Falling Sweetly: Starling Falls II

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Falling Sweetly: Starling Falls II Page 17

by Willows,Aidan

  When I sent her a look of disbelief, Debbie snorted.

  “Okay… really bad luck. The next date will be smoother.”

  I sighed and closed my eyes relishing the feel of her cool hand against my heated skin.

  “Why is this so hard for me?” I asked her quietly.

  “Each rose blooms in its own time, cutie.”

  My expression turned desperate. “What if I never bloom?”

  “You will, Niki. Believe me, you will. I’m guessing you’ve spent a long time hiding in your own insecurities, it’s going to take time for you to stop thinking so much and just relax.”

  Debbie’s head tilted to one side as she assessed me. She touched my cheek gently and smiled. “Don’t let one bad night affect what you and Jake are starting.”

  I nodded, knowing that she was right.

  “I should probably call him, huh?” I asked as I played with a loose thread on the hem of a sleeve.

  “You could. Or you could just invite him upstairs and talk to him while I go make you some tea.”

  My eyes widened in alarm, and I sat up clutching the bedspread to my chest. “Jake’s here?”

  “Boy wouldn’t take no for an answer. He’s been waiting downstairs for an hour.” Debbie’s eyes held a mischievous twinkle. “I heard him talking to your fish. Should I be worried?”

  I shook my head and laughed softly. “No. I think they’re bonding.”

  Debbie’s smile warmed me, and she resumed stroking my hair.

  “My nephew cares for you, cutie. Now, I’m not one to interfere in other people’s lives…” I made a noise of disbelief at the blatant lie. “But I think you could both make each other happy.”

  Her face turned soft as she looked like she was reminiscing. “You know, amongst my kids, Jake’s always been the worrier.”

  I frowned at her puzzled. “But he’s always seemed so laidback to me.”

  “He hides his fears well. He’s constantly worried that he’s going to disappoint us. I always used to think that Josh got all the happy-go-lucky genes and left Jake with all the worrywart genes.

  “I’m sure you know what their lives were before they found their home with us? Well, that rocky start affected all my babies in different ways.

  “Nate has always been the serious one, Caleb was a reliable little soldier, Josh was always my little clown, and Addie and Alex were the babies of the family. Jake always seemed to feel sort of lost in the middle.

  “I love my talented boy, but he’s the cautious one. Always has been, ever since they came to live with us.”

  Debbie paused, smiling at her memories. “He was the cutest little thing with his blond hair and big blue eyes. He used to come home with an 85 on his math test and think that it wasn’t good enough.

  He’s been working himself ragged since he was eighteen. I’ve always told him that he needs to focus less on what he thinks other people want him to be, and just do what’s right for him.

  Told him to go after what makes him happy. And he never really did... well, not until you came along.” Debbie smiled at me fondly, as she stroked my hair and tucked a strand behind my ear.

  “You make him happy, and you manage to make him believe in himself… that is when you’re not driving him crazy by running away from him.” She sent me a knowing look that had me blushing.

  “I don’t mean to, I just…”

  “I know, cutie. You’ve got your demons too. I think you both could bring out the best in each other. And in this crazy world that’s all we can hope to find; someone that we care about who supports us and loves us for who we are, flaws and all.”

  Debbie pushed back a longer strand of my fringe behind my ear as there was a long moment of silence between us.

  “So? What’s it going to be?”

  “I’ll take a quick shower and meet you both downstairs.”

  “Atta girl.”

  * * * * *


  “Hi,” a small voice said from somewhere behind me. I turned off the stove, and covered the soup I had been reheating.

  I turned to see Niki in an oversized grey shirt and black leggings wringing her hands at the entrance of the kitchen. Her body language made me anxious that she may have been having second thoughts about us.

  Moving towards her I held out my arms tentatively and breathed a loud sigh of relief when she walked into them and returned my hug.

  “How you feeling?” I kept my hands around her waist as I pulled back from the hug to take in her appearance.

  She still looked paler than usual. She looked tired, and there were dark circles under her eyes, but apart from that she was still as gorgeous as ever.

  “I feel better, thanks.” Niki gave me a small smile.

  “You feel like eating something?”

  “Sure,” she said. As I turned to get her a bowl, Niki stopped me by tugging on my hand. “Hold on. Last night didn’t go quite how we planned, huh?”

  “Yeah.” I frowned. “Sorry, Niki. Perhaps the fair wasn’t a good idea.” I rubbed the back of my neck.

  “The fair was a great idea.” She placed a hand on my chest. “It was just…”

  “A tough break?”

  She nodded. “Yeah.” Niki looked in every direction but mine. “Where’d Debbie go?” she asked staring at the pot on the stove.

  I placed a finger on her chin and turned her face gently so her gaze was back on me. I chuckled at how swiftly my aunt left after announcing that Niki was “taking a shower and should be coming down soon”.

  “She said she had to go see Uncle Jeremy about an ‘an emergency’. A load of lies if you ask me… unless giving him updates about us, which he doesn’t actually want, counts as ‘an emergency’. She’s not the most subtle person.”

  Niki smiled fondly. “No, she’s not. But I love her for it.”

  “You know, she loves you too, Niki. You’re part of the family now.” My heart warmed at how effortlessly Niki fit in with the crazy brood.

  “I know,” she said quietly, and a heavy silence I didn’t understand filled the space between us.

  I looked at her questioningly. “What’s wrong?”

  “Nothing,” she said with a fake smile and tried to change the subject, “Time for soup now?” Niki tried to move to the side and walk past me.

  “Not so quick. I told you last night, no more lies. That goes both ways, Niki.” My hands on her shoulders stopped her from moving away. “What caused that look in your eyes?”

  She started wringing her hands. “I’m just nervous… and worried,” she murmured quietly staring at the floor adamantly. “I don’t have the best track record with relationships… and if this doesn’t work out between us…”

  I frowned when I realised what her concern was. “You’re worried if it doesn’t work out between us that you’re going to lose the new family you’ve got.”

  I scoffed at the thought of that ever happening, and the fact that she was already thinking about things potentially ending between us, before anything had even started, frustrated me.

  “It’s taken me eight months to get you where I want you. You think that I would let you go now? Not a chance,” I told her firmly, but my tone softened when her eyes widened comically.

  “Anyway, I’m pretty sure they all like you more than me. If we were to break up, I know who they would choose to keep around,” I snorted, trying to lighten the mood, “and it wouldn’t be me.”

  Her small smile and laugh eased the tension. Niki’s small hands reached up to cup either side of my jaw. “I’m going to really try, Jake,” she said in a promising tone, and I understood the meaning behind her vague words.

  She was going to work on her self-doubt because what we were starting meant something to her too. I refrained from telling her that she wouldn’t have to fight them alone.

  I knew with every fibre of my being that she was it for me, and I would do whatever it took to make it work between us.

  I kissed her firmly. “That’s
all I can ask for, baby.” Her hands fell from my face.

  “You know… I didn’t get to give you the goodbye I wanted to last night.” Wrapping an arm around her waist, I pulled her into me, and was thrilled by the soft curves pressed against my body.

  Niki tilted her head back allowing me to press a kiss to her pouty lips. She tasted of mint toothpaste. She sighed and sunk into the kiss. I loved that she was becoming more comfortable with me holding her.

  Feeling bolder, my hands slid from her waist, down to the small of her back. I waited to see if she’d protest, and when she didn’t, I slid them lower to cup her ass and drew her even closer.

  The kiss turned from soft and sweet to feverish in seconds. Squeezing her ass cheeks I lifted her, smiling when she squeaked. Turning, I placed her on the kitchen counter. Pushing her legs apart I stepped between them, so her thighs rested on either side of my hips.

  Her spread legs put her pussy at the same level as the noticeable bulge in my jeans, and I wasted no time in grinding myself against her. A hand snaked under her t-shirt and drew slow circles on her back.

  One of Niki’s hands were digging into my shoulders, the other was tracing very distracting shapes dangerously close to the waistband of my jeans. I pulled away with a shudder when I heard her gasps turn needy.

  “Niki…” I groaned.

  “I know… we should stop,” she said, still breathing heavily.

  We stared at each other for a brief moment, the mood between us intensified and something snapped. Our mouths met again, more urgently than before. Her hands went to the hem of my shirt and pulled it over my head, before her hands began exploring my chest.

  Oh, God yes.

  I slid my hands up her shirt, and pulled down the cups of her bra, to play with her warm, soft breasts.

  Definitely more than a handful. Fucking perfect.

  My eager hands reluctantly left her chest, and were about to pull off her loose shirt, when I felt a sharp pain in my right calf, which made me break away with a yelp.

  “What the fuck,” I said in shock and looked down to see Niki’s Demon Cat with his claws sunk into my calf.

  Niki looked dazed and confused. “What’s wrong?” she asked, her chest rising and falling heavily.

  I bent down and attempted to extract the feline’s claws.

  How sharp are the little fucker’s claws that it pierced the material of my jeans.

  Niki leant forward. “Oh, did he paw at you? It must be time for his treat.”

  Paw at me? Damn thing just tried to take my leg off.

  “Are you okay?”

  I nodded, sending the cat a death glare which he returned. “I don’t think the scratch is deep.”

  She looked at Shadow who hopped up onto the counter. “That was rude,” she chided him lightly, while stroking his fur. “You owe Jake an apology, Mister.”

  The cat looked at me silently, before meowing once.

  “That’s better,” she said nuzzling the cat’s head, and I looked at Niki as if she had lost her mind.

  If that cat is sorry for attacking me, then Josh is a monk.

  The cat nuzzled her hand softly, and I began to wonder if there was a feline equivalent of being a sociopath.

  A socio-kitty or a socio-cat, maybe? Well whatever the term is, this little monster definitely fits the bill.

  The Demon Cat flicked his tail at me before leaping of the counter and prowling to the cupboard where I assumed Niki kept his treats.

  We looked at each other and shared a laugh.

  “Well, that killed the mood,” she said, readjusting her bra under her shirt.

  “I’m always in the mood when you’re around,” I growled, kissing the crook of her neck, making her giggle.

  “You’re exaggerating.”

  I gave her a dead-pan stare. “You’re gonna be the death of me.”

  She shoved playfully at my shoulders. “Stop,” she said with a laugh.

  “Seriously. If it was possible to die from blue balls, I would have keeled over months ago.”

  I traced the blush that spread across her cheeks at my words. “But you’re worth the wait, gorgeous. C’mon, let’s get you fed and then spend the rest of the day on the couch.”

  Her head tilted to the side as she rested her arms over my shoulders. “Don’t you have plans for today?”

  “They can wait. I have a date with a pretty girl and a selection of the worst shows daytime TV has to offer.”



  “You threw up?”

  I rolled my eyes at his disbelieving look. “Yes, Mitch, I threw up.”

  “And he saw you throw?”

  “Yes, Mitch. He saw me throw up.”

  “He saw you throw up… and you’re still together?”

  “Yes, Mitch. We are still together.”

  “Girl, you better marry that boy before I steal him from you.”

  I shook my head at his dramatics as I placed the coffee pot back on its warming plate.

  “If ‘seeing someone throwing up and not being repulsed’ tops your list of chivalrous behaviour, you really need to be dating a better calibre of man.”

  Mitch scoffed. “Don’t I know it? My options are severely limited in this town. None of your man’s brothers play for the other team, do they?”

  I smiled at his hopeful expression. “Don’t think so, but I can ask if you’d like.”

  “Don’t bother.” Mitch brought the back of his hand to his forehead and threw his head back dramatically. “I’m doomed to live the life of a pathetic spinster, living vicariously through my loved-up friends.”

  “Can men be spinsters?” I asked thoughtfully. “Wouldn’t you be a bachelor?”

  “Really? That’s what you took from my woeful speech?” He huffed at me as he reached into the display case and retrieved a triple chocolate cookie. “Come on, girl. Spill the beans.”

  “There’s really not much to tell. I was mortified after the date and said goodnight to him.”

  “Just saying goodnight is not what’s caused that blush on your face!” Mitch continued digging for more information.

  “There may have been a few kisses the morning after,” I said quickly walking back into the kitchen.

  “Ooooh, Jake and Niki, sitting in a tree-” Mitch sang as he walked after me.

  “Really, Mitch? How old are you?” I asked with a laugh.

  “Seriously though, babe. This is good for you.”

  “What do you mean?” I asked with a frown.

  “You’ve got this glow.”

  I rolled my eyes again. “There is no glow. I’m dating someone. I’m not pregnant.”

  “No, I mean you look happy. And hopefully that means you’ll ditch the rags soon.” He picked at my dress, and I batted his hand away.

  “There’s nothing wrong with my clothes!”

  “They’re like three sizes too big for you,” he said sounding frustrated.

  “They are not!” I protested looking down at the purple dress I was wearing.

  Okay… well maybe this one is a little loose…

  “This isn’t a teen movie. We’re not going to go dress shopping and get makeovers,” I said warningly, as I recognised the glint in his eye.

  “Party pooper!” Mitch groused. “Fine. Stay in the oversized tents, see if I care.” He paused for a second before breaking. “Okay, I really do care. Please can we go shopping? Just for one or two outfits.”


  “Awesome! We’ll go after our shifts tomorrow. We’ll head on over to Smithsville. Laurie and Gloria will have everything covered in the afternoon.”

  “I was supposed to meet Liya and Addie to talk about wedding stuff tomorrow.”

  “So just bring the bitches along.” He beamed at me. “We can even get ice-cream sundaes after, my treat. Can’t wait!” He turned on his heel and practically skipped to the kitchen, and I smiled despite myself.

  He really is like an overeager puppy who you c
an’t say no to.

  I resigned myself to what would be a long and torturous evening of being Mitch’s life-sized Barbie doll and playing peacekeeper between my sister and my two friends.

  There better be a freaking huge ice-cream sundae with my name on it tomorrow...

  * * * * *


  I stopped on Niki’s porch and leaned against a pillar as I answered my ringing phone. The evening sun slowly setting in the sky cast strange shadows over the front yard.

  “What do you mean the paint is purple and sparkly?” I asked Martina over the phone.

  Her voice came across the line sounding slightly crackly. “I meant that it’s like someone dipped a load of beetroots into glitter and then into paint, Jake!”

  “How did that happen? We ordered white!”

  “You don’t think I know that? I placed the damn order. I’m trying to figure out how the hell this happened, don’t worry about it, I’ll fix it. Where are you at the moment?”

  “I’m at Niki’s house. We’re supposed to start working on the menu today.”

  Her voice turned teasing. “Yeah, sure… working. Have fun.”

  “Martina…” I said warningly, and she laughed before hanging up on me.

  Shaking my head, I knocked on the door, and as I waited for Niki to answer, I wondered if it would be too soon to ask for a key.

  Her beaming face appeared as she pulled the door open, stains decorated her apron, and there was a smudge of flour on her cheek. “Jake, hi,” she said, sounding out of breath. “Hope you don’t mind, but I sort of started already.”

  “Something smells good,” I stated as I pulled her to me for a kiss. She stood on her tiptoes to meet me halfway, and I kissed her deeply, tasting the flavours of whatever she’d been cooking.

  I smacked my lips together. “Beef, gravy and herbs?”

  “I was trying out different pie fillings.”

  “Which one was this?”

  “Beef and ale. What did you think?”

  “Tastes great… but I think you make anything taste good.”

  She rolled pretty brown eyes in my direction and led me into the kitchen where every work surface was covered with produce, and there were dishes piled high in the sink. “Fucking hell.”


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