Playing With Fire (Games of Chance Series Book 2)

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Playing With Fire (Games of Chance Series Book 2) Page 7

by T. L. Cannon

  “Unbelievable. Gabriel literally stabs my father to death and I’m the one you decide needs scolding?”

  Kira was taken aback by the vehemence in Jeremy’s voice. She had assumed that his comments about Gabriel’s guilt were just the by product of the sibling rivalry between the two and were merely designed to goad. But she now realized that they were much more. “You can’t possibly believe that Gabriel killed Yi.”

  “I can and I do!” Jeremy snapped, finally displaying genuine emotion for the first time since his father’s death. “Father was poised to hand over the reigns of Gau Lung to me after that debacle of an exhibition that Gabriel oversaw the other night, giving Gabriel plenty of motive to want him dead. And according to the police, he had the opportunity as well.”

  “What he doesn’t have is a violent bone in his body,” Kira countered defensively.

  Jeremy sniffed dismissively at Kira’s assertion as he rose to his feet. “Maybe you don’t know my brother as well as you think you do. Fortunately, the police don’t appear to be as fooled by all of Gabriel’s sniveling as you are. I have no doubt that he will be arrested soon enough and when he does, I will be the one running Gau Lung which will be very bad news for you.”

  Jeremy shifted his disdainful gaze from Kira to Ethan. “And you.”

  Gracing Kira and Ethan with one last smirk of satisfaction, Jeremy sauntered out of Kira’s office.

  “He’s right,” Ethan announced grimly, as he slammed the door shut behind Jeremy. “Once Gabriel is arrested we’re both going to be screwed. Jeremy will fire you and sell the sub-concession to Jared so fast both of our heads will spin.”

  Kira bit anxiously at her lower lip as a sudden burst of nervous energy brought her to her feet. Rounding her desk, she crossed one shapely leg over the other as she leaned casually against the solid slab of polished cherry wood. “We don’t know that Gabriel is going to be arrested.”

  Ethan’s eyes narrowed as he watched Kira closely. “What do you know about Gabriel’s activities the night of the murder?”

  “What makes you think I would know anything about that?” Kira asked defensively.

  “The look on your face when Gabriel said that he wasn’t at Gau Lung at the time of the murder.”

  “I have no idea what you’re talking about.”

  “You know exactly what I’m talking about but the subject can wait for another time. Instead, why don't you tell me how you’re doing.”

  “I’m just great!” Kira chirped sarcastically

  “You don’t look great.” Ethan studied Kira's face carefully, not liking the dark circles he saw under her eyes. She looked tired and stressed which made sense. Yi’s murder had sent Gau Lung into a tailspin and it was her job to some how right the ship.

  “Gee, thanks. That’s just what a girl wants to hear from the man that…” Kira bit her tongue, keeping the rest of the sentence from tumbling out of her mouth.

  “The man that what…?” Ethan instantly seized upon the comment, his green eyes sparkling knowingly as he reached out to stroke her cheek.

  Once again, Kira mentally kicked herself. A combination of grief and sheer exhaustion was breaking down her defenses, leaving her emotions raw and unfiltered which was a dangerous state to be in when dealing with Ethan Chance. She had indulged in the intimacy of falling asleep in his arms the night of Yi’s murder out of necessity but that was a one-off situation. She had no intention of allowing that level of closeness to become a habit between them, no matter how tempting the idea might be.

  “The man that is standing in her office uninvited, distracting her from her work,” Kira replied sharply, pulling her cheek away from his gently probing fingers while trying to ignore the trail of tantalizing warmth that his touch left behind.

  Ethan sighed with resignation, recognizing another subject that would have to wait for another time. If he wanted Kira to open up to him about what she was hiding about the night of Yi’s murder, or anything else, he would have to exercise patience. “I’m not here to distract you, I’m here to help you.”

  “How generous of you. And how exactly are you going to do that.?”

  “By helping you figure out who murdered Yi, of course.”

  “That’s not my job.”

  “You and I both know that, for all intents and purposes, it is,” Ethan countered as he plopped down in the chair vacated by Gabriel. “Until this issue is resolved, Gau Lung is going to remain in a state of chaos.”

  Kira couldn’t disagree with Ethan’s assessment. Having the CEO murdered was bad enough, having his son and heir apparent be the prime suspect in his murder was a P.R. nightmare.

  “How do you propose we go about figuring out who killed him?” Kira asked reluctantly. The situation was too dire for her to allow either pride or self-preservation to stand in the way of the help that Ethan was offering.

  “By going back to the first event that could be described as untoward in this whole affair. The theft of The Dragon’s Breath. ”

  “You think the two events are related?” Kira asked, silently noting that the first untoward event in this affair was actually the hacking of Gau Lung’s computers. Since she was not at all convinced that Ethan wasn’t behind that event, she decided against pointing that fact out.

  “I do. The ease with which The Dragon’s Breath was stolen suggests that it was an inside job. The ease with which Gau Lung’s security measures were breached the night of Yi’s murder suggests the same. My gut tells me that we’re dealing with the same culprit.”

  “The police think that the theft of The Dragon’s Breath, or rather the personal and professional fallout from the theft, gives Gabriel a motive for murdering Yi.”

  “That’s certainly a possibility. But I can’t help but notice how perfectly this plays into Jared's hands. With Yi dead and Gabriel behind bars, that gambling sub-concession is as good as his.”

  “You really think your father is behind all of this?”

  Ethan inwardly winced at hearing Kira refer to Jared as his father, wishing that she had remained in the dark about their connection. “He certainly could be. He’s capable of anything.”

  An unfathomable darkness filled Ethan’s eyes as he spoke of his father and what he was capable of, triggering both compassion and apprehension as it reminded Kira of all that Ethan had endured at Jared’s hands while warning her of just how far he was willing to go in order to exact revenge.

  “He may very well be capable of anything, however, his being involved in either the theft of The Dragon’s Breath or Yi’s murder is just supposition on your part. How do you propose going about getting proof of your theory?”

  “Over lunch in about two hours.”

  “I beg your pardon.”

  “I’ve arranged a meeting with the gentleman from whom I reacquired The Dragon’s Breath. Although using the word ‘gentleman’ is being quite generous.”

  “So is using the word ‘reacquired’,” Kira snarked.

  “None-the-less, he’s agreed to meet with me.”

  “Why? I can’t imagine your stealing his stolen property endeared you to him.”

  “That’s why I thought it best not to mention that. No, this will just be two men of dubious character discussing the possibility of embarking on future dubious endeavors together over lunch.”

  “Correction, this will be two men of dubious character and one woman of dubious judgment watching you both like a hawk over lunch.”

  Ethan shook his head firmly. “I work better alone.”

  “That’s too bad because I’m coming with you,” Kira replied with a firmness that perfectly matched Ethan’s. “If you insist on investigating Yi’s murder, I plan on being by your side every step of the way.”

  A slow grin lit up Ethan’s face as all of his initial resistance to Kira tagging along completely vanished. “I like the sound of that.” The tone of his voice was noticeably husky now, making it seem like he was replying to a sexual proposition and immediately causing Kira to
question the wisdom of her plan to shadow him throughout his investigation. “I’ll swing by to pick you up at noon.”

  With a confident swagger that put Kira even further on edge, Ethan strolled out the door.


  Kira shifted uncomfortably in her chair as her restless gaze scanned the gauzy gray view of the harbor afforded by the window-side table. Beyond the large plate glass, traffic snaked alongside the upscale steakhouse optimally situated amongst the vast complex of shops and restaurants that made up the Tsu Sha Tsui district of Hong Kong, moving in a sluggish manner befitting the dreary weather. Trying to hide her impatience behind a polite smile, she watched the refined Chinese man sitting directly across from her meticulously slice into the succulent cut of prime rib on the plate in front of him with the delicate precision of a world class surgeon. Using the same slow, deliberate movements that he had used to slice the steak, Xiao Woo plopped the perfectly proportioned piece of meat into his mouth and chewed, taking his time to savor the tasty morsel. Kira shifted her impatient glare over to Ethan, silently imploring him to get to the point of this meeting. To her chagrin, Ethan ignored her unspoken command, opting instead to take a sip of Merlot from his wine glass in the same unhurried fashion in which Xiao ate his meal. Her attention then shifted down to the Rolex on Ethan’s arm as she noted that he had been chitchatting with Xiao for almost forty minutes now and still hadn’t even so much as broached the subject of the theft of The Dragon’s Breath yet. Instead, the time had been spent with Ethan and Xiao discussing mutual acquaintances in the criminal underworld in what amounted to a black market art world version of a gossip session. Kira sighed heavily as she settled back into her seat.

  “Are we boring you, sweetheart?” Ethan asked as he placed a hand affectionately on the nape of her neck and began gently massaging the tense muscles with firm, clever fingers.

  “Not at all, darling,” Kira replied through the gritted teeth that she hoped would pass for a smile as she silently cursed Ethan. He had come up with the brilliant idea for them to pretend to be lovers in order to explain Kira’s presence at his meeting with Xiao. Reluctantly, she had gone along with the ruse but, as she felt the soft, smooth skin of his large palm sliding possessively down the nape of her neck and over her back she realized just how foolish a decision that had been. The sensual heat of his touch seeped through the slate gray blouse she was wearing, practically burning a hole through the silky material to torment her with a deliberate intimacy that was driving her crazy with both it’s familiarity and it’s sheer audacity. The shadow of a smirk that curved his lips as she squirmed in her seat let her know that he was enjoying every moment of her discomfort, further incensing her. She should have known that Ethan would take full advantage of the situation.

  “Perhaps we should come to the point of this little get together for the lady’s sake,” Xiao fastidiously dabbed at his mouth with his napkin and tossed it onto the table like a gauntlet before fixing Ethan with a dark, challenging gaze. “You want to know about The Dragon's Breath.”

  Ethan returned Xiao’s gaze unflinchingly. “What makes you think that?”

  “Oh, come now Ethan,” Xiao replied, a hard edge suddenly underlying the soft, slightly accented voice that he had previously been using to converse with Ethan. “Do you really think that I don’t know that you are the one who stole it from me?”

  “One can’t really steal from you that which doesn’t rightfully belong to you.”

  “Ah, yes. That is the excuse you use to justify your sideline in larceny, isn’t it.” Xiao’s slightly pudgy face twisted into a disapproving scowl. “You only steal from thieves. Sort of like the black market version of Robin Hood, stealing from the rich and corrupt, only without the giving to the poor part.”

  Ethan shrugged unapologetically. “Nobody's perfect.”

  “This is true. Although, in this case, it is interesting to note that you chose to do the honorable thing and return the dagger to its rightful owner. Can we thank the beautiful lady for this uncharacteristic display of altruism on your part or did you have a more self-serving motive for returning The Dragon’s Breath to the recently departed Mr. Wong?”

  Kira turned her attention to Ethan expectantly. “That’s a very good question.”

  The neatly trimmed fingernails of Ethan’s hand lightly grazed the sensitive skin that stretched over Kira’s slender neck, sending a punishing trickle of pleasure down her spine that made her squirm in her seat. “My reason for returning The Dragon’s Breath is beside the point.”

  “Then what exactly is the point of this meeting?” Xiao asked in a slightly bored tone.

  “I want to know who stole The Dragon’s Breath for you?”

  “Out of professional curiosity?”

  “Something like that.”

  Xiao arched a thin, perfectly plucked eyebrow. “And what makes you think that I would share this information with you? As you well know, discretion is a crucial element of what we do?”

  “Because, as you know, there is no honor among thieves. Besides, it’s not like I’m not willing to compensate you for this information.”

  Xiao’s eyes brightened eagerly. “What are you offering.”

  A slow grin spread over Ethan's face. “The Dragon’s Breath, of course.”

  Kira's mouth immediately opened in protest but the feel of Ethan’s previously gentle hand slightly tightening around the back of her neck in warning caused it to snap shut.

  A loud, hearty laugh erupted from Xiao. “Only you would have the nerve to offer me something that you stole from me to begin with.”

  “It’s part of my charm,” Ethan replied with a shrug.

  “I suppose it is,” Xiao murmured as he leaned back in his seat and steepled his chubby fingers, contemplating Ethan’s offer. “How soon can you deliver The Dragon’s Breath?”

  “I can have the dagger out of police custody and into your hands by nightfall,” Ethan stated confidently.

  Kira cast a wary glance at Ethan, praying to God that he was bluffing.

  Xiao studied Ethan’s face carefully, measuring it for any signs of the bluff that Kira was hoping for. Apparently finding none, he leaned over the table conspiratorially.

  “Alright. As you American’s say, I’ll play ball. Give me The Dragon's Breath and I will give you the name you want.”

  “No. You give me the name first and then I’ll give you the dagger.”

  Xiao pouted over the terms but the unmistakable glint of greed in his eyes let Ethan know that he would agree to the deal. As an obsessive coveter of ancient Chinese artifacts, there was no way that Xiao would allow The Dragon’s Breath to slip through his fingers a second time. He’d sell out his own mother to get his hands on that dagger again. Ethan smiled with satisfaction as he leaned back in his chair and waited for Xiao's capitulation. As his eyes briefly wandered from Xiao’s avaricious expression, something caught his attention through the plate glass window directly behind Xiao.

  “Get down!” he yelled as he used the hand still wrapped around the base of Kira’s neck to shove her to the floor.

  The small, black clad figure paused outside the window behind Xiao opened fire from the seat of the motorcycle he had driven up on with the inhuman indifference of the robot that he resembled behind the mask of his opaque helmet. The bullets from the automatic weapon that he wielded with cruel abandon, shattered the glass separating him from Xiao, sending jagged shards raining down on Ethan’s back as he lay on top of Kira, shielding her shivering body with his own. From within the protective cocoon created by Ethan’s body, Kira let out a scream of terror as all hell seemed to break loose around her.

  And then, as suddenly as the assault began it ended.

  The roar of the motorcycle as it sped off alerted Ethan to the fact that it was safe to get off of Kira.

  “Are you alright?” he asked as he quickly scanned Kira for any sign of injury.

  Kira nodded silently, fear rendering her temporarily incapable of speak

  Ethan didn’t even need to look at Xiao’s bloodied body as it lay slumped over the table to know that he was dead. Once again, the sound of the motorcycle roared in Ethan’s ears, drawing his attention outside. Catching sight of the bike and it’s rider as it raced towards a nearby intersection, Ethan immediately sprang into action. Leaping through the gaping hole where the window used to be, he raced passed a uniformed Hong Kong police officer who was running towards the scene of the shooting, leaving his motorcycle unattended behind him. Without hesitation, Ethan hopped on the motorcycle and revved it up.

  Finally collecting herself enough to rise to her feet, Kira staggered towards the jagged remains of the shattered window just in time to see Ethan speed away in pursuit of the shooter. A different type of sudden, heart stopping fear gripped Kira as she watched Ethan zip away, this time causing her power of speech to return to her as she yelled after him.

  “No!” Kira screamed in a fruitless attempt to be heard by Ethan as she raced down the sidewalk behind him. She'd made it all the way to the intersection before the futility of her chase combined with physical exhaustion to stop her in her tracks. Gasping for breath, she watched the image of Ethan disappear into the distance in reckless pursuit of a cold blooded killer, feeling more helpless than she had ever felt in her entire life.


  It was after sundown when Kira opened the door to her apartment, a feeling of déjà vu coming over her as she entered the darkened foyer after spending yet another night at the police station being questioned about a murder. Only this time she was facing the foreboding darkness without Ethan’s comforting presence. She hadn’t laid eyes on him since he had taken off on a stolen motorcycle after Xiao’s killer. For all she knew he could be as dead as Xiao was and that thought sent a frisson of terror through her the likes of which she had never experienced before and, given the events of the past week, that was saying a lot.

  Frightened more by the thoughts in her head than the darkness surrounding her, Kira didn’t bother to turn on the lights in the apartment before making her way towards the beckoning comfort of her sofa. With limbs made heavy by both tension and sheer exhaustion, she sank into the pillowy softness. With a ragged sigh she recalled the way that Ethan had held her in his arms the night of Yi’s murder. Remembered how warm and safe he had made her feel, a memory that stood in stark contrast to the coldness and fear that threatened to overwhelm her now.


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