His Town

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His Town Page 34

by Ellie Danes

  “Can’t I at least see him?”

  “Just leave him alone. He needs to rest and stay away from the drama for a while.”

  I backed away, watching as she shut the huge door behind her. I felt relieved he was alive, but lost at the same time.

  * * * *

  “Welcome home! How was life at the bar?” Avery asked, giggling. She was curled up on the couch, watching some crappy TV show and drinking a glass of wine.

  I dropped my things in the doorway, clenching my phone in my hand, just in case. My tears, even after all this time, had still not gone away. They came back in full force, burning their way down my cheeks. I heard Avery approach, her slippers slapping against the floor. People laughed on the TV. Even just the mere thought of happiness stabbed at my heart.

  “What’s wrong?” Avery stood in front of me, her eyes wide and head tilted, trying to read me.

  I looked at her and burst into sobs, leaning up against the wall. “It’s Mason.”

  Chapter Four


  Harper. Her caramel hair fell over her naked shoulders as she took it out of her ponytail, her eyes never leaving mine as she pushed me back, straddling me.

  “I love you, too,” she said, leaning in and biting my neck gently.

  Her thighs tightened around my hips, her hands working at my belt and pants. My own hands moved to feel her perfect figure, the familiar curves pressing wonderfully into my fingertips. I grabbed her ass suddenly, smiling as she giggled, swaying her hips playfully. I felt my way back to her hips, sliding my fingers down in between her thighs the way I knew she liked it. Her body was warm, and wet, waiting for me. I eased my fingers in and out, watching as she bit her lip. Then I withdrew my hand, bringing that finger to my lips and tasting her on my skin.

  She pouted, puckering her lips out in a frown. “No fair. I want to taste.”

  I chuckled and my laugh faded to a moan as she lowered her mouth down onto me, hungrily sucking on me, soaking me with her wet, luscious lips. My entire body could feel the sensation, pushing me closer and closer to the edge. Her lips moved further and further down my shaft until it hit the back of her throat, making her gag a little. She smiled at me as she pulled back, trying to catch her breath.

  Suddenly I was inside of her, her tight, wet places hugging me as we moved in tandem. “I love you,” I breathed, grabbing her hips tightly and feeling them grind up against my own.

  “I love you,” she retorted, holding my gaze earnestly as she continued to ride me, increasing her movements.

  Her hand crawled up my chest, grabbing a fistful of my hair and tugging on it painfully.

  I woke with a start, my head throbbing. “Fuck,” I cursed, blindly reaching over for the pain medication that had been prescribed in the hospital.

  I grabbed two pills, swallowing them down with a few gulps of water. My phone, sitting on the table next to the pills, remained ominously silent. I picked it up, flicking through my missed calls. None of them were from Harper. Maybe she had given up on trying to reach me through Natalie’s phone and had just decided she was better off without me, anyway.

  I leaned back on my pillows with a sigh. The dream had been so real, so beautiful. I wanted her close to me, with everything inside of me. I needed her in my life, but she hadn’t wanted me in hers. Just another relationship I had managed to royally fuck up.

  “You’re awake.” Natalie walked in, grinning at me.

  “I’ve slept too much already.”

  She waved a dismissive hand. “Your body needs it.”

  She sat on the foot of the bed, staring at me. “I need to get up. To do something,” I complained. “Has Harper called again?”

  “No.” Natalie looked down at her hands, smoothing out a wrinkle in her skirt.

  I knew her better than that. “Liar.”

  She looked back up. “Why would I lie about that?”

  “I don’t know. You blame her? Nat, it wasn’t her fault. You know that. If you’re looking at someone to be angry with, be angry with me. I should have seen this coming.”

  “Don’t say that. How were you supposed to know that her crazy ex was going to come knock you over the head, if it even was him. You really need to call the police, Asher.”

  “Natalie, just tell me the truth. Has she called?”

  She sighed. “She stopped by, actually. You were asleep and I didn’t think it’d be healthy for you to see her right now.”

  “She was here?” My heart fluttered. Harper had come here again, despite her anger toward me.


  “Thanks, Nat.”

  She frowned at me. “Just be careful.”

  “I will, I promise.”

  Chapter Five


  It had been my fault. That’s all I could think about as I sat in our tiny living room, curled up on the couch. I got up, trying to clear my thoughts, but my mind continued to pester me. Natalie had been right. If Mason hadn’t been at the bar, trying to say that he loved me as I pushed him away, he never would have gotten hurt.

  The sirens. The police. Everything flashed through my mind like a living nightmare. The bitchy girls talking about a hot man behind me. Mason. Joe telling Miles that some bloody, tall man had been lying face down on the ground near a fancy car. Everything had happened in a flash; one second Mason had stood before me, living, breathing, trying to get me to love him back after all of his lies. The next, he had disappeared.

  The cold, sinking feeling of shock and dread had stayed in my belly all night. My eyes felt puffy and sore from crying; crying over this man who had just broken my heart all over again without even trying to. How could he have gotten caught so unaware? Mason was a capable person. More than capable. But he had been hit over the back of the head and knocked out cold. Maybe his mind had been somewhere else, thanks to me.

  I picked up my phone off the coffee table for the thousandth time, madly pacing the room as I scrolled to the text from the unknown number. I looked up with a sigh, my eyes catching on the half-dead orchid in a vase by the television.

  “Delicate beauty.” That was what Mason had said the flower meant when he had given it to me. I half smiled as I said the words, my mind automatically wishing he were here with me, saying those words to me again.

  I looked back at my phone. I still had Jake’s number, and now I had Stacey’s. I could text them, ask what happened. Maybe Jake would give me a confession.

  Then again, maybe he would come after me. Or even Mason again, if he found out Mason was alive.

  I felt torn. I didn’t want to put Mason in any more danger, but if I could get a confession from Jake...

  I turned off the phone display and tossed it on the couch. I didn’t know what to do. I was lost. Closing my eyes, I wished for an answer just as the phone began to ring.

  With a leap over to the couch, I fumbled for the phone as I saw Mason’s name on the screen. My hands shook as I tapped to answer the call. “Hello?”

  “Harper. It’s me.” His voice sounded like it always had, calm and genuine.

  “Mas—Asher. You’re ok?”

  “I’m fine. I heard you came over.”

  “I’m surprised Natalie told you. She’s pissed at me. Can’t say I blame her.” I paused for a few seconds, not knowing what else to say The silence was awkward. “How are you feeling?”

  “Like I was hit by a truck.” It sounded like he tried to chuckle, but didn’t quite make it that far. “My head is ringing and a bit foggy, but otherwise, alright.”

  “I was worried about you. I couldn’t reach you. Natalie wouldn’t answer.” I could feel the sobs welling up inside of me again.

  “Harper...” he hesitated. I bit the inside of my cheek, waiting. “Could we just... talk?”

  I took a deep breath and calmed myself as I anxiously answered. “I’ll be there in a few.”

  * * * *

  I looked at myself in the mirror, not entirely happy with my sundress. Every time I had go
ne to mansion, I had made it a point to dress up. But now that Mason and I weren’t exactly on the best terms, I didn’t know if I should dress up for him or not. I had settled on the blue sundress and makeup to cover the dark circles under my eyes. Casual, but formal enough so I wouldn’t be uncomfortable if he was too dressed up.

  I still didn’t even know if I really wanted to see Mason. At least, not the Mason who had lied to me. But after the turmoil of the night before, I knew I had to see for myself that he was okay.

  When I hadn’t known the status of his condition, all I had thought about was his beautiful laugh, his giving nature, and his powerful presence. But honestly, once I had heard him on the phone, playing down his whole situation as if it had been nothing more than a minor bump on the head… my anger had been rekindled a little. This was a man who had lied to my face, time and time again.

  I saw the paper with his words scribbled on it on my bedside table, the words I had read over a dozen times already.

  I didn’t know if I was eager to see Mason, or just nervous. As usual, I felt undecided about him. I wanted closure, a way to break things off properly without Mason taking a hit to the head. But at the same time, I couldn’t help but to miss him, not wanting to give up the piece of myself I had given to him so earnestly.

  My phone buzzed. A text from Avery popped up on the screen. I exited it, reading Stacey’s text again instead.

  Whether or not I was going to break up with Mason, I had to at least make sure nothing like this ever happened to him because of me again.

  Chapter Six


  I waited for her out on the terrace, where we had first met. The afternoon sun felt pleasantly warm as I leaned across the railing, eyes looking out over the valley without really seeing it. Most of the head pain I had been experiencing had finally gone away, replaced by nervousness and anticipation over seeing Harper again.

  The meds must be working.

  “Hello?” I heard her call out. Her voice was uncertain, embarrassed.

  I almost bit my tongue again, but took care not to; the pain in my mouth was still there from the fall.

  “Back here,” I yelled.

  I looked back over the expanse of woods and hills, taking a deep breath of the fresh air as I heard the glass door open. Turning away from the beautiful view, I found Harper striding toward me. Her blue sundress matched her eyes perfectly.

  She reached up, lifting her hair off her neck and letting the breeze hit cool her. “Nice day.”

  I nodded, my tongue feeling like lead again, this time for an entirely different reason than my injuries. “Thank you for coming.”

  She edged closer to me, letting her hair back down so it curled around her shoulders, those liquid eyes taking in the view as if it was her first time ever seeing it. She looked every bit the part of a young, beautiful, innocent woman again, just as she had in the vineyard, before everything had fallen apart.

  Suddenly her eyes turned to me, taking the sight of me in. Her gaze flicked down my body a few times then traveled back up to my face, zooming in on the stitches just below my hairline. “You look pale.”

  “Head wounds will do that to you.” I laughed, trying to put her at ease. She smiled a little, still squinting to see the stitches.

  “God, Mason—Asher,” she corrected herself, blushing a little. “What happened after you left the bar?”

  “We can talk about that later. Care to sit down?” I gestured toward the loveseat.

  I watched her carefully, trying to gage her reaction. She paused for a few moments, thinking, but ultimately she walked over to the seat and sat down, knees pressed tightly together. I followed suit, making sure to keep my distance.

  “I’m glad you’re okay.” She looked at me, tears making her eyes look glassy as she met my gaze, which she held for only a moment before looking down at her hands.

  I took a deep breath. “Harper, I need you to listen to me right now. Can you do that?”

  She nodded, blinking away her tears a couple of times.

  “I’m sorry for being deceitful. I lied, there’s nothing more I can say about that. Yes, I only wanted you to know me for who I truly am, not for all my money. I’ve had far too many women and clients seem to be swayed by all of that, and I didn’t want you to be. But I know now that I was wrong, that you aren’t like that at all. You’d never be seduced by wealth. I had just been burned so many times in the past, and even though I wanted to believe you were different… I couldn’t let myself until I knew for sure.”

  She bit her lip, nodding. She had never looked so beautiful to me, so wonderful and natural. What I had written on the note I had given her had been raw emotion, and it had been the truth. I had never loved anyone like I loved Harper, even though things had moved faster than I had ever anticipated between us. I felt as if I had known her in the past, known her all through our lives.

  She opened her mouth to say something, taking my silence as her opportunity. I smiled, holding up a hand to stop her. “My turn, remember?”

  She closed her mouth and grinned, nodding for me to go on.

  “Once I found out who you truly are, Harper Browning, I wanted—I want to give my everything to you. I didn’t know I was looking for love, but I truly believe I found love with you.”

  I’m sorry. I love you. I had written those words and I felt them now, mind, body, and soul. Every single woman I had ever dated had always wanted something from me; money, attention, prestige. Harper had never asked anything of me, but being around her had made me want to give my whole self to her; everything Mason Asher had to offer.

  “I don’t know how else I can apologize. You just need to know how much I care about you, how much I want you to be a part of my life. And I am sorry, Harper. You need to know that.”

  I leaned in closer. I could smell the mint on her breath as she parted her lips, waiting for me to make a move, perhaps dreading it. I slid my arm across the back of the loveseat, taking care not to touch her, scared that she might run away. The thrill of the chase no longer enthralled me as it had before; I simply needed Harper.

  “I’m also sorry for this...” I pressed my lips gently to hers, tasting the cherry of her lip-gloss as I did.

  Chapter Seven


  I pulled away, looking down at my hands. He didn’t try to kiss me again, but he didn’t pull away, either.

  He’s a liar, my mind scolded me. You don’t need him. He’s just like all the others.

  My heart told me the opposite, though. I did need him, and I wanted to be in his life. I couldn’t imagine a world without his laugh, his smile.

  He finally brought his arm back down into his lap, folding his hands and leaning forward, eyes breaking away from my gaze as he looked out onto the horizon. “I guess now I know how Jake felt when he lost you.” He looked back at me with a sad smile. “But don’t worry, I’m not going to stalk you like he did.”

  “Don’t compare yourself to Jake.” I argued, despite myself.

  “I’m sorry. Harper, you need to know something about him.”

  I stiffened, thinking of Stacey’s text. “What?”

  “I think Jake was the one who hit me outside the bar. I should have told the police, but I wanted to tell you first. I wanted you to know I’m not trying to get vengeance on him or anything.”

  I relaxed, grabbing his wrist and giving it a squeeze. He gave me a confused look and I took my hand back, wringing my hands together.

  “Thank you for telling me first.” I swallowed, feeling a lump in my throat. “But, I’ve already called the police about Jake.”

  “You did? But how—”

  “I got a text from his girlfriend. He was at the bar the night of the incident.”

  Mason looked at me, then down at his hands, then back at me. “Thank you. I must have taken–”

  “I took matters into my own hands because I care about you,” I blurted out.

  “You do?”

  “Yes.” I s
truggled to find the right words as I looked at him. “I came over here not knowing if I wanted closure or if I wanted to move ahead in our relationship.” I played with the edge of my dress, fumbling for the right words.

  “I see.” His voice was neutral, but there was a faint smile threatening to break open his features.

  I knew deep down that I wanted this. I wanted him.

  But under different circumstances.

  “I can’t... I can’t be lied to like that ever again, Mas—Asher—” I threw my hands up in the air, frustrated. “What the hell am I supposed to call you, anyway?” I gave a half laugh as I looked up into his eyes.

  He looked at me seriously, leaning forward a little more. “Harper, does this mean you’re giving me another chance?”

  I didn’t reply. He studied my face, grinning.

  “Hi, I’m Mason Asher. You can call me Mason. And you are...?”

  I giggled, feeling the tension roll off my shoulders. “Harper Browning. I hate being lied to. I’ll just put that out there so there’s no misunderstanding.”

  “Point taken.”

  I leaned in closer, our eyes locking together. Gently, I grabbed his hands, squeezing them tightly. “Promise me, Mason. Promise me you won’t lie to me ever again.”

  He brought one hand up, brushing some of my hair behind my ear, stroking my chin softly. His other hand remained firmly planted in my own, our fingers interlacing. “I promise, Harper.”

  He brought his lips to mine again. I kissed him back this time, feeling the familiar heat of love and desire coursing through me, my body giving a little shiver as I pushed my tongue past his lips, exploring his mouth...

  “Ouch.” He whispered.

  I pulled away, dazed. “What’s wrong?”

  He laughed. “Ah, fuck it. I bit my cheeks and tongue during my fall, but it’s fine. The pain is worth it.”

  As he brought his lips close to mine again, it was my turn to laugh. Soon we were both laughing. My stomach began to hurt as I giggled, using muscles I hadn’t used in the longest time.

  I was letting go with him again, feeling how I’d felt when we first met. Our first date, our first kiss.


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