Love & Corruption: A Love & Ruin Standalone Novel

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Love & Corruption: A Love & Ruin Standalone Novel Page 13

by J. A. Owenby

  “One is located in Maine, the other is near Mt. Hood, there’s another in Italy, and one more in France.”

  “Are you shittin’ me?” I gaped at him, leaned forward, and propped my elbows on my knees.

  “No, sir, I wouldn’t shit you,” Jeffrey replied matter-of-factly.

  “France,” I muttered. “Near Paris?”

  “Yes, and those are vacation homes, not cabins. They are large enough for you to bring your friends. The houses include pools.”

  I leaned back in my seat, head spinning. It wouldn’t be any big deal to whisk Sutton, Jeffrey, Redd, ZW, Murphy, and soon Jaxon away to Italy for a vacation.

  “Sutton has always wanted to see France and Italy. We talked about it numerous times in high school.”

  “Now you have the means to take her.” He flashed me a rare grin and crossed his legs.

  My phone buzzed in the seat next to me and I frowned. It was Redd, and he wouldn’t call me unless there was something seriously wrong.

  “Yeah?” I asked.

  “She’s missing, boss,” Redd said.

  “Speak up, I don’t think I heard you. I thought you said Sutton was missing.” My attention landed on Jeffrey, and every muscle in my body tensed as my thoughts swam with the news. A lead ball dropped into my gut. I was powerless to do anything while we were in the air. I shouldn’t have left her. This was all my fault. I’d failed her once again.

  “How long?” I regarded my watch.

  “To the best of my knowledge about two hours.” Redd sighed heavily. "We stopped by her house after we saw her parents.”

  Red continued to update me on the situation, my head dropping into my free hand. “Goddammit! How far away are we from Portland?” I asked Jeffrey.

  “Ten to fifteen minutes.”

  Concern flashed in Jeffrey’s eyes while I returned my attention to Redd. Panic erupted inside me. Every minute was critical. “Stay there in case she shows back up. I’ll see you in thirty.”

  I disconnected and swallowed the sour taste in my mouth.

  “Sir?” Jeffrey asked, alarmed.

  “Sutton’s missing. If the Sons of Chaos have her … You better set bail money aside because I’m going to bury every one of those motherfuckers.” My chest heaved, my anxiety climbing through the roof.

  “What happened?” Jeffrey asked, calmly.

  “Redd doesn’t know. They were at Sutton’s place, she cooked dinner, and the next thing he remembers is waking up on her couch, and there’s no sign of her anywhere.” I stared at my watch as though I had the ability to speed up time. Even after we landed, we’d have Portland traffic to navigate through to reach her house. I clenched my jaw and groaned. How could this have happened? Redd was an excellent bodyguard. Irritation swelled up inside me, but I’d have to save it for later when I had more information. Getting pissed at Redd wasn’t going to help anything.

  “If I may?” Jeffrey interrupted my thoughts.

  I nodded.

  “Was there a sign of a struggle?”


  “And her car?”

  “It’s gone.” I placed my hands on my hips and attempted to pace the plane’s aisle. After some turbulence, I sank back down in my seat.

  “I suspect she wasn’t taken. In fact, I’d bet my next paycheck that she—”

  “Drugged my guy and left of her own free will,” I finished for him. “If that’s the case, Sutton and I are done. But for now, I have to treat this as though someone took her.” I sighed. The alternative to Sutton being taken wasn’t much better. She’d be safe, but our relationship would come to a screeching halt. I’d never be able to trust her. Trust was earned, and once it was broken it was nearly impossible to gain it back.

  “Yes you do, but try to remember she’s your client first and foremost.”

  I nodded. Jeffrey was right. Somehow, I had to detach myself from the past Sutton and I shared and treat her like I would any other paying customer. But so help me God …

  Half an hour later, I barged into Sutton’s home and startled the crap out of Redd. His fist stopped mere inches from my jaw.

  “Pierce!” He stepped back. “Fuck.”

  “Sorry.” I searched around the meticulous living room. “Tell me what happened again.” I folded my arms over my chest.

  “We spent several hours with her parents, then she asked if we could stop by her place for a while. She said since I always did the cooking, she wanted to treat me to a nice meal, and that she missed her kitchen. I thought it would be smart to show another car in the driveway and people at home, so I agreed. Plus a homecooked meal I didn’t have to make is always awesome.”

  “I get it. I have no doubt she wants time in her own house,” I muttered while I surveyed her personal space.

  “That’s what she said. She cooked a fantastic dinner, then I crashed. Hard. Nothing like that has ever happened before, and I don’t remember a fucking thing after I ate.”

  I stared at him, my heart hammering against my chest. “You were drugged,” I stated.

  “I thought that too, but Sutton? She wouldn’t do something like that. It doesn’t make sense.”

  My iPhone buzzed in my back pocket, and I answered.

  “Hey, I’m at the penthouse, and I suspect you have a lot of questions for me.”

  “Sutton?” I asked, attempting to hide the desperation I felt. “You’re where?” My hand fisted while she repeated herself.

  “I’m sure you’re pretty pissed, but please give me a chance to explain.”

  A wave of gratitude washed over me, and just as quickly it flipped to anger. Now that she was safe, I was furious. Thank God we had a few minutes before I’d see her, it might help me contain my temper.

  “Don’t you fucking move. I’ll be there in ten.” I shoved my phone into my pocket, attempting to remain calm. “She’s at the penthouse. Let’s go.”

  I didn’t speak another word until I stormed into my place. I didn't even give Jeffrey or Redd the chance to clear the way ahead of me. My attention landed on Sutton the moment I entered the living room.

  “Office! Now!” I barked, pointing at her.

  She straightened her shoulders, pointed her chin in the air, and walked ahead of me. The desires to choke or hug her warred inside me, and I honest to God didn’t know which I wanted to do more. If she’d been taken by the Sons of Chaos, I would have never forgiven myself. But here she was, right in front of me. Safe. Now … now that I knew beyond a shadow of a doubt that she was all right, I wanted to … I didn’t even know, but I was mad as hell.

  “Please, you need to listen to me,” she said, her pitch climbing up a notch.

  I slammed the door and stormed over to the window. My body tensed with anger. I peered at the floor while I paced the room.

  “Pierce.” She laid a hand on my shoulder.

  “Don’t touch me.” There was no mistaking the warning edge to my voice.

  She remained quiet while I composed myself enough to talk to her without yelling. Finally, I turned toward her and pinned her with my gaze.

  “What. The. Fuck?” I asked, barely above a whisper. I placed my hands on my hips in order to stay in control.

  I’d never seen Sutton afraid of me, but she backed away and allowed some space between us.

  “I’m sorry,” she whispered.

  “You’re sorry?” I gawked at the ceiling and laughed. “You’re sorry for drugging your bodyguard? The man who is keeping you safe? You’re sorry for disappearing and scaring the living shit out of everyone? You’re sorry?” My voice boomed through the small room.

  Sutton took a deep breath, but it was too late. Her chin quivered. She was scared, and she should be. I was fucking hot pissed.

  “I’m terminating the assignment,” I said, firmly.

  “What?” she gasped, her eyes filling with shock. “You can’t, you have to let me explain.”

  “There’s no justifiable reason for what you did.” I gaped at her in utter dismay. “I
don’t know if I’m angrier with your betrayal or myself for trusting you.”

  “Please. Let me tell you why, then if you want to discontinue service, you can. Besides, you need to fire whoever runs your security systems. I hacked in and rewrote the code for the cameras on my house.”

  Once again, I’d underestimated her, and my mouth fell open. I almost felt like the village idiot for all the crap she’d gotten over on me today. “Jesus, are you serious?” I leaned forward and placed my hands on the desk, counting to ten to keep from snapping.

  “Yeah. It’s how I left my place without you seeing anything on the cameras. I created a loop so I could sneak out undetected.”

  She had my attention. Our systems were top notch, and so was our programmer. Dad had shared all that information with me before he passed. There was no way she should have been able to do that.

  “How. Explain it to me.” I sat on the corner of my desk. “Sit down, we’re going to be here for a while.”

  She lowered herself into the chair and folded her hands into her lap. Sutton appeared composed, but she was squeezing her fingers so tightly her knuckles were turning white.

  “After you left for the military, I met a few new friends … hackers.”

  My brows shot up. They must have been some interesting people. Not that we didn’t already have several back then anyway.

  “Go on,” I said.

  “At first they taught me a few harmless tricks.” The corner of her mouth twitched as she paused. “But I picked it up so fast we grew curious about what I could get away with. So, I hacked into the NSA and FBI sites.” She cringed with her confession. “To this day I’ve never done it again. Although it gave me a major adrenaline rush, I knew a prison cell would have my name on it if I’d been found out, so I backed right out of the system. I didn’t poke around for information, either. I simply wanted to see if I could do it. That was all.”

  I straightened slowly, my gaze never leaving her. “Son. Of. A. Bitch.” I shook my head and stared out the window, desperately trying to process my racing thoughts. She’d broken numerous laws and hacked into some of the most high-tech security systems in the world. A swell of pride filled me, but I was also relieved she’d not been caught.

  “Listen, I knew you’d find out what I’d done, I wasn’t trying to hide it from you. I only needed the opportunity to sneak away for a little while. It was my only other alternative to hacking into the FBI and seeing what information they had about Claire,” she admitted. “I met up with someone, and I got into the system solely to alter the security cameras and slip out of the house. I swear.”

  “Why? What in God’s name was so important to risk your safety, drug not only one of my employees, but your bodyguard, and one of your best friends, Sutton?”

  She cleared her throat, and I faced her again, anxious to hear her response.

  “I had to do what you couldn’t. I did this for Claire … and to keep you safe.”

  “This had better be good, or I’m pulling security from you and your parents. I’m not fucking around. What you did …” I paused and shook my head. “What? What did you do, Sutton?”

  Chapter 21

  “I needed to speak with Jaci.” Her chin tilted up and she straightened her spine.

  “Oh my God, this just keeps getting better.” She knew the mere mention of his name slithered under my skin like an infectious rash and irritated the living shit out of me. I paced the room and folded my hands over my chest, clenching them together tightly so I wouldn’t slam my fist into the wall.

  “He knows who’s behind Claire’s disappearance. He has eyes and ears everywhere. And I’m sorry I had to knock Redd out and hack into your system from my computer at the house, but there was no feasible way you could have stepped foot onto his territory without being shot.”

  She was right, and I couldn’t deny it. But I would have given him one hell of a fight, and I’d have done everything in my power to take Jaci down with me.

  “He likes me. Yes, he’s dangerous and a criminal, but after I beat his ass several years ago, he has a healthy respect for me. I only talk to him when I have to. I had to do this for Claire. Jaci wouldn’t freely offer the information unless I asked and had a legitimate reason. You know that about him.”

  “What did he say?” I sank into my office chair, my anger dissipating the more I understood her motives. I still didn’t like her methods, but no way in hell would I have allowed her to do this if she’d talked to me about it first. ZW and Redd weren’t able to approach Jaci either. Except for Sutton, Jaci wouldn’t blink at taking any of us out. He didn’t even need a reason. He hated me, and I hated him.

  Sutton scooted up to the edge of her seat, hope brightening her blue eyes.

  “Tucker’s uncle, Saul, is the leader of the Sons of Chaos. He’d warned Tucker to stay away from Claire because he didn’t want to bring unwanted attention to the MC, and Tucker ignored him. Apparently Tucker thought he could protect Claire from the MC and all the shady shit that went down, but it didn’t work out so well, and Saul decided to teach him a lesson. A hard one.

  “A while ago, Mr. Colbert had been contacted about smuggling women through the tunnel for the club, but he’d refused. This time when they approached him, they asked for three girls by name, including Claire, and said if he didn’t do it, they’d kill his wife and take his nine and twelve year old daughters.”

  I swallowed hard, forcing nausea down in order to not vomit at the mere thought of nine and twelve-year-old kids being sold into sex slavery. No matter how many times I heard about it, I immediately felt ill.

  “That’s why Mr. Colbert is gone. He’s trying to protect his family,” I stated, piecing the information together.

  “Yeah, that’s what I was told. It doesn’t excuse what he did, but I understand his reasoning at the same time.” Sutton’s voice was laced with sadness.

  I tapped my chin with my index finger and debated my next step. “Did he touch you? Did Jaci try anything with you?” A slow-burning hatred for him stirred in the pit of my gut.

  “No. I was safe. In some crazy-ass way, we have … we’re friends. Sort of.”

  Internally, I flinched. It was obvious Sutton believed what she’d just said, but it was the furthest thing from the truth.

  “He’s not your friend. He’ll call in a favor in return, Sutton. You know how this works. You’re gorgeous, smart, and a hell of a fighter when you need to be. Don’t think this won’t come back to bite you in the ass.”

  “He’s never asked me for anything,” she said, quietly defending him.

  “You’re taking up for him? This isn’t the first time you’ve talked to him for information?” Irritation and disbelief clung to my questions.

  “No.” She rubbed her arms and nervously tapped her foot.

  “Stay away from him,” I ordered.

  Her head snapped toward me, and her expression flashed with anger. “Is your ego so big that you can’t comprehend that I can help you? This is an area you and your team can’t touch. I can. I was the one that gained inside information concerning my sister. How dare you tell me who I can and can’t speak to.” Her eyes narrowed, and her hands clenched and unclenched into tight little balls.

  In two quick strides, I was in front of her, towering over her, seething at her insults when all I wanted was keep her out of harm’s way.

  “I won’t tell you again. Stay. Away. Don’t go to him or anyone else again.”

  “Fuck you,” she hissed and slammed her fist into my chest. “Fuck you, you arrogant son of a bitch. You’re not doing a damned thing to find Claire.”

  I moved my arm down, stopping her snap kick to my groin while she continued to insult me. Whether she knew it or not, I understood her passion and animosity. And it wasn’t just about our current conversation, it went back to when I’d disappeared from her life. If this was what she needed, I’d let her pound on me. It was nothing compared to what I truly deserved.

  She threw another pun
ch, this one to my jaw, and I blocked it before she made contact. Her left fist landed in my gut before I stopped her, and I grunted.

  “I don’t care what you say, Sutton. I’m not changing my mind. It’s for your own protection.”

  “You’re infuriating!” She stepped back, breathing hard. Maybe she was done using me as her punching bag.

  “I’m infuriating?” I barked out a laugh. “You lied to me, drugged my guy, and met with one of the most dangerous men in the entire state.”

  “It was for Claire,” she replied, seething.

  “I don’t give a fuck who it was for!” I yelled. “My job is to protect you and that’s all. Anything I help the FBI with is because I want to, not because I have to. The FBI is …”

  “Yeah? Did the FBI have the information Jaci gave me?” she spat and jabbed her finger into my chest.

  I stepped backward and shook my head. “You don’t get it.” My voice was hoarse from yelling. I tossed up my hands in complete surrender. I couldn’t do this with her. I couldn’t relive the memories. I’d buried the secret for years. A sharp pang of regret shot through me. I brushed my fingers through my hair and inhaled a deep breath I hoped would help calm me.

  Sutton’s face clouded with confusion. “Then tell me.”

  I dared a glance at her. The fury that had clouded her features was now replaced with fear and sadness.

  “I can’t, Sutton.” My chest heaved with the weight of the memories caving in on me.

  “What’s happening? Talk to me.” She stepped forward cautiously.

  In a matter of seconds, the energy had shifted in the room from anger to overwhelming heartache. I sat in my chair and rubbed my forehead, attempting to erase all the pain that had been bottled up in me for nearly a decade. Tears pricked the back of my eyes, and I closed them, willing them away.

  Sutton sank to the floor next to my seat and rested her fingers lightly on my knee.

  Her expression softened when I looked at her. She’d never seen me tear up except once.


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