Book Read Free

No Chance

Page 22

by Christy Reece

  He was halfway across the room when her soft words stopped him.

  “We’re still married. You don’t have to leave.”

  Turning, he swallowed hard … the tempting picture she made was almost more than a sane man could handle. And with Skye, his sanity was seriously in question. Long mahogany hair swept over a slender shoulder as she propped herself up on her elbow, somehow managing to look both provocative and innocent at the same time.

  Gabe hardened to an almost bursting moment of desire. It didn’t help that Skye’s eyes lowered and stared at his hardening cock.

  “Dammit, Skye. Don’t look at me like that.”

  “Why, Gabe? You know we both want it.”

  “Because it would be stupid.”

  “It would be wonderful.”

  Her voice, soft and low, held both arousal and promise. And it was almost his undoing. Gabe spoke between clenched teeth, “And then what, Skye? Once we find Kendra, get the bastard who has her … what then?”

  She stared at him several seconds as if searching for something. Gabe tensed as he waited for the answer he shouldn’t want or expect.

  Finally she offered him a tentative smile and said, “Do we have to overthink it? Can’t we just live for what we have now? Can’t we rejoice in finding each other again?”

  Steeling his resolve, Gabe gave her the truth. “I always knew where you were.”

  At her flash of pain, agony seared him. Dammit, he’d said it to make her back off. He’d achieved that goal and then some. He’d hurt her.

  She dropped her head onto the pillow and whispered, “Touché.”

  Forcing himself to ignore her pain, since if he stayed they’d just hurt each other even more, he said, “Get some sleep. We have a full day ahead of us.”

  He closed the door and then leaned against it. Gripping his hands into fists until he could almost feel the blood pour from them, he snarled at the tender emotions threatening to rise again. Any love he’d felt for her was long gone. He couldn’t allow it to come back. He’d fallen in love with a dream. She might have been his dream girl, but he wasn’t her dream man.

  They were from different worlds. As much as he resented her father for his interference and as wrong as he’d been about so many things, he’d been right about one thing. He and Skye never would have been happy together. Better to acknowledge that now so when temptation overwhelmed him again, as he fully expected it would, he’d be prepared.

  So why the hell didn’t he feel better about his decision?

  Remembered pleasure still strumming through him, William ran up the steps to his club with the energy of a teenager. Amazing what a beautiful young thing like that could do for a middle-aged libido. The knowledge that very soon he’d be touching that nubile body for real was almost more than he could comprehend. Anticipation zoomed through him.

  With the deference that William expected, the manager gushingly greeted him. “Mr. Harrington, so very good to see you, sir. Mr. James is waiting at your table.”

  Unable to contain himself, he felt so damned good, he handed the man a hundred-dollar bill with his handshake. “Thank you.”

  His eyes wide with surprised pleasure, the manager quickly pocketed the money. “Thank you, sir!” William wasn’t known for his generosity. The man probably thought he’d done something to deserve it. Wouldn’t he be surprised that William’s generous heart stemmed from one of the most satisfying sexual experiences he’d had in years?

  With a grin and nod, William headed to the small private table he had been dining at for years. Many things had changed over time, but some traditions had to stay. One being his standing breakfast meeting with his old friend Jeremiah James. They’d been meeting every Tuesday since before Skylar was born.

  William came to an abrupt halt when he spotted his friend. The man looked years older than he had this time last week. The deep creases around his mouth and eyes indicated something dire had happened.

  “Jerry? Why so glum, my friend?”

  Jeremiah looked up, and though his mouth moved upward into a smile, William could tell his heart wasn’t in it.

  “Hello, Willie.”

  Jeremiah was the only man William would ever allow to use that nickname. Seating himself quickly, he leaned forward in concern. “What’s wrong?”

  His friend shook his head. “I’ve made some terrible mistakes.” Tears filled his eyes. “I don’t know if Skylar will ever forgive me for them.”

  Before William could respond, their waiter came with their coffee and juice. Since they never deviated from what they ordered, no unnecessary conversations had to take place.

  William acknowledged their drinks with a nod. When the waiter disappeared, he said, “What did you do?”

  His friend drew in a breath and began to explain what had transpired eight years ago. William sat back in his chair, enthralled at the drama and exquisite deception. He was as close to Jeremiah as anyone and never suspected a thing. What a remarkable secret.

  And how incredibly brave and inventive of his friend to create such an elaborate deception. Despite how Skylar might have been hurt by it all, it had been the correct thing to do. The young man’s rough upbringing along with his questionable mental stability would have been much worse for Skylar than merely grieving for a dead husband. This was something William could see himself doing for his own children. A father had every right to protect his children from such trash.

  “Skylar may not see it now, but you did the right thing. Thankfully, she recovered and has turned into a beautiful and responsible young woman. But why is this suddenly weighing so heavily on you now?”

  Looking furtively around to ensure their privacy, Jeremiah leaned forward and shared another secret. As he spoke, alarm quickly replaced William’s earlier happiness. Skylar had been abducted while searching for her young friend. Had barely escaped with her life. Her young friend was still missing.

  Not once had his people indicated they’d had any difficulties in procuring his new addition. Had they taken Skylar, thinking to use her in the same way? William shuddered at the thought.

  “Poor Skylar. How did she get away?”

  “I hired Last Chance Rescue. You know, that organization that rescues kidnapped victims? It turns out that when the people who took her recognized who she was, they sold her to another man who specializes in the kidnappings of high-profile people.”

  They had profited from Skylar’s abduction. That’s why they hadn’t mentioned it. Money had been made by selling her. Someone would pay for that deception.

  “So these Last Chance people rescued her?”

  “Yes. Turns out that Mr. Maddox, Skylar’s estranged husband, works for this organization.”

  “So are he and Skylar back together again?” He had a hard time keeping the disapproval from his tone. Admittedly, Gabe Maddox cleaned up quite nicely, but he had a rough edge that couldn’t be erased with expensive clothes. William had recognized that last night but was too polite to mention it. And now that he knew the man’s common background, he was even more convinced. Gabriel Maddox wasn’t good enough for Skylar.

  Jeremiah gave an emphatic shake of his head. “No, I don’t believe they’re getting back together.”

  “Then why was he with her last night? And why the elaborate story of him being a wealthy entrepreneur she met while on vacation?”

  “They’re still looking for her friend. They didn’t say it, but I got the impression that for some reason they believe someone in our circle might be involved. Absolutely ridiculous, of course.” He paused for a second and looked around again. “But that’s just between you and me, Willie. I’m sure I’m not supposed to mention that to anyone.”

  William felt his frozen mouth mutter, “Oh, of course I would never say anything. I do hope they find the young girl.” Sick dread soared through him. Gabriel Maddox was looking for him. Everyone would find out. He would be ruined. His reputation destroyed. His family would be forever tainted. And they would lock him up,
preventing him from enjoying his newest acquisition. He would lose everything!

  “William, are you all right? You look quite pale.”

  Patting his face with his napkin, William nodded. “Yes, yes. I’m fine. It’s just the news of Skylar’s ordeal. You know how I love that girl as if she were my very own.”

  “You’re a good friend, Willie.”

  As he finished his meal, William murmured platitudes to his friend and all the while panic beat inside him. There had to be a way to get Maddox and Skylar to stop looking for the girl. He couldn’t let her go … he hadn’t even begun to develop their relationship. Had yet to enjoy the sweetness that waited for him.

  But something had to happen, because Maddox didn’t seem the type to just give up.

  As ideas sprang to mind, a plan began to emerge. They needed to believe there was no reason to look for the girl anymore. That meant they needed to believe there was no hope. Yes, that would work.

  And, sadly, if his idea didn’t work, William knew he might have to take more drastic mea sures. He couldn’t let the girl go … and he couldn’t kill her. He already loved her too much.

  Skylar was like a daughter to him, but she’d gotten mixed up with some very bad company. Though he hated for her to die, a man had to do what a man had to do. Protecting his family and the Harrington name was the most important factor.

  If his first plan didn’t work, eliminating Maddox and Skylar would be his only other option. And despite the fact that Jeremiah would lose his daughter, William couldn’t help but believe that the man would somehow understand.

  A man had to protect those he loved.

  Skylar woke with a pounding headache and her eyes so swollen from crying, she could barely open them. Great. Not only had Gabe stuck a figurative knife in her heart, he would see the results of his devastating blow.

  The sunlight coming through the skylight and the large window beside her indicated it was late … very late. She peered at her bedside clock and then shot out of bed. Four o’clock! She’d slept the day away. She had so much she needed to do. And Ben wanted to talk … Ben! He was supposed have come for breakfast. How could she have forgotten? Had he come? Why hadn’t Gabe woke her?

  She dropped back down onto the bed. Her mind was blurred and she felt grimy and disoriented. In no shape to handle the bruised feelings of a fake boyfriend, much less the hard-hearted amusement of a husband who might as well be fake.

  Whether Ben had showed up or not couldn’t be changed. She couldn’t face Gabe looking and feeling like this. She felt fragile and worn. If he said the slightest thing to set her off, she wouldn’t be responsible for her actions. She would shower, dress, and put on her makeup of steel. Then she would face the only man who had ever managed to crush her twice in a lifetime.

  Under the hot pulsing shower, on her tenth silent rendition of “I’m Gonna Wash That Man Right Outa My Hair,” Skylar, at last, felt more grounded and in control. Gabe was alive … that was something to be happy about. She might have fantasized about that a million times, but she had never dared believe in the reality. That was cause for celebration, not sorrow. So what if he didn’t love her … probably never had. He was alive and that was a miracle in itself.

  Besides, Kendra should be her only focus. Last night’s discussion had been difficult to hear. Two people she thought very highly of were suspects. Questioning Gabe on why he felt the way he did would be useless. Not only wouldn’t he share, Skylar got the feeling he might not be able to explain it. She knew all about gut feelings. Sometimes you had to go with them, despite all evidence to the contrary. Besides, her faith in the people she knew had taken a near-lethal blow. Never would she have believed the father she adored could lie to her and betray her as he had. What did she really know about the people she loved?

  Half an hour later, wearing a soft lavender summer dress, her makeup flawless, long hair tumbling over her shoulders with a carefully designed casualness, Skylar opened the bedroom door. She heard no one.

  Deciding a strong cup of coffee would arm her even more, she bypassed the small office Gabe had commandeered the first night. He was most likely in there working. After a fortifying dose of caffeine and maybe a piece of toast for her roiling stomach, she’d face him.

  She pulled to a stop when she found him in the middle of her kitchen whipping up what looked like an omelet. He turned and that mouth she’d fantasized about even when she thought he was dead lifted in a small smile. Dark blue eyes offered an unspoken apology. He knew he had hurt her and felt bad. Not bad enough to take the words back, though. She needed to remember that.

  “I guess I missed breakfast.”

  Gabe stared at her for several long seconds as if searching for something. Apparently satisfied, he turned and Skylar was finally able to breathe.

  “Ben showed up at eight-thirty; we had a cup of coffee and a nice little talk. He left with another apology for his behavior last night.”

  Skylar examined Gabe. Not a hair out of place. His thick, silky black hair was one of her favorite features. She’d often grabbed on to it when he’d pulled her to him for a kiss. Once she’d held on to his hair as she’d wrapped her legs around him and ridden him till they’d both climaxed. It had to have hurt him but he’d never uttered a word of protest. They’d both been so hot for each other.


  She shook herself from the lustful memory. “Sorry. Guess I need some coffee.” She went to the full carafe of coffee and poured some into a cup beside the coffeemaker. Taking a bracing swallow, she turned and said, “I’m assuming the discussion was civil?”

  “I thought I handled things damn well … considering.”

  “Considering what?”

  “Considering the man is dating my wife.”

  Damned if she’d let him get away with that. “I’m not your wife, Gabe. I think we established that last night, didn’t we?”

  His back was to her, so she couldn’t see what he might be thinking. Just because Gabe was easy to read didn’t mean she always knew how he felt. When he turned, she was surprised to see a tender expression on his face.

  “You and Ben aren’t lovers.”

  “I told you there was nothing going on between us.”

  “Why, Skye? You thought you were a widow. Why haven’t you ever married again? Why have you been having a fake affair all these years?”

  She absolutely refused to let him feel sorry for her. “Ben isn’t the only man I’ve dated these last few years, Gabe. If you think I’ve martyred myself in your memory, you’re wrong. I created a mutually beneficial relationship with Ben so I could have a life. Being able to sleep with someone else without the press knowing about it is very freeing.”

  Before Gabe could respond, the buzzer sounded, alerting her she had a visitor. Gabe shoved a plate filled with an omelet and toast toward her. The glare he shot as he passed by said their discussion wasn’t over. “Eat. I’ll find out who it is.”

  He stomped out the door, leaving her questioning her sanity. It was one thing to deny she’d been pining away for Gabe, but to claim affairs that had never existed was stupid. He’d see through her ruse and then she’d have to either come up with some fake men or admit the truth. After Gabe’s supposed death, she hadn’t been able to have a normal relationship with a man. Hadn’t wanted one. Damn, how pathetic did that sound?

  His words before he’d left last week took on new meaning. She hadn’t been able to have another relationship. Had Gabe felt the same way? Had he, perhaps, been pining away for her, too?

  Gabe appeared at the door. The grim look on his face told her something terrible had happened. “We need to talk.”

  Skylar dropped her plate on the counter, the clatter a distant sound underneath the thundering of her heart. “What happened?”

  Gabe’s chest tightened at Skye’s expression of fear and dread. More than anything in the world, he wanted to go to her and hold her.

  “What?” She began to walk toward him. “Tell me.�

  “Cole spoke with one of our contacts on the police force.”

  She closed her eyes. “Kendra?”

  “A young woman’s body has been found. Kendra’s size, hair color … But …”

  Her eyes popped open. “But what? They’re not sure it’s her?”

  “The body washed up on the shore of the Hudson. It’s in bad shape.”

  “Bad shape? How?”

  “You don’t need to know the details, Skye. But it’ll take some time to identify the body.”

  “Tell me, Gabe.”

  Dammit, he was trying to protect her. Knowing she was stronger than she looked, he said, “Much of the body, especially the face, was badly beaten. And the body’s partially burned.”

  “Oh God.” She sank to the closest chair.

  Unable to see her like this without touching her, Gabe squatted down beside her. “I’m sorry, Skye.”

  “If they can’t identify her body, maybe it’s not her.”

  “Don’t get your hopes up. They know it’s a female with her general coloring. No one else has been reported missing with those physical characteristics. Chances are good that it’s her.”

  She blew a shaky sigh. “I won’t believe it’s her until they absolutely prove it. Has her mother been told?”

  “No reason to tell her anything yet.”

  “Good. She doesn’t even believe Kendra’s been abducted.”

  “This is still off the record, but they need some kind of DNA to determine if it’s Kendra.”

  “She sometimes stays with me. There’s a hairbrush in the guest bathroom she’s used. Will that work?”

  “Probably. I’ll take it to them and see.”

  She straightened her spine and asked, “So what now?”

  “We keep looking. Seems damn coincidental that the day after we start on a round of parties, looking for the creep, a body conveniently shows up. One so badly damaged it can’t be immediately identified.”

  “You think we met him last night and he somehow figured out we were looking for him?”


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