Alien Storm

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Alien Storm Page 28

by Ken Bebelle

  “Ok, ok, I give!” Laughing, she broke off a piece and tossed it over. The little guy snagged the morsel out of the air and wolfed it down. It turned around, standing on its hind legs, screeching. The shrill sound pealed through the trees. The sound died away and Cam heard rustling in the trees above her again. In moments a half dozen monkeys appeared before her, all giving her the same hangdog expression.

  She shook her head. This was what she got for going on a boondoggle. Sighing, she pulled her face screen, and tossed the monkeys two more of the bananas. Let them fight it out. Turning her back to the riotous screeches, she continued on her trek.

  Cam picked up speed again and as she did, she had a revelation--these trees lined up in rows. “I’m an idiot.” Somewhere along her run, she’d left the wilds and run into a goddamned plantation. All she had to do was find a road and she’d eventually run into something--a vehicle, a plantation house...maybe something with a comms system.

  Now she ran on full alert, no longer trying to cover ground so much as uncover signs of civilization. At last she spotted deep ruts in the ground, tracks from farming equipment perhaps. Hot damn.

  The sun’s heat blazed down on her head as she meandered the open road. “AJ, warn me if I’m going to start frying, ok?” Cam wondered if she should take the time to weave through the shady patches. Looking ahead, she spotted a familiar white shape. Her heart quickened with hope. Is that a truck? Cam launched into an all out sprint, fearing the truck would suddenly rev off.

  Closing in, she saw that the truck was empty. Dirt and grime covered most of the exterior. The tires seemed to be in good shape. Cam leaned forward, planting her hands on her quads and panting for air. She looked left and right for any plantation workers, but saw no signs other than the truck. A faded black logo was stenciled on the door of the truck.

  Plantação de frutas unidas de Minas Gerais

  Well, shit. She didn’t speak Portuguese. On the plus side, Cam now knew she was in Brazil somewhere. She put her hand gingerly on the hood of the truck. Still warm. Cam had no idea when the workers would come back.

  If her guess was correct, and she was in Brazil, then she had a couple of options. All of those options involved her getting to an airport. Being in a country as enormous Brazil meant that there were a shit ton of airports. She checked the truck. Unlocked. Things were looking up. She just needed to hotwire this sucker and find a main road. Cam let out a whoop of exultation and slid into the roasting hot interior.


  Going Rogue


  Dodging debris along her path, Sasha sprinted back to the hangar, eager to find Ace. She tapped her gauntlet to buzz him but got the Do Not Disturb icon. Damn. She tried the Raven again. No luck. She knew where she was supposed to be, but she didn’t know where Ace was supposed to be for T-delta. The vid jockeys navigated the drones but fighter pilots like Ace had other duties.

  She tapped out a short message on her gauntlet. <>


  She turned and trotted over to the rear of the hangar when another boom rocked the hangar, setting off a loud rattle above her. Sasha rubbed a hand through her grimy hair, wishing she had her bucket. At the rate this was going, she was going to get clocked in the head with all the shit raining down.

  Sasha finally found Ace on the rear upper deck of the hangar, staring intently at a huge bank of screens with rapidly changing aerial maps. Three other pilots crowded next to him, all several inches shorter than Ace. A woman, and two men. No one even looked up when she dashed up and yanked Ace’s sleeve, trying to get his attention. She didn’t know those three and she couldn’t make out what was on the screens. Their heads moved in synchrony as they watched and Sasha gathered it must be fucking fascinating for pilots.

  “Hey, what do you see?”

  Ace glanced down at her, his eyes not quite focusing on her face. He gestured to a screen above them. “Drone data reporting back. Multiple contacts. Tangos incoming. Origin unconfirmed.”

  Sasha blew out a sigh of frustration. “Landau had a cold map, Ace.”

  His eyes snapped back to her, sharp now. “I need to see that.”

  She shook her head. “No, you don’t need to see a map. You’ve got a Raven.”

  Ace’s eyes slid over to the other pilots. With a step to the side, he pulled Sasha out of earshot of the others.

  “We don’t have orders from Gunny or Phillips.” Ace whispered.

  Sasha wanted to smack him. “Ace, Landau’s map was of Reno. Don’t you see? Ringheads have hit Reno. We’re just getting the aftershock.”

  Ace’s dark brown eyes opened wide and his mouth dropped. He nodded slowly. “That makes sense. Segovia was their testing ground.”

  Sasha bobbed her head in agreement. “Exactly.”

  She needed him to get on board. Sasha reached up and yanked his face close to hers. “We gotta go in. We need to buy the civvies time until the cavalry comes or it’s going to be Segovia all over again.” She paused, her voice catching. “We can do this.”

  Ace closed his eyes and grimaced, but didn’t turn away. Finally he opened his eyes again and tipped his forehead down to bump gently against hers. “Yeah, you’re right.”

  Sasha exhaled in relief then jerked her head toward the other three pilots. “What about these clowns?”

  Ace grinned and straightened, his tone relaxed. “We’ve got four Ravens. Oh, and look, we’ve got four pilots. You and I are even dressed in battle rattle. Coincidence?”

  Sasha’s heart raced in excitement. “I have a plan. We need just one more thing.” She stepped back and lifted her wrist, punching in Mack’s channel. <>

  Mack’s response was immediate. <>

  Sasha grunted. They needed more people. <>

  She looked up at Ace. “We have to break their cold perimeter, the way we did in Vancouver.” Sasha pointed up at the drone images. “Those are fuzzy. We know what that means.”

  Ace nodded.

  Sasha didn’t have to spell it out. They both remembered the iceboxes wreaking havoc on their comms in Canada. The screens only revealed a few recognizable images. At this rate, they were fucking surrounded by the damn things. It was going to get chilly really fucking fast. They needed to haul ass.

  Sasha raised her voice. “Ace, introduce me to your friends.”

  Ace obliged, tapping the woman on the shoulder and then favoring her with a dazzling smile. Jeez, he needed to turn the wattage down before Sasha went blind. “Hey, Boomie. Come meet Tiny. We just finished Operation Pick Up Sticks.”

  The slim pilot returned Ace’s smile. Of course she did. Sasha shook her head at Ace’s relentless charm. When the pilot turned, Sasha she spotted the name stitched over her flight suit. B. Koslowski. Sasha didn’t quite understand the callsign Boomie, but whatever, fighter pilots were all crazy.

  Sasha gave her a nod. “Hey. Sasha Kennedy.”

  Boomie didn’t return the nod and no pretty smile for Sasha. “Belinda Koslowski.” Boomie turned and smacked the others on each shoulder. They turned with a grunt, their eyes catching Ripper’s distinctive hand sticking out of her suit and then quickly glanced away. Aha, so they recognize me! Sasha felt a small surge of satisfaction. The wider one at least looked her in the eyes, his own deeply set in a homely face.

  “This is Bull and Trigger.” Bull for a callsign definitely suited the pilot’s broad build and face. His flight suit identified him as J. Foley.

  Bull said nothing, but Trigger gave her a quick wave, his movements brief and economical. Even in the dim light of the prep area, Trigger’s shock of freckles stood out on his pale skin.

  Sasha raised a brow at Boomie’s curt introduction. She had to tread carefully with no one here under her command. She’d have to convince them of the righteousness of Operation Hotbox. “Re
no is under attack from Ringheads. They’re surrounding the town with iceboxes. We need to take those out just like we did in Vancouver in Operation Pick Up Sticks.”

  Boomie looked startled and then turned to Ace for confirmation. He nodded.

  Sasha tapped her foot, jittery. “So we need to get a squad together and take the Ravens into the closest iceboxes by the highway and clear a path for the rest of the Wolves to get through.”

  Boomie’s face took on a distinctly mulish expression. “I’m not scrambling jets until I hear the order from Gunny.” Trigger nodded in agreement. Bull frowned but said nothing.

  Fuck. Sasha glanced at Ace. Help me out here.

  Ace shrugged. He sauntered over the comms panel and tried to raise Gunny. Sasha felt her shoulders tense as they stood around waiting for a response from Gunny. Nothing.

  The comms pinged and as five sets of eyes stared at the panel, expecting to see Colonel Phillips or Gunny, Landau’s face appeared and used the Big Voice system. Sasha’s stomach lurched. Landau had no business on the Big Voice unless...

  “All hands to assigned stations. Initiating lockdown.”


  Fire and Ice

  Her ass was on fire. The fucking upholstery sizzled with heat. Black synth leather seats and tropical sun equaled hellfire, burning through her thin alien armor.

  The interior of her armor grew sticky and humid. Under the wheel she found only a smooth and seamless surface. Damn. Hotwiring was out. All computers, all the way.

  Cam studied the console. Aha. She pushed a round button in the center. Nothing. “Help me out, AJ.” The armor slid back, revealing her bare hand. Cam pressed the bare skin of her thumb to the button. No joy.

  She stepped on the brake, pushed the button and waited. Nothing happened. Fuck! Stupid thing probably had a fingerprint ignition lock. She got out of the cab, panting in the marginally cooler air, and slammed the door hard enough to shatter the window.

  She kicked the sidewall of the truck, leaving a sizeable dent. The dim realization that the kick hadn’t hurt nearly as much as it should have tempered her frustration.

  A low buzz droned in her ear, making it difficult to focus. Where the hell is that coming from? The buzzing in her head increased in volume, turning into a tingling on the back of her head. She whipped around and lost her balance. She yelled as she stumbled to one knee. The heat. It must be the heat. Even the heat radiating off the truck was unbearable now. Cam got to her feet and stumbled back into the shade of the nearest row of trees.

  Once in the shade her mind cleared. Jesus. This heat business is serious. She was going to have to find some water soon. Her helmet buzzed again, turning her head so she was looking to the edge of the plantation, where the tree line of the jungle started again.

  “What is it, girl? Has Timmy fallen into the well?” She thought of Mack and smiled, despite her fatigue. His goofy antics had balanced out the team. She knew that she and Jonesy had never been that lighthearted. Mack. God, I hope he made it back with the civilians. The ache for home spiked, a bright, sharp pain in her chest again. She used it to focus and calm herself. I’m going home. I will get home.

  Her helmet kept buzzing, keeping her head pointed at the nearest treeline. It seemed like the buzzing was getting more incessant.

  “Ok, girl. Let’s go see what you’ve found.”

  Her short rest in the shade seemed to have recharged her batteries. A few strides and she was back up to speed. Cam broke through the foliage and into the blessed cool shade of the jungle canopy. She slowed to a stop, feet skidding in the soft earth. Heart thudding in her ears, she turned slowly, waiting for a cue from AJ.

  The jungle was quiet around her as she moved. Cam strained her ears, listening for some clue, some hint. The stillness shattered with a loud screech, and heavy weight landed on her shoulders, pushing her down to her knees. Heart in her throat, Cam reached behind her, clutching for her attacker, and found the pale-faced monkey with the torn ear in her hands.

  Cam sat on her haunches, her face covered in nervous sweat. Part of her wanted to throw the little troublemaker up a tree. The monkey hooted and grinned at her, holding out its hands to her.

  “You’re a greedy one, aren’t you?”

  The little guy just kept smiling.

  Cam sighed and put him down. She stood and walked back to the treeline. Why would AJ bring her here for the monkey? The little monkey scampered alongside, almost tripping Cam as she walked. Maybe the shipmind was losing it, being so far from the actual ship? The truck looked like her best option now. If she could get it started and crank the AC...

  As Cam made to take a step beyond the shade of the trees her helmet buzzed with a sudden intensity that brought her to a knee. Groaning, she clutched at her head. What the hell is going on? She stumbled back a step and the pain subsided. She took a cautious step forward, and the awful tingling sensation ramped back up.

  AJ wanted her to stay here? “What is it, girl? What’s out there?”

  Cam crouched just behind the last line of lush ferns. The little monkey hopped up and sat beside her foot. Cam absently rubbed its head as she scanned the horizon beyond the jungle.

  She didn’t wait long. A shimmer appeared in the air above the truck. Her visor flexed, and the distortion brought the shimmer into focus. Cam saw a Ringhead jumpship, cloaked, hovering twenty feet above the truck. The hairs on her neck stood on end. Holy shit. I can see through their cloak!

  The ship circled once, and came to a stop again. Cam squinted, and realized with dismay that the ship was directly over where she had stood next to the truck. Are they tracking me? A boom rang out, then a second one in rapid succession. A flood of misting white gas shot out from the bottom of the ship. When the mist cleared Cam’s heart nearly stopped. Two tall cylinders jutted out from the ground right next to the truck.

  A high pitched whine pierced the air. The familiar sound grated over her raw nerves. Images of Cho and Nell flashed across her mind, each a slap of pain. A rapid bass beat began thumping, and waves of cold energy washed out from the cylinder.

  More cloudy gas collected around the iceboxes and the door on the jumpship opened again. This time Hunters dropped out, their bodies curled into tight balls. They dropped directly into the mist and disappeared. Shit.

  Cam crept backwards into the jungle, dragging the little monkey with her. Through the breaks in the foliage she saw the lean forms of the Hunters, now encased in ice, emerge from the mist. She counted the six figures. Oh good, only a small party.

  They began moving in her direction and Cam froze, watching them approach. She could hear them. Faint, but it was there. The same blur of images and emotions like she’d gotten from the ship, and the Mother. She was somehow tapped into their mental radio frequency.

  Unlike with Mother, the impressions she got from the Hunters was much simpler. Straight-forward. The thrill of the hunt. An animalistic desire to stalk, to kill. And they were homing in on her.

  At her feet, the monkey squirmed, clearly growing restless. It squeezed out from under her hand and crawled up her legs. It pawed at the pouch on Cam’s back, trying to get to the fruit inside.

  She swatted the monkey and hissed at it. “Quit that!”

  It continued to whine softly. Cam picked it up and cradled it against her chest, still keeping her eyes on the approaching Ringheads. Behind them she saw the outline of the jumpship landing beside the pickup truck.

  Her monkey writhed in her arms, struggling to get free. Its nose popped out from inside her arms. Wiggling more, it got its head free and opened its mouth, screeching in protest. Through the leaves Cam saw the nearest Hunter’s head snap around and stare directly in her direction. At this distance, and through the trees it couldn’t possibly see her, and yet it seemed like those flat black eyes bored into her from afar. With a booming roar, the Hunter took off at a run, and the other Hunter followed.

  “Fuck! Rotten little monkey!” Cam scrambled up and bolted to her right. She had
to get around them, not let herself get boxed in. She sprinted along the treeline, keeping the open areas of the plantation to her left. The monkey crawled up her back and perched on her shoulders, clinging to her head. The monkey hooted and cried as Cam crashed through the underbrush.

  Cam skidded to a stop and took cover. Looking back she saw the Hunters were nearly to the treeline. Their strangely undulating run dredged up fear-soaked memories of her team’s doomed flight from Segovia. Her mouth filled with sour saliva and her hands and feet tingled painfully. She couldn't make her hands stop shaking. I gotta get out of here.

  AJ chose that moment to start flooding her with images and sensations. Her visor flexed and AJ drew green halos on the cylinders. Cam felt a cool tingle around her head. Understanding dawned on Cam. “Oh. Oh, I like that.”

  A plan forming now, Cam looked down at her package. The monkey clung to her chest, its little arms rummaging about, no doubt still looking for bananas.

  “You know what, you little pisser? You’re going to make it up to me.”

  Cam reached into her pack and pulled out the entire bunch of bananas. The monkey’s eyes widened with greed.

  “You want these?” She shook the fruit, dangling them in front of the monkey’s face. “You want these? Yeah? Yeah? Gonna be mommy’s little diversion?” The monkey’s eyes locked on the fruit, following where Cam shook them.

  “Go get ‘em!” Cam turned and hurled the fruit back the way she’d come. The little monkey took off, howling and screeching, scrabbling through the brush. Three Hunters pivoted and bolted into the brush.

  The other three stood still, as if listening.

  Fuck it. Cam sprang out from her hiding place, her armor clad feet tearing up chunks of earth. She could see the truck just ahead, the mist from the cylinders already forming icicles along the truck bed. She ran with a fury, desperate to get there before the Ringheads caught her.


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