His Town

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His Town Page 51

by Ellie Danes

  “Chance...” Becca frowned causing her bottom lips to pucker ever so slightly. “I don’t want any…”

  I smiled as I nodded at the waiter. “Just a glass. We’re celebrating, right?”

  “I guess.” She bit her lip and tilted her head. “One glass.”

  “Perfect.” The waiter popped the cork and filled the two flutes with the bubbly golden liquid. “Congratulation on your new job.” I held up my glass as Becca cautiously tapped hers against mine.

  She sipped from the glass as her face instantly lit up. “Wow, that’s delicious!”

  “Isn’t it? It’s from a special reserve.” I smiled and placed my glass down picking up the menu. “So do you want to do the fixed four courses or pick your own dish? Their chef is amazing.”

  “Well that’s . . .” Her face paled as she looked at the menu. “Very expensive.”

  “Oh, don’t worry about that.” I grinned. “Business expense.”

  “Chance.” She said raising her brow, but there was an unmistakable smile on her lips. “With what your offering to pay me I’d feel guilty spending any more of your money. Which was kind of what I wanted to talk to you about.”

  “Oh?” I frowned. “So this is a negotiation dinner?” I chuckled. “So it wasn’t enough?”

  “Not enough?” she shook her head. “It’s more than enough, too much in fact.”

  “I would have to disagree with you.” I interjected. “I surround myself with the most talented people and I believe in paying people what they’re worth. I know I would easily pay five times that amount from some big firm. Getting you for that amount is…well, it’s worth every cent.”

  “Really?” Becca stared down at the table and then adjusted her skirt. A faint smirk tickled the corners of her lips as she looked up at me. “So you’re saying there’s no way I could possible squeeze any more out of you?” Becca giggled as a smile spread across her face.

  “Well you probably could.” My heart pounded in my chest as I looked into her eyes and looked at her smile. “But I don’t think you’re that kind of person.”

  “No.” She smiled as she picked up her menu and pretended to look at it. “I’m not.”

  The waiter approached and topped off the glasses of champagne and took our order. After some debate, we both agreed on the four-course dinner and he collected the menus. A few minutes later he delivered an amazing basket of warm bread to the table as Becca and I sat in silence, still somewhat fighting the awkward nervousness of the evening.

  I reached across the table to grab the basket at the same moment Becca did. Our hands touched sending a shock of electricity through my body. The feeling of her soft, warm skin brought back memories of our evenings in Vegas. Heat filled my ears as I swallowed hard, our eyes meeting. Before she had a chance to pull her hand away she smiled. A faint blush graced her cheeks as she grabbed for her glass.

  “I know you may not want to talk about this…” I said softly as I watched her take a large sip of Champagne. “But I want to explain everything that happened with Sara.”

  “No.” She kept her eyes from meeting mine as she shook her head disapprovingly. “I really don’t want to talk about that.”

  “If we’re going to work together, I really feel like it would be best for us to clear up any and all misunderstandings.” Becca slowly met my stare as I continued. “We dated for three years, her sister had worked with my father many times, and that’s how we met. Things were all right for a while but over time she changed. She wanted me to be at her beck and call all hours of the day. To her, I was more a bank account and social status than I was anything else. Honestly if it wasn’t for my family and the business, I doubt she’d have any interest.”

  Becca sat across from me speechless and just stared. She finally broke her silence with a confused look. “So what is your family business?”

  “My family, rather, my father, is in the hotel and casino business. We own several different properties across the country. I’m his only heir. His plan has been for me to take over for him. I’ve been doing what I do for most of my life, at least so it seems.”

  “So you’re the heir to a hotel empire?” She rolled her eyes and then giggled. “Seriously?”

  “Seriously.” I laughed. “Believe it or not.”

  Becca smiled. “So what are you like a gazillionaire?”

  “Technically my father is a billionaire.” I muttered as I fidgeted slightly in my seat.

  “I don’t even…I don’t understand.” She leaned back in her chair as her eyes examined me like I was some exotic beast. “Why are you even wasting your time on someone like me? You have got to be connected with the best marketing agencies in the city… hell the country! You can get any woman you want”

  “You’re not a waste of time Becca. And honestly I feel like you and I are fated to work together. I mean, we just happened to be on the same plane to Vegas, to be staying in the same hotel, even after you changed your number we somehow ended up at the same restaurant. It can’t all be a coincidence? I feel like you and I are just… connected.”

  Becca sipped the last of her champagne and looked at me and smiled. “I agree.”

  Chapter Seven


  My eyes were locked on Chance as he leaned on the table, his hand just inches from mine. I wanted to reach out and touch it, but I held back. I promised myself this was about the job, nothing else, but everything he just told me made so much sense. I felt the lust and desire taking over my body. I reached under the table and pinched myself on the leg, attempting to snap myself out of the dream I felt myself slipping into. Connected. His last word still hung in the air even as he talked about the job.

  “What I need for this project, more than anything is someone who knows what they’re doing, as well as someone I can trust.” Chance cut into his pan-seared sea bass as he continued. “That’s why I want you with me Becca.”

  I nodded in response. This was all too much. My head swam at the thought of sitting across from him, now knowing all of the details of who he was. I was never impressed by wealth, but Chance seemed to have it all. His expensive suit, slicked back hair, and those soft blue eyes were driving me crazy. His every movement stirred me. I played with my food as I pretended to listen to his smooth voice and make sense of what he was saying.

  “There’s also a project coming up in Vegas I could really use your help with it.”

  Chance paused and I immediately and unconsciously responded. “Yeah…Vegas…” I looked into his eyes as he stared at me, the words he uttered finally sinking in. “Wait…Vegas? I think we should slow down for a bit.” I knew I wasn’t ready to take on anything in Vegas or make the trip with him. There were so many memories there, both good and bad. “Why don’t we work on the current project, see how it goes?”

  “Yes.” He rubbed the back of his neck. “Sorry…I’m just excited.”

  “I’m excited too.” I tilted my head slightly, keeping his gaze. My hand twirled my hair as I spoke. “I don’t think I said this yet, but I’m really grateful for this opportunity.”

  “I’m just grateful that you accepted.”

  Together we made it through the four amazing courses of dinner and wines that were paired with each. Between the champagne and wine my head was in a fog, but not enough to forget about everything we had talked about. I felt myself getting lost with him like we had when we first met. The conversation between us flowed effortlessly. My desire for a business meeting had been thrown to the side as we talked about everything else outside of business. The dinner ended and we stood outside on the sidewalk where he had met me just a few hours earlier. The cool summer breeze drifted down the street. “I think I’m going to walk home tonight. It’s such a perfect evening, and I have so much on my mind right now.”

  “No way Becca. I know how I’m feeling after dinner and our wine. Besides, walking home from here alone is not something I’m going to let you do. My driver is just over there, let me drop you off.”
br />   I felt myself wobble just a bit as I smiled at him and agreed to his offer. I grabbed a hold of his arm as he walked me to the black car with the tinted windows. The same car where he had made me the job offer. We slid into the back seat and were on our way.

  “I really had fun tonight.” Chance chuckled. He rested his arm on the top of the black leather seat. His arm was practically wrapped around me. “I hope you did as well.”

  “You know what…” I smiled and leaned my head against his arm. “I really did, I don’t think I ever had such a fun business dinner.”

  “Well, I’m…I mean that’s great.”

  “Yeah.” I breathed in his scent. My eyes lingered over his soft lips. I wanted to kiss him. I wanted to do more than kiss him. “I’m really glad we met up again. I’m sorry I didn’t give you a chance to explain what happened with Sara. I just wasn’t sure what to believe.” I felt the fog of the alcohol thickening as I continued to ramble.

  “But you…” He hesitated as his eyes darted from mine to my lips and then back to my eyes. “You believe me now, right?”

  “I do.” I sighed as the car pulled over in front of my apartment. “Wow, that was quick.” I giggled and reached for the door.

  Chance opened his door and quickly ran to the other side, pulling my door open and extending his hand. “I’ll walk you up.”

  “No that’s ok.” I knew I would be too tempted to drag him inside if he got anywhere near my door. I tilted my head back and smiled at him.

  “Alright.” Chance smiled back at me. He leaned in as he placed his hand on my hip and attempted to kiss my cheek.

  I spontaneously turned my head so my lips met his. His full, familiar lips locked on mine and then he immediately pulled away. My lips tingled from his kiss and I wanted more. “I’m sorry!” He quickly apologized as I held on to his arm.

  “Goodnight Chance.” I smiled up at him.

  “Goodnight Becca.” He watched me as I made my way inside. I could barely contain my excitement. I opened my apartment door to find Melissa on the couch watching TV.

  “Hey girlie.” Melissa said as she shifted to face me. “How’s Chris? Hot date?”

  “Not exactly.” I said sheepishly as I took a seat next to Melissa. “Promise you won’t be mad? I really feel like this is good for me.”

  “What did you do?” Melissa probed, as she sat up looking at me.

  “Well…my mother called and she started in about moving home and jobs and…”

  “Spill it Becca…”

  “I decided to take the job with Chance.” I cringed as I gave her the news.

  “You what!” Melissa leaned in closer to me. “Are you sure that’s what you want? Why would you do that?”

  “It’s a really great opportunity.”

  “So you were just with Chance?”

  “Yes we had dinner together.” I smiled and felt myself blushing. Melissa shook her head and smiled back. “I really feel like we cleared the air.”

  “Well…it’s your decision. I may not agree, but I’ll support you.” Melissa leaned in and gave me a huge hug. “Honestly after I saw how much he offered you I really thought it would be best to take the job.”

  “Really?” I laughed as I pulled back. “I thought you were totally against it!”

  “Well, I was trying to be supportive.” Melissa smirked. “But honestly for that kind of money I’d work with someone I hated. I’m glad you had a chance to clear things up, at least for now.” She giggled. “This wasn’t a date, was it?”

  “Well, I don’t know.” I could feel my ears burn. “But I do like him.” The pounding on the door caught us both off guard and I immediately smiled. “Maybe he forgot something…”

  We both looked at each other and together walked to the door.

  I quickly pulled the door open, a huge smile on my face. “Did you f–”

  “So that’s why you canceled our dates?” Chris stood in the doorway towering over both Melissa and I.

  “Chris calm down!” My hands were shaking and I had never seen this side of him before. “It was a work meeting. I got a job.”

  “Oh yeah? So do you kiss every guy that gives you a job?” Chris’s face filled with redness as he pumped his fists open and closed. “I can’t believe you’re sleeping with someone else.”

  “Whoa, wait a minute Chris…were not–”

  “I know you are…” Chris looked passed me and stared at Melissa. “You knew about this and you didn’t say anything?” He shook his head back and forth and then looked at me head on. “I really liked you Becca…and you had to go and fuck it up.” Chris turned and started down the hallway. “Just you wait…bitch.”

  Chance Encounter 7

  Chance Encounter Series, Book Seven

  (An Alpha Billionaire Romance)


  Ellie Danes

  www.Ellie Danes.com

  Chapter One


  I just stood there stunned. It was so surreal. Heat spread up into my head, causing my face to burn. Wordlessly I walked inside, past Melissa, and sat down on the couch. My eyes burned furiously as I fought back the tears. When Melissa wrapped her arm gently around my shoulders, I let out a sob. My body trembled as the tears blinded me.

  I couldn’t believe how angry Chris had been. I had never seen him like that. He was always so nice to me, so kind and thoughtful. I understood why he was mad. He must have seen me kiss Chance. But I never would have thought he would have ever yelled at me like that, for any reason. How could someone switch like that so drastically? I knew I was partially at fault. We might not have been boyfriend and girlfriend, but we had been dating. I should have told him about the job offer, that I was considering taking it. I had just been so unsure.

  “I’ve never seen him like that,” Melissa rubbed my back softly, “I’m sorry, Becca,”

  “I really messed up,” I sobbed, my face fell into my hands.

  “Don’t beat yourself up,” Melissa said as she gave me a comforting squeeze. “It’s not like you guys were exclusive. Truthfully, he had no right to yell at you like that.”

  “B-but it seems like I really hurt him,” I stuttered into my palms, “I didn’t want to do that. I did sort of like him. I just didn’t know what I wanted to do… with the job... with Chance.” I wiped the tears away as they clouded my eyes.

  “I know you didn’t, sweetie,” Melissa said soothingly, “look, I’m sure he’ll go back to his apartment, play some videogames or whatever it is nerdy guys do, and get over it. At least you don’t have to see him at work tomorrow,”

  “I’m really sorry about that Melissa.” I looked up at her as she smiled sadly at me, then reached over and grabbed me a tissue. “I didn’t mean to make things awkward between you two. I know you’re friendly.”

  “Don’t worry about it,” Melissa shook her head, “After seeing that temper of his, I don’t think I want to be friends with him anymore. Talk about overreacting! Dating for a few weeks does not make it okay to threaten someone like that. God, I need a drink!”

  Melissa made her way over to the kitchen and grabbed a bottle of wine and two glasses. I wiped my eyes and tried to get myself together. I needed a drink too. I couldn’t help but feel horrible for hurting Chris. We hadn’t been exclusive…but we were very much headed that way. I shouldn’t have kissed Chance. Not before I had properly ended things with Chris. It totally made sense that Chris thought I had been sleeping with Chance and that I had been lying to him. And I hated that he thought that. Melissa sat back down and handed me a full glass of wine.

  “I don’t know,” I mumbled, after I took a swig of wine. My tears had finally started to dissipate. My thoughts were finally collected, “I kind of understand how he felt. When I thought Chance had a fiancé, I was really hurt. Sure I didn’t yell at Chance, but part of me really wanted to.”

  “So, now you think Chance isn’t engaged?” Melissa sipped her wine as she watched me with her left brow cocked, “What happened that
changed your mind?”

  “Chance explained everything to me,” I replied, happy for the slight change in conversation. I felt really guilty, and didn’t know if I should try to talk to Chris and apologize. But I didn’t want to talk to Melissa about that. After all, he was her coworker, and I didn’t want to make things more awkward between them. I’d have to decide what to do about Chris on my own. Later, when I was calmer. “He said Sara was always really controlling. That he always thought she was only with him because of his family’s business. That she wouldn’t accept the breakup and came to Vegas to try to get him back.”

  “Hmm,” Melissa sipped her wine and looked off into the distance. “I suppose that’s possible. So…you finally found out what the mysterious Chance does for a living? He works in his family’s company? What company is it?”

  “Well, that’s kind of the crazy part.” I shifted in my seat. I wasn’t really sure how to tell Melissa the truth. That Chance was practically a billionaire. It still didn’t even feel real to me. “Chance’s father is Howard Vaughn.”

  Melissa shrugged her shoulders as she looked at me. “Who?”

  “Howard Vaughn. As in the hotel mogul, hotels and casinos…”

  “What?” Melissa’s head snapped toward me, her eyes wide.

  “Yes, the very same.” I said slowly, I felt heat rise in my face. It was so awkward. We had all figured Chance was rich, but not that he was the heir to a hotel empire. It just didn’t seem real.

  “So… by taking this job,” Melissa looked at me with serious eyes. “You’ll technically be working for Chance and his family in his hotel empire? I guess that makes sense now, given how they’re paying you.”

  “I suppose,” I sipped my wine as I leaned back against the couch. My body had finally begun to relax. “Though, it seems like this project is completely under Chance’s control. He heads the company in NYC, apparently.”

  “So he’s more than just a spoiled brat riding on his parent’s coat tails?” she smirked, then her face fell slightly, “Because honestly, when we were in Vegas, he seemed to be a bit of a party boy.”


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