Shiftless (The Neturu Chronicles Book 2)

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Shiftless (The Neturu Chronicles Book 2) Page 45

by Sarah Carter

  “Whatever.” Claire snorts. “I need shoes.” Mr. Grandin hands them to her. She slides on the heels and then stands up. “Alright. I’m ready.”

  “Are you positive about this?” her grandfather asks.

  Claire nods. “Yeah, I’ll be alright. I’ll serve him up on a silver platter.”

  “Be safe,” he replies.

  She smiles, “I’ll be fine, Pops. I’m trained for this.”

  “Here slide these into your bra.” He hands her two Cinya blades. Claire slides them in. “We won’t be walking out with you. You have a car in front. The GPS is already set to take you to the club.”

  “What do I do for ID and money?”

  Mr. Grandin hands her both. She puts both of them in her bra. Mr. Blakely walks up to her. He gives her a hug and kisses her head. “Come back to us.”

  Next is her grandfather. He whispers, “Remember, you know how to kill. Shut everything else off and protect yourself.”

  “Okay,” she murmurs, giving him a big hug back. Finally, she lets go and exhales. “Hopefully, this won’t take this long.”

  “Hopefully.” Mr. Blakely sighs. “Alright, you need your energy supply now.”

  “Where am I getting it from?” Claire asks.

  “Me,” she hears from behind her.

  Shocked, Claire spins around. Kayla is standing there. “What the hell are you doing here?”

  Kayla puts her hands up. “I don’t know anything about what’s going on. All I know is that your life is at stake. You need my energy.”

  “No matter how good of a fighter I am Jackson will kill me.”

  Shaking her head, Kayla says, “I told him that our people needed me. He and I got into a huge argument, but I finally got him to see that this was the right thing.”

  “I don’t feel comfortable doing this,” Claire says, shaking her head.

  “You need to,” Kayla retorts. “You need to drain me.”

  “Oh, definitely not.”

  “Do it,” Kayla urges. “Whatever this is, it’s important.”

  Claire rolls her eyes. “Fine.”

  “There’s a platform in the next room where you can lie down,” Mr. Grandin tells Kayla. She nods and follows him there.

  Climbing onto the platform, Kayla laughs. “I haven’t been sleeping well, so this will be a nice nap.”

  “When all is said and done, I’ll put some energy back in you, so you won’t be out for three days,” Claire states, stepping up next to Kayla.

  “Okay, that would be nice.”

  “Thank you,” Claire whispers. Kayla nods and closes her eyes. With that, Claire starts to extract her energy. Slowly, Kayla’s head falls to the side and then she passes out.

  A slight grimace crosses Claire’s face. “What’s wrong?” Mr. Grandin snaps.

  “Nothing,” Claire hisses. “Lots of energy. Lots of powerful energy.”

  “Try to keep it in,” Mr. Grandin instructs.

  After some deep breaths, Claire stands up straight. “Got it.”

  “Now, try to shut down your energy.”

  She nods and does it.

  Mr. Grandin smiles. “Excellent.”

  “I want to try something,” Claire says.

  “Don’t expel too much energy,” Mr. Grandin says.

  She shakes her head. Looking in the mirror, she concentrates really hard. Her hair turns red and cascades down her back and her blue eyes are now green. “There. Perfect.”

  “You never cease to amaze me.” Mr. Blakely laughs.

  “I don’t want to be recognizable in case something happens,” Claire declares. “Shifting into someone else would use up too much energy.”

  “Very true,” Mr. Blakely replies. “Are you all set now?”

  “Yeah,” Claire says, turning around.

  He puts his hands on her shoulders. “Good luck.”

  “Thanks.” With that she turns and leaves. When she gets outside she sees a Ferrari. “Now, this will be fun.” Claire gets in the car and presses start on the GPS. “Here we go.” With that, she takes off down the street.

  When she arrives, the club is pretty busy. She pulls up front and a valet comes over to her. She slides him some money. “Keep it close.”

  “Yes, ma’am,” the guy replies.

  Claire looks up at the club and takes a deep breath. “You can do this.”

  Chapter 21

  Claire walks up to the front of the club. There is a long line snaking around the building. She hesitates for a second, then confidently walks up to the bouncer. She cocks her hip to the side, smirks and softly says, “Hey.”

  The bouncer eyes her up and down. “How old are you?”

  “Does it really matter?”

  “Not usually,” he replies, eyeing her again. “But you look awfully young.”

  “Looks can be deceiving, but here.” Claire pulls out the ID from her bra.

  “Tanya, huh?” The bouncer murmurs. He looks at the ID and then back her. “Blonde hair and blue eyes, that description is way off.”

  Rolling her eyes, Claire says, “Hair dye and contacts. Sometimes you just want to be someone else for the night.”

  He nods. “You here with anyone?”

  “No, my boyfriend broke up with me. I’m just looking for…a good time.”

  “Well, you can get in for free then.” The bouncer pulls back the rope and sticks out the ID for Claire to take.

  She brushes her fingers against his as she slips it out of his hand. “Thank you. Time to go see if I can find a good time.” With that, Claire walks into the club. When she gets to the corner, she sneaks a glance at the bouncer. He is talking into something on his jacket. Claire notes it and then walks into the club.

  It’s not overly crowded yet. She scans the room. The layout is nothing like the map she was shown. “Crap.” she exhales. The bar is raised on a platform and sits in the center of the room. To the right of the bar is the dance floor, but beyond that, against the wall, she spots her target. There are a group of couches and two tables roped off. Claire sees five guys standing around one couch. Her eyes hone in on the lone man sitting there.

  That must be him.

  Thinking for a second, Claire heads to the bar. She goes to the side that is in plain view of the couches. Without being too obvious, she watches the guy out of the corner of her eye. It seems as though he’s seen her. “Showtime.”

  The bartender approaches. “What can I get you?”

  Claire freezes. She’s never had alcohol, so she has no clue what to order. “Something sweet.”

  With a smirk, the bartender walks away. There’s a good hip-hop song on, so Claire starts swiveling her hips around to the music. She hopes she’s catching Fabian’s attention. The bartender finally comes back and sets down her drink.

  “That will be six bucks,” he says.

  She draws the money out of her bra and hands him a ten. “Keep the change.”

  “Thanks,” the bartender replies.

  “So.” Claire giggles. “What does a girl have to do around here to find a good time?”

  “With your looks, honey,” the bartender quips, “You just have to pick a guy and he’s yours.”

  Shaking her head, Claire sighs. “I’m pretty picky.”

  “What are you looking for?”

  “A real man,” Claire purrs. “I don’t go for boys.”

  A smile creeps across the bartenders face. “I bet you’ll find someone to tickle your fancy.”

  “Tickle my fancy?” she purrs again. “Sounds like fun.” The bartender laughs and walks to another customer. Claire picks up the drink. It’s in a martini glass. She takes a sip and hums. “This isn’t so bad.”

  Slowly, she continues to move to the music. To show off a little, Claire slams the drink back and then sets down the glass. With that, she goes onto the dance floor. That’s when she really starts to move. There are more people on the dance floor, so she tries to stay within sight of Fabian.

  After a few minut
es, she feels someone tap her on the shoulder. Claire turns around. There’s a guy standing there. He has a very serious look on his face.

  “Yes?” Claire says.

  “There’s someone that would like to meet you.”

  Claire smirks. “And who might that be?”

  The guy turns and gestures to Fabian. Claire locks eyes with Fabian and they stare at each other for a minute.

  Claire finally looks back at the bodyguard. “And why can’t he come here himself?”

  “He doesn’t need to,” the bodyguard replies.

  With attitude, Claire says, “Well, he can come over here.” She traces her finger down the guy’s chest, “Because I’m totally worth it.”

  The bodyguard just stares at her. “Your loss.” With that, he turns and walks away.

  She watches him walk back over by Fabian. Fabian looks up at him while the bodyguard says something. Fabian looks back at Claire. He gestures for her to come to him with his finger. Claire bites her lip and shakes her head. She repeats the same motion back to him. Fabian only arches his eyebrow. With that, Claire turns around and starts to dance again, trying to do her sexiest moves.

  Two hands wrap around her waist. “You move awfully well.”

  “I know,” Claire replies. She turns around and looks at him. “What’s your name?”

  “Fabian,” he says. “What’s yours?”

  “Does it matter?” she quips back.

  Fabian smiles and says, “Not at all, but I should call you something.”

  “Tanya. You can call me Tanya,” Claire purrs. “That’s the name on my ID.”

  “Aren’t you twenty-one?”

  “I am for the night. Of course, I’m a whole different person when I go out. My wants and needs are entirely different tonight.”

  With a smirk, Fabian asks, “What are you looking for?”

  Pressing up against him, Claire replies, “A girl has to have her secrets.”

  “Let me buy you a drink.”

  “Just one?” Claire counters.

  A devilish grin passes over Fabian’s face. “As many as you want.”

  “Good, I want something strong,” Claire declares slyly. “My boyfriend just broke up with me and I feel as though I need to rid my brain of him.”

  “The right guy could make you forget everything,” Fabian murmurs, running his thumb across her lips. It makes everything inside Claire cringe, but she puts on a smile.

  “Yeah, but I’m rather picky,” Claire states, taking a step back from him. “The guy has to be pretty special.”

  “Oh, I’m beyond special.”

  Pretty sure I’m more special than you are, Claire thinks. “Well, you’ll just have to show me your talent then.”

  “Let’s have a drink,” Fabian suggests, putting his arm around her. He starts to escort Claire to the bar. The bartender comes up to them right away. “What would you like?”

  Claire freezes and then says, “Something strong.”

  “A shot?” Fabian counters, with a smirk.


  “Two shots of tequila,” Fabian tells the bartender. The bartender nods. “Have you had tequila before?”

  She shakes her head. “No, I usually like fruity drinks.”

  “It’s an acquired taste.”

  The bartender pushes the two shots forward. Claire picks hers up and smells it. “People willingly drink this?”

  “I thought you were up for anything,” Fabian counters. “Or are you all talk?”

  Claire slams the shot down. Grimacing, she says, “Tastes like gasoline.”

  “No, that would be scotch.” Fabian chuckles.

  “There’s stuff that tastes worse than this?”.

  He nods and says, “Too much for the faint of heart.”

  “Oh, you think I can’t do it?”

  Fabian leans against the bar. “It’s pretty hardcore stuff. Knock you right off your feet.”

  “Bring it,” Claire snips with a playful attitude.

  Turning to the bartender, Fabian says, “My VIP bottle.”

  “Aren’t I special?” Claire purrs. This whole interaction makes her want to gag, but she knows she has to get this guy alone. "So, this is your personal stash, huh? A big scotch drinker?"

  The corner of Fabian's mouth twitches. "You could say that."

  The bartender sets down a bottle and two more shot glasses. Claire picks it up. "So, this will get me tipsy?"

  "This will get you more than tipsy, if that's what you want," Fabian states, taking a step closer to her.

  "If I get drunk, how will I get home?" Claire draws out playfully.

  "I’ll make sure you’re well taken care of," Fabian replies smoothly, pulling Claire against him.

  All Claire wants to do is break this guy's hand, but she knows she has to wait. "Well, then, as long as you keep an eye on me, we'll be fine."

  "We'll be more than fine," Fabian whispers.

  I won't hesitate to break all your limbs, Claire thinks. "So, show me what this is all about."

  Fabian smirks and pours two shots. "Here's to a beautiful night."

  Claire has never been drunk in her life. I hope I can pull this off. "To meeting new friends," she cheers, before slamming the shot. Immediately, she starts to cough. "That's like battery acid!"

  Fabian laughs heartily. "You're such a girl."

  That pushes Claire’s buttons. She grabs the bottle and pours another shot. "Here's to us hardcore girls," she exclaims, downing the shot.

  Fabian roars. "You're hardcore?"

  "A girl has to have her secrets."

  "Are you going to show me how hardcore you are?"

  Giving him a seductive smile, Claire says, "Maybe, if you’re a good boy."

  "I’m anything but a good boy." Fabian scoffs. "So, what will you tell me about yourself?"

  "I'm not going to be honest," Claire says. "So, do you want me to make something up? I’m a nursing student who works at a daycare all day. Taking care of all the kiddies."

  "I hate children," Fabian states seriously. "Annoying little brats."

  "They’re annoying because no one parents them. Discipline is needed."

  Fabian gives her a curious expression. "Were you disciplined growing up?"

  "I know my manners, that's for sure."

  "I do find that sexy on a girl. Well, the girls I take seriously."

  "Does your girlfriend mind that you take girls seriously?" Claire quips.

  Rolling his eyes, Fabian says, "My wife is a moron."

  He's married! Claire screams in her head. "Not sure how I feel about you having a wife."

  "It’s a convenience thing," Fabian drawls out. "She cooks, she cleans, she does all the wifely duties. She also grates on my last nerve."

  "Why stay married?" Claire asks. She really wants to kick this guy's ass, but knows she has to wait.

  Fabian shrugs, “A divorce would be messy. She knows too much.”

  “Too much about what? You have deep dark secrets…Fabian?”

  The look on his face is cold. “You have no idea.”

  “Should I be scared of you?” Claire murmurs, looking him in the eyes.

  He stares at her and says, “No harm will come to you while you’re with me.” Fabian traces his fingers up her arm and then under her chin. Claire fights a flinch. He tilts her head toward his. Her stomach churns. She doesn’t want to do this.

  Coming within inches, Claire finally pulls back. She gives him a devious smirk. “Think it’ll be that easy?”

  A glint forms in Fabian’s eyes. “Are you going to be a challenge?”

  “Yes,” Claire murmurs. “But the prize at the end is totally worth it.”

  Fabian grabs her hand and kisses it. His eyes open to look at the ring Damien gave her. He glares down at it. “Where did you get that?”

  “Oh, that.” Claire laughs. “My grandma gave it to me. It’s so pretty. I had to outwit my sister to get it.”

  He puts his hand on Claire�
�s face and stares at her. Claire knows he’s trying to push his energy into her, so she leans forward. “What are you doing?”

  “Absolutely nothing,” Fabian replies. He smirks. “Just looking into your beautiful eyes.”

  “Why, thank you.” Claire giggles. She holds up her hand. “Isn’t it a pretty ring? I love jewelry.”

  “Jewelry huh? That’s what does it for you?”

  Claire puts her hand on Fabian and smiles, “A girl isn’t anything without some sparkly jewelry.”

  “I see. Good to know,” Fabian states.

  “Why?” Claire says, staring into his eyes.

  The corner of his mouth turns up. “If I decide to keep you around.”

  “And who says I want to be kept around?”

  “Trust me, I’ll make it worth your while,” Fabian murmurs, pulling her tight against him.

  Running her hand up his chest, Claire whispers, “Dance with me.”

  “Aren’t you going to drink more?”

  “In a little while, I want to dance,” Claire says, pressing herself hard against him.

  With heat in his eyes, Fabian grabs her hand and leads her to the dance floor. They start to move to the music. Claire has to repeat in her head that this is going to save lives. Her mind drifts to Damien, but she quickly squashes it, knowing she can’t have any distractions. Fabian runs his hands all over her, and Claire cringes in her head.

  After a while, Claire has had enough. She turns around and says, “Is there somewhere where we can get to know each other better?”

  “Do you want to sit down?” Fabian asks.

  “No,” Claire breathes out. “I want us to really get to know each other better.”

  “If that’s what you wish.” He grabs her hand and leads her off the dance floor. Four guards follow them. Claire eyes each one of them and watches the way they move. Fabian leads her behind the couches. There’s a doorway. One of the guards steps forward and opens the door.

  Claire giggles and says, “Thank you.”

  “You don’t need to talk to them,” Fabian states. “They aren’t here for socializing.”

  “Are they bodyguards?” she asks, acting stupid.

  “What do you think?” Fabian retorts, as he narrows his eyes.

  With a smirk, Claire says, “Must have a rocking body if they need to guard it.”


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