Rebellion MC 2: Ace & Mae's Story

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Rebellion MC 2: Ace & Mae's Story Page 1

by Nicola Jane

  Rebellion MC

  Ace & Mae’s Story

  A Novel by

  Nicola Jane

  Copyright © 2020 Nicola Jane

  Published by Major Key Publishing


  Any unauthorized reprint or use of the material is prohibited. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage without express permission by the publisher.

  This is an original work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents are either products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead is entirely coincidental.

  Contains explicit language & adult themes suitable for ages 16+

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  The guy shifts under my heavy boot as I press down on his windpipe. “It’s simple really,” I sigh, lighting my cigarette and inhaling. “You keep your hands to yourself and show respect. Which part didn’t get when we spoke last?” He coughs and taps my boot like he’s in a wrestling match that he can tap out of.

  “Please…” he croaks, desperately sucking air into his lungs.

  “Come on Pres, we’re wasting time.” Scar pats my shoulder.

  “I’m a little busy,” I growl.

  “The wedding starts in ten minutes; Lucy will have our balls if we’re late.” At the mention of my daughter’s name, I feel instant happiness and lift my boot from the guy’s neck. He scrambles to his feet, coughing and sputtering. I grip his collar and haul his ass to me so I can look him in the eyes.

  “Stay away from Angel. You two are finished. Pack your shit up today and be gone by the time I drop her home tonight.” He nods and I shove him away from me like the dirty trash that he is. “Get me to my girl,” I say, smiling at Scar.

  “What’s the deal with you and Angel anyway Pres, are you claiming her?” asks Scar as we head over to our bikes.

  I laugh. I’ve never claimed an old lady before, and I have no intention of doing so now. Angel is what we call a club whore. Girls that hang around the club and please the men that are patched in as members. Usually, they do it in the hope that they will be made an old lady to one of the guys, but that rarely happens. “Nah, she needed my help. She turned up at the club last night all beat up and shit.”

  “She’s just a club whore, Pres, what does it matter?”

  I stop walking and glare at Scar. “Watch your mouth, brother; club whore, old lady, cook, cleaner, who gives a fuck. Men don’t beat up on women, not in my club. In my club, everyone is important.”

  Scar gives a quick nod of his head. I don’t ask for much from the guys at the Rebellion MC where I’m the President. But I expect them to follow my rules, and the very first is that we look after our own.

  We arrive at the church and find it packed out. My daughter, Lucy, is about to marry Matteo ‘Tag’ Corallo. He’s a good man. An MMA fighter and the underboss to the Mafia. I know he can take care of my girl and that’s all I want for her. Lucy has only been back in my life for the last year but already, it’s like she’s always been around.

  I shake hands with a few of the Capos of various Mafia families. Since the death of their head man, Conner Martinez, we’ve been doing more and more business together. Conner’s son and Tag’s best friend, Anton, is now heading up the organization, and let’s just say I trust him a hell of a lot more than I did his father.

  I take a seat on the back pew with the rest of the Rebellions. Back when Lucy announced her marriage to Tag, I didn’t expect an invite. Her mother, Sylvia, hates me.

  I met her when I was sixteen. I was a cocky, womanizing teenager and she was a rich bitch. I had the world at my feet, or so I thought. I jumped from one woman’s bed to the next. Then she announced she was pregnant, and it floored me. Nevertheless, I offered to do the right thing. Of course, she turned her snotty nose up at me. She told me that her parents would never approve. She was destined to marry a rich man and from what Lucy tells me, she did just that. I spent a long time after that thinking I wasn’t good enough, that I was scum because of my lifestyle and the MC.

  For the first year, Sylvia let me have contact with Lucy whenever she could sneak away from her parents. But eventually, she met a man and told me I couldn’t see our daughter again. I walked away without a fight, the biggest regret I’ve ever had. Getting Lucy back recently was a blessing, and I’ll never let her out of my life again.

  My son, Hulk, slides along the pew. “I hate churches. Am I the only one that feels like I’m gonna get struck down at the doorway?”

  I laugh. “Even God cannot strike me down today. I’m the happiest man alive right now.”

  Hulk rolls his eyes, “She’s marrying into the Mafia. What’s to be happy about?”

  “Shut the fuck up. You like Tag,” I mutter. Hulk hasn’t made it a secret that he’s not on board with the Mafia getting into bed with the club, but we’ voted on it and the other guys could see what a great financial opportunity it could be for us, so Hulk couldn’t argue it.

  “I like the money the club makes from him.” Hulk smirks.

  People begin to stand, so we follow their lead. The music begins to play, and I straighten my jacket. Lucy insisted we wear our club Kuts; she said we should never hide what we are. A girl after my own heart.

  I suck in a breath as she steps into the church. She looks stunning, like an angel floating down the aisle. Next to her is her step-father. I didn’t begrudge him the right to walk my girl down the aisle because, as Lucy explained, he raised her since she was ten years old; I’m happy just to be here to see this whole thing happen.

  Lucy catches my eye and I give her a small wave. She halts her step and then unhooks her arm from her step-father. I hear her whisper an apology and ask him to wait for one second. She holds out her hand to me. “Why are you sitting back here?” she asks as I take her hand.

  “I’m just fine back here,” I explain.

  She shakes her head. “No, you and Hulk belong at the front.” I look back at Hulk, who scowls at me. He also pretends he hates Lucy, but I know he’s warming to her.

  I let her lead us down the aisle with everyone staring wide eyed. She makes the guests on the second row shuffle along the pew until there’s enough room for me and Hulk to squeeze on. She kisses us both on the cheek and then marches back towards her step-father, uttering words of apology to the guests. My wide smile falters when I notice that Sylvia is glaring at me from the row in front. Hulk is finding the whole thing hilarious and he nudges me laughing. I flip him off, making sure it’s behind the pew so that Sylvia can’t see.

  The ceremony is over quickly. We have Tag to thank for that because he didn’t want to get married in a church. His original plan was to whisk Lucy away to the Caribbean, but she said her mother would never forgive her so he begrudgingly agreed to the church; as long as they kept the ceremony short and sweet.

  The one thing we had all agreed on was that the party was just as important as the ceremony. Lucy had asked if we could host it at the clubhouse, much to Sylvia’s disgust. But now, as we walk round the back of the clubhouse; I know I made the right decision to go with the large white Marquee. It looks stunning.

  A waiter is standing at the entrance with a tray of champagne glasses balanced carefully. I went all out on this, despite Lucy wanting to o
rganize it herself; she is a wedding planner, after all. I didn’t want Sylvia to think I couldn’t afford to pay for my daughter’s wedding and I knew that Lucy would go cheap, worrying that I couldn’t afford it. In the end, Sylvia paid for the church and I took care of the party.

  The Marquee fills up with guests, and I overhear the occasional comment about the flower centerpieces on each table and the twinkling fairy lights placed around the tent. I don’t know what they expected from a biker wedding, but class was the only way I was gonna go with Sylvia and her husband looking down their noses at me.

  The Rolls Royce Wraith slows to a stop outside the tent. I stay by the entrance to welcome the newly married couple. Sylvia appears at my side and I stiffen. “Max.”


  “The Marquee is lovely,” she says stiffly.

  “Thank you. I wanted the best for Lucy.”

  “Well, the best isn’t a Marquee but I understand that Lucy wanted to include you; it was important to her.”

  “I told her she could have a castle if she wanted. She asked to have it here.” I feel annoyed by her judgmental tone but before we can get into a full-blown argument, Lucy throws her arms around me and kisses my cheek.

  “I love it, Dad, it’s exactly what I pictured.” She gushes, and I give Sylvia an ‘I told you so’ look.


  I relax back into my chair. I’ve eaten far too much and I feel sick and sluggish; a good nap is needed to recover from this. My dress is not the kind of forgiving material that is required for a wedding, but it is perfect for the endless pictures we've taken; it holds everything in and enhances my curves. Piper hands me a glass of champagne, which I place straight on the table. I hate the stuff and only ever drink it to be polite, or when a toast is raised.

  “Ace did good,” says Piper, and I agree. For a badass scary biker, the guy sure did pull off this party.

  I stare at him across the dance floor. His broad shoulders, bulging biceps, tattoos, the specks of grey in his hair and the bright blue of his eyes all get me thinking thoughts that I definitely shouldn’t be thinking about my friend’s father.

  “Earth to Mae,” says Piper, waving her hand in front of my dreamy face. “Are you dreaming about Scar?” she asks, screwing up her face.

  “No,” I sigh, realizing that Ace is chatting with Scar, so he would be the obvious choice.

  “Good, because I hear bad things about that man.”

  “Just like I hear bad things about Hulk and you still dream about him,” I smirk, my tone teasing.

  Piper scowls at me. She’s fancied Lucy’s brother since she was a teenager; way before Lucy came into our lives. Hulk uses her over and over, but she can never seem to tell him no. “I use him purely for sex,” she snaps.

  “He uses you purely for sex. You love him.”

  “Don’t be ridiculous. Number one rule, never…” she begins and we both laugh and complete the sentence together. “Fall in love with a biker.”

  A shadow falls over our table and I look up into the eyes of Ace. My insides do a flip and I subconsciously suck in my stomach. It’s not that I am fat, but I’m not the super slim size of Piper or Lucy. Ace holds out a whiskey on the rocks to me and I take it gratefully. “Thanks, Pres,” I smile. He knows me too well.

  “You girls enjoying the night?”

  “It’s been amazing from start to finish,” gushes Piper. “Oh, there’s Nova, I’ll be back.” She rushes off, leaving me alone with Ace.

  He lowers his huge body into the vacated seat and his eyes pierce me. “You look amazing today, Mae,” he says and those damn butterflies in my stomach take flight again.

  “You don’t look too bad yah self, Ace.” I smile, adding a wink. “How was it seeing Lucy’s mom?” I know he felt nervous about seeing her today. “I thought she was going to combust when Lucy moved you up front in the church.”

  He laughs, his whole face smiles when he does that. “It was okay. Just as I expected, really. She made some sarcastic comment about Lucy choosing the club over something fancy, but yah know what? Lucy’s had a great day and that matters.”

  “Lucy isn’t like her mom; she didn’t want a big fancy wedding. If her own mother doesn’t know that, then it doesn’t say much about their relationship,” I point out.

  “Why doesn’t Sylvia see it like we do? Lucy was blown away with the Marquee, but Sylvia made some comment about Lucy only agreeing to it to include me. Her comments are so condescending.” He sighs.

  “Seeing her again was the hardest part, you got through it. Did you catch up with Angel’s boyfriend?” I ask, keeping my tone light.

  Me and Ace talk. We’re friends. If he’s worried or stressed, then he tells me about it. I like our secret chats but then when he gets jealous or he meets a girl, he tells me all about that too, and that’s not so much fun. I have to pretend that I’m not raging with jealousy. “He met the boot.” He smirks. “Piece of shit.”

  “Speak of the devil,” I mutter as Angel spots us and saunters over. If her skirt was any shorter, I’d get a view of her vagina for sure. I hate to admit it but even with bruises, she’s beautiful. According to Ace, Angel’s boyfriend likes to get handy with his fists when he’s had a drink. Last night was one time too many for Ace, who’s been sleeping with Angel for a few months. He finally stepped in, but I don’t know what this kind of declaration means. Maybe he’ll claim Angel, and that will break my heart.

  “Hey, Pres,” she practically purrs.

  “Angel,” grins Ace, taking her fingers in his. “Let me know when you’re ready to go, I’ll drop you home.” She lowers, almost shoving her cleavage in his face. She runs her manicured red nails along his inner thigh and then whispers something into his ear. Ace closes his eyes and grins wide. “I’ll look forward to it,” he smirks.

  Then she walks away, swaying her ass for extra measure. His eyes are glued to her and I’m once again reminded of how he prefers his women super skinny with fake boobs, rubber lips and ass implants.

  “You may as well lay claim to her, Ace,” I mutter, and he arches a brow. “Well, you beat up her ex, drive her home, pay for her plastic surgery, and she’s practically your wife.”

  “I prefer single life Mae, you know that,” he says, drinking back his drink. “And I don’t pay for her surgery, who said I do?”

  “She said that you said, ‘you fuck her and you want her to look her best!’”

  Ace laughs. “She said that? I’ll slap her ass later.” He grins and I hold back the vomit in my mouth. The thought of him smacking her over-sized fake ass pisses me off.

  He pulls a small silver hip flask from his inside pocket and unscrews the cap. He’s about to put it to his mouth when I snatch it from his grasp and drink it myself. He watches with amusement when I wince at the strong flavor as it burns my insides. “What the hell is that?” I gasp, coughing.

  “You’ll regret that in about half an hour, it’s strong.” He laughs. “You’re supposed to sip a small amount, savor the woody taste.” I hand it back and decide to get my own drink from the bar. I need to wipe the images of Ace and Angel from my mind.

  An hour later, I’m halfway through a bottle of wine and aware that I look like a bitter drunk watching everyone have fun. The hardest thing about being in love with a man that is older than you, in power and your friend’s dad, is that you can’t tell anyone about why you feel so miserable.

  I pour myself another glass and watch Ace and Angel holding hands as they leave. It sure looks like he’s claiming her to me, and to everyone else in the room.



  Angel steps off my bike outside of her house and then runs her hand up my chest, unfastening the top button on my shirt. “Are you coming inside?” she purrs, running her tongue along her lower plump lip.

  “I guess I should check that your asshole ex isn’t inside waiting for you.” I grin, tapping her ass.

  I step through the door of her house and she turns, throwing he
rself at me. I catch her, and she wraps her legs around my waist and tugs at my hair. “I need you now,” she whispers, kissing me hard.

  I kick the door closed. I hate to be dominated. I like my women gentle and submissive, not aggressive and pushy, but Angel has something about her that I just can’t seem to stay away from, and she refuses to be tamed.

  I hold her against the wall and place my hand around her throat. Her barely there dress has risen up over her thighs and her panties are exposed. I rub my erection against her.

  “You need me so bad, then you’d better get on those knees and show me,” I growl, sliding her body down mine until her feet hit the floor.

  Angel tugs at my belt but my cell buzzing to life in the pocket makes her freeze. I always take the calls, it doesn’t matter what I’m doing or where I am, because people only call me when they need my help.

  “Yep?” I answer.

  “Pres, sorry to bother you but are you heading back here soon?” It’s Queenie, one of the old ladies.

  “Is it urgent?” I sigh.

  “I can feel trouble brewing and you said to call if anyone was starting anything.”

  “For fucks sake. Who is it?” I growl. I’d made sure all the Rebellions knew to be on their best behavior. I made it clear there was to be no trouble at Lucy’s wedding.

  “Scar and one of the men from Tag’s side.” There can’t be any trouble between the MC and the Mafia. Not when we’ve come this far to begin working together.

  “Right, I’m on my way. Can’t you get Mae to work her female charms to calm shit until I get there?”

  “Sure,” she sighs. “Although she’s looking a bit worse for wear.”

  “Is she okay?” I ask with concern in my voice. Mae is a good friend. She’s level-headed, and she’s my go to person when I need to hear it straight.

  “Yeah. Don’t worry, just get here.”

  I disconnect the call and give Angel an apologetic smile. “Sorry, darling. You know how it is.” She sighs and rolls her eyes, another reminder of why I stay single. It takes an understanding woman to be my ol’ lady.


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