His Town

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His Town Page 28

by Ellie Danes

I laughed, glancing over my shoulder to make sure Avery wasn’t listening in.

  “It’s Avery’s fault.” I whispered, more than happy to blame the mess on her.

  Mason laughed, the smooth sound filling my eardrums and making me want more of it.

  “Ready to go?”

  “I think so.”

  He held out a flower, nodding at me to take it. I suddenly felt as if I was in high school, going to the prom. No guy had ever gotten me flowers, let alone for a first date. That’s what this is, I realized, with a start. A date.

  I buried my nose in the flower, which was white and had two blossoms on the stem. “What type of flower is this?” I asked.

  “That would be an orchid.” He smiled at my delight.

  “An orchid?”

  “Wipe that silly look off your face, Harper,” he ordered, laughing. “Orchids aren’t rare. I thought it was fitting for you—besides, I’m not into the classic rose thing.”

  “But roses mean romance!” I giggled, looking up from my flower to stare at him.

  “Orchids mean delicate beauty. Much more fitting in this case, I think. Come on.” He grabbed my hand.

  I, shocked into silence, followed him out to the front of the building. A black car waited for us on the street. Mason opened the door for me.

  “Are you kidding me?” I asked myself, accidentally saying the words out loud as he opened the door on the other side and got in.

  “What was that?”

  I blushed. “I was just marveling at all of this.”

  He smiled, laying his fingers over mine on the middle seat. “I didn’t want driving to take away from my ability to give you my full attention. Champagne?”

  I declined, staring out the window into the lights of the street. He laughed, capturing my attention again, pouring two glasses of champagne.

  “I really don’t need any,” I protested.

  A good-natured smile spread across his lips. “Yes, but you didn’t want any earlier back at the mansion, either. Then you ended up drinking two full glasses.”

  I could feel my blush deepen. He handed me a glass and I took a sip, feeling the bubbly liquid fizzle a little in my mouth. I glanced over at him, only to find his eyes on me. His black suit blended into the night and the seat of the car, but I could still see the outline of his toned form, admiring the way he sat.

  “Don’t be intimidated by the car and driver,” Mason said, switching his own glass into his other hand so that he could rejoin our fingers together. “They’re nothing. Just perks.”

  Perks for what? I wondered, but said nothing.

  Chapter Four


  I got out of the car and turned to help Harper behind me, keeping hold of her hand as we approached the restaurant. I’d been here before, on more than one occasion. Truth be told, I owned the place, but I wasn’t about to tell Harper that. The last thing I needed was to have her completely intimidated by me.

  I knew the ins and outs of this place as if I lived here, though, having spent hours upon hours trying to make everything perfect before the opening. I knew the managers really well, too, after setting their son up with a “perfect” match (if there was such a thing). All the staff members would recognize me when we walked in.

  Although the prospect of them revealing my identity to Harper made me a little nervous, I couldn’t think of a better place to take her, especially with her in that sexy red dress. The material hugged her curves even more tightly than the one she had worn earlier, and she walked with a special quiet grace that I had never seen before.

  I could feel her squeeze my hand, and I returned the squeeze as we approached the huge line of people waiting to get into the restaurant. My chest roared with pride as I saw some of the other well-to-do men looking at her. I couldn’t quite place the feeling; rarely, if ever, did I care what anyone thought. But Harper was mine, at least for tonight, and that had awoken something inside of me.

  “I’m certainly a lucky man, tonight.” I told her, pressing my face into her curled hair. I caught the scents of shampoo, hairspray, and a slight dab of perfume. Instantly, warmth filled my body, making me squeeze her hand a little tighter.

  She giggled, clutching the sweater she carried. “Not at all. It’s the other way around.”

  Tugging on her hand, I led her to the front and gave the security guard a grin. He let us in without question.

  I could feel the staff looking at us, stiffening as they smiled brightly. I had met most of them before, and they clearly all knew who I was. When the host, Pierre, turned and saw me, his entire face lit up as he flounced over. The man was shorter than both Harper and I, but stood straight and confident before us.

  “Welcome, Mr.—”

  “It’s just Mason tonight, Pierre.” I felt Harper’s eyes on me.

  Pierre looked at me, then at Harper, blinking only once before waving his hand. “Of course, of course! If you and your lovely date could follow me...”

  He led us to the primo table, walking us past dozens of couples and groups. Everyone was dressed up and whining and dining. I could see Harper looking up at the high ceiling in awe. I wondered if she had ever experienced a first date this extravagant. I didn’t think so.

  We were seated in a secluded area, occupied by only a few other people. I felt Harper gasp beside me as her eyes looked out over the lit city below. The lights reflected in her crystal blue gaze.

  I smiled. “Best view in the house.”

  “I believe it,” she whispered.

  “Is there anything else I can help you with this evening?” Pierre asked.

  “My guest and I would just like some privacy this evening.” I answered in response.

  That way I won’t have to worry about Pierre tipping off Harper, I thought.

  “Of course, sir.” Pierre replied, bowing out. “Your waiter will be by soon.”

  I leaned over the table, watching Harper as her pretty blue eyes took in the entire scene.

  “What do you think?”

  She blinked a couple of times, as if coming out of a trance. “This is crazy. I had no idea a place like this existed in this area. And you seem to know everyone. Have you been here before?”

  “Yeah,” as Asher. I kept my face unreadable when I responded.

  I continued observing her as she looked around the room. Something caught her eye, and she leaned forward, speaking to me under her breath.

  “Isn’t that guy a senator?”

  I followed her gaze and laughed. “Yep. That’s Senator Jacoby and not his wife.”

  She looked dismayed. “How sad for her.”

  “For the mistress or the wife? Or both?” I teased, trying to lighten the situation.

  “The wife,” Harper replied, sticking out her lower lip. She had put on ruby red lipstick again, only emphasizing the natural lusciousness of her lips. I wondered what it would feel like to bite that lower lip, to feel her mouth against my own. If the kiss on my cheek had been any indication of how turned on I’d get... I shivered, not wanting my mind to get carried away.

  “Relationships aren’t always perfect,” I said truthfully. “But I hope you know I would never do anything like that.”

  Her eyes found mine. I was surprised to find tears glistening behind her lashes. She angrily wiped at them with her napkin. “Sorry. I guess I’ve just been cheated on a lot. It’s a heartbreaking situation, no matter who you are.”

  “I understand.” I did understand. I could see the pain in her eyes, the way she no longer held herself with confidence. I took her hand, giving it a squeeze, glad when she squeezed back.

  After we had ordered, Harper’s mood returned to normal. Her eyes widened when the waiter brought out the food, which covered nearly our entire table.

  “Spare no expense for a beautiful lady,” I advised, laughing at her expression.

  “You take that statement literally, don’t you?” She looked at me suspiciously as the waiter left the table. “The car, the champagne, this fanc
y restaurant where you know everyone—you are truly an enigma, Mason.”

  I shrugged. “Not at all. I just have an appreciation for the finer things in life.”

  “So do I, but I can’t afford them.” Her tone was not unkind.

  “The mansion pays well. You’ll see.” I said, again shrugging. “And it comes with plenty of perks.”

  She seemed to accept that answer. I started to say something else, but was interrupted by my phone buzzing in my pocket. I sighed.

  “You can look at it, if you need to,” Harper picked at her salad, watching me, amused.

  “Not very chivalrous of me,” I muttered, taking out the phone.

  “It’s fine, I understand.” She laughed, nudging my shoulder with hers playfully. I grinned at her, slowly moving one arm to draw her chair closer to mine, pressing my leg up against hers. She didn’t protest.

  Looking down at my phone, I saw that Natalie had texted. “It’s just Natalie.” I explained. “Trying to get things ready for the upcoming mixers. Got to get everyone in the mood, you know?”

  “How romantic.” Harper giggled.

  “Well, I guess it’s elimination night, in a sense. I have to talk to the final five men and women for each bachelorette and bachelor, get a sense of where they’re at, that sort of thing.”

  “Elimination night. Even more romantic.” Harper rolled her eyes, pressing her leg up against mine. For some reason, I could feel a heat start in my chest and travel downward at the movement. If Harper had one thing, it was spunk. I admired her for it. Beneath the table I could see her legs perfectly, crossed and leaning up against mine. I tried to peel my eyes away.

  “Well, better get used to it,” I joked, catching her hand as she reached for some salad dressing and kissing her knuckles. I liked her hands. They were slender, strong, but altogether feminine. “You’re about to become one of us, soon.”

  “I am indeed.” Her words were short, clipped. I wondered if my lips brushing up against her skin had awoken something in her, too. I let her hand go.

  Avery has been notified that she’s one of the final girls, Natalie’s next text read.

  Now, how to handle that. I grinned at Harper, wondering how I was going to explain Avery getting into the top five. Avery had probably noticed that Henry wasn’t altogether interested in her, and if Avery and Harper were as close as they seemed to be, she had certainly told Harper as much. For him to pick her as one of his top five would come as a surprise, perhaps with some uncomfortable questions from Harper about my identity.

  “Everything okay?” Harper asked.

  “Yes,” I replied, putting away my phone. “Everything is perfect.”

  Chapter Five


  I crossed my legs, and then uncrossed them. Mason had been more polite and romantic than any man I had ever been with, but my needs for this evening were extending beyond just a simple wine and dine. I had already snuck closer to him when he was looking at his phone, but as we chatted I couldn’t tell if he could see how anxious I was to get out of the fancy restaurant, how my body wanted to rip out of this dress and have him take me, over and over again.

  Watching him as he spoke only made me more attracted to him, to the point that I had to turn my eyes away. Thankfully, the cheating senator and his lover had gone, so I didn’t have to watch them in disgust.

  “Ready, then?”

  I looked up. I hadn’t realized Mason had stood, holding out his arm for me. I took the opportunity, leaning against him, wondering if he could feel the warmth of my skin seeping through our clothes.

  Mason checked his watch as we walked out of the restaurant, arm in arm.

  “It’s still somewhat early.” He gave me a little wink that set me off again. “How about some dessert? I have the keys to the mansion.”

  “How do you know Asher won’t be there, or Natalie?” I asked, frowning a little.

  “They won’t be.”

  “How do you know? Do you live there?”

  He laughed, waving off the question. I frowned a little more, glad that the darkness obscured my expression from him.

  How did Mason have such unlimited access to the mansion? More and more I was beginning to think that he lived there, but hadn’t he had made it clear he wasn’t that rich? Shaking my head, I tried to push any doubts away. I didn’t think Mason would lie to me; he seemed completely sincere in almost every conversation we’d had thus far.

  Yeah, but you always think that, that niggling voice in my head sounded, that’s why you have such bad luck with men.

  No. Mason was different. I wasn’t willing to believe that silly voice of logic, especially with Mason standing next to me, helping me into the car.

  When we got back to the mansion, it looked like it had when there was a mixer going on, at least from the outside. Outdoor lights lined the driveway, giving the mansion a warm, homey feeling.

  “This way.” He led me into the mansion, where dim lights lit the way.

  “Ouch,” I winced as one of my very sore feet cramped up. I stopped, leaning against the wall, cursing the heels I had insisted on wearing for Mason. “Would you mind if I took off my shoes? My feet are killing me. Heels hurt.”

  “No need,” Mason said, scooping me up, heels and all.

  “Put me down!” I squealed, giggling. He laughed, ignoring me. I could feel his arm and chest muscles tighten up against me, supporting me completely. I wrapped my arms around his neck, not knowing what else to do with them.

  He glanced down at me, smiling. Before I could register what had happened, he set me down in a lawn chair by the mansion’s huge pool. The night was warm, the air perfectly dry and fresh.

  “Wow,” I managed to breathe as I looked out over the sparkling, calm water of the pool. “This is lovely.”

  “Yes, you are.” He crouched down to open one of the three mini-fridges near the pool. When he straightened, he was carrying a bottle of white wine and a bowl of strawberries.

  “Aren’t those for the mixers?”

  He shrugged, setting them down on a little table between the lawn chairs. Upside down wine glasses already sat on the tables, waiting for another mixer. He filled two of them up, shoving one into my hand.

  “I know how much you like your alcohol.” His voice was light. I could sense a laugh behind his words.

  “That’s true,” I replied, sticking my tongue out at him.

  “I can think of better uses for that tongue.” He took a large sip of his wine, but I could see his sly grin all the same.

  I gasped, laughing. “And all this time I thought you were a gentleman!”

  He came and sat down next to me. I looked up at the stars, reveling in their beauty.

  “It’s a beautiful night, isn’t it?”

  I took a few sips of wine, shivering at the taste of it. It was strong, and almost immediately started going to my head. “Good wine, good friends, good fun—I think I saw that on a greeting card once.”

  “I hope that I can be a little more than just a friend.” Mason reached out and tucked a strand of hair behind my ear with a smile.

  I took another gulp of wine, watching him as his hand lingered on my face. As I lowered my cup, his face inched closer to mine. I could smell the wine on his breath as his hand cupped my cheek. He looked at me straight in the eyes, and I thought for sure he would kiss me. Instead, he pulled away, taking another drink of his wine. I sat there, stunned, wondering why he hadn’t kissed me right then and there.

  “More wine?” He asked, pointing at my glass. I hadn’t realized I’d drained it.

  A few glasses of wine later for the each of us, and my vision started to blur a little.

  He stood up, taking off his jacket and throwing it onto another lawn chair. “It’s so hot out,” he complained, loosening his tie.

  I felt drowsy. Every muscle in my body had relaxed. But as Mason began to unbutton his shirt, bringing back memories of the first night I had seen him, I sat up a little straighter, intrigued.<
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  “What are you doing?” I giggled.

  “What are we doing, is the question to ask,” he retorted, throwing his shirt off to the side. “Ever done something crazy, Harper Browning?”

  “Sure, but—” I froze as I felt his hands on the back of my dress, unzipping it. “Mason!” I laughed, a little too tipsy to be disturbed.

  “Shh,” he cooed, bringing his face close to my ear so I could feel his hot breath on my skin. “Let’s go for a swim.”

  I stepped out of my dress and laid it neatly on the lawn chair, knowing Avery would kill me if I didn’t take care of it. Mason undid his belt, eyes watching me. My own eyes traveled down his muscular chest and torso to land on his hands. Suddenly, he had dropped his pants and underwear. I looked away, feeling shy.

  “Something crazy.” He grinned, walking over to me and gently unlatching my bra. His hands traced my curves as his fingers hitched onto my underwear, pulling them down my legs. “You’re beautiful,” he coaxed, taking my hands away from my chest, letting my bra fall to the ground.

  My buzzed feeling subsided a little as I stared at him. His piercing blue eyes took my entire naked body in, and suddenly he grinned, taking my hand and leading me into the pool.

  “How’s this for crazy?” Mason dove perfectly into the water, hardly making a splash.

  “Pretty crazy,” I replied, giggling as I climbed in.

  The water sluiced around my body, making me feel free and more alive than I had ever felt. A slight steam rose up from the pool and into the night sky. I floated on my back over to Mason, who watched all the while.

  “You’re beautiful,” he repeated, his voice as smooth as the water around me. “Absolutely beautiful.”

  I grinned, feeling his hands glide over my waist, tugging me to him. “I think I know what would be even crazier than right now,” I smiled a little, my own hands automatically going behind his neck, forcing his face closer to mine.

  Suddenly he kissed me, pressing his mouth hungrily against mine, all the tension of the past couple of days coming through his actions. I fell back against the wall of the pool, standing in the water, limbs feeling heavy from the sudden gravity but supported by his strong arms. His hand buried in my hair, forcing my lips up to his again as his tongue slipped into my parted mouth, taking a taste. I felt the water droplets on his chest as he pressed his body against me, his hard member growing in between my thighs.


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