Rebellion MC 2: Ace & Mae's Story

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Rebellion MC 2: Ace & Mae's Story Page 17

by Nicola Jane

  “Talk to me,” I say simply. Before all this, we talked about everything and now things have become so strained, neither of us know what to do.

  “Where do I start?” he groans, stepping into the room and closing the door. Dodge jumps onto the end of the bed and curls up. “I want to talk about it, but I don’t want to make you relive it. I don’t want to talk to Hulk because it’s not my place to tell people what happened to you…” He sits on the bed and takes my hand in his. “We should be happy, but I feel like this big shadow is hanging over us, Mae.”

  “Me too,” I admit. “I feel ashamed. I don’t dare touch you in case all you see is me having sex with that man.”

  “Jesus,” he hisses, wincing at my words. “You didn’t have sex with him. You were raped. It’s completely different.”

  “Was it different in your eyes?” It’s a question I’ve wanted to ask him so many times.

  “How can you even ask that? I’m scared to touch you in case I trigger you, but don’t think for one minute that I don’t want to. It’s all I can think about. Do you know how hard it's been lying next to you each night and not being able to touch you the way I want to?”

  “I want you to touch me, Ace. I need your touch to wipe away theirs.”

  “I don’t want to push you too far. When you’re ready, you have to make the move, baby.”

  I nod, acknowledging that I’ll do that when I feel ready. “I’m glad Lorenzo is dead. I wanted to say thank you, but it seemed weird,” I smile.

  “I’m sorry for taking Mystique. I get why that pissed you off. I’ll try and listen more when you’re trying to make me see where I’ve fucked up. And you were right about Angel. She was feeding information back to Lorenzo.”

  “Shit,” I mutter. I thought she had the motive, but actually finding out I was right is still a shock. “Sorry Ace, I know you’ve spent a lot of time with her. The betrayal must hurt.”

  “I should know by now that the two people closest to me are usually always right.” He adds a smile.

  “Hulk called it, too?”

  Ace nods. “Yeah, I told him what you said, and he agreed. He just called her in the office and she crumbled right away.”

  “Wow, me and Hulk agreeing on something.” I smile. Ace laughs.

  “Is it too soon to get him to call you stepmom?” jokes Ace and I shudder at the thought. We’re similar in age, it's so weird. “We need to make you my old lady.”

  “I thought we did that already?”

  “I need your name on my skin, baby. If you’re comfortable with it, I’d like you to have my name, too.” It’s sweet that he asks me instead of telling me. I know that usually, it’s customary to be ‘tagged’ as belonging to a biker. I’d love nothing more than to have Ace on my skin; it means he’s serious and knowing that makes me happier than I’ve felt in a long time.

  I lean towards him and wrap my arms around his neck. I place a kiss on his lips and smile. “I’d love to.”

  He grins. “Great. I’ll go call my guy. Get dressed. Doc is coming any minute to give you another checkup.”

  I wait for Doc to arrive. He does his usual tests. Blood pressure, weight etc. I insist on another pregnancy test, which he does. “I really don’t think you have to worry, Mae. Everything has come back clear, along with this pregnancy test. You can relax.”

  I nod, relief flooding me. “Actually Doc, while I have you here. I was thinking about what you said about talking to someone, a counselor. I’m having nightmares throughout the night still.”

  He packs away his equipment. “I can arrange that for you. It’s a good idea.”

  “This is an odd question knowing what I’ve been through. But, am I good to go in the bedroom area? I mean, or should I wait for a set amount of time to make sure I’m healed?”

  “Mae, it isn’t an odd question. Everyone handles this stuff differently. Just because you’re not rocking in the shower sobbing, it doesn’t mean you’re odd. You’re ready to go when you feel ready. It may be wise to take it slow. The first time might bring back memories and it may bring on a panic attack. But it’s all normal.”

  “I feel like I need to move forward.”

  “As long as it’s at your own pace, you’ll be fine.”

  I know Ace won’t ever push me into sex. He won’t lay a finger on me until he’s certain I’m ready. Part of me needs to see if I can do it without freaking and now that we are official, it seems the next progressive step towards our future together.



  Life has a funny way of changing direction completely. I was settled at forty. Not worrying about taking an old lady or settling down, but here I am with someone I’ve known for a long time, claiming her.

  The needle brushes over my skin but I relish the sting as it pushes ink there, marking Mae’s name into my arm forever. It was unexpected, but it feels right. Nothing has ever felt so certain and as I watch her look down at her own ink, I smile. My name on her wrist looks good. It sends a buzz through my veins. She is mine.

  “I have to say,” smiles Tatts. “I never thought I’d see this day, Pres.”

  “She’s crazy for taking me on,” I agree. “But now it’s written in ink forever.” Her eyes fix on mine. “We’re permanent.”

  “Just like this ink,” says Tatts, laying down the ink gun. He wipes my arm. “All done, brother.”

  We say our goodbyes and I take Mae by the hand. “Let’s get home, old lady,” I smile. The words roll off my tongue so naturally that I wonder if I’ll ever get bored of saying them.

  When we get back to the club, Mae goes to show her new ink to her mom and the girls. I take a seat at the bar and Hulk hands me a drink. “It’s good to see Mae looking so happy, Pops.”

  “Yeah, it is,” I nod. “But you don’t look so happy lately. How’s things with you and Piper?”

  Hulk shrugs. We don’t usually do these deep conversations, but he looks so miserable since he found out she’s been seeing Anton. “It’s my own fault. I shouldn’t have treated her the way I did.”

  “Have you told her that?”

  He shakes his head. “She doesn’t give me the time of day just lately. Always off with him.”

  “Then pin her down so she has to listen.”

  “Not my style. Besides, Anton wouldn’t be happy, and I don’t want to cause tensions when things are good between them and the club.” I agree. Things are going well between us and the alliance is working out. Money is flowing, and we have a mutual respect for each other to the point where they can come and go from the club like they are members.

  Scar passes us, holding a bag. We watch him leave and then I turn to Hulk. “Did you know that he helps out at a shelter?”

  Hulk laughs. “Since when?”

  “Not sure. Mae told me. Some place for battered women, I think.”

  “Well, his mom was in a violent relationship when he was a kid, didn’t she die that way?” says Hulk. Scar doesn’t talk much about his past. It’s something I want to discuss with him, but I don’t think he’d appreciate it. Most of the guys are private about that shit. “He’s been gone a lot lately, though. I guess that explains it,” he adds.

  Piper steps through the door, laden down with bags. Hulk rolls his eyes and turns his back to her. “Been shopping?” I ask.

  Anton steps in behind her, also carrying bags. “This woman is a shopaholic,” he groans.

  “You letting the Mafia buy your shit?” snaps Hulk. He has a hot temper and says stuff without thinking.

  “Oh, she worked hard for it, Hulk,” smirks Anton. “Didn’t you, Piper?”

  Hulk growls. “I wasn’t talking to you.”

  “What did you just say,” I mutter in Hulks' ear. “About keeping things calm between you guys.” It’s a gentle reminder before things get heated.

  “I’ve changed my mind, Piper,” says Hulk, standing and facing her. She goes to move past him, but he puts a hand up to stop her. “I love you. I was
wrong for turning you away because I’ve loved you all along. I just didn’t know how to say it.” My eyes widen around the same time as Piper and Anton’s. Looks like none of us were expecting that confession. “So, I’m laying it out there, Piper. I love you. I want us to try.”

  Piper looks from Anton to Hulk and then back again. Her mouth opens and closes like a goldfish, but no words come out. It feels like an agonizing amount of time before Hulk eventually takes her hand. “Well?” he asks.

  “I-it’s-I-” begins Piper, her face full of confusion.

  Anton suddenly laughs. It breaks the silence, but it's not a happy lighthearted laugh. It's cold and calculating and I’m reminded of who Anton is. “Well, Piper,” he prompts. “We’re all waiting.”

  “Anton,” she mumbles. “Please don’t.”

  “Please don’t what?” he smirks. “This is the moment you’ve been waiting for, isn’t it? That's what it's all been about.” His expression is cold, and he drops the bags to the floor. “So, put him out of his misery.” Piper begins to cry. It’s silent tears that roll down her cheeks, and her eyes are filled with pain and anguish. Hulk senses something else is going on here and he drops her hand. “Tell him!” Anton yells, making Piper jump with fright. I stand, placing myself between the three of them.

  “We all need to calm down,” I say.

  Anton shakes his shoulders out, ridding himself of the tension that was written all over his face. “You’re right, Ace. Sorry.” He takes a deep calming breath and then smiles at Hulk. We’re married, Hulk. You’re too late.”


  A note from the author…

  I know that you were all crying out for Piper and Hulk’s story straight after Tag and Lucy, but it just hadn’t quite come to me then. So I went with Ace and Mae and I have to say, I’ve enjoyed writing their story. Mae is strong, she fought for what she wanted and although she had the occasional fan girl moment, she stood her ground most of the time. Ace was just how I wanted him to be. It took him some time to realize that Mae was his happy ever after and once he did, their story really took a turn.

  So, next is Piper, Hulk, and Anton’s story. I’ve not quite finalized the details, so I have no idea how it will work out for them. But, as expected from me, it’ll be a stormy ride!

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