mom turns her gaze to Claire. “You have no idea what you’re saying. You’re going to regret this.”


  “So, if you aren’t having sex, you plan to stay a virgin for a while then?” Mrs. Livingston inquires.

  That make Claire bite her lip. “Um…”

  All humor drains from her mom’s face. “You are a virgin, correct?”

  “Not technically,” Claire whispers.

  “So, you did have sex with Damien?”

  Claire shakes her head. “No, no, I didn’t!”

  “Then…with whom, a human?” her mother inquires.

  “No…not a human.” Claire exhales.

  “Then who did you have sex with, Claire? You haven’t been around any Neturu. Please tell me it wasn’t at the rendezvous!”

  “No! God, no…it was six months ago.” Claire groans. Her mom gives her a confused look. “Oh my god, Mom. It was Alex, alright?”

  A look of pure shock sweeps across her mom’s face. “Alex…our Alex?”

  “Yes. He and I ended up having sex the last time we went camping.” Claire sighs.

  “We always hoped you’d end up with him,” Claire’s mom quips.

  Now Damien raises his eyebrow. “Well, sorry to disappoint you, but your daughter will be joining the Merjyet line.”

  “Yeah,” Claire adds. “Damien and I are getting married.”

  “You’re going to do…what?” Mrs. Livingston draws out.

  “Mrs. Livingston, you’re giving me no choice,” Damien interrupts. “I’m using the authority card right now. We’re going to sit down for a nice family dinner this evening. I’ll hire a caterer, if need be. I think there are some things that need to be explained. I just want you to realize that I love your daughter very much. She and I are consenting adults. So, honestly, if we want to have sex, it’s our choice. I promise it won’t be under your roof, but if Claire wants to have sex, I’m not going to tell her no.”
  Her mom just shakes her head, “You’re getting married…”

  “Let’s stop this conversation for now,” Damien says gently. “I’ll make dinner plans for us all. There has to be a private room somewhere where we can eat quietly.”

  “Riverview,” Claire says. “It’s a steakhouse, and you’re buying.”

  “You’ll fit in well with the Merjyet line.” Damien chuckles.

  “She is…really…the Merjyet line…” her mom stutters.

  Damien puts his hands up. “We’ll discuss it all tonight, but I’m going to get ready and go to find a hotel.”

  “Well, then, I’m coming with you,” Claire declares.

  “Claire…” Her mom sighs.

  She looks up at her. “What, Mom? What don’t you understand? Damien is my boyfriend. I’m going to go where he goes. Now, excuse us. I’m going to pack a bag.” Claire turns around and throws open her closet.

  “Stop! Stop, stop, stop,” Mrs. Livingston says. “Stay. We’ll deal with this tonight.”

  “No. We’re going to get dressed and go shopping.”

  “Shopping?” Damien says.

  “Yes!” Claire exclaims. “I have money now and use of the council’s credit cards, so we’re going out.”

  Bursting out laughing, Damien says, “Alright. We’ll burn a whole in my wallet.”

  “New money?” her mom inquires.

  “Later,” Claire reiterates. “Now, we’re going to get ready.”

  “I do need to take a shower,” Damien sighs, “But don’t worry, I’ll be doing it alone.”

  Her mom glares at him, and whispers, “You better.”

  “Mom! Go!” Claire yells.

  Her mom gives one last look at Damien and then turns to walk out of the room.

  When the door shuts, Claire says, “Oh my god!”

  Damien laughs. “I’ve never gone through that before!”

  “Gone through what?” Claire asks, crawling onto the bed.

  “Getting caught by the girl’s parents?” Damien snorts. “Never.”

  “Really?” Claire squeaks. “I figured you would’ve been kicked out of a lot of homes.”

  “I was never dumb enough to get caught,” Damien declares, putting up his finger.

  She shakes her head. “My mom…dear lord.”

  “I’m afraid of what your dad will do.” Damien chuckles. “Does he know how to fight?”

  Claire shakes her head. “No, he doesn’t. My grandfather is my mom’s dad. So, the most he would do is yell at you, but my dad is scared of my mother and grandfather. He’s very passive.”

  “Then I’m sitting next to him at dinner,” Damien says with a big smile.

  With a giggle, Claire says, “You’re awful!”

  “I’m awesome,” Damien states in return. He leans over and gives her a kiss. “We should get ready.”

  “Yeah, I’m going to go make some coffee,” Claire murmurs. “Want a cup?”


  “Black?” Claire asks. Damien nods. “Okay, go shower. I’ll bring up coffee.”

  He nods and yawns. “I have to shave, which will take a few extra minutes.”

  “Yeah, I hate scruff on a guy.” Claire snickers, rubbing her palm on his cheek.

  “Oh, now I’m going to grow a beard,” Damien retorts.

  “You don’t shave, I don’t shave,” Claire quips back. “What do you have to say about that?”

  “Bring it on, sister,” Damien whispers mischievously.

  She locks her eyes with his for a good minute before groaning. “Ugh, I can’t do that.”

  “I win,” Damien says, jumping out of bed. He stretches his arms up in the air. “We so need to exercise today. You have to start training me.”

  An evil twinkle forms in Claire’s eye. “You want me to start training you?”

  “Hell, yeah,” Damien exclaims.

  “Alright, you and me, the gymnasium,” Claire says. “Though, when I train you, I’ll be a whole different person. Your girlfriend will disappear. You’ll have to take me seriously. My grandfather taught me in a specific manner, and that’s how I’ll teach you.”

  “What do you mean by that?”

  “Our teaching style is different when we’re doing special-ops-style training,” Claire murmurs slowly. “Just be warned.”

  “Should I be scared?” Damien chuckles nervously.

  Claire smirks. “I expect you to show respect while I train you, or I’ll teach you to respect me, and you won’t enjoy it.”

  “Alright,” Damien says. “I promise to be the model student.”

  “Good,” Claire agrees. “I’ll make you a deal, if you make it through training with me for a session, I’ll come up with a reward you’ll appreciate.”

  “Sounds motivating,” Damien purrs.

  Throwing on her robe, Claire says, “I’ll be downstairs.” She walks past him and out of her room. There are voices coming from downstairs, so she happily hops down the stairs. When Claire gets into the kitchen she finds Jackson and Kayla drinking coffee and eating donuts. “Good morning,” Claire chirps, trying not to giggle.

  “Hey, good morning to you, too,” Jackson replies.

  “Where’s Damien?” Kayla asks.

  “Getting into the shower,” Claire answers. “I’m getting him some coffee.” She walks over to the coffee maker, humming to herself.

  “I love your coffee maker,” Kayla gushes. “I’ve always wanted a Keurig.”

  With a smile, Claire says, “I made my parents get one. I’m obsessed with coffee and tea, so this is the best invention.”

  “So, what are the plans for today?” Kayla inquires. “Because something sort of came up.”

  Claire turns around and raises her eyebrows. “We were going to go shopping today. Why, what’s up? Do you have to leave?”

  “No, no, no,” Kayla says, shaking her head. “It’s just…my best friend Tracy is here visiting her grandparents, and I wanted to see her.”

  “Invite her to join. We’ll pick her up,” Claire states.

  “Can we take the motorcycle?” Kayla exclaims.

  Claire laughs, “I’ve created a monster.”

  “Oh, please, it was so much fun!”

  “Won’t you want to hang out with your friend?” Claire inquires humorously.

  With a frown, Kayla says, “That’s true.”

  “We’ll take the motorcycle out again before we leave. I promise.”

  “Okay! When can I say we’ll pick Tracy up?”

  “How long does it take Damien to get ready?”

  Jackson scoffs. “An hour.”


  Rolling her eyes, Kayla says, “No, not an hour. Jackson likes to give him crap. He takes about ten minutes in the shower.”

  “Good to know.”

  When her mom comes around the corner, Claire glares at her. Her mom eyes Jackson and Kayla, and then looks at Claire. “I hope you can behave today while I’m gone.”

  “Mom…seriously…we’re all legal adults!” Claire exclaims.

  Her mom mumbles, “Alright. Let me know when dinner is tonight.”

  “I’ll text you.”

  “Call me, Claire,” her mom says. “I hate texting.”

  With an even bigger roll of her eyes than Kayla, Claire says, “Mom, just go.”

  “Have a safe day.” Her mom sighs and turns to leave.

  When the front door slams, Claire listens for a minute and then yells, “That woman is so annoying.”

  “She seemed cranky,” Kayla says awkwardly.

  Claire snorts. “She walked in on Damien and me practically naked in bed. Needless to say, she was not happy.”

  “You had sex last night?” Kayla squeals. Jackson shoves her a little bit. She grins even bigger.

  “No.” Claire laughs. “No, we just made out!”

  “I’m going to take a shower in the guest room,” Jackson groans. “You coming, babe?”

  “I’ll join you in a mi
nute,” Kayla whispers, staring at him really hard. It takes everything in Claire, not to burst out laughing. Jackson bends down and kisses Kayla. “See you in a minute,” Kayla murmurs.

  “I would hurry Damien up,” Jackson suggests. “He really can take a long time.”

  Claire nods. “I will.” Jackson turns and leaves. Kayla sneaks to the doorway and glances up the steps. Looking at her curiously, Claire asks, “What are you doing?”

  “Shh!” Kayla hushes. She comes over and squeals, “Guess what?”

  “You had sex,” Claire retorts.

  With her jaw dropping, Kayla gasps. “How do you know?”

  “Just a guess,” Claire says. “What made you finally take the plunge?”

  “He asked me if we should get engaged now or wait,” Kayla explains. “Jackson just came out and told me he plans on marrying me. Went so far as to ask if we should buy a ring today.”

  “Whoa.” Claire exhales.

  Kayla smiles broadly. “I know I wanted to wait, but we’re so committed to each other. I just couldn’t help myself.”

  “So, you’re okay with it?” Claire responds.

  Nodding vigorously, Kayla answers, “Yeah.”

  “Good for you then,” Claire states. “You’ve been together for how long?”

  “Over a year and a half,” Kayla replies. “We’ll get married, but not in the next few days.”

  “No judging here,” Claire says. She walks over to Kayla and gives her a hug. “I’m glad that you’re so happy.”

  Giving her a tight hug back, Kayla says, “I am.” They let go and Kayla smiles. “I’m going to get ready with Jackson.”

  “Sure, you will,” Claire teases.

  With her jaw dropping, Kayla gasps, “I can’t believe you just said that!”

  “It’s who I am,” Claire declares.

  “No wonder you get along with Damien so well.” Kayla laughs.

  “Yeah, I’ve never found someone who I mesh so well with,” Claire replies. “We just make sense.”

  “I’m glad that you found each other. You both deserve to be happy.”


  Kayla nods. “I’m going to go up and get ready.”

  “Okay,” Claire says. “I’m going to make some coffee.”

  “See you in a bit.” Kayla smiles and turns to leave.

  Claire makes two cups of coffee. Then she carefully carries them upstairs. Going into her room, Claire sets her mug down, but she carries Damien’s to the bathroom. Claire knocks lightly.


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