His Town

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His Town Page 47

by Ellie Danes

  Every muscle in my body relaxed as I shut the door behind the movers as they carried out the last box. Finally, an empty place and some quiet. I walked into the large kitchen ready to grab a cold beer when the neatly folder paper on the granite island caught my eye. Sara’s overly neat, almost OCD handwriting, spelled out my name across the paper. I hesitantly opened it, ready for the punch and last word she had to get in.


  Like you wanted, I’m gone. I know you’ll come running back to me. You always do.


  I chuckled to myself as I crumpled up the paper and tossed it in the trash on my way to the fridge. I grabbed a Heineken and then made my way into the other room and sank into the large leather sofa. Only the ticking of the clock on the far wall could be heard. Total and complete silence overtook me and I smiled. I hadn’t enjoyed being here this much in so many years. I opened up my phone and tapped through my calendar, looking at what was left for the week and upcoming weekend. As usual, work and more work, but at least this go around I could make it a bit more exciting and fun. A few more taps and I was into my contacts and quickly dialed the number.

  “Kristen, hey you! How’s it going?”

  “Hey you!” She sounded excited, “It’s been way too long.”

  “I know, I’m sorry. Things have just been so crazy.”

  “I’m sure. Every time I hear from you, you’re either taking off to Vegas or coming back.”

  “I know. I’m here for a bit longer this time. There’s a ton going on here in the city the next few weeks.” I took a swig of my beer and smiled at the thought of not having to go back to Vegas so soon. “ Which reminds me, any chance you can sneak away for a night. I have someplace I’d like to take you. I know you’d love it.”

  I could hear her giggling on the other end of the phone. “No need to sneak out, he’s out of town this week…but what about her?”

  “We broke up, she moved out.”

  “Wait! What? When did this happen? How come I didn’t hear about it?” The conversation immediately turned serious as she continued to ask questions.

  “Listen, I’ll fill you in when I pick you up. You’ll have to wait until then…and I didn’t tell anyone, that’s what you haven’t heard.”

  “Chance, you’re such a tease!”

  “I know. I have to get going. I’ll fill you in, I promise…and Kristen, this time will definitely be better than last time.”

  Chapter Three


  I was about to give up. My hair just wasn’t cooperating. I had an hour to get ready and that still didn’t seem like enough time. I was already drained from a day of updating my resume and feeling sorry for myself. At least tonight I’d have Chris as a welcome distraction and the girls to keep my company.

  Tonight was Jeremy’s event. Whatever that meant. Courtney had been talking about how busy Jeremy had been for the last few weeks putting the finishing touches on this project he had been running for the last year. Tonight was the grand unveiling. As much as she talked about him, I still had no idea what he really did, other than being an asshole to her at times.

  “Are you ready?” Melissa peaked her head through my door with a large grin on her face, a bottle of wine in her hand, and two glasses in the other. “Hey your makeup looks great, but what’s going on with your hair?”

  “Don’t even get started with me Lis!” I quickly barked back at her as she let herself into my room. She looked great. Her dark hair was curled and her little black dress was amazing! She sat down on the ottoman behind me. Her grinning face and rosy cheeks gave away that she’d already started the evening of drinking without me. “My hair won’t listen to me.” I threw my hands up in the air, letting my hair fall around my shoulders. “Help me please!”

  Melissa laughed and put the bottle and glasses on the floor. She cracked her knuckles and stretched her arms playfully as she approached me. “Let the master get to work! You pour the wine!”

  “Yes Ma’am.” I giggled and quickly poured each of us a generous amount of wine. I watched as Melissa’s nibble fingers twisted a hair here, put a pin there. She had always been good at hair. It reminded me of how she used to braid my hair in high school when we had sleepovers. Life had been so much simpler then.

  “What are you thinking about?” Melissa tilted her head slightly. “Are you thinking about seeing Chris tonight? How are things going with you guys anyway? Are you guys like…official? Did I finally find you the perfect guy?” Melissa kept prodding and giggling.

  “No we’re not official.” I snapped back. Melissa had set me up on dates before Chris. Usually I never went on more than one date though. She definitely wasn’t a matchmaker.

  “That’s all you have to say?” Melissa said with a raised brow. “Come on. Give me some details!”

  “Well I’m definitely…” I searched for the right words. “Warming up to him,” I smiled sluggishly. “I just wish that, I don’t know…he was more interesting?”

  “I know what you mean!” Melissa nodded, “there are people at work that literally avoid him because he’s so boring.”

  “And you thought that was the guy you should set me up with?” I sneered at Melissa.

  “Well he’s nice! And I thought you deserved a nice guy for once!” Melissa wrapped her arms around my shoulders. “And you got to admit that he is damn hot.”

  “Yeah, yeah he’s cute.” I shrugged her off, laughing. “And he defiantly is a sweetie. Like I said, I’m warming up to him. I just wish he could go ten minutes without talking about computers or saying something stupid.”

  She took another gulp of wine and then proceeded to fix my hair a bit more. “But at the very least I think he would be a great wedding date.”

  “Let’s not get ahead of ourselves.” I giggled. “Tonight can be a test. Let’s see how he does in our group, and if all goes well, I’ll ask him.” I glanced out of the window. There was a soft orange glow forming around the tall city skyscrapers. I really didn’t want to go out tonight. It was so hard to be happy for everyone when everything was going so poorly for me. And even though I wouldn’t say it out loud, I was still a little heartbroken over what had happened in Vegas.

  Melissa motioned towards my reflection in the mirror. “Done!”

  “It’s perfect! Thank you.”

  “And without a minute to spare. We need to get going.”

  We quickly finished off our drinks and grabbed our purses. I did one last mirror check before we left to catch a cab. I was wearing my favorite blue dress, and my hair and makeup were on point. I mentally prepared myself to have fun. The light buzz from the wine had already set in.

  * * * *

  I watched all the people rushing every which way up and down the streets. The cab driver was even crazier than most as he weaved in and out of side streets, honking at pedestrians and speeding in between each block, stop sign and stoplight. I lost myself in the moment as the sights blurred past us and I thought about how Chris may fit in to our group. I hoped he would be able to hold up a conversation with my friends, and better yet, that they wouldn’t just eat him alive. Melissa really didn’t know him that well other than an occasional conversation in between the projects they worked on together. It was a miracle she actually got any information out of him in order to set us up on a date.

  “So,” Melissa tapped my shoulder bring my attention back. “How did the interviews go today? Any prospects?”

  “I’m not sure.” I let out a heavy sign and played with my hair. “I just didn’t get a good feeling. If this continues I’m going to have to beg my parents to help me with the rent. God, it’ll feel like I’m just admitting defeat.”

  “Gosh, you parents aren’t still giving you a hard time about moving to the city, are they?” Melissa touched my shoulder compassionately, “And don’t worry, I’m sure they won’t mind helping you out until you find a job.”

  “I wouldn’t count on that. Any excuse for me to move closer to them is good e
nough.” I smiled at her softly, as my chest tightened with anxiety. The cab pulled to the curb and Melissa quickly tossed him a twenty as we slid out of the backseat. Chris was already there waiting out front and I have to admit he looked good. I gave him a quick hug as he kissed me softly. Melissa said hello and they gave each other an awkward, workmate-type hug that made me laugh.

  Chris placed his hand in the small of my back, gently touching me as he opened the door for Melissa and I. “You look amazing, Becca.”

  “Thank you…and thank you for coming tonight. I’m not really feeling like socializing much, but as at least we can have drink and relax. I hope this will be kinda low key.”

  The moment I stepped inside I knew I wasn’t going to get my way. The restaurant and bar area were packed. I grabbed Chris’s hand and pulled him through the crowd, determined to make my way to the bar and find a seat. As we approached, I saw Jeremy standing behind the bar dressed in an expensive looking suit and tapping on his tablet.

  “Hey Jeremy, the place looks great! Thanks for inviting us.” Melissa, Chris and I perched ourselves at the bar.

  “Thanks! Glad you could make it. Courtney should be around here somewhere…” Jeremy continued tapping on his tablet and looked up briefly again. “Sorry, last minute details I need to get updated before the important people get here.” He chuckled. “Let me get you three a drink.”

  Jeremy nodded at the bartender and motioned for him to come over and take care of us and then went back to working. I hoped the entire evening wouldn’t be this chaotic. Chris sat between Melissa and I and I felt myself yelling even louder over the stirring crowd. “So when is Tyler going to get here?” I shouted past Chris to Melissa.

  “Not sure. He said he was going to try and make it, but things have been hectic at work. He’s trying to wrap up some things before we leave after the wedding.”

  I immediately shot Melissa an evil glance. The last thing I wanted was to mention the wedding in front of Chris. I didn’t want him to make any assumptions he would be attending with me, but it was too late.

  “Oh yeah, you do have that wedding coming up, that’s going to be fun, isn’t it Becca?”

  My laser beam eyes could have burned a hole through Melissa as I stared at her and then politely smiled at Chris. “Yes, it will be.”

  Chapter Four


  “I don’t think I’ve mentioned how great you look,” I said as I flashed Kristen my best grin.

  “Oh, I know,” She elbowed me playfully. “I always look great!”

  “I can think of a few times you didn’t look so great,” I chuckled as I glanced out at the traffic for a moment; we had been stuck at the same red light for over five minutes. “Remember that time we went camping?”

  “Oh god! Don’t remind me!” her brow bunched together as she though about it. “You know I don’t do nature, or heat! God it was so hot!”

  “You got as red as a tomato,” I teased, “It was truly hilarious. I still have the pictures.”

  “I’d ask you to delete them but I know that would be pointless.” She smirked wrapping her arm around mine. “I’ll just have to hunt them down and find them on my own.”

  “I wish you luck,” I gave her a playful nudge. “But I can assure you they are locked away safe, just in case I need them.”

  “Planning on black mailing me or something?” She smirked, her left brow cocked.

  “Not planning to, but you never know. They could be useful, especially at a certain event that’s coming up.” I looked forward smugly; a crooked smile played its way across my mouth.

  “Chance Vaughn! You wouldn’t dare!”.

  “Wouldn’t I?”

  “I would never forgive you!” she said, pulling her arm free from mine. She turned to face me.

  “You know you’d forgive me,” I teased, “You’ve forgiven me for much worse.”

  “Yeah I suppose I have,” She grinned, “Like dating that monster for three bloody years!”

  “I know, what was I thinking,” I shook my head, than wrapped my arm around her shoulders.

  “Well I’m just glad you’re finally done with her and we can have fun together again.” She said resting her head on my shoulder. “I missed you a lot.”

  “I know, I’m sorry.” I admitted sheepishly, my guilt crept up into my gut. “Thanks again for coming tonight. I know last time was a disaster, the waiter spilling the food everywhere. It had definitely better be different tonight.”

  After finally arriving we made our way through the restaurant as we weaved through the crowd. Kristen’s eyes were practically aglow as she admired the woodwork and the classic stone archways. I watched as she made mental notes and smiled.

  We took a seat at the large oak bar, which was perfectly designed like the old speakeasies. We both glanced through the long list of drinks. Part of the restaurants gimmick was having really fun and unique drinks.

  “So should I just go for the signature drink or try one of the wild ones?” Kristen asked and then smiled. “Whatever I get, you have to get as well.”

  “I’ll pass.” I chuckled. “I’m fine with some bourbon tonight. “

  “It won’t kill you to try something new.” She laughed. “That is…if we can get some service around this place.” She giggled again.

  I glanced down the bar and saw him standing there. “Hey!” I called loudly, “So are you going to get us a drink or what?”

  I watched as he immediately looked up and locked eyes with me and then started laughing. “Hey Chance,” He grinned brightly, “Glad you finally got to see the place finished!”

  “Yeah sorry it took me so long to come round,” I said apologetically, “Business has just been so crazy lately. The place really looks fantastic!”

  “I second that!” Kristen chimed in, “Don’t be rude Chance, introduce us!”

  “Jeremy this is Kristen, Kristen, Jeremy,”

  “Charmed,” Jeremy said, reaching across the bar to shake her hand. I moved backward, gently bumping into the person behind me and immediately froze as I took a deep breath.

  “You’ll want to make sure she I get special attention tonight or things won’t go well…for either you.” Kristen joked with us, but I couldn’t move.

  The scent was overpowering as I turned to the person behind me, gently touching the small of her back as the words fell from my mouth. Nothing and no one else existed at this moment as I was carried back to the moment in my suite in Vegas.

  Chapter Five


  I sipped my martini as fast as I could. I was hoping that a buzz would help me find Chris’s stories more interesting. Courtney was making her rounds as her man performed his host duties. I was feeling really left out as Melissa and Chris talked about work. Even my date seemed to be having more fun.

  I zoned out as I look around the room, taking in the sights and barely hearing Chris’s voice as he stared at me. “Becca, I’ll be right back. I’ve got to take a leak.”

  Before I could respond I was startled by the bump from behind. The deep softness of his voice filled my ears and his cologne filled my nose. I closed my eyes drinking it in. Immediately I felt the warmth of a hand on the small of my back. “Becca?” He whispered my name into my ear.

  I attempted to turn as Chris leaned in and kissed me on the cheek. “I’ll be back in a few.” I watched as he weaved through the crowd and disappeared. I swallowed hard and spun to see him. My heart raced and my eyes locked on his. “C- Chance?” My voice stammered. “What are you doing here?”

  I watched as his eyes followed Chris across the room. There was a flash of annoyance in his eyes. Any words I might have said were lost somewhere within me. I noticed the woman sitting next to Chance. She was gorgeous. Her hand dragged across his shoulder as she whispered in is ear. “Here’s your drink.”

  She looked past him at me and then gave me a sly smile, as if bragging that she was with him.

  “Excuse me. I…I need some air.” I stood
from my seat and stared at Melissa. Her eyes focused on Chance, then back at me. I began to walk. I just wanted out of the situation.

  I weaved in the same direction where Chris had disappeared earlier. I only made it halfway before Chance caught up with me, his strong hand gently touched my arm.“Becca wait, can we talk?”

  I looked up at his beautiful eyes and felt my knees weaken. “No, Chance I don’t want to talk.” I shook my head. “You got what you wanted already. I met Sara, she told me everything.”

  “Becca please listen to me.” His eyes were pleading, desperate even. He held my arm with a trembling hand. “Everything she told you was a lie!”

  “How am I supposed to believe that?” My eyes stung with the threat of tears. Just like before, I felt like I wanted to believe him.

  “Sara and I were over before I even met you. She came to Vegas to try and get me back.” He grabbed my other arm and lowered his head so we were eye to eye. His brows furrowed together, his eyes darting back and forth, searching my face for some sign that I believed him.

  “Well even if you are done with Sara.” I barked back at him, “You seemed to have moved on.”

  “What?” he raised his brow than looked over at the woman, “You mean Kristen? No, no I’m not dating her. She’s an old friend, actually she’s engaged to my childhood friend.”

  “I don’t know if I can believe anything you say Chance.” I looked down at the floor, biting my lower lip.

  “I know it looks bad, but really she’s just a friend. In fact she’s here tonight because she’s a food critic.” His voice was rushed; he kept trying to meet my eyes. “I bought this place, turned it into a restaurant and bar. I asked her to come with me so that she could possibly review it.”

  “Seriously!” My voice sounded exasperated. I just couldn’t believe it. “Even if she is a friend, that doesn’t prove that you and Sara are over.”

  “We are, I swear.” He frowned sadly, and once again I felt like he was telling the truth. But even if he was, I didn’t know if it mattered at that point. “I tried to call you, many times.”


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