His Town

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His Town Page 19

by Ellie Danes

  “You said ‘Stacey,’” I hissed, “You called me Stacey!”

  “Did I?” He frowned, but I saw the flash of excitement that slipped across his eyes for a few seconds.

  “Are you still seeing her?” I demanded as I drew myself off the bed and began to grab my clothes from around the room. My bra had somehow managed to hook itself on the headboard and I had to lean over him to grab hold of it. He completely ignored me as I did, reaching for the remote from the bedside table and turning on the TV. His actions only made me angrier as he grabbed a beer from the mini fridge beside the bed without even getting up.

  “So what if I am?” He finally answered as he opened the bottle. “It’s not like we’re exclusive.”

  “You’re an asshole!” I yelled, pulling my clothes on and grabbing my shoes from the end of the bed. Why do I always do this to myself? I thought as I stormed from the bedroom.

  Racing through the apartment, I snatched up my handbag and remaining clothes. I could not get away from him fast enough. “Don’t let the door hit you on the way out.” He yelled from the other room. The sound of his laughter made my entire body shudder and reinforced just how much of an asshole he really was.

  I forced back the tears that threatened to stream down my face as I pulled the front door of his apartment open. I didn’t bother closing it prior to storming down the stairs and heading straight for the parking lot.

  * * * *

  I wanted to put as much distance between Jake and myself as possible. So I headed for home, hoping Avery, my roommate, would be there to listen to my ramblings about yet another Mr. Wrong. The sad part was, she already knew this story all too well. He was just like all the others. The guys who only wanted sex were the worst. They pretended to be nice until they got what they wanted.

  I had been nothing more than a conquest to him; something to do in between fucking his ex-girlfriend.

  The apartment was quiet and I realized Avery must still be at work. I threw myself down on the bed and shoved my face into my pillow, crying. It was the only thing I could do to release the emotions that had built up inside me, the only thing I could do to ease the pain.

  I must have nodded off, because the next thing I knew my phone was vibrating in my pocket. I groaned as I turned over and pulled it out. Avery’s name and smiling face were flashing across the screen. I swallowed hard, getting rid of the lump in my throat, and answered.

  “Hey, Avery.” I did my best to keep the emotions from my voice.

  “Have you left yet?” She asked, her voice clipped.

  “Left… for what?” Had we made plans?

  “The diner? Come on, Harper! You promised you’d be here.” Avery huffed into the phone, sounding just as disapproving as ever.

  Oh Hell! I thought, adding out loud, “I completely forgot!”

  “Well, you’d better hurry then.” She hissed.

  “I’ll be right there.” I promised.

  “Oh, wait.” Avery’s voice softened just a touch. “Can you grab my lip gloss out of the top drawer of my desk?”

  “I’m sure you have plenty of lip gloss in your handbag.” I rolled my eyes at her vanity as I headed for the bathroom to clean myself up and get ready.

  “Come on, Harper, it’s my lucky lip gloss and I need it.” She sounded like a child and I could just imagine her stomping her feet. Holding back the laughter that bubbled up in my throat, I promised, “I’ll bring it.”

  Hanging up the phone, I hurried to get ready, shoving on a slim blue dress and some high-heeled shoes before heading into Avery’s room. It was a disaster, as usual. I struggled to scramble over the piles of dirty clothes and makeup on my way to her desk. There, I pulled open the top drawer, which was stuffed with even more makeup. I grabbed the first lip-gloss I saw and prayed it was the right one as I slipped it into my clutch and headed out to meet her.

  * * * *

  The Camry, which had been my car ever since I learned to drive, was pretty beat up and struggled with even the smallest of journeys. And yet, I couldn’t give her up. Even if I wanted to, I couldn’t afford it. Besides, she’d gotten me through high school and the last five years of college. I felt like I had a kind of loyalty to her. Loyalty was important to me. Too bad I couldn’t ever find a man as loyal as my car. Or Avery.

  I coasted up to the stoplight and immediately slid the car into neutral, holding my left foot on the brake and pumping the gas with my right foot to keep her from stalling. It was instinct, something I had been doing for the last six months. I couldn’t afford to get the old car fixed, at least not right now.

  Ok, a salad, a couple drinks, maybe a shot. I was used to calculating my expenses in my head so that I would know exactly what I could afford when I went out. I usually tried to follow Avery’s lead and have the men at the club buy all my drinks. Beyond that, it was always a gamble to spend what little money I had and pray I could still pay the bills at the end of the month.

  I revved the engine several times, waiting for the last light to change back to green. I dreaded the night ahead. The only way through it would be to get a good buzz right off the bat (shots) and then sip whatever drinks came my way the rest of the night.

  This was my usual social life, when I wasn’t holed up with my latest example of horrible taste in men. I will not borrow money from Avery, I told myself as the light turned green.

  The diner was packed. College kids and grad students filled the booths, ready for a wild night out. It was a familiar sight and had been for many years, the last four and half of which I’d spent coming here. These nights just weren’t as frequent as they used to be now that I was working part-time and going to school part-time.

  Avery didn’t have that problem. She was mostly going to grad school to avoid getting a real job, and continuing to receive a steady stream of money from her parents in the process.

  She was sitting in our usual booth, two beers already on the table waiting. Avery waved me over with an excited grin on her face as I mentally deducted the cost of the beer from my budget for the evening. I reached in my clutch and grabbed her lip-gloss, tossing it to her as I slid into the cozy booth seat.

  “Great! You got the right one.” She laughed. I didn’t bother telling her I had been far from sure.

  “So what’s happening tonight?” I asked, wanting to get the expedition under way before chickening out and heading back home to sulk in my bed again.

  “Let’s head to the bar.” Avery suggested. “It’s your round.” I hesitated, my purse feeling all too light. She clearly noticed my hesitation and rolled her eyes. Sighing, she winked, “Don’t worry about covering the bill. I’ve got dinner.” I hated the way she always did that. She was forever getting me out of sticky situations, and I loved her for it, but I also never wanted to feel like I was using her. It didn’t seem like I ever had anything to give her in return. “At least you know how to spend money on your appearance.” She said, checking out my dress.

  “You don’t look so bad yourself.” I giggled, admiring her rich red dress and sleek black heels.

  We chatted about the night ahead for a little while before a waitress came over to take our order. Not wanting to seem like I was taking advantage of Avery’s offer to pay, I ordered the cheapest meal while she headed for the bar to grab some silverware.

  There was a couple in the next booth over watching her with intensity. The woman was eccentric, boasting bright purple hair She twisted a strand of it between her fingers as she admired Avery. The man sitting with her was devastatingly handsome. They made for an interesting couple; the kind of pair I never would have put together myself. Avery clearly noticed they were checking her out, and she met their gaze with a wry smile.

  “Did you see them checking me out?” She whispered as she sat down again.

  No sooner had the words left her lips, then the purple-haired woman stood and appeared at our table. She was small and attractive, definitely out to set her own style. Her silver nose ring sparkled and added just the ri
ght look to her choppy cut and dyed locks.

  She leaned against the table, looking us both over with a bright smile. “Hello, ladies.” She grinned. “I’m Natalie and that’s Hunter.” She nodded to the attractive, fit-looking guy she had been seated with. “I just wanted to come over and invite you to a little mixer we’re having tonight.” She looked more at Avery, only turning her attention to me for a moment.

  “Well, that sounds fun.” Avery smiled back, “What do you think, Harper?” Natalie continued grinning right at Avery.

  “I guess so.” I shrugged, looking at Natalie. Her face seemed to drop a bit, perhaps a little disappointed at my acceptance.

  “So are you in?” Hunter’s flamboyant voice caught me off-guard as he appeared over the back of Avery’s booth, grinning expectantly.

  “Sure!” Avery replied all too quickly. I wanted to smack her. I knew I had essentially said yes too, but I had hoped she would hear the hesitancy in my voice. So much for just going out “for a few drinks.”

  “Great. It starts at 9pm sharp.” Natalie ordered as she slipped Avery a card with the address on it. “Don’t be late and do not be drunk.”

  They turned to leave with broad smiles on their faces, but Natalie hesitated. Spinning to look at Avery again, she asked, “You’re single, right?”

  Avery’s mouth widened in a bright smile as she nodded. “We both are.”

  Natalie brightened once more. “Great. See you there.” She said before they walked out the door.

  “I can’t believe you just did that.” I hissed between my teeth, kicking her under the table.

  “Ouch!” Avery yelled as she rubbed her leg and frowned. “What’s wrong? It’ll be fun.” I glared at her with a look that spoke for itself. Avery simply lifted her drink to her lips, smiling at me deviously. “Oh come on, Harper. It’ll be good for you.”

  “No, it will be good for you. You’ll be able to play the field and up your chances of slipping into someone’s bed tonight.” I laughed.

  “Well,” she pouted for a moment. “It’s not my fault you can match everyone else up, but are so unlucky when it comes to your own love life.”

  I bit my lip. She knew me all too well. “Your right,” I admitted. “I do always make the wrong decisions. Jake and I broke up earlier, and to be honest, I really don’t want to go out at all. But I’ll tag along if that’s what you need to get your fill.” I shrugged my shoulders, hoping the night wouldn’t end in utter disaster.

  “I’m sorry, Harper.” Avery sighed, looking like she truly felt bad. “Look at it this way; you can have fun tonight without feeling guilty.” That was always Avery’s bright side for a breakup: the chance to get back in the game. I, on the other hand, preferred to take a break and sulk around for a few weeks before giving it a go again.

  By the time the waitress dropped off our food, I had lost my appetite. Jake was on my mind, and I was kicking myself once more for choosing so wrong. Absentmindedly, I took a swig of my beer, realizing only after it was gone that I had chugged it.

  “How about one more before we finish up and head to this little soiree?” Avery waved the waitress over again. I shook my head quickly. “I can’t drink and drive.”

  “We’ll take a cab then and pick up your rust bucket in the morning.” Avery winked yet again.

  * * * *

  The cab ride over to the mixer was all too quick. I stared out the front window at the enormous, gated house that sat overlooking the river. The place didn’t seem to be bustling with people. Instead, there were just a few other cabs and drivers with car services parked at the front of the house in the circular driveway. A handful of women were making their way to the front door, and I noticed a few men who looked as though they were in their element driving up in nice cars.

  “Are you sure this is the right place?” I asked as I climbed out of the cab, feeling underdressed. Avery nodded, seeming completely sure of herself as she pointed toward the steps of the house. I followed her finger to see Hunter greeting people just inside the door. Natalie could be seen behind him, lingering inside the foyer and greeting people as they passed by Hunter.

  My eyes made contact with his and I suddenly realized that there was no way to turn around and leave. He’d already seen us. “I can’t believe what you’ve gotten me into, Avery.” I said under my breath.

  “I’ll make you a deal,” she spoke quietly as I linked my arm through hers. “Twenty minutes and if it gets awkward, we leave. Ok?”

  “Deal.” I nodded.

  Chapter Two


  Music echoed from the wall of displays and created an unwelcome distraction as I tried to focus on the files. Grabbing the remote and muting the sound, I was finally able to concentrate on the photo in front of me. She was gorgeous for her age; in shape, successful. Her well-tanned face and inviting smile stared back at me from the image. I looked through the hand-written notes about her likes and dislikes and chuckled. A man that can keep up with me, she had written under “likes.” She definitely looked the type that could outlast any man her age, and likely even younger.

  I closed the file and flipped open the next one, which was labeled “Xander Malone.” A professional photo of a tattooed man standing shirtless in the middle of a gym was clipped to the front page of this folder. His hand-written list of characteristics, likes and dislikes was on the other side.

  I knew Xander. We had met once before and I had turned him down. I wasn’t sure why I was giving him another chance now, knowing his personality and propensity for having a good time with women.

  I sighed and placed the file on top of Jesse Parker’s as I heard a knock at the door. Looking up at the display monitor, I saw her, tall and blonde, standing just outside the door.

  “Come in!” I called loudly for her to hear.

  When she walked in, I stood to greet her. “Hello, Jesse, it’s good to see you again.” I said, holding my hand out to shake hers.

  “Likewise.” She smiled, a flirtatious expression upon her face.

  “I hope you didn’t have any trouble getting inside from the back entrance?” I guided her to the chair in front of my desk. “I didn’t want you to get caught up in all of the commotion out front.”

  “Not at all, Natalie was very helpful with her directions.” Jesse grinned as she perched on the end of the chair, removing her glasses and hooking one of the stems into her mouth, chewing it flirtatiously. She was definitely in the right mood for tonight.

  Before we could get carried away with small talk, I saw Xander approaching in the display and headed him off at the door before he could knock.

  “Xander, good to see you again.” I repeated the same words I had offered Jesse, though I knew it was only a half-truth in reference to him. Tonight, it was simply my job to be convincing and not stir up emotions.

  I extended my hand and followed it up with a firm pat on the back. “Please, take a seat and we’ll get started.” I gestured to the seat behind Jesse as I slid behind the desk, still able to keep an eye on the glowing displays on the far wall.

  “Jesse, I’d like you to meet Xander.” I said by way of introductions. Jesse had already been checking him out and was quick to offer her hand to him, smiling with wide eyes.

  “It’s lovely to meet you, Xander.” Xander delicately took her hand and kissed it in a charming way, causing her to giggle like a little girl.

  “Nice to meet you as well.” He shot her a glowing smile as he casually stole a look at her long, smooth legs, working his eyes up her body.

  “Alright you two. Let’s keep it friendly for now, but not too friendly.” I smiled at them. I saw the crowd begin to gather in the main room on the large center display and watched as Natalie began directing them. “Before we begin there are a couple of rules you both need to understand.”

  Xander’s brow furrowed and he rocked in his seat, leaning forward. “Seriously? Rules?”

  “Yes, rules. Break them and the evening is done.” Jesse nodded in agreem
ent quickly as she watched for Xander’s affirmation, which he finally gave in return. Confident that they both understood, I continued. “There will be no exchanging contact information, no kissing and definitely no drunken antics. The bar staff has been told to limit everyone to two drinks.”

  Xander seemed to be barely listening, brushing off my words with a simple, “Ok.”

  Convincing and no emotions, I reminded myself. “Please keep personal information simple,” I continued. “And no last names. It can make things a little awkward.”

  I watched as they both nodded without saying a word.

  “Natalie, Hunter and I have done a great deal to make this evening memorable for the both of you. There are just a few more things we need to wrap up before we can get started.” My eyes brushed to the screens, trying to estimate how close we were. But after a moment, I looked back to Jesse and Xander. ‘Do either of you have any questions, or is there anything I can get you while you wait?”

  “I’m fine, thank you.” Jesse declined.

  “Me too, just ready to get this going.” Xander smiled, his eyes on Jesse, not me.

  I sighed. “Please, have a seat in the room across the hall. Someone will come to get you in a few minutes.” I opened the door and directed them to the waiting room, and then I headed back to my desk.

  Turning the volume up on the monitors, I watched as Natalie and Hunter made the final arrangements in the room. I couldn’t help but take notice of all of the amazingly attractive women that were gathered toward the back. Natalie and Hunter had done a great job providing prospects for tonight.

  Chapter Three


  Tugging on my dress in an attempt to straighten it out, I watched as handsome men and beautiful women filled the room ahead of me. There must have been at least forty people already inside. Avery boosted her boobs in her bra, clearly readying herself for a great night. She scanned over the sea of people, stopping for a few moments on the faces of each of the younger men.

  I couldn’t help but feel awkward as I saw the security guards that were spread around the room. They stood tall, wearing jet-black suits, their earpieces spiraling down their necks. Why does a mixer need security? I asked myself as Avery dragged me into the room by my elbow.


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