His Town

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His Town Page 22

by Ellie Danes

  Chapter Two


  I sank into the couch and stared blankly at the television. The glass of wine in my hand was enough to help me relax as I flicked through the channels and looked for something to watch. It was nice to not have to worry about work. Tuesday night was one of the few nights I had free, and I was happy to just lounge around. Especially after the night before.

  My phone vibrated on the table beside me and I frowned. So much for peace and quiet. At first I ignored it, but then it vibrated again, over and over. Reluctantly, I picked it up and answered.

  Avery’s shrill voice came from the other end, “They asked me to leave!” She bellowed, “They told me I couldn’t come back unless you were with me!”

  “What are you talking about?” I demanded as I sat up straight and placed my wine glass on the coffee table in front of me, “They can’t tell you that you can’t go in unless you’re with me. That’s ridiculous.” I added this to my growing list of reasons never to go back.

  “Well, it’s true,” Avery groaned. “There are so many men here and I’m dying to see who the bachelor is.” She huffed into the phone, her anger turning into desperation. “Harper, you have to get down here! I’m begging you. I’m your best friend and I need you tonight. Please?”

  I hated it when she did that. I felt so guilty letting her down, especially when she was always coming through for me. But going back to that place was the last thing I wanted to do right now. “Avery, I really don’t want to waste another night in that place just to get hit on by another pig and end up coming home drunk.”

  “You’ll be drunk by the end of the night anyway with that bottle of wine I saw you nursing when I left!” She rightly accused.

  I had no idea why this meant so much to her, but the fact that it did made it near impossible for me to refuse her. “Fine. You win. But I'm only staying for an hour, and then I'm coming back home to my wine.”

  “You won’t regret it Harper!” She squealed. “Thank you!” She sounded far too excited and happy to me, but I couldn't help but smile at her enthusiasm.

  “An hour.” I warned, shaking my head at how easily I had given in. “I’m not staying any longer. Just enough to get you into that awful meat market mixer, and then I’m headed home.”

  * * * *

  Downing the glass of wine I had already poured myself, I made my way into the bedroom to quickly change. My little black dress went perfectly with the heels I had worn the night before. There wasn’t enough time for me to worry about my appearance beyond that. I had no desire to meet yet another guy that would go no nowhere fast.

  My junker of a Camry looked out of place as I drove passed the front gate and towards the entrance of the mansion. Most of the people that were arriving had taken car services or cabs. No one seemed to drive themselves, and no one was driving a car anywhere near as beat up as mine.

  The security guard approached my window as I pulled up to the house. “I’m sorry, ma’am, you’re going to have to park that over there.” He motioned to a small side parking area, far away from the house.

  “Fine.” I grumbled as I rolled my eyes and started to drive passed him.

  “Wait!” The guard held up a finger at me and then pressed his other hand to the earpiece in his right ear. He gave a slight nod and replied, “Yes sir,” to whomever it was speaking to him just then.

  Turning back to me, he attempted to remove the frown from his face. “You can leave your car here. I’ll park it for you.” He fumbled for the door and finally opened it, allowing me to exit and head towards the house.

  “Take good care of her.” I giggled as I watched him roll his eyes at me.

  Avery had seen me get out of the car from where she sat on a stoop, admiring the men as they entered, and she jumped up to meet me. “I’m so glad you’re here!” She smiled as she looped an arm around my back. “Finally,” she mumbled under her breath. Quickly grabbing my hand, she pulled me up the steps to the entrance of the mansion.

  “Welcome back!” Natalie’s chipper voice came from down the hall. I looked over to see her rush in our direction, and I couldn’t help but notice the mean look Avery flashed at her as she approached us. Getting on Avery’s bad side wasn’t something I recommended to anyone. She always had a way of getting even when she didn’t get what she wanted, not that it happened very often.

  Hunter appeared from the opposite direction and approached us just as eagerly. “We’re so glad you came back.”

  Natalie cast her eyes towards Avery for just a second. “I’m glad you were able to convince her to come tonight.”

  Avery didn’t say a word and merely nodded. I could tell she was holding back the scorn on the tip of her tongue.

  “We’re about to get started, if you two want to move into the main room.” Natalie and Hunter turned, leaving us to follow.

  As soon as we entered the room, I pulled Avery to the back of the crowd, just like we had done the night before. I really didn't want to be noticed or make any contact with anyone..

  Natalie and Hunter made their way to the front of the room and went through the same speech we’d already heard, wrapping up with an introduction of the bachelor and bachelorette of the evening. This couple seemed more subdued than the pair from last night, but I still had no interest.

  “Come on,” Avery frowned, “Let’s go meet him, or at least introduce ourselves.” She tugged on my arm, but I shook my head as I pulled away from her.

  “You go ahead.” I offered. “I’m going to sit this one out. Come get me when you’re ready to go.”

  Shortly after watching Avery head into the crowd, I made my way around the room and went in the direction of the bar. I hoped I would be able to make it without being noticed or singled out. Fortunately, everyone was too enamored by the guests of honor to even notice what I was doing. Slinking into the dark alcove of the room, I smiled at the bartender and ordered a glass of wine.

  “Not feeling up to it tonight?” A smooth, deep voice echoed from behind me as I spun around in surprise. I was taken aback by how gorgeous the man in front of me was. He was so tall that my head fell back as I tried to meet his eyes with my own, and he was the very picture of tall, dark, and handsome. He looked back at me with a pair of light blue eyes that sparkled and almost hypnotized me. The sharp, sexy, black suit he was wearing fit him perfectly, hugging every muscle and bulge.

  “No, not tonight.” I cautiously looked around the room, hoping I wouldn’t get caught talking to one of the eligible men.

  “My name is Mason.” He held his hand out to me. Reluctantly I took hold of it, not wanting to attract attention to myself. He shook my hand softly as his eyes locked with mine, never wavering from my gaze.

  “It’s nice to meet you.” I gave him a halfhearted smile and attempted to turn my attention back to the mingling crowd, even though I wanted nothing more than to stare into those mesmerizing blue eyes a little longer.

  “And your name is?” He pushed.

  “Oh! Harper.” I said, shaking my head at my own rudeness. Still, I willed myself not to look at him again. I knew if I did, I’d likely never be able to turn away. Please, just turn and go, before we both get in trouble. I thought. No, stay. My mind argued. Conflicted thoughts raged through my head.

  “What a lovely name.” His voice was deep and smooth, like chocolate to my ears.

  I could see his amazingly perfect smile from the corner of my eye as he continued. “So, why aren't you out there?” He gestured at the crowd in front of us. “Is he not your type?”

  “I don’t know that I really have a type.” I grinned despite myself. I knew only that historically, my type was always the wrong type. But I wasn’t going to tell him that. “It’s more that I just don’t really feel like being here tonight,” I admitted. “It’s not really my scene. I’m only here for a friend.”

  Mason smiled again and took a sip from his drink. “I see, well, you must be a good friend to sacrifice yourself to come hang out her
e.” He chuckled.

  “Well, I owe her.” I turned to face him as I took a step backward, allowing myself to see as much of him as possible. “You know, we aren’t supposed to be talking to each other. Why aren’t you out there with Miss Perfect?” I nodded toward the flirting bachelorette, who was currently draped over two of the eligible men.

  Mason laughed and hid his grin behind his glass as he took another sip of whisky. “I’m glad to see somebody knows the rules.” Lowering the glass, he allowed his entire face to be lit by the smile overtaking it. “I work for the company that puts on these events, so I guess I get a free pass on that. It also means I’m not allowed to speak to the bachelorette.”

  “Well, that can’t be much fun when it comes to all the rich and famous that come through these doors.” I joked. Mason instantly frowned and I began to feel as though I had said something wrong.

  “I don’t care about their money,” he explained. “Attitude and personality are what I’m drawn to.”

  “That sounds like a typical guy trying to get a girl with a line.” I rolled my eyes at him. “Men say whatever they think will work in order to score, at least in my experience.”

  Mason stared at me with furrowed brows, his lips pursed as a serious look fell over his face. “I promise you, that’s not who I am.”

  I immediately felt bad for lumping him into the bucket with every other asshole of a guy I’d ever met and dated. “I’m sorry. It’s been a rough few days and I don’t know you. I didn’t mean to assume.”

  “It’s ok.” He said. “I know what you mean. I see it enough here. These guys come in thinking they’re going to land themselves a rich bachelorette. They say and do all kinds of things trying to get her attention.”

  “So, does this thing actually work?” I asked as I finished off the glass of wine.

  “99% of the time, yes,” Mason replied as he nodded to the bartender for another round of drinks. “Would you like another, Harper?”

  I nodded, a warmth running through me as I realized the first glass of wine had already begun to sink in.

  “It’s quite simple really,” Mason continued as he turned back to me. “The bachelors and bachelorettes come to us looking for love, and we help them find their perfect match. It doesn’t usually take much to get two people on the right path once you know what you’re doing.”

  “But putting a bunch of prospects in the same room can’t be all it takes, right?” I arched an eyebrow at him. “I mean, if that was it, wouldn’t just going to a bar do the trick?” This entire process intrigued me, but I still skeptical. He seemed passionate about it though, and I could tell that he really enjoyed his work.

  “It’s not quite that simple.” He shrugged his shoulders before adding, “Once we’ve narrowed a few people down from the bachelor and bachelorette’s choices, we start working with the top contenders, as well as our bachelor and bachelorette, to coach them in being the best person they can be. One of our objectives is to help all involved think about the other person in the relationship, instead of just thinking of themselves. The love connection doesn’t happen instantly tonight, but the initial sparks are set. And then we’re there to make sure a solid relationship is formed.”

  “I know a few people who could do with a little of that.” I mumbled under my breath, gritting my teeth as I thought of all of my ex-boyfriends.

  Mason laughed at my comment. “Well, some take away more than others. We mainly work with the men to ensure they know how to take care of a woman.” Mason motioned toward the bachelor of the evening. “Like Henry over there. He’s rich, successful, not bad looking, but he doesn’t have a clue how to speak to a woman outside of a business setting, so we work with him to change that.” He paused for a moment, looking out at the crowd. “And then someone like that guy over there,” Mason carefully pointed to an attractive bachelor in the crowd, currently holding court with the bachelorette. “He could be the perfect boyfriend, but he hasn’t quite mastered the art of romance. If the bachelorette picks him, we’ll give him a crash course on being the perfect man.”

  The perfect man. I smiled to myself as I thought about those words. Did such a thing even exist?

  “I don’t want to bore you with all of this.” Mason seemed genuine in his comments, and in our conversation. “How would you like to get out of here? I can give you a tour instead?”

  His offer came at the perfect time. Not that I was bored with the conversation, but I couldn’t stand watching everyone, including Avery, falling over themselves to get a little attention from the couple of honor. Besides, it gave me the perfect opportunity to take in Mason and all of his attractive features and qualities. “I would love that.” I finally answered.

  Mason’s eyes lit up as he extended his arm to escort me from the main room. I linked my arm with his and felt the muscles in his arm ripple beneath my hand. Electricity coursed through my body at the feel of our mutual touch. Taking a deep breath of his intoxicating cologne, we moved down the long hallway away from the laughing and talking of the crowd. It felt good to escape, if even for just a few minutes.

  We finally stopped in what seemed to be a library. The walls were lined with filled bookshelves. Leather couches sat in a square in the middle of the room and a fireplace roared with flames on the other side.

  “This is one of the spaces we use for helping couples find true love,” Mason explained as he led me into the room. “It’s a great atmosphere away from the hustle and bustle of real life. The fireplace and setup also seem to help soothe people. In everyday life, people tend to be too busy and always in a rush. Here, they can relax and enjoy themselves without that pressure and stress.”

  My curiosity was being piqued. “So, what kind of ‘training’ do you give the guys who come to you?” I asked as he gestured for me to sit down. He took the seat next to me and leaned back.

  “We give them examples of how they can be more romantic with their dates,” Mason explained. “Sometimes we even plan the dates for them. It allows them to see what a woman really wants from her man.”

  “I can see why some men would need that,” I nodded. “I’ve had my share of bad dates. Last night included.”

  Mason put his head down and rubbed the back of his neck with the palm of his hand. “What Xander did to you was uncalled for and never should have happened.” He frowned as he moved a hand across the couch, gently touching the back of mine. “I can’t tell you how sorry I am.”

  I almost smiled, until a thought occurred to me. “How do you know what happened

  He stood up, taking my half empty wine glass and walking over to a cabinet on the other side of the room. Carefully refilling it, he smiled at me as he made his way back to the couch. “Natalie debriefed the whole team this morning.” He explained. “I want to promise you that something like that will never happen to you here again. It’s never happened here before. I… we… are very careful about the clients we select. Xander was an anomaly, and a mistake we won’t be making again.”

  “I appreciate that,” I said sincerely. “But I don’t plan on coming back for another mixer. It’s really not my thing.” I stared at the wine glass he had placed in my hand. “I thought two drinks was the limit?” I already felt a little light-headed from the previous few glasses.

  “Only if you’re attending the mixer,” he winked. “And obviously, neither of us are doing that right now. Shall we continue the tour?” Mason extended his hand, helping me off the couch and leading me out of the room toward a back staircase.

  The upper landing opened to the foyer below on one side and the main room on the other. From this vantage point, we were able to watch the crowd mingling unnoticed. I could see the social circles formed around the bachelor and bachelorette. I stood there, holding the railing and watching as each person tried their best to stand out from the rest of the crowd. It looked like a shark tank feeding frenzy, and I couldn’t help but giggle to myself. “It gives you a different perspective of things, doesn’t it?”
r />   Mason chuckled beside me. “Come, I want to show you something else.”

  The wine and view looking downward had obviously taken its toll on me as I spun toward Mason, spilling my glass of red wine on his perfectly pressed white shirt. My mouth hung open and I immediately began apologizing, trying to wipe up what I could with the small cocktail napkin I had wrapped around my glass. “Oh my god, I’m so sorry.” I quickly dabbed at the red splotches on his shirt.

  “Don’t worry about it,” he shook his head with a smile. “But I should get this off before it stains.” He steadied my balance and then led me into a room just passed the landing.

  I watched as he quickly unbuttoned his shirt, revealing his strong shoulders and toned abs. “I really am sorry.” I mumbled quietly, over and over again as I stared at his perfectly built upper body.

  The single dark tattoo on the back of his shoulder was the only mark of imperfection on his skin, and I was drawn to it. It was mysterious, sexy, and rugged. For the first time, Mason’s polished appearance and politeness revealed a dark side. I felt myself becoming more attracted to him by the minute. I watched as he removed a fresh shirt from the wardrobe and tossed the stained shirt into a basket next to it.

  “Why are you changing in here?” The question escaped my lips instantly, as I wondered whose shirt he was putting on.

  “The entire staff spends a lot of time here.” He explained. “We all have our own rooms.” He smiled as he noticed my intense gaze focused on his body. I felt my face flush, embarrassed to have been caught, and I immediately spun in the opposite direction. In the process, I almost lost my balance again, as I tried swiftly to make my way to the door.

  “Harper, wait.” Mason called from behind me.

  “I’m sorry, Mason,” I said, not bothering to slow down. “Maybe I should wait for you downstairs.”


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