No Chance

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No Chance Page 27

by Christy Reece

  Tears poured down her face at the unspeakable pain in his voice.

  “Gabe, your words—the words of the brother he loved—were the last ones he remembered. The last ones he heard. He took those words with him. You gave him that.”

  Gabe’s silence told her he disagreed. There was nothing she could say that would ease his pain. At some point she hoped he would forgive himself for something that was most definitely not his fault.

  “Why have you never tried calling your stepmother?”

  “Let it go, Skye.”

  “No, Gabe. It’s been twelve years. Don’t you think it’s time you put the past to rest?”

  “It is at rest, Skye. I told you she remarried. Her new husband had a couple of kids. She has a new life. She doesn’t need me bringing back all the bad memories.”

  “But they weren’t all bad, Gabe.”

  He didn’t answer.

  “Don’t you think she’d like to see you?”

  “No. When I left, I swore I’d never go back. Having an entire town stare at you because you survived when their loved ones didn’t isn’t something I want to relive.”

  “But your stepmother—”

  “My stepmother lost her son and her husband. It was only natural that she resent me.”

  “There’s nothing natural about that at all.”

  “I understood it.”

  He understood it because he blamed himself, too. Survivor’s guilt could play hell with your life … she should know. She’d experienced her own brand for the eight years she thought Gabe had killed himself. The guilt had at eaten at her like a cancer. As had Gabe’s. It didn’t take a genius to figure out why he went to work for Last Chance Rescue. He hadn’t been able to rescue his brother and now rescuing was his life.

  Apparently wanting to end their discussion, Gabe pulled his arms from around her and rolled her over on her back. His fingers touched her wet face with a gentleness that made her want to cry all the more. There was such gentleness and goodness in this dark, brooding man she adored.

  “Don’t cry for me, Skye. I’m living the life I chose.”

  No. She would not let those words hurt her. The life he’d chosen was working for Last Chance Rescue. It had nothing to do with their marriage. That was still to be worked out.

  “Did you ever think about going back to Africa?”

  A harsh frown wrinkled his brow. “The village was destroyed. There was nothing to go back to.”

  Skylar released a silent sigh. Yet another betrayal by a woman he loved. After leaving his West Virginia home, Gabe had joined an altruistic group who built houses for impoverished villagers around the world. He’d been sent to a small African community. In the midst of building homes and helping the villagers, he’d fallen for the daughter of the local missionary. And he’d thought his affections were returned until the village was attacked by a neighboring band of thugs. His captors had taunted him with the truth. The woman he loved had sold the village out in return for money to go back home.

  And the moment Skylar had met him, she’d betrayed him by not being truthful. Not telling Gabe had been a stupid, selfish thing. And she’d paid dearly for it. They both had.

  “I’m sorry I never told you who I was, Gabe.”

  “Don’t, Skye. I understood.”

  The way he said the words had her questioning them. “Just what did you understand?”

  “A famous, beautiful woman fools around with a poor country boy? The press would have had a field day.”

  “I didn’t fool around with you. I fell in love with you.”

  Lowering his body over hers, he skimmed his lips over her face. “Let it go, Skye. It’s over.”

  Pain speared through her … followed quickly by cold determination. Hell no, it wasn’t over. Grabbing his head, she brought his lips to hers and kissed him fiercely. If she had to seduce forever out of him, then that’s what she’d damn well do.

  She and Gabe had waited too long for their happy ever after. Once Kendra was rescued and William was in jail, Gabe Maddox would learn just how ruthless his wife could be when she wanted something.

  Skylar refused to acknowledge the little voice inside her that whispered, Just because you want forever doesn’t mean Gabe does.


  Kendra swallowed sobs as she ran down the hallway. They would be after her soon. She had no idea where she was going … hadn’t been out of that room since she’d been here. She had to try, though … She had to find a way out. Rescue would not come. She had to find a way to rescue herself.

  Lungs burning, her limbs trembling and weak, she stopped at a door at the end of the hallway. Where it led, she didn’t know. She eased it open and stuck her head through. A stairway … she must be in the basement. Half crawling, half running, terror providing adrenaline, she dashed up the stairs. At the top was another door. Easing it open, she peeked in. A modern-looking kitchen, thankfully empty. On silent feet, Kendra ran through the kitchen, her head turning at all angles. At some point very soon, someone would see her. She had to find a door.

  Standing in the middle of living room, she noted locks on the windows. She spotted a door and ran for it, tugging at the doorknob. It was dead-bolted. Refusing to give up, she ran from room to room. She found two more doors. Both dead-bolted. The windows were locked. Taking an awful chance, she picked up a heavy vase and crashed it against the window. She didn’t care if she was cut to pieces; she’d crawl out of the damn window. Better to die bleeding to death than stay in this hell any longer. The vase shattered; the window didn’t even crack.

  Sobs of desperation threatening to explode, Kendra turned and started running again. Each room was furnished in a nice, respectable décor. Good God, was she in someone’s home? She skidded to a halt when she saw a miracle. A cellphone lying on the coffee table.

  Grabbing it, Kendra did the only thing in her muddled, terrified mind that made sense to her. She pressed in Skylar’s number.

  Skylar groaned at the irritating buzz beside her ear. Gabe growled beside her, “Skye, it’s your phone. Want me to get it?”

  Mumbling “No,” she stretched her hand out and felt for the phone. Only her family and close friends had this number. Without looking at the display, she opened it and held it to her ear. “Hello.”

  “Skylar! Help me! Please!”

  Skylar shot up in bed, all drowsiness gone. “Kendra! My God … Where are you?”

  A sob. “I don’t know. Some kind of house. They won’t let me out. Please, Skylar, help me.”

  Before she could answer, Gabe grabbed the phone. “Kendra, I’m a friend of Skylar’s. Can you tell me if you’re still in New York?”

  “I don’t know. I haven’t been outside.”

  “How many are holding you?”

  “I don’t know. Maybe three men … two women.”

  “Where are they now?”

  “I got away from them but—”

  “Can you get to a door?”

  “They’re all locked. Please help—”

  “Can you see outside the windows?”

  “Yes, I think so.”

  “What do you see?”

  A small, desperate sob and then, “Trees. And a driveway. I think I’m in someone’s house. Please, God, help—”

  “You little bitch! Give me that phone,” a man shouted. And then there was silence.

  Skylar had heard every agonizing word. She locked eyes with Gabe, who looked both horrified and furious. He bounded out of bed, pulled his jeans on, grabbed his shoes and shirt. Phone in hand, he headed toward the door. “I’m going to try to trace the call. I’ll be back in a few hours.”

  Before she could respond, he ran out the door. Seconds later, she heard the elevator ding. And then there was silence. Skylar was left alone with the sickening knowledge that at this very moment, Kendra was being tortured or worse and there wasn’t a damn thing she could do about it.

  Hours later, Gabe opened the door to Skye’s apartment. Defeat dragged
at him. It had been years since he’d felt such a sense of hopelessness. The only thing they’d been able to get from Skye’s phone was that the call had come from the New York area. Yeah, it was great that she was still in the state. But they had already deducted she was still in the area by having pinpointed Harrington.

  And New York was a big freaking area to cover.

  He threw the phone and apartment keys on the table beside the door. A slight sound brought his head around. Skye stood at the entrance to her office. Ghostly pale, the only color in her face was the bright blue of her eyes. As he drew closer, he saw that her eyes were swollen. She looked like she’d been crying for hours. She probably had.

  Though he’d called her the second he learned of the failed trace, he hadn’t been here to comfort her. But he was here now.

  He held out his arms, and with a small sob, Skye ran into them. Holding her tight against him, he breathed in the beauty of Skye’s fragrance.

  “I’m sorry, sweetheart. I’m so sorry.”

  Soaking his shirt, harsh sobs tore through her. The only thing Gabe knew to do was hold her and try to be as positive as possible. Hard as hell to do when he felt so damned little hope himself.

  Scooping her into his arms, he carried her to the couch and sat down with her in his lap. The sobs had slowed to soft little gulps of air. He smoothed the hair off her forehead, pressed kisses to her head, and whispered, “We’ll find her, Skye. I know we will.”

  She pulled her head back to look up at him. “But will it be too late?”

  Sitting back deeper into the couch, Gabe held her tighter. “Let’s look at the positives. We know she’s in New York. We know William doesn’t want to get rid of her or he would have already.”

  Her husky voice interjected, “And we know who’s got her.”

  “And I’m betting she’s close. Not at his house, but close enough so he can see her when he wants to.”

  “But Cole said he rarely goes anywhere alone.”

  “Maybe that doesn’t do it for him. The website he’s got set up—maybe that’s his particular perversion. But he’s going to want her close. With these kinds of freaks, the need escalates. At some point, he’ll want more than just being able to watch. He’ll want her close so he can get to her.”

  Skye shuddered against him and pressed her face against his chest again. “I can’t imagine what she’s going through now.”

  “Don’t try. You’ll only drive yourself crazy.”

  “You’re right, I know.” Pulling in a deep breath, she sat up in his arms. Though she looked as though she’d been through a windstorm, she was still beautiful. And then her chin tilted and Gabe recognized that determined expression.

  “The party at William’s house is this weekend. I accepted the invitation months ago.”

  “Skye, I don’t want—”

  She pressed fingers to his mouth to stop his protest. “I’m going, Gabe. And I’m going to find a way to get to Kendra. Are you coming with me or not?”

  As much as he hated to admit it, this crazy idea of hers could well be their only hope. Cursing himself for not setting his foot down and saying hell no again, Gabe did the only thing he could do. He pushed her till she lay on the sofa and came over her. Knowing she could read the answer on his face, the acceptance of her plan in his eyes, he grazed his mouth over hers and said, “New rule. No one leaves this apartment today without a minimum of ten orgasms each.”

  He could feel her smile under his lips as she whispered, “I’m three ahead of you. Let’s get started.”

  Groaning his approval, Gabe covered her mouth, his tongue thrusting deep. This was one area he would never argue with her about.

  Gabe threw some wadded clothes into his duffel bag. “I still can’t believe I let you talk me into this.”

  Knowing his words came from worry for her, Skylar silently nudged him away and pulled the clothes from his bag. Taking her time, she folded them neatly and returned them to the bag.

  “We’re not going,” he said.

  She turned and resumed packing her own bag. She wouldn’t change her mind—Gabe wouldn’t go without her.

  “Did you hear me, Skye? We’re not going.”

  “Yes we are, Gabe. You know this is the only way to find anything on William. He works out of his home. Any files or information will be there.”

  “That doesn’t mean we’ll be able to get to it.”

  She stopped packing and turned. “The bastard has had Kendra for over a month now.” Tears filled her eyes as she remembered that heartbreaking phone call. “The damage he’s done to her already might well be irreparable. We have to take the risk. She’s depending on us.”

  Gabe continued to glare for several seconds but didn’t speak. How could he when he knew it was the truth? Finally he pulled her to him and wrapped her in a strong embrace. “We’ll find her, Skye. I’m sorry I’m such an ass.”

  She pressed a soft kiss of reassurance to his mouth. “I’ll be careful, I promise.” Then, before it could turn into something else and delay them further, she pulled away. “Is Cole resuming his job as chauffeur?”

  “Yeah. Since his prime target will be at the same place we’ll be.” Gabe shot a glance at his wristwatch. “He should be here in just a few minutes.” Turning around, he pulled something from one of the dresser drawers he’d been using and said, “Come here.”

  Skylar moved closer and saw a jewelry box in his hand. “What’s that?”

  “I had this made for you.”

  Her heart kicked up to a gallop. Other than the fish T-shirt and her wedding ring, Gabe had never given her a gift. A warm glow spread throughout her body.

  Opening the box, Skylar gasped. It was beautiful. An old-fashioned silver locket shaped in the profile of a woman. Skylar leaned closer in … the woman looked an awful lot like …

  “I used one of your pictures and had them design it.”

  She reached out a finger and traced the edge of the locket. “It’s beautiful.” Tears sprang to her eyes. Too embarrassed to let him see what this gift meant to her, she immediately whirled around and said, “Put it on for me.”

  Gabe placed the chain around her neck and closed the clasp. He picked up the fragile chain that she already wore. “You want to take this off?”

  Skylar froze. She had never shown him what she wore around her neck. Since they’d become lovers again, she had stopped wearing it, too afraid of the questions he’d ask and the reaction he would have at her answers. But this morning, feeling nervous because of what lay ahead of them, she’d put the chain on for comfort.

  “Skye, you want me to unclasp this one?”

  “No … that’s okay. It’s fine. I’ll wear them both.”

  “Is it new? I’ve never seen you wear it.”

  She took a step to move away. “No, it’s not new.”

  His hand pulled on her shoulder, turning her around. His eyes quizzical as if he knew she was hiding something, Gabe pulled the chain up from beneath the blouse that covered it.

  Skylar couldn’t look at him. If he looked the least bit disturbed, or worse, amused, she wouldn’t be able to handle it.

  His hand looked even larger as he held the two objects and fingered the gold bands.

  “You kept them.” His words sounded gruff, almost strained.


  “Why, Skye?”

  When she didn’t immediately answer, he tilted her chin with a finger, turning her face up to him. “Why, Skye, baby?”

  “Because I—”

  “Hey, Gabe.” Cole’s voice boomed from the living room. “You ready to go?”

  Skylar breathed out a long breath, unsure if she was grateful for the interruption or resented it. If she had told him the truth, what would have happened?

  Gabe pressed a kiss against the small bands and placed them back under her blouse. He stared at her the longest time. Skylar so wanted to ask him what he was thinking. How she hated this insecurity. This man was the only person who’d
ever brought it out in her, and she resented the fact that, as her husband, he was the one man she should be able to feel the most secure with.

  Either unwilling or not ready to know why she kept their wedding rings, Gabe picked up their bags and headed to the door. Stopping at the entrance, he turned to look at her. “When this is over … we need to have a serious talk.”

  A sinking wave of despair washed over her. The words had sounded like a promise, but his eyes revealed the truth. Gabe didn’t want to stay in the marriage. Her question had been answered. These last couple of weeks had been about lust and nothing more.

  To Gabe, their marriage had ended years ago. It had just never been legally finalized. As soon as this job was over, their marriage would be, too.

  Propped up against the wall, Cole watched Gabe emerge from Skylar’s bedroom. Used to his friend’s dark moods, he shouldn’t have been surprised by the expression on Gabe’s face, but he was. The last two weeks, since Gabe and Skylar had become intimate again, those dark looks had all but disappeared.

  Not that Gabe had told him that they were lovers, but it didn’t take a rocket scientist to see the evidence. He’d dropped in one day for a quick review of the case. Though both Skylar and Gabe had been fully clothed and in the midst of eating dinner, he’d seen that expression way too many times on his own face. Having once been a happily married man, Cole had lived those sensual moments of wedded bliss. Gabe’s mouth had a relaxed sensuality and his eyes had followed Skylar wherever she went with the look of a satisfied but still-hungry tiger.

  Skylar’s demeanor had been even more telling. She was flushed, beautiful, and had a vitality about her that had been missing up until then.

  Now, however, it looked like there was definite trouble in paradise. Cole knew Gabe didn’t want Skylar involved in the case any longer; maybe that was why he looked both angry and tortured.

  Skylar came through the door seconds later. And once again, her face revealed much more than Gabe’s. She was hurting, almost in tears.

  Resisting the urge to clock his friend for hurting the woman he so obviously loved, Cole asked, “Everyone ready?”


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