Succubus Soccer Mom: A Reverse Harem Tale

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Succubus Soccer Mom: A Reverse Harem Tale Page 7

by Jacquelyn Faye


  Daniel's surge of joy was palpable, even before the smile appeared on his lips as he turned. A little brunette in a blue dress was streaking across the gym floor and practically leapt into his arms. "Hey, Munchkin." He hugged her tight.

  "What are we doing this weekend?"

  "Going downtown, like I promised."


  "You betcha."


  He set her down, still holding her hand. "Abby, this is my friend, Kara. Kara, this is Abby."

  I bent over and offered her my hand, but she kind of slid behind her father. I would have taken offense, if she hadn't given me a shy smile. "Hi."

  "Aren't you adorable."

  "You're pretty."

  Heat flared from my face. I wasn't used to being embarrassed, but the youngling managed to do it with two words. It was one of the reasons I wasn't that fond of children. "Thank you."

  "Where's Vincent?"

  "Talking to some girls."

  I laughed.

  Unfortunately, it drew the attention of Abby's mother. She finally noticed her daughter talking to us, said something to the people she was with, and made a beeline straight for us. "Abby, I told you not to wander off."

  "I saw Daddy."

  "Yes, well you get to spend all weekend with him."

  "Go ahead, Munchkin. I'll see you Friday night."

  He pulled her hand, leading to her mother, but Abby refused to let him go. Definitely Daddy's girl. It would be interesting to see how his son reacted to him. "I was bored. Can't I stay with Daddy while you talk to your friends?"

  There was so much her mother wanted to say. I could feel it oozing off her like the cheap ass perfume she was wearing. Most of it probably had to do with me, judging from the nervous glances she kept giving me. Instead of giving her a threatening stare, I feigned disinterest. It worked like a charm.

  "Fine, but we are leaving in twenty minutes." She turned back around, re-engrossing herself in the conversation with her friends. Friends who were staring at me with borderline hostility. I sneered and turned around, heading back toward the punchbowl. That's where all the cool kids hung out, anyway.

  I heard some mumbling, and then Daniel softly called my name. "I'll be right back. The munchkin needs to use the bathroom. Be okay by yourself for a minute?"

  "I wish. Karen will probably want a status update." I hooked my thumb over my shoulder and gave him exasperated sigh.

  He grinned and led Abby toward the double wooden doors off to the left. I dumped a little more punch in my cup and leaned against the wall behind the table.

  "Mrs. Dell?"

  I turned my head. A man wearing the classic blue polyester coaching shorts with a white polo shirt was giving me an inquisitive look. It was the first time I'd ever seen someone look impressive wearing coach shorts. He filled them out nicely, just like his shirt. It practically stretched over his pectoral muscles, but didn't give him the impression of being a meat head. He was fit, toned, but not overly bulging. With the shaggy head of blond hair, and soft brown eyes, he was gorgeous. "Yes?"

  "Oh good!" He visibly relaxed and reached out his hand. I took it, returning his meaty shake. "I'm Coach Drake."

  "The soccer coach?"

  He chuckled, nodding. "Boys soccer. The girls have a different coach."

  "How did you know who I was?"

  "Your son gave me your description. Just wanted to introduce myself."

  "What did he say about me?" I narrowed my eyes suspiciously.

  "Blonde woman who looks ridiculously young and stands out in a crowd, no matter where she goes." He coughed. "A very apt description for a fifteen-year-old boy."

  "I don't stand out…" I was almost defensive.

  "Trust me. You do. Especially in this school, and believe me, that is a compliment."

  I liked Coach Drake, already. Not for the compliment, but for his down to earth attitude and realization that mother hens sipping punch and gossiping really did kind of suck. "Oh. I believe you," I said with a throaty chuckle. "Punch?"

  He shook his head. "I've been here for almost ten years. If I never have another sip of punch again, I'll die a happy man."

  "You've set the bar kind of low."

  "I've become jaded in my old age."

  "Old? You don't look a day over thirty."

  "Ouch. I'm only twenty-two. See what working here does to a man?"

  I was staring at him blankly and narrowed my eyes when he started chuckling.

  "Kidding! I'm thirty-five."

  "You had me. I was about to run and jump off the nearest cliff." I wet my lips with another sip of punch.

  "Please don't do that." He said it very seriously.

  "It's okay. I can fly." I wasn't lying, but he didn't need to know that.

  "I bet you can."

  He smelled like aftershave, up until that moment. Then I caught a whiff of attraction, peppered with a hint of lust. Coach was attracted to me, but wasn't being a creep about it. I had yet to catch him looking at me anywhere but into my eyes.

  I gave him a grin, just as Daniel returned with Abby. "Welcome back," I said to him.

  "Good to be back." He nodded at Coach Drake. "Hey, Brady."

  Apparently, they were on a first name basis. "What's going on, Daniel."

  "You two know each other?"

  "Since…" Drake paused to look at Daniel. "Seventh grade?"

  "Sixth, I think."

  "Holy crap. You guys went to school here?"

  "Not at this school. But yes, in the area. Salem."

  "Salem High!" Drake made a weird mascot noise. I tried not to shudder. Luckily, he was cute. Damn cute.

  "What did we say about doing that in public?" Daniel tried to sound stern but failed miserably. His laughter gave it away.

  "Meh. This isn't public. This is suburbia."

  A smaller hand grabbed onto mine. I blinked down in confusion at Abby who was smiling up at me. The shy little girl who wouldn't even say hi to me had gotten awfully comfortable, really fast. I gave her a small, awkward smile back and squeezed her hand gently, careful not to fracture her small bones. Drake noticed.

  He looked from me to Daniel. "Are you two…?"

  "Yes," I answered. Honestly.

  "That's awesome!" He seemed to be genuinely happy.

  "She is," Daniel agreed, giving me a wink.

  Blushing, I looked over my shoulder. Samantha turned and looked at me at the exact same moment. Then she saw Abby holding my hand, frowned, and started stomping in our direction.

  "Abby, let's go." She stopped halfway and started motioning at her daughter to walk toward her.

  "Go ahead, Abby," I said softly. "I might see you this weekend."

  "Okay." She smiled at me one last time, hugged her dad, and took off toward the bitch in spandex. Samantha was going for the sporty look, but only managed to show off the fact that she was wearing granny panties under her leggings.

  "Thank you," Daniel whispered with a smile. "I should go say goodbye to Vincent. I'll be right back." He leaned in and gave me a kiss on my cheek. "If you're wondering about Brady, it's a yes from me." He wiggled his eyebrows as he pulled back and headed toward the bitch stomping toward the exit.

  "I told him not to marry her." Brady watched them go.

  "The heart gets what the heart wants."

  He nodded before he turned back to me, and his face darkened. "Don't hurt my friend. Please. I don't think he can handle another divorce." He looked over at me out of the corner of his eye.

  "Not that kind of relationship."

  "You're not…"

  "Fucking? Yes. Dating? Yes. Looking to get married, no. We've both been there and done that."

  Brady just nodded. "No offense, but good. His life is too hectic for marriage."

  "I know. He told me what she did." I nodded in the direction they had gone.

  "He and I got married the same year and divorced the same year." He sighed, sadly.

our wife run off with her personal trainer?"

  "No. She got addicted to meth. Kicked her out when she got arrested for the second time."

  "Humans can be weak when it comes to drugs. I've seen it firsthand."

  "Hospital? You have that nurse vibe."

  "No. Strip club where I worked."

  "As a…"


  "Woah. No wonder you don't fit into this crowd." He chuckled heartily before pausing. "Karl told me what happened to his dad. I'm sorry."

  "Thanks." I let it go at that. "Offspring?"

  "I'm more of a Rancid kind of guy, but I'll listen to them."

  Luckily, I understood his band reference and gave him a small smile. "Do you have any?"


  I nodded.

  "No." He didn't elaborate, and I let it go. "Well, it was a pleasure meeting you. I'll see you this weekend? Karl said you're coming to his game."

  "Wouldn't miss it for the world." Only because I promised the kids. There was one thing I would never break. My oath.

  Chapter 7

  My sunglasses were so dark, even I was having trouble seeing through them. But they were a necessary evil. I didn't do well in sunlight. Sure, I didn't burst into flames, and walking from the car to wherever I was going wasn't a problem, but sitting out under the bright morning sunlight for three hours, watching kids play soccer, I would have been lucky not to end up blind. Carefully, I opened my lawn chair and plopped my ass down, gleefully taking a sip of my tumbler of vodka and orange juice. Mimosas were for pussies.

  The girls' game was up first, and I clapped and cheered with the rest of the parents when they took the field. Might as well try to fit in. A little.

  "Hey, Mom. The guys and I are going to the park next door."

  "Okay. Don't do drugs, blah blah blah. Be back for your game."

  "I will. Text me if the coach needs me."

  My ears, and my interest, perked up. "Oh. That's right. He's got to be here today, doesn't he?"

  "Yeaaahh. Little hard to have a game without a coach."

  "I'm sure you could manage, sweetie."

  "Sure, Mom. I'll be back." He took off running.

  "Dude, your mom is hot. And cool."

  "Shut up, Timmy."

  I chuckled under my breath.

  "Fancy meeting you, here."

  I turned my head and looked up over the rim of my sunglasses at Coach Drake. "Didn't think you'd be here this early. The boys' game doesn't start for an hour-and-a-half."

  "I know. I like to watch the girls' team, too."

  "Well, aren't you just chock full of school spirit?"

  "Hardly. They have a shot of going to the state championships this year. And their coach is top notch."

  I looked out at the field. There was an angry looking blonde woman giving last minute instructions to the somewhat nervous looking kids. "Got the hots for her?"

  "Hardly. She's my older sister."

  "Really?" I gave him a shocked look.

  He nodded. "We both played for our schools, and both enjoy teaching."

  "Huh. You gonna stand all day?" I noticed the lawn chair in his hand.

  "Just waiting for an invitation. Where's Daniel?"

  "Downtown with the kids."

  "Ahh." He shook out the chair, opening it expertly and setting it on the grass next to mine. "Well, hopefully he won't get too jealous when he finds out I got to spend the morning with you."

  "Nope. He's not the jealous type."

  Brady frowned. "No. He's not, is he?"

  "You care for him."

  Brady nodded without looking offended. "One of the nicest people you'll ever meet. Too nice, if you ask me. He let that bitch, Samantha, walk all over his ass."

  "And now you're worried I'll do the same." I wasn't guessing, I could feel the anxiety coming off of him. "That's why you came to sit next to me."

  "Guilty." At least he had the decency to blush.



  "Never mind." I took a sip of my drink, not really wanting to divulge Daniel's secrets if he didn't want me to.

  "If you're going to tell me that you are free to date other people, don't. I already know. Daniel called me last night." He chuckled.

  "Then what are you worried about?"


  "Of course."

  He cleared his throat, clearly uncomfortable talking to someone he just met about that delicate of a topic. "That you will."

  "Date other people?"

  "Kind of."

  "I'm confused."

  "Kara, do you know what a cuckold is?"

  I grinned. "Brady, when it comes to sex and relationships, you could consider me an expert."

  He nodded. "Daniel is…"

  "Daniel likes the idea of me dating other men. It stimulates him."


  "Then what's the problem?"

  "Most wives in that situation tend to take it to the…extreme."

  "Gangbangs while the hubster holds the camera?"

  Brady's eyes widened, and he started sputtering. Clearly, I had taken the wrong avenue. "No! I mean, maybe. Not the point I was trying to make, though."


  "They like to berate their husbands. Tell them how useless they are, and how they can't satisfy their needs. Shit like that."

  "Oh, Daniel has no worries in that department." I chuckled happily.

  "So, you are satisfied?"

  "Yes. When I'm with him, completely."

  "Then why date anybody else? If you don't mind me asking?"

  "Because I don't want to be tied down to one man. It's not in my…nature. I made concessions for my husband. I stripped. I got horny. I came home to him and him alone. Those days died when he did."

  "And how do your children feel about you dating other people?"

  "That is not up to them. Whatever I do, I do discretely. They don't even know I was a stripper."

  "You're a very interesting person, Kara…"

  I shrugged, taking another drink. "Boring is boring. The world would be a better place if people would just ditch some of their inhibitions."

  He chuckled. "Some people need them."

  "What about you?"

  He thought about it for a moment before shrugging. "I try not to let them rule me."

  "Good." I almost jumped. As soon as I said the word, the moms on our side of the field jumped up and started screaming excitedly.

  "Your daughter just scored a goal."

  "Really? Good for her."

  "Uh…aren't you going to cheer for her?"

  "Should I?"

  "She might like it…"

  I looked at the field. My daughter was surrounded by her new friends and grinning at me. "How?"

  "Yell her name and clap. Tell her good job."

  "Yay, Ryn! Good job!" I clapped, and the smile on her face doubled in size. My heart twitched, and I wasn't sure why.

  "See? Not so hard, now was it?"

  "It wasn't. But I don't feel so good."

  "What's the matter?"

  "My heart feels funny."

  "That's called pride. Don't worry. You'll get used to it."

  Wasn't sure if I wanted to. The feeling was…quite disturbing. I took another drink to wash it away.

  He glanced over my shoulder, and a shadow crossed his face. I couldn't tell if he was worried or angry, and I didn't ask. When he looked back at me, he lifted an eyebrow. "You're awfully thirsty."

  "No. Just like vodka."

  "You…have…vodka in there?"

  "Yes! Who the fuck drinks straight orange juice? That shit tastes like battery acid."

  "Well, you're not supposed to have alcoholic beverages at the school sporting events, but since ninety-eight percent of the whack jobs behind us are probably sipping chardonnay out of their Powerade bottles…I'll let it slide."

  "Want a sip?"


  I handed him the white plastic bottle with BI
TCH FROM HELL printed on the side, and he took a swallow, choked, and handed it back.

  "You sure you put OJ in there?"

  "Splash for flavor."

  "As I said, you're interesting."

  "Thanks." I grinned at him.

  Brady looked over my shoulder, frowned, and turned his attention back to the game. "Almost the end of the first period."

  "Who's winning?"

  He glanced over at the scoreboard. "They are. Your daughter's goal was the only one so far. They have three."

  I glanced at the opposition. Their girls seemed taller, burlier, and older. "Those girls look like they are in college."

  "No, but their team is all seniors. Inner city school with a lot more students. Varsity and junior varsity, so the younger kids sit out the games unless they're really talented."

  "That hardly seems fair."

  "Don't worry. They're only winning by two. Second period is where the game really happens."

  I just nodded.

  The whistle blew, and the kids headed for their seating. Brady's sister didn't seem too happy, but looked like she was trying to inspire the kids, rather than scream at them. It wasn't their fault the opposing team was comprised of middle-aged kids. "When should I let Karl know to get his ass back here?"

  "Tell him thirty minutes. As long as they're here before the game starts. They at the park?"

  I nodded and relayed his message, tucking my phone in the tiny purse I carried when absolutely necessary. "Could you watch my stuff? I need to run to the ladies' room."

  "My pleasure."

  I got out of the lawn chair, noticing Brady's eyes were fastened to my ass. "Everything okay back there?"

  He looked up at me, busted. "Yeah. Your skirt is rather…"



  "If I didn't want to show off, I would have worn jeans."

  "I'm sure that would still be an impressive sight."

  "Mr. Drake. Are you flirting with me?"

  He blushed and started sputtering. "I'm sorry. That was rather inappropriate."

  "Inappropriate is my middle name." I laughed and headed to the bathroom, smiling to myself. He and Daniel were close friends. That opened up a whole world of possibilities. Especially since Daniel had already waved the green flag in his direction.

  Opening the bathroom door, I almost collided with the blonde woman walking out.

  "Excuse me," she sneered, and exited around me, not even giving me the opportunity to move out of the way. Not that I would have. I made myself an immovable object, and her shoulder collided with mine. Getting a little satisfaction of the oof noise she made, I walked in and let the door shut behind me.


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