His Town

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His Town Page 57

by Ellie Danes

  A wave of disappointment filled my body. “And what about you? You weren’t planning to be at the opening? When were you going to mention this?”

  “Well.” She looked away from me, as the tension at the table mounted. I could see that both Jeremy and Courtney were uncomfortable. “Everything will be ready to go. Honestly, there will be plenty of people to keep everything running smoothly.” Becca sipped from her wine glass as she reached for my hand. “I planned on being there in the morning to make sure everything was set, and then heading to the wedding to help Melissa.”

  “I see.” I bit my lip and took a deep breath as I turned away and stared at Jeremy across the table. I couldn’t believe Becca was doing this to me; she knew how hard we had all worked to make the opening a success. I wondered whether she would have mentioned anything at all if it hadn’t come up in the conversation.

  I took a long sip from my Crown and ginger. I could feel my anger bubbling in my chest. There was no point arguing with her now. It was clear that she’d made up her mind.

  The tension continued through dinner even though I had attempted to make light of the situation. I was extremely disappointed and quite frustrated. Everything I had felt earlier in the evening had dissipated. I attempted to drown the hurt with a few more drinks, but it only made me feel worse.

  After having dropped off Jeremy and Courtney, Becca and I sat in silence for the remainder of the ride to her apartment. The disappointment was clearly visible on her face. I felt abandoned by her.

  “Chance, I’m sorry.” Her clear blue eyes stared into mine as she grasped my hand. “I didn’t think it would be such a big deal. I had committed to be there for Melissa long before we met. Do you have any idea how much I’d like to have my boyfriend by my side at this wedding? Yet, I’ll be there, alone.” A tear trickled down her cheek as she stared at me. “You aren’t the only one that’s hurting.”

  Becca slipped out of the car and shut the door, not waiting for my reply. I sat speechless. I hadn’t realized how hurt she might be as well. This wasn’t the evening I had wanted at all.

  We were both left hurt and alone.

  Chapter Five


  I was still fighting a little bit of a hangover from our night of drinks. It was our last “girl’s night out” before Melissa was no longer a single lady. I popped a few aspirin and yelled to Melissa in the other room. “Hey! Are you awake yet! It’s your big day, girlie!”

  Melissa opened her bedroom door and padded into the kitchen with a huge smile on her face. “I’m up, even though I didn’t get much sleep.”

  I gave her a huge hug and handed her a cup of coffee. “We have a busy day today. Nails and hair this morning.”

  “Keep it down over there!” Courtney yelled from the living room couch. “Some of us still need our beauty sleep.”

  Katie groaned from the adjacent couch as she sat up and rubbed her eyes after making a remark about how she woke up beautiful everyday, at least that’s what her husband told her.

  “We have to leave in an hour,” I snapped back to everyone. I felt my project manager and maid of honor role taking over as I attempted to keep everyone on track. Not only did I need to keep Melissa going, I had to make time to check on everything at the club for the opening tonight. Today was going to be a challenge for sure.

  I managed to get all of the girls out of the apartment and into our rented limo on time. Four girls and one bathroom was more than anyone could handle. I was impressed that somehow, we all were ready to go when we needed to be.

  Champagne and chocolate strawberries were neatly arranged for us as we entered the private room in the spa where we would be getting our nails and hair done. I clicked the planner on my phone and smiled. Everything was running right on time. I smiled to myself as I eased into the chair and made small talk with the girls as we were pampered.

  An hour and a half later and our makeup, nails and hair were done and we all looked flawless. We slipped into our bridesmaid gowns as Melissa slipped into a pre-wedding gown. Her wedding dress was too much to wear to the church and we still had several hours before the main event.

  I stared at myself in the mirror and was thankful for Melissa’s good taste in dresses. Unlike most bridesmaid dresses, these were form-fitting and elegant. Something I could actually wear again. I was thankful, especially considering the price.

  “You look beautiful, Becs.” Melissa smiled at me while staring at my reflection in the mirror. “Thank you for being here, and for all of this.” Melissa grabbed my hand and squeezed it. “I know you had a lot going on, but you somehow managed to pull it all off.”

  “Thank you.” I smiled back at her. “You know I have to slip out for an hour, but I’ll be there at the church to help you get ready. I have to make sure everything is ready for Chance tonight.”

  “I know.” Melissa tilted her head at me and smiled. “If you’re late…” She quipped back quickly.

  “It’ll be okay.” I reassured her. “I promise. I will be there.”

  I gave the girls a hug as I quickly left the salon and checked my planner again. Still on time.

  * * * *

  As I walked through the entrance of the hotel I grinned. Red carpet and velvet ropes lined the entrance to the elevator. The photo banner lined the wall where the press and paparazzi would take pictures of the celebrities and guests as they entered. Everything was spot on.

  I stepped onto the elevator and pushed the button for the club and waited. I anxiously tapped my foot on the ride up, hoping everything would be as expected. The large elevator doors opened, revealing a handful of staff running around and setting things up.

  The manager for the DJ stood in the corner and directed the stagehands where set up the equipment. I looked at him and smiled as a member of the staff attentively took care of his needs.

  I took a deep breath and grinned. Another few hours and this would all be over and hopefully be a huge success. I heard the distinctive sound of his walk approaching from behind as my stomach sank. Chance. We hadn’t really spoken since the other night, besides a few texts back and forth. I turned to see him approaching, dressed in a jet-black Armani suit that hugged his body in all of the right ways. His hair was neat and slicked back and as he approached, his stunning blue eyes sent electricity through my body.

  Immediately I felt a longing for him. I had missed him so much over the last few days. The other night had been a disaster and it was my fault, but there was nothing I could do to fix it. I just needed to make sure that tonight went perfectly for him.

  “You look gorgeous.” Chance’s voice seemed to miss the enthusiasm that it normally had. “I’ve talked to a few people and everything is ready. You did an amazing job of getting this done. You really don’t need to be here.” He smiled through pursed lips.

  “Thank you, but I needed to see for myself.” I bit my lip and then smiled meekly. “Chance, I’m really sorry I can’t be here tonight for you. I really–”

  “It’s okay. I’m not angry, Becca.” He smiled as he reached out his hand and touched my arm softly. “I do want you to be here but I understand. You can’t miss Melissa’s wedding.” Chance leaned in and kissed me gently on the cheek. “Have fun tonight. Everything will be fine here.”

  Guilt and sadness poured over my body as I looked into his eyes.

  “I need to check on a few more things,” he said as he casually looked around the club.

  “Yeah, me too,” I responded. I had time to stay and help, but it was clear Chance didn’t want me there at all. “Good luck tonight.” I smiled.

  “I’ll talk with you tomorrow.”

  I watched as he turned and walked deeper into the club, leaving me alone.

  * * * *

  The church was packed from wall to wall and Melissa looked beyond gorgeous. I zipped up the back of her gown and secured the clasp at the top as she stared at herself in the mirror. “He’s a lucky man.” I smiled at her as a tear formed in the corner of my eye.
“A lucky man.” I repeated. She was a lucky woman. Katie, Courtney and her were all lucky. They each had a man in their lives and they were there with them tonight.

  I was alone, yet again.

  Chapter Six


  My eyes started to hurt from the flashes of the cameras as press and paparazzi snapped photos of the celebrities walking the red carpet and posing in front of the logo-covered banner wall. The turnout had far exceeded my expectations.

  Everything I had imagined for a large club opening had been planned to perfection. I smiled and shook hands with people I didn’t know. I posed for photos with actors and music talent. The hotel was packed with guests and tourists trying to catch a glimpse of what was going on. I gazed outside at the street as black limos and town cars lined the curb, dropping off more people. I forced a smile. I was pleased, but not happy.

  I checked my watch and wondered what she might be doing right now. I wondered if she was thinking about me. I shouldn’t be here alone. I didn’t want to be here alone. After all of this work, but here I was, without anyone to truly celebrate it with.

  I looked up and saw my father walking down the red carpet, pausing only a moment for a photo and then continuing toward the lobby. His face was more alive than I had seen it for a long time. Mary followed closely behind him. Her eyes were bright and her smile was calm and reassuring.

  “Everything looks great, son,” he said, beaming. “I’m impressed. It’s quite the turn out.”

  “Thank you.” I forced a smile and nodded.

  “Where’s Becca? I’d like to congratulate her for her work on this as well. You know, I had my doubts, but she definitely pulled it off. You made a good choice, son.” Dad smiled as he put his hand on my shoulder. “A good choice, all around.”

  I took a deep breath and looked at the crowd of people gathering, attempting to avoid looking into his eyes. “She’s not here tonight.”

  “Is everything all right between you two?” My father looked at me, stunned.

  “It’s fine. She had a prior commitment. Her best friend’s wedding.” I continued to focus my gaze away from him. “She did an amazing job here though, didn’t she?”

  Dad shifted his position in front of me and stared into my eyes. “She did…but Chance…what’s really going on here?”

  “Nothing, Dad. We’ve all worked so hard on getting this hotel and this club ready. You’ve always doubted my accomplishments. Well, here they are. This is what I’ve accomplished,” I said softly as I stared him. “I just want you to be proud of me.”

  “I am,” he said in a calm voice. “I’ve always been. And more than that, I admire you. I admire how you stay true to yourself. I saw that when you finally stood up for yourself and ended things with Sara, despite what I said.”

  I could feel the lump in my throat grow as I listened to his words.

  “Chance, all of this…it’s work. It’s what we do on a daily basis. But it’s not everything in life. There was some truth to the things I’ve said to you about Sara.”

  I gritted my teeth as I prepared myself to hear another earful about her, the woman that had completely ruined my life.

  “I always said I wanted you to settle down. I want you to be happy, whether that was with Sara or someone else. Otherwise, what good is all of this?” Dad looked around the hotel at the grand event that was taking place.

  I looked into my father’s eyes and felt like I was really seeing him. I was finally hearing his message to me for the first time. Both of us stood alone, yet together. The one thing he didn’t want me to become was him, yet I had.

  “Chance, you know what you need to do, so do it.” Dad smiled as he leaned in and hugged me. It was the first time we had embraced since I was a child. I was overcome with emotion as tears filled my eyes and a sense of pride filled me, yet I still felt empty.

  “I do Dad, thanks.” I smiled back at him. “Come on, let me show you the club upstairs.”

  Chapter Seven


  I sipped the watered-down vodka cranberry and sat at the large round table. “Beautiful wedding, wasn’t it? And the food tonight, amazing huh?” I smiled at Melissa’s great, great aunt and she blankly smiled back.

  “Yeah, everything is all right. That Trevor is a handsome man.” She nodded as she looked at me.

  “Tyler. Melissa’s husband is Tyler.” I smiled back at her and took a large swig from my glass. “I guess it’s just me and you, Aunty Margret.” I eased back into my chair and stared back at her. “We don’t need men, right?”

  “Uh-uh,” she mumbled and then went back to staring at the wall and smiling.

  “Yep, we can have fun all on our own.” I finished off my drink. “Who needs a hot billionaire as their date? Certainly not me,” I mumbled to myself as I watched Courtney and Jeremy dancing among the other couples. Another wedding alone.

  I pulled my phone from my small clutch, only large enough for a tube of lipstick and the phone, and considered texting Chance. Why bother? I thought. I started typing the message and held my thumb over the send button. How’s the event going? I sucked down the remaining liquid in my glass and hit send.

  Great. Staring at a packed dance floor. BTW you did an amazing job. Howard was impressed.

  I closed my eyes as I envisioned the club and the crowd of people bouncing to the rhythm the DJ was playing, the sequenced lights flashing beneath their feet. I thought about Chance in his black suit, looking stunning. I opened my eyes and felt a tear forming as I looked down at his message and quickly replied. I miss you. I wish I could hear your voice right now.

  Chance sent back a smiley face and nothing else.

  I watched in the distance as Melissa and Tyler held each other tightly, swaying to the music. They smiled and kissed each other as they mouthed something to Katie, Courtney and their men. They all tossed their heads back and laughed.

  The music echoed throughout the room as I sat in the silence of my own world.

  “Excuse me, would you like to dance?”

  “No, I’m fine. Thanks.” I ignored the voice behind me as a hand touched my shoulder. I looked up at Chance as tears streamed down my face.

  “Are you sure you don’t want to dance?” he smiled and asked again.

  I jumped up from my seat and hugged him tightly. He pulled away and gently wiped the tears from my face. “But…why are you here? Your event? Howard?”

  “This is where I needed to be.” Chance kissed me softly on the lips as I smiled back at him.

  Chance grabbed my hands and looked into my eyes. His warm, blue eyes sparkled as he explained his conversation with his father. “Becca, I realized tonight that what I was trying so hard not to become, I had become. I’ve buried myself in my work. I’ve hid from life. The more my father pushed, the more I tried to impress him. He’s always been proud of me.” Chance batted his eyes and frowned. “Dad nearly kicked my ass tonight when I took him upstairs to see the club after I told him where you were. He told me if I didn’t get my ass over here to be with you, there would be hell to pay.” Chance kissed me lightly on the cheek as he continued. “It shouldn’t have taken my father to tell me how stupid I was not to be here with you. I’m sorry.”

  Chance wrapped his arms around me and hugged me, kissing the top of my head as he whispered in my ear. “Becca, I love you.”

  “I love you too, Chance.”

  I wanted to hold onto him forever and never forget this moment.

  Chapter Eight


  The sun had barely begun to rise over the Vegas skyline, but already we were hustling to get ready. Today was a big day, for both of us. It had been three months since the New York opening and I had convinced Becca to take on a few more responsibilities at the company. We now lived in both Vegas and New York City, together.

  I looked over at her and smiled, she was dressed to kill. She knew the look on my face all too well. “Not this morning Chance, you know we’ll be late.” She looked over
at me and raised her brow.

  “Having trouble with your tie? Good thing I’m hear to fix it, yet again.” She giggled.

  “It’s fine.” I mumbled as I played with it some more. My nervousness shook my hands.

  “Here let me help.” She walked over, re-adjusted my tie and kissed me gently. Becca looked into my eyes. “I’m so not ready for today.”

  “What are you talking about?” I shook my head. “Everyone is truly impressed with all of your work. Howard told everyone how incredible you are. If he said it, he meant it.”

  I grabbed her hand as we left the penthouse and headed into the corporate office. We paused as we passed my father’s office. Becca kissed me again and smiled. She didn’t say another word as she walked toward the conference room doors and waited for me.

  Mary stepped out of the conference room and smiled at Becca and then looked at me. “We’re ready.”

  I swallowed hard and looked at both of them.

  “You’re going to do great today.” Mary said softly, as she touched my shoulder tenderly. I nodded and smiled back at her as I opened the double doors, allowing Becca and Mary to enter first and I followed behind. I stood behind the chair at the end of the large boardroom table and made eye contact with each and every person sitting at the table.

  I looked across to the end of the table and up on the wall. Portraits of my grandfather and father hung side my side, the two people that had led this company successfully for many years. I watched as Becca stood from her seat and removed the cloth that covered the third portrait hanging on the wall.

  My face stared back at me as the group gathered around the table clapped softly.

  I took a deep breath, smiled and looked up at the ceiling briefly and then refocused.

  “It’s been a month since my father’s voice has echoed off of the walls of this room.” I paused, as I met Becca’s eyes. She smiled at me, her face full of encouragement. I knew with her by my side I could do anything. “I know my father was a tough son of a bitch, and that filling his shoes will be no easy task. But I promise you, I will work harder than ever to make him, and all of you proud as I lead this company into the future.”


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