His Town

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His Town Page 79

by Ellie Danes

  “She said that she should be good to go soon enough, provided she’s seeing her therapist right away — they just have to keep her for a little longer for observation.”

  He nodded, grumbling beneath his breath. I couldn’t understand a thing he’d said, but it didn’t matter. He sat down on the bed next to me, and gently grabbed hold of Claire’s leg almost absentmindedly.

  With his other hand, he swiped his whitened hair, smoothing it down. I couldn’t help but stand there. I was still wondering what had changed his mind, and why he’d finally decided to come here.

  I continued to stare at him, unblinking. Damn, he’d aged over the last year. The fluorescents hadn’t done him much justice after all; they showed every blemish. Every wrinkle.

  His white-gray hair even looked snow-white in the room.

  The stress of the job — that’s what he’d always tell me. Now, finally, I believed it.

  Apparently, there was a huge ongoing lawsuit or two at the scompany, and it was keeping him busy. Too busy for my taste. But apparently not too busy to finally care enough to come and visit Claire in the hospital.

  “I’m glad you came, Dad,” I said. And I was glad, for Claire if nothing else.

  Crossed Hearts

  The Forbidden Love Series

  Volume Two

  (An Alpha Billionaire Romance)


  Ellie Danes


  Chapter 1


  The last thing I expected was that meeting a woman in Starbucks was going to knock me for such a loop. But that was exactly what happened the morning a fiery redhead paid for my coffee to save my ass from an angry, caffeine-starved mob. I was attracted to her the moment our eyes met.

  Now, here I sat a week later in a hospital waiting room because I couldn’t imagine being anywhere else when I knew she needed a shoulder to lean on. Even though we didn’t really know much about each other, in the few days we’d hung out we’d grown close enough that I knew I wanted to be here for her. And based on her family situation, I knew she needed me to be.

  Sitting in the middle of the white-everything room with the faint smell of chemicals and sanitizers stinging my nostrils, I’d been wrapped up in a game on my phone for a good hour before I realized that Kate still hadn’t come back. I felt like it’d only been a few minutes when I paused the game to check the time, and I realized my neck was stiff as I stretched.

  I could hardly believe I’d been absorbed in my phone that entire time. I should’ve been working, but I’d been so hell bent on getting to Kate that I hadn’t brought my computer or anything to do work on. All I had was my phone…and the silly game I’d downloaded.

  Kate had been gone for a while now, which was fine. I was here for her, not here for me.

  I couldn’t believe the severe lack of shit to do in the waiting room. Every other time I’d been in a waiting room there had been a crappy old TV programmed forever on some boring channel, but this time I didn’t even have that luxury.

  Truth was, I was a little concerned. The doctor was just supposed to borrow her for a quick second and that had turned into an hour. Hopefully everything was okay.

  I loosened my tie and unfastened the top button on my collar. I felt like I couldn’t breathe all of a sudden. The musty smell of chemicals and piss must have been getting to me.

  Sighing, I pressed the palms of my hands into my eyes and rubbed and then leaned back, sinking further down in the seat. My ass was getting numb. I couldn't stop my mind from drifting. My thoughts didn’t fall on Claire or Kate, though, like one might expect. Instead, I started thinking about the man I’d seen sauntering down the hospital corridor just after Kate disappeared with the doctor. Michael Murphy. The current thorn in my CEO side. I couldn’t help but wonder if he was somehow wracked with the sort of terrible thoughts that I’d been thinking. The ones that an idle mind always shifted to in times of distress.

  What the hell was he doing here, anyway? I had to wonder if he was here to see a loved one, and if that loved one was okay. Or, maybe, like me, he was here to support someone else.

  Hilarious idea—Michael Murphy, the biggest asshole in New York City, being at the hospital, or anywhere, to support someone.

  Then again, his walk had certainly seemed hurried—too hurried for a casual visit. He’d seemed awfully determined to get somewhere, and his eyes had looked haunted, troubled. To say it was strange to see him that way was an understatement. The man was a stone-cold statue — strong, sturdy. People like Michael Murphy didn’t feel. He’d never shown any sort of emotion for as long as I’d known him.

  My phone buzzed in the palm of my hand, and a name flashed with a text notification at the top of the screen. It was Jerome. Senior Vice President Asshole. One of the sharpest pains in my ass. He couldn't stand that I'd been made CEO after my father’s untimely death a year ago.

  I scowled as I hesitantly unlocked my phone and opened the text message. I wondered if I should even bother to read it. I’d taken the rest of the day off. He was VP. He could deal with it.

  But I knew it had to be important. Jerome and I weren’t best friends. We barely spoke unless it was something pressing, and we sure as hell never texted one another. So it had to be something big for him to text me in the first place.

  Before I could read it, another text came in. This time, though, it was from Janice. I sighed as I stared at the two names and the small little envelope beside each of them. I took a deep breath and growled as I flipped my thumb over the screen to read one at a time. Naturally, I read Janice’s first. She was slow at texting, so it was entirely possible that hers was supposed to be sent — and therefore read — first, anyhow. Besides, I was far more interested in reading what she had to say, as well as her take on whatever colossal bullshit awaited me, than I was in hearing Jerome’s bullshit.

  The text read, Sorry to bother you. Mr. Pfeiffer needs you back ASAP.

  “What the fuck?” It looked like I was definitely going to have to read Jerome’s text now.

  I moved my thumb over my screen again to pull up his message. We had a total of three exchanges on the entire thread. I shook my head at how much of a horse’s ass he was in all three of them — especially the newest.

  Unlike you, I actually worked today and landed a big investment opportunity. Papers are ready for you to sign.


  I sighed and tucked my phone into my pocket. I gathered my scarf and overcoat and folded each over my forearm and looked toward the direction Kate had disappeared. I wanted to find her before I left. I really didn’t want to leave without seeing her, but Jerome was right — I had work that needed my attention. The company wouldn’t hold its breath, waiting for me to return. My dad probably would have promoted Jerome and demoted me right on the spot if he’d known I’d let my feelings get in the way of landing a “big investment opportunity.”

  I could only wonder what Jerome meant by a “big investment opportunity.” How big were we talking? Although it was Jerome who made the deal, a part of me couldn’t help but feel a little excited about it. I always loved big opportunities that meant more money for the company. Money talked to me. It pumped adrenaline through my veins and made me feel alive.

  But still, despite that feeling — and the fact that I usually craved it — I was willing to give that up to at least find Kate and say goodbye. If Dad were here, he’d tell me to forget Kate, forget about saying goodbye, forget about having a life. A part of me nearly listened to his voice in my head, urging me to drop everything and get back to the office…but another part of me couldn't stomach the thought of abandoning Kate without at least a goodbye.

  I stood and started walking. I rounded the corner, away from the nurse’s station and toward drawn curtains. It didn’t take me long to figure out that the emergency cubicles were like a fucking maze. All I heard was sickness and sorrow all around me. Behind every curtain I passed, someone lay suffering on the other side. It was like wa
lking alongside the Grim Reaper as I searched through the maze. The sounds of coughs, moans of pain and anguish, vomit splattering against the floor echoed at every turn.

  All of a sudden, dizziness swirled in my head. The world was spinning on its axis and my stomach began to whirl and jolt. I felt like I was going to hurl and pass out. Hard. Right in the middle of the hallway.

  I wondered if I was even allowed this far back. Why hadn’t anyone stopped me yet? But no one even looked at me. Doctors ran past. Nurses, too. No one looked my way. I mean, I understood on one hand. They had a job to do. Their job was to keep people alive, not be security guards. But I still had to wonder why no one seemed to question a man who was clearly lost and roaming the hallways.

  Clearly she was in an office, or behind a curtain with her sister. I knew the chances of me finding her without making a scene were slim, but I had to try. I couldn’t leave without telling her, and somehow a text just didn’t seem right.

  Just as I was about to turn around and go back toward the waiting room, I heard a curtain screech open. A familiar head of fiery red hair emerged from behind it.

  She looked as beautiful as always, and she sure as hell was a sight for sore eyes. I smiled in relief. She smiled back, but I could tell something was wrong. Her bright eyes were shadowed in worry, and her eyebrows were scrunched together in a concerned scowl. Her complexion was still drawn and pale.

  “Kate?” I said, concerned.

  Immediately, her eyes filled with tears. Something more had happened.

  Chapter 2


  My heart had finally stopped pounding in my chest as I pulled open the blue patterned curtain separating Claire from the rest of the hospital. I hadn’t realized how long I had been back there. It was strange, really, how it was just a curtain, but it felt so private.

  Ian was probably reeling from boredom. It’d been at least an hour since I’d left him sitting in the waiting room.

  I shivered. The air seemed a lot colder on the other side of the curtain. As I stepped out, I felt goosebumps start to prickle at my upper arms. I could even see them starting to form as I closed the pale blue curtain behind me. When I turned to look out into the hallway, I caught a glimpse of the gorgeous blond-haired man turning toward me — almost like he was in some sort of a panic.


  I smiled, fighting the urge to throw my arms around him and pull him close to me. I’d just been thinking about how much I wanted to get back to him. He was far more comfort than my father was. Maybe having Ian there for a little more support was all I needed at the moment… a little more than the ton he’d already given me.

  I needed that comfort. No matter how glad I was that my dad was actually there, his presence wasn’t calming and there were still residual feelings that somehow I knew would be soothed away by Ian’s presence. There was something about him… he just made me feel calm. I couldn’t explain it.

  Maybe it had something to do with my father. Dad’s demeanor and attention made me feel like a giant weight was on top of me, suffocating me. Each and every day I had to fight for his time with work, or just fight him in general.

  With Ian, there hadn’t been any disappointments. Not yet, anyway. It was also a different sort of feeling. Whereas, with my dad, I was constantly fighting to bring him into my life, Ian had already completely penetrated my life without any sort of battle.

  And here he was with me now, even when he didn’t have to be. Hell, even when I’d told him not to be.

  Dad had basically been guilted into being here and fighting tooth and nail the whole time. He almost hadn’t come at all.

  Thankfully, he’d stayed in the cubicle with Claire. As soon as she’d woken up, he was the first person she saw. Her eyes squinted open, and he was there, holding her hand, looking down at her.

  It was strange to think of it as something beautiful, given the circumstance, but it was. Claire’s smile had been bright and glowing. Her grin was so large, dimples formed in her paled cheeks. My heart thudded with emotion, especially when Claire flung her arms around Dad. It was like she’d gathered up all of her energy for that hug. I could do nothing more than watch as she closed her eyes in a sort of contentment, almost in bliss. For her, having Dad there when she woke up meant he cared. And, somehow, I imagined that was all she wanted to know . . . that he cared.

  I heard sniffles from behind me as I’d closed the curtain. I almost thought I heard two separate sniffles. But that would mean Dad was showing some of his softer side, and lately I wasn’t so sure he even still had one. I knew Claire could hardly believe Dad was actually here. Hell, I could barely believe it myself — and he’d let her down a whole hell of a lot more than he had me. Because of that, I still had a little more faith in him than I probably should have and certainly more than Claire did. Not that it was warranted; after all, I’d watched him let my little sister down time and time again. He probably didn’t deserve even the small amount of hope I still held out for him to be the kind of father Claire needed him to be. But, even a terrible day could sometimes have an unexpected happy ending.

  With a deep breath, I focused my attention back on the man in front of me. A man who did deserve the faith I had in him. Ian looked a little worried as he stood there. He reached up and gently brushed away a tear from my cheek with his thumb.

  “I’m fine. I swear!” I dabbed at my eyes and cheeks. “I’m just happy that Claire is okay.”

  He looked confused for a second just before giving me a soft smile and taking another step toward me. I couldn’t stop myself from smiling back at him. I felt a little guilty that so much happiness was washing over me when my sister was just behind the curtain, hospitalized because she was so unhappy.

  At least Dad was there for her. But, with my dad, who knew how long it would last. He’d never been the most dependable man in the world. I doubted that he ever would be. That might have been fine if I were only concerned with me, but damn it all, I had Claire to think about too. Of course, I didn’t really know with Claire either. With her mental state, who knew if she’d even want to be around much longer herself. And where would that leave me?

  I felt my breath catch in my throat. Before I could even say anything else, I felt Ian’s warm fingers wrap around my hand and pull it to his lips.

  I shuddered. He was so damned perfect. A little too perfect. Everything he did was pure magic.

  His lips felt like hot silk gently on my skin, and I felt light all of a sudden. I didn’t feel weighed down with that sort of nauseous feeling I always seemed to have when I was dealing with Dad or Claire drama.

  I couldn’t fight my draw to Ian anymore. I needed the warmth of his comfort. I launched my arms around him, pulling him close. His clean and intoxicating scent wafted over me. Spicy. Fresh.

  I took a deep breath, vanilla and spice still filling my senses, continuing to calm me. The problems with Dad and Claire would always be there. I had no way of knowing if the comfort of Ian’s presence would be. I needed to take advantage of it while I could. Dad and I had always had our differences, and Claire always seemed to get into some sort of trouble that I had to handle. It was a never-ending, and incredibly cruel, cycle. As soon as I thought it was getting better — boom. Something came up with one or both of them again. This relationship that was happening with Ian, though, it was helping me . . . calming me. I hugged Ian tighter as a little more of the anxious weight pressing down on my chest shifted.

  I lingered against him, reveling in his warmth. Breathing in his scent. Feeling his heart beating hard and fast against me. I even enjoyed the feeling of his clothes against my skin.

  I took a deep, longing breath, and closed my eyes as I found myself taking in a final and deliberate whiff of vanilla and spice. I had to pull myself together. But when I pulled away, my gaze met his, and I melted. He was looking right into my eyes with a tender expression and his eyes were glistening.

  How was I supposed to pull myself together when everything he did —
even when he did nothing at all — melted me like a snowman in Miami?

  I smiled despite my inner battle to play it cool. I hoped more than anything that I wasn’t making it awkward between the two of us. I hoped he hadn’t noticed the fact that I had just been breathing in his sent, or that I was melting by merely looking at him.

  The last thing I wanted was to appear desperate. He gave me a faint smile and reached up slowly with the smooth tips of his fingers and wiped the remaining tears from my eyes. I smiled, leaning into his palm, which simultaneously cupped my cheek. He was taking care of me — when he was clearly upset about something himself.

  “Are you okay?” I whispered.

  He nodded. “Just work stuff. The usual bullshit. Besides, I should be asking you that.”

  We shared a look, and it was like we were bonded together. Like each of us felt what the other felt. I couldn’t believe how much emotion I was feeling for him — a man who was basically still a stranger.

  “I’m fine. Really,” I assured him, breaking the silence.

  “I have a work emergency and have to get back to the office,” he whispered.

  I could tell he didn’t really want to break the news to me. He seemed worried about how I’d take it. It wasn’t just that, though, I could also tell that he was disappointed.

  “I’m so sorry, Kate,” he continued, his voice cracking. “I wish I didn’t have to go.”

  I smiled, trying to reassure him. “No, don’t be.”

  “Are you going to be okay here?” he asked. “I can come back later, once all this stuff is settled at work.”

  “No,” I laughed. “Don’t be silly.”

  “I’d like to—” he started, but I couldn’t let him finish.

  “No, really, that’s sweet of you,” I said, “but not necessary. They’re about to start the discharge process — and then we just need to take Claire to her therapist.”


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